Players Get Lonely Too - A M...

By NelajRechtas15

179K 2.9K 5.5K

A few nights after Izuku and Bakugo's fight, Ochako pays him a visit; one she soon will never forget... More

One Lonely Night
So About Last Night...
And To No Surprise!
Makeup And Over, Go Down And Under!
Just Hurry Up
Mall-icious Escapades! : The Beginning
Mall-cious Escapades II- The Sequel
Mall-icious Escapades Part 3- When Will It Ever End!?
Mall-icious Escapades: The Final Chapter
A Night To Remember, Part 1
Chapter 11 And Onward? (also annoucements on other fanfics and more)
A Night To Remember, Part 2
Small Hiatus
A Night To Remember, Part 3
Music To Her Ears
I Quit
Great Art I Forgot To Show Part 1 of 2
Great Art I Forgot To Show Part 2 of 2
What Now?
Wasn't Expecting This
I Made A Mistake

A Night To Remember - True Infatuation

5.6K 100 280
By NelajRechtas15


"This is so cool!"

"Amazing indeed, Midoriya."

"I can't wait to dive in!"

"You almost died and the first thing you want to do is go swimming?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"You're really a moron, you know that?"

"And I'm proud!"

This was one of the usual conversations from none other than the students of Class A, unique banter found in every student. Many of the other classes were there of course, but like any time Class 1-A took the spotlight once again. Not due to heroics but for sheer fashion ironically enough. One to take clear note of this was Toshinori Yagi himself, otherwise known to the world as All Might, the world's previous #1 Hero.

He was enjoying himself among the likes of the other teachers, namely Shota Aizawa, Nemuri Kayama, Hizashi Yamada and more. These three were famously known for their Pro Hero names, Eraserhead, Midnight and Present Mic respectively. All were pretty much excited to see their students having fun after such a rough set of circumstances, mostly All Might and Shota. Before he could even relax good enough, though, he saw his young successor chatting it up with a fond brunette. A soft smile forms in the corners of his mouth with delight. "Young Midoriya.", he greets the boy, hoping for his usual excitement. However, he only received the overly-nervous and tense young man this evening.

"A-A-A-All Might?!?!?!" Izuku shrieks in a high pitch to rival that of many singers, turning to face his inspiration with hot red cheeks. "H-H-Hey! W-What brings you here?"

Toshinori gives his young successor a quizzical glance, unsure of what was going on. "Um, I WORK here, don't you remember?", the blond jokes around with a small pat on his shoulder. He then looks at Ochako who was also blushing for an unknown reason. "Oh, hello, Young Uraraka."

"H-Hey, All Might.", Ochako politely says to him with a shy wave. Her cheeks were burning with a dark scarlet, leading Toshinori to come to one conclusion: Were these two talking about him behind his back?

'Doesn't seem like something Young Midoriya would do, though.' Toshinori thinks to himself, 'But he has been changing quite, that couldn't be it.' Reassuring himself aside he looks back to Izuku. "Mind if we have a little chat? It won't take long at all."

"Uh, s-sure, All Might."


Meanwhile, Bakugo and Momo were trying to find a place to sit for the main event. As per usual, the hothead was yelling and growling at anyone who even dared to look at his date, holding her close to him as her protector of sorts. 'How many people came to this thing? It's nearly packed and we came early, too.' the spiky-haired blond contemplates as he searches for any seats available. Just when he thought he found one, he felt a tug on his shirt. He turned around to see Momo had stopped, shy and reserved as usual. "What is it, Grey Eyes?", he asked with a sigh.

Momo blushes a bit, afraid to say what was on her mind. "B-Bakugo.", she began to stutter out, right hand behind her head as she rubs her neck. "M-May I...borrow something f-from you?"

"Huh?" Katsuki cocked his left eyebrow in curiosity. "What're you on about, eh?"

"I-I left my wallet at home a-and I thought you were hungry s-s-so..."

Katsuki walks over to her, grabbing her soft hand with gentle care. "What do ya want?"

Yaoyorozu's eyes grew a little larger at the sudden action. "Bakugo...", she quietly says, looking down with slight embarrassment.

"Come on, beautiful.", the blond tells her, his voice calm and smooth unlike before. "I'll buy you whatever you want this one time." His flashed a small smile at her, holding her hand as the two began to walk to find a nearby vendor. They pass a few before Katsuki hears a small murmur behind him, stopping at a vendor selling teas and other items as well. The prices weren't too high, but they could still burn a hole in the blond's pockets. The duo settled on a green tea and a few snacks, still leaving Katsuki with enough cash to do something special for Yaoyorozu.

"Where are we going, Bakugo?", the raven asks whilst sipping on her tea.

"Not too far from the extras.", he says humorously, "But I think you'll still have some fun."

The duo soon has an array of said fun, playing games, a little singing, even Bakugo, albeit angrily, winning a stuffed animal for Yaoyorozu. Everything was going great for the two, Momo even smiling at the blond's actions. 'So, this is why Midoriya still likes him?', she found herself in thought again. 'If that's the case, I think I won't mind this too much...' As she held against Katsuki another male soon approached them, but not any ordinary person.

