By InkPrincessMarcia

449K 22.7K 4.7K

Simone's life changes when her best friend Maddison presures her to date the schools senior quarterback. Six... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Second Quarter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Third Quarter
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Fourth Quarter
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Author's note πŸ“’


18.4K 402 330
By InkPrincessMarcia


16yrs prior  

*Simone POV*

“Simone,  c’mon it’s a back to school party. We start school on Monday.” “I’m going to the 9thgrade. I’m not an upperclassman.” “It is not going to matter c’mon. Go with me. You know your parents will let you go with me and besides I am older and an upperclassman as you say and I want my best friend with me.” “Ugh fine I’ll go with you Maddison.” “You will not regret bestie. I will be back about 9:00 to get you please wear something sexy. “I will not. I am going to wear a tee shirt and jeans.” “Siiiiiiiiimone no.” “Maddie no one is going to care what I am wearing.” “I am picking you out something when come back.” 

-          At the party 

“Simone, who do you keep looking at.” Maddison followed my eyes before I could speak. “Gavin Langsford huh.” “Maddie he cutie nothing more.” “Go dance with him.” “No thanks. Can we leave now.” “ We only been here a hour and half. Just a little longer.” “A little longer I am really uncomfortable here.” “ Loosen up everything is going to be just fine.” ……
-          The first day of school -  

Sitting in the library during study hall getting started on homework when a figure came and stood behind me then sat in the seat beside me. when I looked up I was meet with his eyes. Mr. football star himself……. Gavin Langsford.  

“Your Simone right, Simone Blackstone?” “how do you know me.” “I saw you at the party. I wanted to talk, but I couldn’t find you.” It’s fine, I have to go.” I was gathering my things when he got my arm making me stop. I looked up at him and he released my arm. “Can you come to the game Friday cheer me on.” “The school has cheerleaders.” I said then walked off quickly. After I got into the corridor I heard my name being called repeatedly which made me walk faster.

~ later that day ~  

“Simone please tell me you did not say that to Gavin.” “ He is looking for his new flavor of the week to start the school year off with and I will not subject myself to that foolery. He can find another one.” “Mone, how do you know how he does not genuinely like you. You are so pretty I do not know how you do not see this in you yourself. Everybody around you do including Noah.”

“Can we please drop this. It is no Gavin and me.”
“It could be”
“But it is not.”
“Mone, how about this if he asks you to the game again me and you will go and if he don’t then I will never bring up Gavin to your gain. Fair.”
“UGHHHHHHHHHH fine Maddie, but Gavin has moved on and I am going back to being invisible to him and other guys.”
-          Thursday –
Sitting in the library doing my homework when I felt eyes watching me. Feeling extremely uncomfortable I gathered my belongings and go out the door. As I am walking down the corridor a hand goes over my mouth and I pulled into the dark room. I bite my attacker's hand trying to make my escape when I heard my name from a familiar, yet rare voice.  

“Simone. I didn’t mean to scare you.” “You didn’t mean to scare me. What did you think was going to happen?” “I thought you knew it was me?” “Whatever. I’m leaving.” “Come see me play tomorrow.” I turn to face him. “Why should I come and see you. Plenty of females will be there cheering you and the other guys on, you don’t need me.” “True it will be a lot of females their cheering for me, but none of them are you.” “How many times have you used that line.” The look on his face said it all. “Bye Gavin.”

~ end of school day ~

Leaving my last class to go and get in the car with my older brother when I am stopped by a guy I do not know.
“Are you Simone?” “Why” “This is for you” He hands me a seven dollars. “I don’t need this.” I try to give it back. “it’s to get into the game. See ya sweetie” I watch as he took off down the corridor. I turn only to be faced with him again.

“Are you responsible for this” “For what.” “Here” I shoved the money in his chest. Walking off hurt by his actions.
I was pulled around to face him. “I didn’t do this.” “Well someone did” “Well I am not someone, I am Noah.” I watched him smirk I jerked my arm back and started to walk off from him when he spoke.
“I will see you tomorrow right?” Remembering my deal with Maddison I turned to him and smiled.

-          Friday at the game –

“Maddie it is half time I can tell him I came to this stupid game. Can we go now?” “NO” she simply said. “I wonder if I can catch a bus and walk the rest of the way.” “Your parents would kill me, especially you dad if you did that and I love you and your parents too much. What if something happens to you Mone?” “I just want to leave.” “After the game”

The game was so close and a nailbiter when it was over we won 47- 44.
“Well, Mone since the team won its time to party” “If by a party you mean go home and read then I am all for it.” “No. now let’s go.”

