A Wolf and A Lion || Jaime La...

By burningballoon

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When the King commands Aurelia Stark and Jaime Lannister to wed, Aurelia reluctantly becomes Lady Lannister o... More

Chapter 1 . Aurelia Stark
Chapter 2 - Direwolves, white walkers, and what not
Chapter 3 - A simple conversation
Chapter 4 - The King's Arrival
Chapter 5 - A possible betrothal
Chapter 6 - First Encounter
Chapter 7 - The Feast
Chapter 8 - A Bastard and an Imp
Chapter 9 - One Step to Forever
Chapter 10 - A Lannister Perspective
Chapter 11 - Two Choices
Chapter 12 - One Bastard and One Trueborn
Chapter 13 - Banters and Arguments
Chapter 14 - An Encounter with the Prince
Chapter 15 - A small present
Chapter 16 - A White Summer Wedding
Chapter 17 - Tragedy
Chapter 18 - A quiet morning
Chapter 19 - Tearful Goodbyes
Chapter 20 - Kingsroad
Chapter 21 - Nymeria
Chapter 22 - Kings Landing
Chapter 23 - Breakfast for two
Chapter 24 - Revelations
Chapter 25 - The Night's Allure
Chapter 26 - Morning after
Chapter 27 - Meeting with a Stag
Chapter 28 - Iron Throne and Wolves
Chapter 29 - An unlikely conversation
Chapter 30 - The Hand's Tournament
Chapter 31 - Confronting a Lion
Chapter 33 - A piece of threat
Chapter 34 - One Lion and a pack of Wolves
Chapter 35 . Everything Has Changed
Chapter 36 . Tywin Lannister
Chapter 37 . Oathbreaker
Chapter 38 . News from Kings Landing
Chapter 39 . War and Prison
Chapter 40 . Battle of the Whispering Wood
Chapter 41 . A captured Lion
Chapter 42 . Growing Pains
Chapter 43 . Eddard Stark
Chapter 44 . King in the North
Chapter 45 . Between Worlds

Chapter 32 - Flowers vs. Mountains

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By burningballoon

     The festivities of the tournament had continued to its second day. A knock on the door woke Aurelia and Jaime, and he opened it to reveal Aurelia's handmaiden standing across to inform them that Ned Stark wishes to see her daughter before the tourney began. Jaime had no right to go against Ned's orders when it comes to Aurelia, and he excused the handmaiden soon after that. The two bathed and cleaned before Aurelia dressed in her usual gown, and Jaime in his Kingsguard armor.

"Why did you leave the tourney early yesterday? You left after the first tilt." Jaime asked her as they ate their breakfast in the balcony.

"I felt no desire to continue watching after Ser Hugh was killed right beneath me. He didn't deserve to die." Aurelia replied, after swallowing the piece of toast she had been eating.

"It's a tournament. Accidents and deaths are prone to happen." Jaime told her,

"I know. I just couldn't watch it any longer." Aurelia said, getting uncomfortable talking about her fear. Only her parents, including Robb and Jon knew about it and they never teased her for it. She thought that if people knew that small detail about her, they'll perceive Aurelia as weak and that was the last thing she wanted.

"Afraid of the blood? Can't blame you. All women are queasy when it comes to it." Jaime opined,

"Why would women be afraid of blood? We see it more than anyone." Aurelia pointed out rather obviously. Her dislike towards death did not originate from her fear of seeing blood, and she thought that to be ridiculous. "Seeing blood coming out of Ser Hugh's neck is not the reason I stopped watching the tourney." She continued to say, which made Jaime's head churn with theories.

They grew silent once more, the only sound coming from the scrap of knives against the toasted bread as they smeared jam and butter on it. Then suddenly, the thought hit Jaime like a truck and his head immediately look up from his food to face Aurelia properly.

