Shep689 Oneshots

By breeoc97

28.6K 846 248

Will Shepherd and RJ Aguiar are married and are finally ready to start their own family. They already have th... More

welcome to shep689 oneshots!
new beginnings
first family vlog!
benji's sick day
grandparents visit!
instagram captions #1
what we always wanted
hospital trip!
telling benji & the fans!
it's a .....
name reveal!
day in the life vlog!
nursery tour
p.o box haul
welcoming coralei
bringing coralei home
instagram captions #2
meet coralei q&a!
first vlog as a family of 4
grandparents meet coralei
all about benji q&a
dentist time
benji's first day of preschool!
snapchat #1
bringing benji home
one year later
benji vlogs
birthday party planning!
rj's birthday!
dear benji
benji's 4th birthday
more birthday fun!
future grandparents
preschool parent-teacher conference!
postpartum depression
instagram captions #3
snapchat #2
trick or treat!
the shepherd's come to town
telling their parents
the aguiar's come to town
adoption q&a
will's birthday!
is the baby coming?!?!
sick day!
baby shower
date night!
parenting q&a
instagram captions #4
rj & benji's fun day
happy anniversary
will & benji's fun day
benji graduates preschool!
we can't believe it!
first dr. appointment
telling the kids!
telling family & the fans!
baby #3 q&a
family time & buying clothes!
it's a ....
hanging out w/ the shepherds!
hanging out w/ the aguiars!
baby boy name reveal
school supplies shopping
first day of school!
benji gets hurt!
nursery reveal
benji's 1st concert
coralei's 1st birthday
benji's 5th birthday
p.o box haul #2
welcoming theodore
skyping with theodore
the kids meet theodore
instagram captions #5
first family of 5 vlog!
grandparents meet theodore
q&a: the hard questions
snapchat #3
benji's book
benji q&a
benji's nightmare
water park!
instagram captions #6
rainy day!
wiggly tooth, allergies & more!
what benji remembers
kindergarten field trip!
he's our boy
benji's first week home
coralei's 1st haircut!
museum day!
adoption is tough sometimes
snapchat #4
benji's first christmas home!
will comes home!
theodore's 1st plane ride
spring break fun!
meeting benji for the 1st time!
all about theodore q&a
fall fun!
ptsd in benji's words
coralei gets glasses
will volunteers in benji's class!
instagram captions #7
coldplay date night
snapchat #5
benji saves his teacher!
coralei gets a big girl bed!
day in the life with ptsd
a shepherd-aguiar thanksgiving!
will faints
christmas shopping!
little heart to heart
meeting with santa
we wish you a merry shepherd-aguiar christmas!
benji's 1st school dance
ew! a skunk!
day in the life vlog!
benji's 1st time in florida!
theodore's first outing
instagram captions #8
coralei's bad night
i miss mommy
valentine's day surprise!
snapchats #6
coralei is two!
benji finds out
easter pregnancy announcement!
coralei's 2nd birthday
benji's first soccer game
benji turns six!
instagram captions #9
theodore's 1st birthday
changed our minds?
baby #4 is a.....
name reveal & nursery!
welcoming harlow
mother's day
the kids meet harlow!
instagram captions #10
the family tree grows
harlow's first outing
taking 4 kids shopping!
family quinceanera
benji's biological family q&a
snapchats #7
water park fun!
family meets harlow
theodore goes to sesame street!
buying school supplies & clothes
first day of school
sickness everywhere!
instagram captions #11
coralei's first school field trip
pumpkin patch fun!
a shep689 halloween
coralei turns three!
benji needs glasses
a shepherd-aguiar thanksgiving!
benji turns seven!
decorating for christmas & meeting santa
have a holly jolly christmas!
snapchats #8
happy new year!
instagram captions #12
day in the life with four kids!
coralei is little miss sassy
valentine's day
theodore turns two!
instagram captions #13
benji gets his first phone
theodore's sick day
st. patrick's day
redoing coralei's bedroom
seeing the easter bunny!
easter day fun
benji plays hockey!
palm desert vacay!
instagram captions #14
snapchats #9
hard decisions
meeting benji's dad side
family pool day
day in the life vlog ~ summer edition!
dinosaur world!
dobby's tooth extraction
instagam captions #15
snapchats #10
florida fun with family - part 1
florida fun with family - part 2
dobby's birthday
harlow begins to walk!
first day of school
harlow 1st birthday!

will's birthday celebration

65 5 0
By breeoc97

*Will gets spoiled rotten by all of the kids, RJ and his best friends for his birthday! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see in this book! Love • Bree 🧁*

Today is Will's birthday! Will used to really hate birthdays, but now he loves them since he has became a dad and got married to RJ.