-          Party –

Sitting outside ready to go when I heard my name being called by a very drunk Maddison. “Coooome onnnnnnnnn dink with meeeeee” She said singing her words. Before I could respond some guy came and got her to play some drinking game. I moved away from the noise and sat wondering how long of a walk it would be to call one of my brothers.

“It’s not safe for you to be out here alone.” “It’s better than being inside” Gavin sat down beside me. “Why is this so much better?” “I am alone and do not have to worry about anything especially getting a person’s attention.” “You have mine, Simone.” “Me and thousands of other girls.” He smiled “Touché! But who am  here with.” “Is this some kind of bet or something?” I saw something flash in eyes but it went away just as fast. I got up and begin to walk home.

“Where are you going?” I turned to him smiled and said good game and goodnight then turned back to walking. I heard a car horn blow I turned to see Gavin. I quicken m pace until I saw some trees and decided to hide behind them. After I while I slowly walked from behind a tree letting out a breath I didn’t realize I holding.


I screamed and ran fast as I could until I felt arms around my waist and laughter in my ear. “I told you it’s not safe for you out here alone.” I got out of Gavin’s grip “You asshole you scared me.” “I’m sorry sweetheart let me take you home.” “That’s ok.” “Simone come on. I don’t bite. What is the harm in me making sure you get home safe.” “Fine”………

-          Two months later - 
Walking down the corridor going to my last class when I heard my name being called. “what do you want?” I said not even looking at Gavin.” “Are you going to homecoming?” “No. now leave me alone. You have been doing great at it the past few months.” “Simone, it’s jus….” “It’s just I don’t care,” I say and walk off.

-          Thursday –

“Simone comes on we have got to get homecoming dresses for the dance” “Maddie I’m not going. You are in the running for Ms. Junior I am not up for anything and I will see you at school during the pep rally.” “Monnnnnnne I want my best friend with me, please. PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSE.” “Fine Maddie but nothing over the top.”  “You don’t pick out nothing plain. Simone, you are so beautiful why don’t you see that? You have a lot to offer.”

“I am focused on school right now. The only guy who somewhat showed attention to me was Gavin and we see how that played out. Besides, I hear from my daddy how pretty and beautiful I am so if a guy thinks telling me I am beautiful will get me to have sex with him. Daddy taught me guys will say anything to get you in bed and so did Hakeem and Jamal. I use to get annoyed but the older I got the more I knew they were protecting me. Look at how many women hear I am beautiful then have sex then he gone. I want more. Maybe I am asking too much Maddie but I think all women deserve more.”

“All women do. You are too mature for me Mone. Come on let’s go.”

-          Homecoming dance –

“Maddie I am so happy for you. You look beautiful Ms. Junior.” “Thank you. Come on let’s dance.”

After dancing I was sitting ready to go when I felt eyes on me. I left out the gym to go to the restroom down the corridor when I heard his voice. 
“Simone, where are you going?” “Why does it matter to you?” “I am just being nice Simone. No need for the attitude.” “Where is your girlfriend?” “I don’t have one.”  “Your date.” “Simone I.” I cut hm off “Bye Gavin.”

-          Next week –

Walking into school I am pulled back before I reached the door almost falling. “The fuck is your prob.. Gavin.” “Good morning Simone.” “You almost made me fall.” “I’m sorry sweetheart. Let’s go out this weekend.” I look at Gavin burst out laughing then walk away.

In the library doing some of my work, I feel someone behind me. I turn around to see Gavin. “What was so funny this morning?” “You asking me on a date.” I say nonchalantly. “I was serious.” “Why” “I want to get to know you more and the first step is us going on date.” I started gathering my things. I stood up and looked at Gavin “Find a girl who wants to date you. It shouldn’t be that hard” Then I walked off.

-          That night –

“Mone why do you push him away he obliviously likes you and is crazy about you.” “No, he does not. He is looking for someone new to get in his bed and be on his arm for about two weeks”

“Simone he has never tried this hard with any girl before. Just go if you do not like it or you are not enjoying the date halfway through calling me and I will come to get you I will not bring up Gavin again. That is fair Simone.” “Fine if he asks me again  will go.”

-           Two days later –

After school waiting for the bus to come I was catching up on some reading when my book was snatched out of my hands. I looked up and seen him. “Catcher in the Rye. Is this a good book?” He asked. “Well, it’s a library here why don’t you check the book out and read it for yourself, Gavin.” As I got my book out of his hand and walked away.