"Yaoyorozu?" The male had bi-colored hair, heterochromatic eyes, and a somewhat icy demeanor at first. He stood in silence at the sight of Katsuki and Momo, eyes widened and starting to slightly lose balance from overall shaking.



"So, what do ya want, Ashido?", Kirishima asks as he looks at a few keychains of Crimson Riot. "These are some of the manliest keychains I've seen yet."

Mina sighs, turning her focus on something more interesting at the moment. "If you like them so much, why don't you get one for Bakugo?", the pink girl snarks though her heart thought otherwise.

"Bakugo is pretty manly, so is Midoriya...I'll take five!"

Mina scoffed as she began to walk off in semi-frustration. 'Who does that jerk think he is?! Spending the only time we have together buying stupid keychains!' She storms off to go find a few seats before being grabbed by someone. "Hey, let go!" she yells to no avail. Ashido struggles to get free, not being able to use her Quirk due to the chance of being in trouble due to the laws of Hero society. 'Damn, this isn't good...!' She thought to herself as she was being dragged away into the crowd, almost about to give up when she heard loud footsteps coming her way.

"Get off of her, bro!"

The stranger turns around to a striking punch to their jaw, loosening the grip on the Acid Quirk user. The crowd looks at the stranger, turning out to be a normal kid lying on the ground out cold, gossiping and whispering to their neighbor about the situation.

"Kirishima!" Mina exclaims before jumping into his reach immediately hugging him. "I'm so glad you were here..."

"It's alright, Ashido.", the teen tells her, looking down at the slightly wounded male. "What kind of person forces women to go with them?!" the now angered redhead yells at the unconscious boy.

"Kirishima, that's enough..."

"Especially someone I care about?! What's wrong with you, huh?!" Eijiro felt his heart pound against his chest rapidly, almost losing complete control right then and there. His rage was stopped by a sniffling girl in front of him, gripping his now tear-stained shirt tightly.

"Eiji, that's enough!", she says quietly looking down at the pavement. "I'm fine now.", she tells him with a wobbly voice. "That's all that matters, right? He made a mistake and paid for it."

"He did more than that."

Mina loosens her grip, looking up at the redhead with tears streaming down her face. "What?"

"He made someone I care about cry." Eijiro cups Mina's soft cheeks, looking deep into her eyes as he spoke his next sentence carefully to make sure she got his message. "He made someone I was too afraid to talk to. Someone I was too scared to protect back then—"

"That doesn't matter right now—"

"It matters to me!" Eijiro yells at Mina, unintentionally making some of the citizens and students jump at his voice. He sighs, wiping away his friend's tears despite his own falling down his face. "He almost hurt someone I couldn't bear losing so easily. That's what you mean to me, Ashido.", he quietly whispers to her as he tries not to choke on his own tears. "It wouldn't be manly of me to let you go without a fight."

Mina looks at the redhead, her eyeliner spreading downward as a river of emotions come flooding back on her cheeks, quietly sobbing into Kirishima's chest as he holds her close. "Please...", her muffled voice cries out, "don't scare me like that, Eiji!"

Kirishima smiles, his soft teardrops falling into Mina's messy hair. "I won't, okay?", he replies with a sniffle. "I promise you that much."


"What's wrong, Jiro?", Denki asks his classmate whilst they sat at a secluded fountain not too far from the park of the fireworks show. He frowned as she didn't answer his question, making him even more worried about her. 'What's gotten into her lately? She was fine this morning, but after the mall incident she's been quiet.' Deciding to cheer her up, Denki begins to tell her a joke. "Hey, Jiro. What's the difference between me and Bakugo?" Silence. "On the edge of your seat, right?", the playful boy says wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "Well, the thing is he's more prone to blow a fuse than I am! Ha ha ha!" Denki kicks up his feet up and down in laughter, cackling as he turns to Jiro, hoping he made her at least crack a smile. Unfortunately for him, she was just as stoic as before, not showing an inch of a smile. "Alright, enough playin' around," Kaminari says in semi-anger though mostly out of concern. He turns her head gently towards him, his eyes genuine with care. "What's been bothering you lately?"

Jiro gets lost inside his yellow irises, gritting her teeth before quickly turning away. "You wouldn't understand.", she replies snakily to the boy.

"Don't give me that! I can take whatever you throw at me."

"No, you can't, idiot!" The violet-haired girl rotates back to Kaminari with clear watery eyes. "You don't understand how it feels to lose someone, Kaminari!" Kyoka lashes out in a bitter rage, her voice croaky and eyes dripping with tears.

"What're you talking about?", the now serious teenager asks with the utmost honesty.

Jiro sniffles, wiping away her tear stains only for more to fall down. "Ever since our first team up, I've been...I..."

"What, Jiro?"

"I wanted to ask you out, alright?! I-I'm not great at showing my feelings so I started to tease you, even though sometimes you deserve it." She calms down for a brief moment, looking back at the water pouring behind her. "Despite us always going back and forth, I really liked you, Kami."