"You're afraid of death." Jaime deduced, and Aurelia was taken aback by his words. She instantly stopped her actions once she heard him. Aurelia's mouth was left open, afraid to look at him because he was telling the truth. "I saw your expression that day when Robert asked you to tell him about your first experience watching death, and then you didn't want to continue watching the tourney after Ser Hugh died, and since you are not afraid of blood...there can only be one thing."

Jaime began to explain the reason behind his statement as Aurelia listened on. All this time she believed that the reason as to why she hates death was because she cannot watch it without an exceedingly dreadful feeling washing through her. She asks her father in search of answers, simply due to the fact that she did not want to admit her true fear. All this time she's known it, but she never acknowledged it; too afraid that if she does, it will all become too real.

"I'm not afraid of death." Aurelia nervously tried to deny it, but Jaime can see right through her. "I'm afraid of seeing one." She added,

"How do you cope watching someone's life; an innocent life at that be taken away from them just because he decided he wanted to compete in a tourney. Ser Gregor could have unhorsed him easily, but he chose to kill Ser Hugh. How can you not feel the slightest bit harrowing to see someone helplessly die, and there is nothing you could do about it?" Aurelia confided in him about the events of the tourney that left Aurelia unable to watch. "Maybe I am afraid of death, but I hate seeing someone die right in front of you more." She added, and this time it was Jaime who listen.

"You'll get used to it once you see it often." Jaime told her, "It's not graceful and it is definitely not a beautiful sight. I know better than most. I've seen my own men die in the battlefield as if years of training them went up in smokes. I've seen innocent people die the most horrific deaths, and hear their screams as it pains every single bone in my body. And yes, the worst part of it all is that there is nothing we can do. You have to understand that sometimes there isn't. It is still an unpleasant feeling to watch people die, but the feeling afterwards will subside as time goes by."

Jaime gave her the advice she had not thought she needed until she heard it from him. After confiding in her brother's about her fear, they told her that the best thing was to shield herself from death, and she has done so effortlessly for her entire life. It was only recently that Aurelia saw a beheading; her first encounter in watching death. What Jaime said brought a small amount of ease into her heart, as she was aware now that she was not alone; that the feeling was not strange at all.

"I know a thing about you as well." Aurelia pointed out, much to Jaime's amusement.

"Do you now?" Jaime questioned, his eyes filled with pure curiosity.

They do talk to one another about their lives before their marriage, but Aurelia has learned more about Jaime by observing him, rather than talking with him.

"Not really on your fears, but on what you hate." Aurelia clarified, "The word kingslayer." She spoke, which made Jaime's breathe got caught in throat.

Jaime was branded a kingslayer the night when he slay his own King; an act that he has been judged upon for the last eighteen years since it occurred. They say Jaime to be the Golden lion of Lannister, and whisper Kingslayer in his back. Jaime's noticed it, and a bit too much at that. He despised the name given to him, and he has to listen to Robert call him that every single time Jaime's guarding him. Jaime himself didn't do anything to stop people from calling him 'Kingslayer', as if he willfully accepts being called such a thing.

"What are you talking about?" Jaime tried to deviate away from the subject but cannot find any means of escape.

"You don't think I've noticed? The way your lips pursed, your fists tighten, or how your jaw stiffens when someone calls you by that name, especially right in front of you like the King repugnantly enjoys doing?" Aurelia expressed to him, "I think you put up a cold front for the rest of the world to see because you'd rather be viewed as an arrogant person than someone who cares so much." She continued to say, much to Jaime's surprise because every word she has said was true.

Jaime always acted stoic in front of people he did not trust. He didn't want for them to see past behind the arrogant facade he has known all too well. Jaime never confided in Aurelia what truly happened that night he killed the Mad King, assuming she shares the same perception as her father. But she has managed to surprise him every single time. Aurelia never treated her the same way others who does not know him does. Except for that time when they had a small argument at the courtyard in Winterfell before they were to join Robert Baratheon and her parents to be informed regarding their betrothal, Aurelia has never treated him as an oath-breaker. That was when Jaime realize Aurelia was different than the rest, making him eager to know more about the she-wolf.