“Simone, why are trying to act like you don’t like me. I know you do.” “Cocky much,” I say without looking at him while getting stares from everybody else. “Let’s go out.” I stopped walking remembering what I told Maddie. I took a deep breath. “Fine,” I said in a low tone. But I get to pick the place and time I rushed out. “No sweetheart you don’t. I’m a man I got this.” I looked him up and down. “Funny I don’t see a man I see a little boy. And before you even think about it any more than you have we are not sleeping together at all find another girl who is willing to spread her legs for you because I am not her.” I stared looking him in his eyes then walked off.

-          A week later-

“Simone, our date is a two-night date” I look at Gavin and roll my eyes and walk off. Gavin caught up to me. “Did you hear me, our date is this weekend and it is a two-night date.” “You don’t talk to me for a week and you expect me to go on a date with you.” I walked off.

“Simone I had football practice. Simone” He yelled down the corridor I ignored him and kept walking.
Sitting in the library reading someone comes and sits next to me, I ignore them and keep reading ‘til I feel lips on my cheek. “I’m sorry sweetheart between school work and football practice I was swamped.” I looked at Gavin got up gathered my belongings and said: “But you had time to make out with Leigh though.” The look on his face said it all. I turned and walked off.

-          Friday - 

Laying across my bed I heard a knock on the door and my dad said he got it. About 10 minutes later my mom asked did I forget to tell them I had a date. “I don’t have a date mom.” “Well, it’s a very nice young man in the living room waiting to take you out. He and your dad are talking and Walter seems to like him and he is very well mannered. Get dressed Simone.” Before I could say anything my mom was out the door. Thank God I had taken me a shower I got dressed and walked in the living room and saw Gavin and my daddy laughing and talking.

“Hey baby” my daddy say to me. “Where have you been hiding him? He is a nice young man.” I half smiled. “Yall better get going and have a good time. “Gavin” My daddy says. “Yes sir.” “You take good care of my princess tonight.” “Yes sir I will.” Gavin looks at me and smiles. “Princess have a good time and remember what I told you.” “I remember daddy” I say and kiss his cheek then Gavin and I leave out of the

“I see someone is a daddy’s girl” “Of course I am. I am a daddy’s girl through and through. My daddy will always be here for me no matter what. He is my rock, my hero my everything. My daddy can do no wrong.” “You really are a daddy’s girl, but I’m trying to make you my girl.”

-          Two weeks later –  

Laying in bed I hear something hitting my window. I slowly get towards the door to get my daddy but I hear more but something else caught my eye. I slowly walked to the side of the window and looked out and saw Gavin standing out their. I raised my window “What are you doing?” I whisper yell. “Can we go somewhere and talk” “It’s 11:30 at night.” “Please Simone.” “My daddy is strict and will kill you and punish me ‘til I am 50.” “Climb out your window and  promise I will catch you. Please.” I waited a while then  said “let me change.”

Sitting talking to Gavin I saw a side of him many don’t see. I didn’t see the football popular jock I just saw him without all the façade and it was nice to finally see him. “Simone, thank you for coming I know you had your reservations about coming. I really did since we haven’t talked after our dates.

“I’m..” “Sorry I know.” I cut him off. “Ima be completely honest being with you is different not because you push me away from it because everybody expects me to be a certain way but when I am with you whether its five minutes or five hours you just want me. I sound like a punk right now.”

I don’t know why but I just kissed him. It was slow soft sweet passionate. I am having my first kiss. I slowly pulled away breaking the kiss only to be pulled back by Gavin and he kissed me again. After a while, we pulled apart and bore into each other's eyes. My brown eyes and his blue eyes. “Go out with me this weekend.” I smiled and nodded my head in a yes motion. He kissed me again. “I need to get you back home. It’s 4:17 am and you need some rest before school in the morning.  

-          Following Saturday - 

“Did you like the movie” “It was ok” “Just ok. Really.” “Fine, it was a good movie. Paul Walker and Vin Diesel were amazing eye candy to look at.” “That shit is not funny. I look just as good as them if not better.” “If you say so.”
Gavin came behind me and snaked his hands around my waist “let’s go back to my place to eat. Well, the pool house and I will cook for us.” “You can cook?” I say laughing. “I  make a mean grilled cheese. You want to come if you don’t I wi..” “Yes,” I cut him off.

