My Social Network Romance Wit...

By LisaTheVampire

50.1K 907 150

The LAST thing Liisa Danvers ever expected from adding Ronnie Radke as a friend on Facebook was to fall in lo... More

My Social Network Romance With Ronnie Radke.
When A Good Girl Meets A Bad Boy.
I'll Be Damned If I See You With Some Other Man.
I Heard A Knock Upon My Door...MOM?
They Call Me King Of The Music Scene
Baby I Get Off By Getting You Off First
Ooo Lala, What Lovely Curves
How You Look When You Were Wet Is Something I Cannot Forget
I Was Wrongfully Accused You Left Me Locked Inside A Cell
We Kiss And Make Up And Get Under The Covers
My Bodies Tremblin' Sends Shivers Down My Spine
You Have Left My Heart, Black And Blue...Ronnie!
One Good Girl One Bad Guy Sequel

Waiting, I'm Begging So Please Get Here Soon

2.5K 50 5
By LisaTheVampire

I couldn't believe i was actually now staying in L.A and not only that i was now living with Ronnie, Kasey and Aaron were shocked at first but after a long conversation they both started talking about the possibility of getting an apartment here to i literally begged them to stay for the fact that i didn't want to miss my friends i needed them in my life, Ronnie even helped them search and look up local apartment going for rent and after ringing the booking agency they got an agent to show them around, The apartment was amazing it had the best view of the city and between Aaron and Kasey they could afford it they even signed the lease, everything was going so well i felt so happy and in-love, just watching how Aaron and Kasey together brought a bigger smile to my face, Ronnie had gone out of town for afew days he gave me a set of my own keys to his house leaving me to look after his dog charlie while he was gone, Bringing him for walks was tough he brought me for walks instead, Ronnie found it funny joking about how he couldn't wait to see that, in all honesty i wasn't as strong as Ronnie but luckily enough i managed to hold onto the lead for dear life, Ronnie had told me he was coming home later on after two awful days apart i burst with happiness i couldn't wait to see him again i missed him very much, this bed without him was to cold, we didn't even get to sleep together properly in it since i had moved in because Ronnie had left the day before my move, his house was so Ronnie like i settled in with ease.

I checked myself in the mirror as i stood there in the middle of Ronnie's room, smiling to myself i had pulled on one of Ronnie's way to big for me tops over my head the seams just barely reaching past my bum i looked hella sexy i turned sideways looking at all angles and fluffed my hair out letting it billow around my shoulders and down my back, i checked the time on my phone it was 5pm now and i had a message from Ronnie.

Ronnie Radke

Message: 4:45pm

'Babe we just drove into L.A i shouldn't be home late, cant wait to show you how much i missed you, i hope you have been a Good Girl, Love you Rx'

I smiled biting my lip i rushed over to the bed pulling my makeup case out rummaging through it finding my nail varnish i chose a lovely deep blood red colour and began to paint my toes and finger nails, i didn't know how long Ronnie would be so i rushed through it and applied some matching red lipstick, i pressed my lips together standing back to survey my work again i felt happy with it, just as i capped the lid back on the lipstick the front door opened, i jumped up rushing over to the door suddenly feeling so nervous.

"Babe?" Ronnie's voice called from down the hall, "HEY CHARLIE" Ronnie laughed out loud.

Easing the door open i peaked out and watched as Ronnie kneeled down on the floor playing with a excited charlie, when i stepped forward Ronnie's head shot up his expression change from excited to surprised and flustered, "Welcome home Ronnie" i breathed knotting my hands behind my back.

"Oh, WOW", Ronnie's eyes drifted up and down my body slowly as he got up from his knees to stare at me, he cleared his throat awkwardly "Is that my top?", he was inching closer to me.

I Grinned stepping back "Ye, do you like it?" i teased.

"Like it?" Ronnie pointed down to his pants my eyes followed his gesture down to his buldging leather pants, i gulped, "I fucking love it" Ronnie purred, he held out his hand giving me the come here sign.

I Giggled suddenly shy the way he was looking at me made me feel high i shock my head backing up.

"Get over here Good Girl or i will make you", his voice came out dominate and i automatically stepped forward, Ronnie wrapping his arms around me waist bringing me up for a kiss.

I Trailed my hands up his neck and through his hair, oh how i missed him and by his kiss he was feeling the same way, "I Missed you" my voice broke.

"I Missed you too" Ronnie lifted me up carrying me into the bedroom kicking the door behind him..


I laid in his arms nuzzling my face into his chest Ronnie was finally home and all mine now, "It sucks when your not here", i said quietly.

"I Know Babe, but I'm back now" Ronnie trailed his fingers down my bare back, "Hey listen i have a interview later babe".

I turned my head up to Ronnie pouting "Interview?" oh no i hadn't seen Ronnie in two days i wanted him all to myself for awhile.

"Don't pout babe, its for Bryan Stars i don't know if you know him, hes a pretty cool guy he wont mind you being there", Ronnie planted a small kiss on my for-head.