RJ is very excited to spoil Will all day long and make him feel really special today. RJ has a few plans up his sleeve and he can't wait!

RJ is currently downstairs with all of the kids, letting Will get some extra sleep upstairs. Will hasn't been sleeping through the night since Harlow was born.

RJ is making Will's special birthday pancakes while Benji, Coralei and Theodore are all playing together in the living room.

Dobby is happily watching RJ cook, hopeful that RJ will drop something. RJ giggles at Dobby and smiles at him.

"Dobby, you can't have this bud. I'll make you a special treat in a little bit. You are a good boy. Yes, you are." RJ says, petting Dobby's head softly.

Harlow is playing with her activity mat and is holding her Sophie Giraffe toy. Harlow isn't teething just yet, but she loves to hold onto something.

*Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's pajamas*

Benji is currently playing FIFA 19 on his Nintendo Switch while Theodore and Coralei are playing with the big LEGOS, since they are too little to play with the ones Benji's plays with.

All of the sudden, Harlow rolls over to his stomach and Benji gasps in excitement! Harlow hasn't tried to roll over before and she finally got it!

"Papi! Harlow rolled over onto her tummy!" Benji yells to RJ.

"No way!" RJ says as he walks into the living room.

"Yes way!" Benji says with a cheeky smile.

Harlow is currently on her stomach and she is trying to play with her Sophie Giraffe toy.

RJ gasps at Harlow and smiles at her. Harlow looks up at RJ and coos at him.

"Harlow! You rolled over onto your tummy! Good girl! Good girl! Can you try and roll onto your back now?" RJ asks Harlow and Harlow coos at RJ again.

RJ kisses Harlow's cheek and smiles at her.

Harlow attempts to roll back onto her back and she makes it after a few tries!

"Woohoo! That's awesome, Harlow! You are getting so big and strong!" RJ says as he tickles Harlow's stomach and Harlow giggles.

"Papi, where's Daddy at?" Coralei asks RJ with curiosity.

"Yeah! Daddy?" Theodore asks RJ.

"Daddy is still sleeping upstairs! He was sleepy! We are going to surprise him with his birthday pancakes I'm making and the presents we made or got him!" RJ says to all of the kids.

"Yay!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore say in unison.

RJ walks back into the kitchen to finish making Will's birthday pancakes.

"Papi! Papi!" Benji says with excitement.

"What's up, bub?" RJ asks Benji as he plays with Benji's hair.

"Look at my soccer uniform in the game!" Benji says showing RJ the soccer outfit he made in the game.

"Woah! That is so cool, bubba! Hey, I need to finish Daddy's pancakes okay?" RJ says to Benji.

"Okay, Papi!" Benji says with a smile as he runs back into the living room.

RJ finishes up with Will's birthday pancakes and places them on a breakfast tray. RJ then makes Will a coffee to have as his breakfast drink.

*Will's birthday pancakes*

RJ cleans up the kitchen before getting ready to head upstairs with the kids and to surprise Will!

"Okay guys! Let's go upstairs and see Daddy! Bubba, can you carry Harlow for me?" RJ says to the kids.

"Yeah!" Benji says as he picks up Harlow and holds her in his arms. Harlow tries to play with Benji's glasses and hair, making Benji chuckle loudly.

"Okay! Let's go!" RJ says as he begins to walk up the steps slowly.

"Yeah!" Coralei and Theodore say in unison in utter excitement.

Benji, Harlow, Coralei and Theodore follow RJ up the steps.

"Coralei, can you open the bedroom door for me?" RJ asks Coralei in a whisper.

"Ya!" Coralei says as she opens up the master bedroom door.

Will is currently sitting up in bed. He is currently checking his emails on his iPhone.

"Happy birthday, Daddy!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore say in unison with big smiles on their faces.

"Happy birthday, baby!" RJ says with a cheeky smile.

Will smiles ear to ear as he sees RJ, Benji, Harlow, Coralei and Theodore walking into the master bedroom.

"Aww, thank you guys. This is so so sweet." Will says as he blushes.

RJ sets the breakfast tray down on Will's lap and kisses him softly.

"I love you." RJ says tenderly to Will.

"I love you too!" Will says with a cheeky grin.

RJ lights up the candles on Will's pancakes happily. RJ then picks up Harlow from Benji and holds her in his arms. The kids begin to sing happy birthday to Will!

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Daddy! Happy birthday to you!" RJ, Benji, Coralei and Theodore sing to Will.

"Make a wish, Daddy!" Benji says with a cheeky smile to Will.

"Yeah! Make a big wish, Daddy!" Coralei says to Will.

