Styles Saved Me

By 1Dfan4848

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alyssa and her best friend kim go to get autographs from one direction but after alyssa comes face to face wi... More

Chapter 1 -- Beginnings
Chapter 2 -- Near Death Experience
Chapter 3 -- Hospitals, Medicine and One Direction
Chapter 4 -- 8 Days, 1 Song
Chapter 5 -- Seeing the Light
Chapter 6 -- Interviews, Phone Calls, and...Love?
Chapter 7 -- Rob Returns
Chapter 8 -- Fans, Paparazzi, and Doctors
Chapter 9 -- Penguins are Sexy?
Chapter 10 -- Nandos is Closed!?!
Chapter 11 -- The Kiss That Ended Too Soon
Chapter 12 -- Confessions.
Chapter 13 -- Surprises and Returning Home
Chapter 14 -- Leaving...Forever?
Chapter 15 -- Liars and Lovers
Chapter 16 -- It Just Gets Better
Chapter 17 -- The Nightmare
Chapter 18 -- Telling the World
Chapter 19 -- Home, Family, and Tickets
Chapter 20 -- the Killer
Chapter 21 -- the Danger and the Killer Return
Chapter 22 -- More Hospitals and Medicine
Chapter 23 -- Last Kiss
Chapter 24 -- Mistakes and Regrets
Chapter 26 -- Superstar
Chapter 27 -- The End
Book 2!!

Chapter 25 -- Kyle

391 3 5
By 1Dfan4848

Chapter 25

Alyssa's POV

I stared at my cast, memories flooding my mind. I miss him...

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the doorbell ring. What now?!

I grumbled as I heard my mom call from downstairs, "Lia is here to see you!!"


I sped down the stairs to see Lia in the kitchen.

"Hey Lia! What's up?" I asked, popping the 'p'.

She smiled, "I am taking you out."

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"You are going somewhere with me, to go out." she smirked at me. I shook my head.

"No way." I hissed.

"Oh come on, you need it Alyssa!" she pleaded.

"Yeah, you haven't been out of the house in days!" my mom commented from the living room.

"Not helping mom..." I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

"Do you really want to sit on the couch all day, sulking. When you could be out having a great time, moving on from Harry?" she stated.

"I don't want to move on..." I felt my limbs go weak as I sat down on the couch.

She rushed over to sit next to me, "He is gone, you do need to move on. I hate seeing you like really dampens the mood. Come on, for me?"

I sighed. "Your right..."

"YES!" she squealed, grabbing my arm and pulling me off the couch, "I know the perfect place! It's right by your house, someone is throwing a party."

I rolled my eyes as she rambled on, "W-Wait, we are going now?"

"Oh yeah, we have to get you ready. You need to look in top shape!" she pulled me up the stairs and into my room. I sat on my bed, feeling useless and letting her do what ever to me. She started applying make-up on me and combed my hair. I groaned as she pulled me off of the bed and over to my dresser.

She shuffled through my clothing until she found a striped white and grey shirt with blue skinny jeans.

"Try them on!" she pleaded, going out of the room and closing the door behind her. I sighed as I took off my pajamas and slipped on the outfit. I opened the door to see an excited Lia standing there.

"You look amazing!" she stated, dragging me over to the mirror. I gasped at my appearance, I DID look good. Lia began rummaging in my closet and pulled out white flats and placed them in front of me. I slipped them on while Lia brushed her hair one last time.

We began walking around until we heard music playing and soon we reached a tan house. I walked up the steps behind lia, she opened up the door and we walked in together. There was lots of people but it was a big house so it fit them comfortably. There were lots of people grinding against each other, which made me look away, and there was a refreshments bar at the far end.

"I am gonna go get some drinks, stay here." Lia states before walking off in the other direction, leaving me standing in the middle of the dance floor awkwardly.

I sighed as I brought my free hand that wasn't broken to my opposite waist, looking at the floor. God, this is embarrassing, I am the only one without a partner.

As if on cue, I see a boy my age walk towards me. He had short brown hair and had a white shirt with black jeans. Once he approached me, he towered over me by at least 5 inches.

"Care to dance?" he asked, giving out his hand for me to take. I looked into his eyes and was mesmerized by them. They were a rich, emerald green, just like Harry's. How could I turn him down.