"Oh Bryan Stars?, i seen some of his old interviews on youtube, you sure he wont mind me there?", i didn't think Bryan would mind, like Ronnie said from the interviews he gave in the past he seemed like a really genuine nice guy.

"Nah he wont, Plus i want you there", Ronnie continued his trail up and down my back.

his words made me smile i tightened my arms around his broad chest "OK what time?".

Ronnie reached over for his phone checking the time "Hour and a half". setting his phone back down on the bedside table he began cuddling me again burying his face into my hair it tickled and i laughed, "Jesus your a very ticklish girl" Ronnie laughed he loomed over me with a devilish grin on his face.

I Stared up at him "Ronnie DON'T" i begged but he didn't listen he began to tickle me i let out a scream and burst into breathless laughter begging and pleading Ronnie to stop but he was relentless i even tried to buck him off but it didn't work, "P-please" I screamed louder.

Ronnie flinched looking down at me stilling his hands "Fuck you got some lungs on you" Ronnie grinned down at me.

"Just please don't i cant take it" I held his hands on my sides holding them down into place.

"You love it baby" Ronnie leaned down kissing me hard his knees pushed at my legs parting slowly i raised my knees up to his hips.

i pouted when Ronnie broke the Kiss grinning down at me he lifted the covers up scooting down to disappear underneath the covers trailing soft kisses down my chest and stomach i realised what he had been planning i gripped the pillow underneath my head anticipating it, his lips lingered teasingly to long above my south and when i let out a frustrated huff Ronnie ducked his head between my legs, i squirmed against the pleasure of his tongue and fingers as they worked to give me a mind blowing orgasm for the second time.


A knock came to the door just as me and Ronnie finally finished getting dressed, Bryan Stars had a interview with Ronnie for the third time, Ronnie had suggested they do it at his house, i trailed out of the room after him keeping abit back.

Ronnie pulled open the door greeting them "Hey come on in" Ronnie smiled.

I watched as a tall blonde guy wearing a blue shirt and bright denims walked in ahead of everyone it was Bryan, three other guys followed him i assumed his crew, when he looked up at me i smiled "Hey".

"Hey nice to meet you" Bryan smiled politely.

"That's my girlfriend" Ronnie said as he closed the door.

"Mind me asking your name?" Bryan asked as he extended his hand towards me.

"No not at all my names Liisa" I shook his hands nodding to the rest of his crew, one of the guys was holding a camera which already seemed to be filming, "Would you guys like a drink?" i asked planning my retreat.

"if you wouldn't mind that would be great" Bryan smiled at me.

"Ye babe please" Ronnie must have sensed my awkwardness towards the Camera but he didn't say anything as i walked out of the room and into the kitchen.

taking out 5 glasses i poured them all out a glass of ice tea, from in the kitchen i could hear the interview had already started walking quietly back in i offered everyone a glass.

"Wow thanks for that". Bryan took a needed sip.

"Isn't she great", Ronnie smiled at me.

"Yes she is, your a lucky guy", Bryan said kindly.

"I know i am, shes been everything and more", Ronnie said proudly.

"If you don't mind me asking how did you both meet?", Bryan asked the question towards me but Ronnie answered for me.

"We meet online through Facebook, she added me and we decided to meet up", Ronnie reached out lifting his glass up to take a drink.

"Facebook?, Wow, what attracted you to each-other?" he looked between me and Ronnie.

"Ye, i seen her photos and i thought damn this chick is hot, wouldn't mind getting to know her if you know what i mean". Ronnie teased his eyes burning with mischief, "so i flew her out to one of my gigs and we just clicked". he continued.

"Really? were you from Liisa?" Bryan looked towards me.

"Ireland" I said proudly i was glad to be Irish.

"Ireland? wow cool i knew your accent sounded familiar i just couldn't place it", he said as he fixed his mic pointing it towards me.

"Ye you should hear the way she says butter, she pronounces it like 'Budder", Ronnie eyes light up "Its really cute i love it.

"Must get myself a Irish girlfriend" Bryan joked.

"There the best, whats even better is she loves what i do", Ronnie grinned.

"that's amazing, i hope everything works out between you too", Bryan lifted up his paper to read his next question.

i watched silently for the rest of the interview as Bryan asked Ronnie various of questions about the band and some about max, he answered them as coolly as he could stating his feelings out clearly, Ronnie wasn't one to hold back if he wanted to get something off his chest, Bryan Stars interview was over after a hour, i got to my feet  beside Ronnie as he kindly opened the door for them to leave him, Bryan talked about afew random things before shaking my hand again and finally leaving.

"Aw hes a nice guy", i said as Ronnie shut the door turning to me.

"Ye i like him hes cool", he walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist, "are you OK?, you seemed abit shy around the cameras", Ronnie brushed my hair out of my face lightly kissing my lips gently.

"I was at first but I'm OK now" i nuzzled my face into his chest smiling, Ronnie's arms tightened around me.

"I love you Good Girl", his fingers brushed down my back giving me butterfly's.

I hugged my man tighter smiling "I Love You Bad Boy"...

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