Will thinks of a birthday wish and blows out his candles, causing RJ, Benji, Coralei and Theodore to cheer happily.

"These pancakes look so so good. Thank you, RJ." Will says as he blushes at RJ.

"You're welcome! Eat up!" RJ says, kissing Will's cheek.

"I can't eat all of these! Can you all help me eat these?" Will asks the kids and RJ.

"Yes!" Benji says with a huge smile.

"Yeah!" Coralei says with excitement.

"Ya!" Theodore says, clapping his hands happily.

"Let's all eat!" RJ says as he gives Benji, Coralei and Theodore a fork to eat the pancakes.

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei and Theodore all eat Will's birthday pancakes in bed together!

RJ, Will, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow are now downstairs! Will is currently breastfeeding Harlow.

"It's your birthday!" Coralei says with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah! It's my birthday today!" Will says as he smiles at Coralei.

"Dobby! It's Daddy's birthday!" Benji says to Dobby as Dobby walks over to where Will, RJ, Coralei, Theodore, Harlow and Benji are all sitting.

Dobby happily licks Will's hand and Will hugs him.

"Hi, Dobby. You are such a good boy. I love you." Will says kissing Dobby's head.

Will begins to open his birthday presents from Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow!

*Birthday presents from Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow*

"I love all of my birthday presents! Thank you so so much! I love you guys!" Will says to Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.

"You're welcome, Daddy!" Coralei says with a cheeky smile.

"Wuv you, Daddy!" Theodore says as he hugs Will tightly.

"Look, Daddy! More birthday presents from all of us!" Benji says, pointing to RJ who is holding more presents for Will.

"Aw, more birthday presents! Thank you guys! I'm such a lucky Daddy!" Will says making Benji, Coralei and Theodore grin.

Harlow coos and RJ picks her up. RJ kisses Harlow's cheek and rubs her back.

*More birthday presents from Benji, Coralei, Theodore and  and Harlow*

"All of these gifts are perfect. Thank you guys so much." Will says kissing Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow.

"More presents! These are from me, babe." RJ says handing Will the birthday presents he got for Will.

"RJ! You didn't have to do all this! Thank you!" Will says as he kisses RJ twice.

*Birthday presents from RJ*

"Thank you, baby. I appreciate everything you have gave me!" Will says as he blushes and smiles at RJ.

"You're welcome! I love you so much!" RJ says as he kisses Will.

"I love you too!" Will says kissing RJ back.

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow spent a few hours together as a family!

A few hours later, it is time for Will's huge birthday dinner with all of his best friends!

Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow are all dressed and ready to go! Will and RJ are almost ready to go!

"Harlow, you look so pretty today!" RJ says as Harlow happily kicks her feet.

RJ then fixes Coralei's hair bow and kisses her cheek, making Coralei giggle.

*Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's outfits*

"Papi, can I wear some cologne tonight for Daddy's birthday?" Benji asks RJ.

"Just one spray of cologne! And let me do it. Which one do you want?" RJ says showing Benji the cologne options he has.

"This one, Papi!" Benji says happily.

RJ sprays the cologne on Benji and Benji smiles ear to ear.

"Meeee!" Theodore says, running over to RJ.

"You want some cologne too, Teddy?" RJ asks Theodore.

"Ya!" Theodore says clapping his hands happily.

Will walks out of the master bedroom all dressed and he is ready to go.

*RJ and Will's outfits*

"Are you ready to go, love?" RJ asks Will and Will happily nods.

"I'm ready! Are the kids ready?" Will ask RJ.

"Yup! They are all ready!" RJ says as he picks up Harlow and kisses her cheek.

"I'm ready!" Benji says happily.

"Me too!" Theodore says as he jumps up and down.

"Me three!" Coralei says, jumping up and down.

"All of you look so so nice!" Will says as he kisses Benji, Coralei and Theodore.

Will then picks up Harlow from RJ and kisses her.

"Well, let's get ready to go!" RJ says to Will and the kids.

"Yay!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore say in unison.

RJ, Will, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow load up in the car and head to the restaurant!

Will, RJ and the kids are meeting with Will's best friends Cameron, Beans, Shane, Wren, Jennine, Kait, Skyler, Steven, Suzy, Nicola, Evan and Kennen! All day Will's best friends are sitting at the biggest table at the restaurant!

"Happy birthday, Will!" Everybody says in unison, making Will smile ear to ear.

"Thank you so much everybody! This is amazing!" Will says with a huge cheeky smile.

RJ kisses Will's cheek and hugs him.

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore, Harlow, Cameron, Beans, Shane, Wren, Jennine, Kait, Skyler, Steven, Suzy, Nicola, Evan and Kennen begin to look through the menu and they all order something to drink.