After eating I was cleaning up the mess we made in the pool house when Gavin came behind me kissing me on my neck. I can’t control what is going on in my body. This rush of heat that is burning me in the most sensual ways. A moan escapes my lips. I quickly put my hands over my mouth. Gavin slowly pulls my hands down. “No need to cover your face or your moans they sound so fucking sexy just like you Simone.” Gavin turns me around in his arms and our eyes bore into each other. My body in flames that I can’t seem to shake. I feel his lips upon mine.

“Let’s go to the bedroom.” I become paralyzed. “Ga Gavv   Gavin… I I I… I’m a virgin.” “If you don’t want to it’s ok and I’ll take you home.” I don’t know why, but I kissed him and whispered; “I want to stay.”  

Gavin held my hand as he guided us to a bedroom. He turned to face me. “Simone we can wait ‘til another time. I don’t want you to feel I am pressuring you.” I smiled and watched the smile creep upon his face. “C’mon we can go do something else.” I stopped him then slowly got on the bed. “I want you,” I say lowly looking down at my legs. Gavin lifts my face with his finger “ I want you, Simone.” We slowly kiss as Gavin’s hands find their way to the hem of my shirt and he lifts it up over my head. I take off his shirt and I become more heated emotions high feeling thing I have never felt.

“I promise I want to hurt you.” Gavin laid me down on the and begin slowly unbuttons and unzips my pants while kissing me down chest to my stomach. The kisses were so soft yet full of passion. When my pants were down he kissed my neck making my moans get louder. Gavin kissed the insides of my thighs my core was already soaked but it got wetter. I look into his eyes as his tongue hit my sweetness I melted. He licked and sucked me gently yet rough which made me become hotter and hotter my body shaking till I felt this build up I didn’t know what was going on I let out a loud scream and everything in me released but Gavin didn’t stop he kept going eating me more hungrily sending me over the top again as I came again in his mouth.

“You taste so good,” Gavin says while kissing my neck making his way to my mouth kissing me deep and passionately as he positioned himself to enter me. “Are you sure?” I nod my head in a yes motion. I hear Gavin telling me to breath it's going to be ok repeatedly the I felt a burning sensation and full of pain when he fully entered me. Gavin held my body gently and close to him after a few minutes he asked if I was ready to continue. I grabbed his face and pulled him down to me as he slowly begins thrusting in and out of me going faster but not to fast looking in his eyes I felt something I never felt before. Each thrust my moans matched as Gavin begin to moan himself. Gavin positioned me on my side and he came behind me and slide inside of me filling my pussy with his dick.

I reach my arms behind his head and pull him close to me as he kisses me. before I know Gavin and me are both moaning and I feel that same build up. I yell out “I’M GOING TO CUM”  Gavin quickly gets on top of me putting my legs on his shoulders hitting my spot over and over our erotic cries of passion filled the room. “Look at me Simone, look in my eyes I want to see you.” Gavin moaned out. Just as I opened my eyes he hit my spot a few more times before we both came together. Gavin leaned down and kissed while his was dick was still buried deep inside of me.

-          Monday after school - 

“Mone, what happened this weekend?” “Nothing Maddie” “Is that why you are walking kind of differently. I mean you can’t hardly tell but you are.” I let out a deep breath “Gavin and I slept together.” Maddie screamed “Are you serious. My friend is growing up and has become a woman.” “I’m still growing up Maddie. I am not a fully grown women yet, for Christ sakes I’m only 15 years old and a freshman in high school.” “Who just had sex the most sexist senior well guy at our school.” Maddie says cutting me off. “I’m happy for you Simone.” Maddie says hugging me.

-          One week later-

Sitting in the library doing homework I feel someone behind. After a while I turn around to see Gavin. I roll my eyes and quickly get my belongings and went to get away from hi.. “Simone stop running from me.”  I picked up my pace but he was too fast for me and caught up with me. “WHAT” I yelled in his face. He didn’t speak so  turned and walked off. “I need you Simone.”

“No you need someone to be a bed warmer for you. I’m so fucking stupid to think you actually liked me or even wanted me. I was nothing but another whore on your long ass list of women. You were good very convincing. You should really join the drama club because your acting skills are impressive. I couldn’t tell when you were lying or telling the truth so I’m going to assume everything was a lie because that’s what you are a liar.”  I looked dead in his eyes before walking away.

-          Next day after school - 

“Simone you have a visitor” my mom yells. I walk into the living room and I immediately lock eyes with Gavin. “Simone have a good time on your date.” My mom says and I will tell your dad. He is so happy you found a great young man.” “Thanks mom.”