"You don't know me." Jaime said, afraid of accepting the truth.

"Well, I'm learning to." Aurelia replied,

"But you, you never called me that." Jaime pointed out; an observation he made before their wedding. "Even when you were angry with me, you never called me a kingslayer to repulse me." He added,

"It's a nasty nickname. I refuse to call you by it." Aurelia explained. Her parents taught her better than to call people names other than the ones they were given when they were born. There was such a hateful feeling that follows the word 'Kingslayer'. It was a name meant to ridicule the golden lion; the pride of the mighty Tywin Lannister.

"You never brought up the reason as behind the name. Then again, I'm sure your Septa told you what everyone else says; that I forsaken the very vow I took when I killed the Mad King through his back." He continued, and Jaime's tone turned somewhat desolate as the words brought unwanted memories back.

"I didn't want to treat you based on a story I heard, no matter how true or wrong it is. I had no right to judge you before even knowing you." Aurelia told him, causing Jaime to be astonished at how pure her heart is. He was afraid sometimes that she can never survive the unscrupulous court of Kings Landing, not even Cersei's wrath, and especially not on her own. Jaime has witnessed her wolf streak more than once, but unfortunately it was not strong enough to protect herself.

"You never did ask me about what occurred that night." Jaime pointed out,

"Because it's your story to tell. I do not want to press matters on you that you are uncomfortable with." Aurelia said to him,

"Did you ever saw me as others do? Judge me because of the names given to me? Oathbreaker, Kingslayer, man without honor." Jaime wondered as he spoke every single label appointed to him with exceeding condemnation. Those that were not his family has always viewed him as the opposite of what a knight shall appear to be; wrongly misjudged by an action no one else witnessed as they based it on gossip. For the past eighteen years of his life, Jaime's endeavor to ignore other people's comments and the way they treat him as nothing more than a brush to his heart has mostly failed.

"For a time, yes. Especially after we had our first argument. A part of me hated you, and there was also a part of me that wanted to hate you even more than I already do but I couldn't. But not now. You're not a man without honor." Aurelia disclosed,

"What changed your mind?"

"The fact that you never meant to cause any pain or hurt me, even when you do you always apologize. You've...you've never treated me wrongly before. Not purposely, at least." Aurelia explained, and Jaime did not realize that his feelings for her grew even more by the moment. "Look when the time comes, and you are ready to tell me what happened, I'm always here to listen." She offered genuinely at that. An expression of awe appeared across his face, and Jaime did not try to hide it.

Instead, he slowly touched Aurelia's fingers before holding her hand against his palm. She was surprised at first, but Aurelia did not move her hand away.

"Thank you." Jaime replied with authenticity in his voice. He truly mean his words.

     Without a second to think, Aurelia gave him a smile; her very first genuine smile meant for him. From the time he saw her, no one could change his mind that Aurelia was beautiful. She was different than anyone he has ever met, and that drew him to her even further. Sometimes it passes by his head that her heart was soft and gentle, though he cannot blame her as Aurelia has never seen the atrocities of the world. He cannot remember meeting anyone so pure. Then he saw that smile; the smile that made Aurelia appear more beautiful. A smile that assured him she was good, and she was right.

For a moment there, both Aurelia and Jaime's heart beat rapidly as tingles coursed their entire body. This was the first time they were opened about themselves, and not about the people in their lives. Jaime thought that Aurelia had not cared, but he was proven wrong. Aurelia did care with every inch of her heart, and Jaime feels the same. With their hands touching one another, she could not deny the feeling inside her. This to them, was a sign that perhaps they could love one another in the future.