"Be careful with your drink, Coralei. Don't spill it." RJ says to Coralei.

"This lemonade is good!" Benji says giving Will and RJ a thumbs up.

"Theodore, drink you milk please." Will says as Theodore happily drinks his milk.

"Coralei! Coralei! Come here! Can I have a big hug?" Beans asks Coralei.

"Yes!" Coralei says as she hugs Beans tightly, making Bean smile ear to ear. 

"Coralei's hair is to die for! SO PRETTY!" Kennen says making Coralei grin.

"Coralei absolutely LOVES getting her hair styled. She loves bows and burettes. She doesn't argue with Will or I at all." RJ says to Kennen.

"Coralei, do you have a boyfriend in school?" Evan asks Coralei making Coralei squirm.

"Eww! No! Cooties!" Coralei says making Evan laugh loudly.

"Not all boys have cooties silly!" Evan says as he tickles Coralei and she giggles.

"Benji! You are getting so big! You grew like three inches since I saw you last!" Shane says as Benji smiles.

"He is! He has grown so much during these past two months!" RJ says as he rubs Benji's back. 

"Benji is going to be tall! Probably around six foot!" Will says as Benji smiles.

"That's really big!" Benji says making everybody laugh loudly. 

"Theodore! Teddy Bear! Hi!" Suzy says as Theodore smiles at her.

"Hi!" Theodore says as he happily waves at Suzy.

"He is RJ Jr! Wow!" Kait says as Theodore giggles.

"Isn't he? Teddy is identical looking to RJ!" Will says with a cheeky grin.

"He sure acts like Will! He is Will Jr that way!" RJ says jokingly to everyone and he smiles at Will. 

"No, he acts just like you, babe!" Will says making everybody laugh.

"Harlow! Hi, baby girl! You are so so pretty! Yes you are!" Cameron says as Harlow stares at him with confusion.

"She is like, who is this crazy guy?" Beans says as Cameron busts out laughing.

"She looks just like her big sissy! Don't you, Harlow?" Jennine says as she playfully pinches Harlow's cheek.

"Coralei and Harlow look so much a like. It's crazy." Will says to Jennine and Cameron. 

"Theodore! Your birthday is coming up! are you excited for your second birthday?" Nicola says to Theodore.

"Yes! I excited!" Theodore says to Nicola.

"We have such a cute birthday party planned out! I'm so excited for everyone to see it." Will says with utter excitement.

"Will is such a party planner I love it." RJ says as he kisses Will's cheek.

Harlow begins to fuss in Will's arms and Will frowns.

"Are you hungry, missy?" Will says as he grabs his breastfeeding cover and begins to breastfeed Harlow.

"YAS queen! Feed your baby!" Skyler says making Will blush.

"Does Harlow take a bottle? Or does she strictly breastfeed?" Suzy asks Will.

"Yes she does! But she prefers to nurse better so I rather nurse her." Will says

"You are seriously a pro! You are drinking water while breastfeeding!" Jennine says and Will blushes.

"He does all kinda is stuff while breastfeeding! He's a champ." RJ says, kissing Will.

"Love you!" Will says softly to RJ.

"Love you too!" RJ says as Theodore sits in his lap.

"What kind of Pokémon do you have on your game, Benji?" Steven asks Benji.

Benji begins to list off all of the Pokémon he recent found!

Will talks with all of his best friends while RJ makes sure the kids are behaving, which they are.

After eating dinner, it is time for birthday cake!

The waitress sits the chocolate cake in front of Will and Will smiles.

*Will's birthday cake*

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Will! Happy birthday to you!" RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore, Cameron, Beans, Shane, Wren, Jennine, Kait, Skyler, Steven, Suzy, Nicola, Evan and Kennen all sing to Will.

"Make a wish, baby!" RJ says as he playfully pinches Will's cheek.

Will thinks of another birthday wish, and blows out the birthday candles causing everyone to cheer!

After a few hours of fun, Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow head home

Will had a wonderful birthday with friends and his family! :)

Will posts a picture of himself, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore, Harlow and all of Will's friends sitting together. He writes the caption as: "ringing in my birthday with some of the most amazing people I've ever met. I couldn't imagine what life would be without these fantastic folks. love you all dearly and thank you for being so supportive through out everything. special shoutout to @damnitrj, benji, coralei, theodore and harlow. i'm so blessed to have all five of you in my life 💚"

RJ posts a picture of himself, Will, Benji, Coralei, Theodore, Harlow and all of Will's friends sitting together. He writes the caption as: "Happy birthday, babe! I love you so so much! I am forever blessed that you chose me! I will always choose you. Always will 💞"

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