"Yes" I felt myself say as the song slowed it's pace to a slow, laid down beat. He placed his hands on my waist as I wrapped my not casted arm around his neck and we swayed to the beat.

"What happened to your arm?" he asked. I felt my eyes water just thinking about it.

"It's a long story." I mumbled, avoiding his eye contact.

"We have all night..." he stated, lifting my chin with his two fingers, making me look into those emerald pools of green.

At that point, I let out all that happened this past few days, I left the part about cutting myself out. He would occasionally nod but other than that, he listened intently. At the end of my rambling, he let a smile curl up his lips.

"You know, I just went through a breakup too." he smiled softly.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Kyle, and you?" he replied

"Alyssa." I said while smiling for the first time in days.

Lia's POV

"I am gonna go get some drinks, stay here." I stated before walking over to get a soda for me and fruit punch for Alyssa (A/N I hate soda! Most people think I'm crazy when I tell them that :P but it's true!) I began walking back to the dance floor when I noticed Alyssa dancing with a boy! I smiled, good for her, she is finally moving on. I couldn't help it I took a photo of them with my phone.

I walked over to the wall of the house and watched them. Alyssa actually looked...happy. She was smiling. She hasn't smiled in days! Since the incident she has been depressed and laid back, now she is dancing with a boy. I am proud of her for putting that behind her and moving on. When the song ended they walked over to me.

"Kyle this is my friend Lia, Lia this is Kyle" Alyssa introduced me. Kyle was tall but you could tell he was our age, he had short brown hair and emerald green eyes and he was wearing a white shirt and black jeans.

"I got you fruit punch" I told her while giving her the drink.

"Thanks" she replied while smiling and then taking a sip.

"Hey can I use your phone? Must have left mine at home" I asked her.

"Sure! Kyle do you want to get some thing to eat? I'm hungry." she asked him, I heard him say yes and they walked off. I unlocked Alyssas phone and began sending a message to Alyssa Paulo to invite her here when the phone rang.


I looked back at Alyssa who was smiling and then hit 'ignore', I knew she would want to leave if she talked to him and I wasn't going to let Harry ruin our night. Alyssa and Kyle walked back over with some pizza in their hands.

"Thanks" I said while giving her phone back. She went on it to see what time it was and then she froze.

Alyssas POV

"Sure! Kyle do you want to get some thing to eat? I'm hungry." I asked him. We walked away to go get food and found a box of pizza, I grabbed a slice and so did Kyle.

"Are you having fun?" Kyle asked me.

"Yah!" I yelled over the music, a smile spread across my lips.

"Good, can I have your number?" he asked me.

"Sure! Let me just get my phone back from Lia so I can get yours." we walked back to Lia and she handed me my phone.

"Thanks" she said while I unlocked it to see what time it was when I noticed I had a voice message from Harry. I froze, lia must have ignored his call.

"Lia..." I whispered, my voice shaking.

"I'm sorry, I just saw you smiling and having fun and I-" I cut her off.

"You knew I wanted to talk to him!" I yelled at her.

"Alyssa calm down." Kyle conversed, trying to calm me down by rubbing my back. I ran out of the house and across the street until I collapsed next to a street lamp. I heard footsteps nearby, but I could see who it was because of all the tears in my eyes, making my vision blurry.

"Shhh, it's okay." Kyle stated soothingly while pulling me into a hug. I continued to cry into his chest while he sat there rubbing circles into my back.

"I-I miss him" I managed to get out in between sobs.

"I know it's hard but everything is going to be okay" he whispered into my ear. 'everything is going to be okay' those where the words Harry had said to me when I told him I couldn't go on tour.

"Can you walk me home?" I asked him.

"Sure" he smiled at me and began walking with me while I told him where to go. He had his arm around my shoulder while we walked away from the house.

"Can I use your phone?" he asked me, I gave him a puzzled look before pulling out my phone and handing it to him. I watched as he sent a text to Lia letting her know he was walking me home and not to worry. He also added his number into my phone and then pulled out his phone and put my number into his.

When we got to my house I hugged him goodbye as he kissed me softly on the cheek. I smiled to myself before I opened my door and went up to my room. I pulled out my phone and called him.


Hope you liked it!

Word: Kyle


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