We walk out the door. What game are you playing.” “I play a football game Friday and today is Tuesday.” “I’m going back..” I scream. “Put me down now.” Gavin put me in his truck as I went to get out of the quickly locked the doors. When he got to his side he quickly got in locked the doors behind him, smiled at me as he put his seat belt on. Noticing I was not moving Gavin unbuckled his seat belt to buckle mine then buckled his seat belt again then drove off.

Gavin got us some food from Sonics then we went back to his place where I sat in the car not moving. “Simone it’s a long walk back home just come in. I sat there not moving, not looking at him. He slammed the door to the truck making me jump and he walked inside and I sat there for a while.

About 15 minutes I see Gavin coming out of the pool house he opened the car door and pulled me out and carried me bridal style into the pool house. “Here is your food.” “I say nothing. “I’m sorry Simone. You know you feel I used you but I didn’t. I didn’t talk to you because  people expect me to be a certain way and you’re a freshman and I didn’t want other girls bothering you or disrespecting you.”  I just looked at him. 

I got up walking toward the door when I felt Gavin’s arms snake around my waist and starts kissing my neck.  “Stop Gavin.” I moan out. “Tell me how much you want me to stop.” I push him off of me. “I’m not doing this with you, Gavin. Find another girl.” “I want you, Simone. No, I need you.” I felt his lips on mine. “I know you want and need me, Simone.” Gavin kissed me. “Stop” I mumbled out. “You want me to,” he says still kissing me. 

Gavin picked me up and my legs wrapped around his waist as we walked to the bedroom.
Gavin laid me on the bed slowly undressed me kissing all over my body. Not rushed, so slowly and gentle setting all of my body on fire. With each kiss, Gavin was apologizing saying he was sorry. Gavin's face came into the front of me “Baby I’m sorry” He says then gets off me lifts my shirt over and turn me over on my stomach the places kisses down the back of my spine ‘til he reached my pussy.

Gavin devoured me making I explode multiple time. He got on top of me and slowly entered me. Giving me long deep strokes. Gavin went deeper and deeper inside of me. Making my body melt into his. No matter how close we were in this moment we were both pulling each other closer. Eager and hungry for each other. I lifted my hips and fucked Gavin back we laid down and kissed passionately.

Gavin flipped me over so I was on top of him. I didn’t know what to do Gavin pulled me down to him and he kissed me while his hands grabbed my hips slowly bouncing me on his dick. He runs his hands in my hair then over my body. Gavin held me still and slide his dick in and out of me so slow it was teasing me and I craved to have him back in me again as our moan increased and got louder Gavin pulled me onto him more as we both came together in a euphoria.

I still craved him as he sat up and he pulled my legs apart and pulled me up on him and he draped his legs over mine looking at him then he pulled me closer giving me passionate kisses still assaulting me with the deep long strokes. I hold onto Gavin as I moan in his ear as he does with me. His moans make me wetter and want him more. “Fuck” I yell out as Gavin sucks on my nipples sending me over the edge. “Gavin” I moan out more and more.
“Simone” Gavin says more lustful than previous times and we hold onto each other as we experience as different and higher euphoria. I cum and moments later Gavin cum again as well.
We lay in bed holding each other close as sleep begins to take over I whisper out

“I love you”

As Gavin pulls me closer to him.

-          A month and half later –

“Mone, are you still sick?” “I got the flu from someone at school or possibly form one of my parents. Let’s not forget they are both doctors.” “You don’t have a fever though.” “Have you noticed you have gained a little weight.” “Are you calling me fat now Maddison.” “Mone, be for real.” She says in an annoyed tone. “Do you think… Simone when you had sex with Gavin did yall use anything?” “He just used me. and as you seen he has had twelve other girlfriends” “He never wore a condom”

“Truthfully I didn’t pay attention nor did I ask.” I stopped reliving our sexual tryst in my head. “We didn’t. I felt when he came inside of me.” I got my period so I can't be pregnant.” “Let’s be on the safe side. Tell your parents you are spending the weekend with me and I will get some pregnancy test.” “I told you I have been having my period.” “It is just to be on the safe side” I nod my head.

-          Saturday - 

“I have taken seven pregnancy test and they are all wrong” “Simone, they were all different brands.” “They all defective.” “Simone” “I can't be pregnant” I whisper out. “What are you going to do?” “I’m going o tell Gavin. We don’t have to be together to raise a child.” “Simone you know you have me. I love you. I will be by your side through all of this.” I got up hugged Maddison and thanked her as I begin to cry and she held me tighter.