Ned and Aurelia left the Red Keep to cross a bridge where it would take them towards where the tournament was being held. The seats atop of the wooden dais were increasingly becoming filled, as the sound of roars and cheers from the audience standing across turned louder by every second. They took their places in the stands, as Aurelia sat in between Sansa and their father. Arya was nowhere in sight as Sansa informed them that she was at her dancing lessons. Ser Gregor Clegane rode down the jousting tracks, stopping in the middle to remove his helm and bow before the King. Once Aurelia saw the familiar charcoal black armor and the sigil of House Clegane on his wooden shield, Aurelia immediately looped her arms around Ned and tightened her hold on him.

"I don't want to watch father." Aurelia spoke with such fright in her voice, Ned almost forgot she was eighteen, and almost nineteen years of age.

"Hey, it'll be alright." Ned comforted her daughter, giving her a reassuring tap on her hand as Aurelia continued to clutch onto him.

"The Knight of the flowers." Sansa spoke, as her head turned to the side and notice Ser Loras Tyrell astride his horse, riding his way to her. He stopped right across from Sansa, giving her a red rose in which she joyfully accepted. "Thank you, Ser Loras." Sansa grinned as the young knight turned his horse around and proceeded to the end of the jousting tracks.

While the two knights were preparing themselves, Littlefinger and Renly Baratheon were placing bets on who would win the tilt. Littlefinger was betting on The Mountain, whereas Renly bet on Ser Loras. The young knight was given his lance and shield, decorated with the symbol of a golden rose across a green field. Aurelia thought Ser Loras looked ridiculous in his entire uniform that appears to have cost a fortune. His silver armor were filled with intricate details of never-ending vines and flowers. She had also noticed how Ser Gregor's horse acted skittish, with the knight having a hard time controlling over the animal; but Aurelia placed no thought into it.

"Don't let Ser Gregor hurt him. He's going to die." Sansa pleaded with Ned, remembering the horrific events that happened with Ser Hugh yesterday.

"Ser Loras rides well." Ned told her,

A loud horn blasted the arena, signaling the beginning of the joust. The two knights began to charge at one another in full speed. As they began to near each other, Ser Loras's lance broke upon contact of Ser Gregor's shield, splintering the object into pieces. The act caused Ser Gregor to fall along with his horse, breaking the fence in the middle of the field as he landed on the ground. On the other hand, Ser Loras rode away without a scratch on his armor to the opposing side. The young knight had won the first tilt of the day, earning a loud cheer from the watching crowds. Renly Baratheon could not maintain his delight any longer, and jumped up from his seats to clap for Ser Loras's win.

Littlefinger looked on in defeat as he had lost his bet against Renly. His focus went elsewhere when he sat back down, diverting his attention to the Starks sitting right in front of him. Littlefinger leaned forwards to place a hand on Aurelia's shoulder as he began to speak, "Ser Loras knew his mare was in heat. Quite crafty, really."

Ned turned his head aside, giving Littlefinger a glare and she immediately removed his hand away from Aurelia. Sansa had heard him as well.

"Ser Loras would never do that. There's no honor in tricks." Sansa replied Baelish, while Aurelia stayed silent as her eyes focused on Ser Loras. The knight had opened the front of his helm, waving to the cheering crowds as he rode down the track, happily basking in in his own glory.

"No honor, but quite a bit of gold." Littlefinger clarified to her, and retreated back once he sent his messages across.

While Ser Loras was too busy being the center of attention, Ser Gregor rises from the ground, ripping his helmet off his head out of anger. He shouted for his sword, and his squire came running to him, and handed him what he wanted while the squire took hold of the reins to his horse. Ser Loras bowed in front of the King, as he and the rest of the crowd applauded for him, including the Starks. The Mountain removed his large sword from its sheath, and suddenly decapitated his horse in rage. Everybody grew appalled by the act, as the crown became quiet. Aurelia clutched her hold on Ned's hand even tighter, never letting go for one second ever since the tourney started.