-          Three days later –

Waiting after school I was reading a book when I saw some football players come of the field house/ workout room. I put my book down. Gavin finally came into view he was saying his goodbyes. I walked over to his truck and waited for him.

“Simone what are you doing here? I have a girlfriend n.” “I don’t care who you with that is not my concern. We need to talk about something else.” “What” “I’m pregnant” His eyes became so cold and unreadable.


He pushed me aside and got in his truck and left.

“Simone, what happened?” Maddie asked me. “He told me to get rid the baby.” “C’mon I got you a doctors appointment and don’t worry I used my name and the doctor is my aunt so no one will find out right now.

The doctors confirmed I was pregnant Maddie and the doctor said I need to consider all of my options before rushing into a decision.

-          Next day - 

My parents were talking and my older brothers were coming out of their rooms to go to the dining room so we could eat.

As we all gathered in the living room daddy was talking to my brothers. Momma walked back into the living about to say something. I interrupted her.

“Before we eat can we talk please.” “What’s wrong princess you alright” “Yes daddy I am.” I drop my head and tears spill from my eyes. I feel my daddy’s embrace as I hug him back tightly. When we pull apart I see my mom next to me.

“Simone we are you, parents, we love you. Did your grades drop? If so we will not be mad just work harder.” My mom says. “My grades are good” “Princess you have our full support alright.” My daddy says then kisses me on the forehead.

“I’m pregnant,” I say lowly yet loud enough for everybody to hear.


“Whhh wh what” I finally managed to get out looking at my dad.


“Dad that’s a bit extreme.” Patrick says. “Do you want to get out too?” “Where am I suppose to go daddy?”

“I don’t give a damn where you go but you have one hour to get out of my house. Now go pack your shit and the hell out.” I get up and slowly walk to my room processing all that just transpired.

“Here my brother Odell gives me a few of his old duffle bags I say thank you and quickly put my stuff in those then my mom walks in.

“I called your grandmother she said you can stay with her. I got you these trash bags to put your stuff in” mom says. Then she gave me some money.
“It’s not much but it’s something.”
“Thank you” I mumbled out. “Grandma lives states away mom how are we suppose to see her?” Odell asked. My mom looked so unphased by the question she then left out.

“YOU HAVE 15 MINUTES LEFT” he yelled.

I finished packing and brought my stuff out of my room. “Sis I will take you to the bus station,” Patrick says. “You will not if you want to step foot back in my house.” Patrick was about to say something. “It’s fine. I’ll manage.”
I hugged both of my brothers I felt something go in my back pockets. “It’s all we have.” They both said. I hugged them tighter.”

“GET OUT!” my daddy said.

I moved my stuff to the porch and once I got the last bag out the house he slammed the door.

As I was struggling to walk down the street I see Maddie’s car slow down as she stopped she came and hugged me. “Let me get these you just go get in the car.”

When Maddie got in the car she smiled. “Odell called me. I am just sorry I didn’t get here sooner.” “Your timing was great. Thank you.” “Have you ate?” “No” “We will eat and I buying you some luggage and your bus ticket.” “Maddie that’s too much.” “under the circumstances, I will say it’s not enough.” After getting the luggage from Burlington’s we went to the mall to go eat at our favorite place in the food court the Philly Cheesesteak.

While eating I felt eyes on me while listening to Maddie talk. I looked up ad his eyes were colder than before. As he mouthed


Maddie must have noticed me staring in his direction as she looked at him and his new girlfriend.” “Don’t worry about him. C’mon we need to leave anyway.” Maddie stopped me and ordered me two more sandwiches. “It’s a long ride and I am stopping by QT to get you some snacks as well.” “Maddie” “That’s what friends are for.” She smiled and hugged me tightly.

At the bus station, she was on her phone. We talked and she stayed with me ‘til it was time for me to leave.
“I love you, Maddison,” I say hugging her “I love you she said crying.” When we pulled apart we were crying. “I will call you when I get to Connecticut.” I turned to leave right before I got on the bus I waved bye and watched her cry.
Gavin POV  
 (nine years later)

After five and a half year I graduated with my Master’s degree in sports and health science. Then got drafted to the NFL been breaking records making new ones.

(five years later)

I reconnected with a former classmate Maddison Fowler after dating we got married.

(two years later)

I blew my knee out winning the Superbowl for my team now I am back at my old high school after 16 years to coach football.  

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