Ser Loras turned his horse around to see what had happened. The Mountain swung his sword at him, as Loras Tyrell instinctively brought his shield over his head to protect himself. The blow knocked Loras off his horse onto the ground below, as Ser Gregor attempted to kill him once more. The Knight of the Flowers did not even try to fight his opponent with Gregor Clegane claiming the upper hand. The only thing saving Loras's life was the shield on his arm.

"Leave him be!" The Mountain's brother, Sandor Clegane exclaimed.

The Hound hurriedly climbed down the steps from the King's dais to the jousting tracks below. He drew his own sword, and blocked his own brother's weapon before it can maim Ser Loras. Seeing his opportunity, Ser Loras rolled away from the scene out with a tremble of fear while the Clegane brothers began to exchange blows with one another. Everyone stayed in their places as the entire tournament became dead silent. They were all either too terrified to interfere or too intrigued to watch the two brothers fight. The Hound and the Mountain were part of the whispers in Kings Landing, earning a violent reputation and people became aware of their hostile relationship. Despite knowing that it was his brother he was going up against, Ser Gregor continued to aim his sword towards the Hound, as if it did not trouble him that he was attacking his own sibling.

"Stop this madness in the name of your King!" Robert roared defiantly as he rose up form his seat.

Upon hearing the King's voice, the Hound immediately knelt down with his head looking downwards, as Ser Gregor's sword cut through the air where the Hound's head was seconds before. The sound of heavy steel clashing one another became no more. Ser Gregor threw his bloodied sword to the ground, and stormed out of the jousting track in enormous rage.

"Let him go!" The King shouted once more, and everyone made a path for the Mountain to walk.

Loras Tyrell walked up to where the Hound began to stand up. "I owe you my life, Ser."

"I'm no, Ser." The Hound corrected Loras, but that did not matter. Ser Loras grabs Sandor's left hand with his own, and raised them in the air much to the crowd's joyous uproar.

Sansa was left awestruck upon the actions that had just happened, and immediately rose up to her feet to give Ser Loras and the Mountain a standing ovation. Some of the other Lords and Ladies of the court shares the same perception as her, and stood up on their seats to cheer for them. Aurelia and Ned were the only ones who applauded reluctantly.

Her head turned aside and she was slightly amused at Sansa's gleeful expression. She was truly happy in Kings Landing. Aurelia's never seen her this cheerful before, even when they were still living in Winterfell. Sansa appears as if she belongs in the South, and Aurelia wished she would as well. She has to accept the fact that she will be living in this place for the rest of her days, and eventually move to the Rock when the time comes. Her children will become Southerners, and not the Northerner that she is.

Aurelia caught Jaime's eyes as he stood guard beside the King, with Ser Barristan protecting the King on the other. He was as silent as the rest when the Clegane exchanged blows, but as soon as it was over, his attention went to his wife whom he has been closely watching since he saw her sit down with her family. She was surprised at first thought she need not be, as Jaime informed her that he will be guarding the King in the tournament today. But it seems what astonished her was not Jaime's presence; it was the fact that he looked at her with concern in his eyes.

"I'm fine." Aurelia mouthed to him, and it was the answer that Jaime needed.

His face immediately softened after reading her lips, and Jaime gave her a nod as she gave him a small smile before her gaze went back to the front. What they had not realize was Ned Stark watching them from beside Aurelia. He had wondered countlessly if Aurelia and Jaime could grow to love one another, and most days the answer to that thought would be no, especially now that the Lannisters may be involved in a murder, and an attempted one.

     However, after seeing Aurelia and Jaime's small interaction, a feeling washed away all of his previous thoughts. They were not in love with one another, but they were starting to develop a deep fondness for each another. Ned realized that there was no deceit in Jaime's eyes unlike many times before. He knew then that Jaime, however dishonorable the Lannister was in his perception, appears to care for Aurelia. In that moment, Ned feared for what may come to Aurelia.

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