Kaminari froze in silence as he blushed, replaying the words she just told him. 'Did...did she just say she LIKED me? And did she also call me Kami?!?!'

"I finally mustered up enough courage to ask you after your fight with Shiozaki." At that moment Jiro returned to her angered and frustrated self. "But then after your fight you guys started talking more, hanging out and even doing things only WE did!" she continues to yell at her eyes flood with more tears. "I know I'd missed my chance with you then and there. And now today, you nearly got killed trying to save the person who never treated you properly, to begin with?!" Kyoka wept in her hands, her emotions out for Denki to see clearly now. She expected him to walk away, ditch her and leave her to weep by herself. And she would've been fine with that if not for the unexpected to happen.

"Jiro.", Denki whispers as he holds her against his chest. "There's no reason to be upset. After all, I'm not dating Shiozaki, and I sure didn't forget who always makes me happy." He pats her back gently, slowly reaching up to her hair, playing with it as he consoles her.

"B-But I always treat you like crap...", the crying girl muffles into his warm chest, getting stains on his blue shirt.

"I don't care about all that, dummy."

Kyoka glances up at the smiling boy. "H-Huh?"

"I know most of those are just jokes and teases, but your heart was always pure of love and genuine care, Jiro." His smile extends as he wipes away her tears. "I know that for sure."

"Y-You knew this who—" Jiro was silenced by a soft, short yet powerful kiss by Kaminari, blushing darkly as he caressed her neck and cupped her burning cheeks. Although it lasted about 15 seconds, it felt like heaven for the two of them. Finally, Kaminari parts lips with her leaving Jiro with a scarlet face.

"I didn't know until now, Goth Queen.", the Electrification Quirk user jokes, "But tell me: Did I do it right?"

"Sh-Shut up, J-J-Jammingway!" Kyoka retorts as her blush darkens, only to kiss his cheek softly with a soft pout. "And you did...alright for our first kiss." She smiles grabbing his hand, "Let's go see what the others are—"


"What the heck was that?!" a scared Denki asks, pulling Kyoka back behind him immediately.

"I don't know. It sounds like an—" Instantly Kyoka and Denki look at each other then back at where the sound came from.



"Out of my way, IcyHot.", growls an angered Katsuki to Shoto Todoroki.

"After you, Explosion Boy.", Shoto replies with an icy glare, mist emitting from his breath as he spoke.

"The hell did you just say to me?!"

"Both of you, stop this now!" Yaoyorozu says behind Bakugo, scared of what might happen.

Bakugo frowns, not wanting to make the girl he came with, the one he made comfortable feel scared and leave him. Truly, he had fallen for her, almost forgetting about 'her'. "Once this Canadian flag ripoff fucks off we'll be on our merry way.", the blond replies with a smug grin.

"That's what you think of me? Funny coming from someone who couldn't get the girl they wanted, having to steal mine!" Todoroki stares at Bakugo with gritted teeth, ready to throw down.

"She's not a damn prize, asshole!"

"Don't you think I know that, dumbass?!"

"Then why don't you give her some fuckin' attention then!!" Katsuki was fed up, his fist clenching with a bit of blood oozing through his fingers. "If you really care about Grey Eyes, why don't you ever show her that side of you? Are you afraid, huh?! Scared to show her what being human is like for once?!"

"Shut up!" yells an equally angered Todoroki. "You don't know the first thing about caring about someone!"

"Fuck off, Half 'n' Half!" Katsuki shouts with all his might, truly enraged at this point. "I spent more time with someone I didn't even like at first more than your sorry ass did!"

Momo begins to tear up a little hearing this. 'Bakugo...didn't like me?' Before any more negative thoughts could get in her head, however, Katsuki quickly reaffirms his relationship with the raven.

"But even so, despite me almost hating her at first...she grew on me. We talked, we had some fun, we did shit that I didn't even know was fun until Grey Eyes showed me." Bakugo started to do what most did prior to him on this fateful night, something he rarely did unless very passionate about it: cry. "Grey Eyes had fun because she made the first move. Something you should've done since you've been with her! So before you come at me, at least make sure you know who you're talking to, damn it!", the blond says as he sobs from sheer emotions. "If you can't even make a girl smile, what right do you have to be called a hero?!"

"Bakugo!" Kirishima calls out to him worriedly. "Calm down!"

"Are you guys okay?", Ashido asks with tears in her eyes at the sight of the two standing nearly face to face to each other.

Kyoka and Denki make it over to the action a little too late, but overall make it to their classmate. Along with them are Ida, Izuku, and Ochako. While missing the other three, Katsuki catches a glimpse of Izuku and Ochako, blowing them off as usual. However, he looked again to see something that nearly broke him into a thousand pieces. ' can't be true...' he says in his head, sweat pouring down his face in anger. 'Don't tell me that nerd...and Round Face...?!'

"Kacchan, are you al—"

"Deku...", escaped the now enraged mouth of Katsuki, already crying and nearly about to explode. "What're you doing?"

Izuku looked confused at first, not knowing what was going on at first. "I just came to see if you were okay.", he tells him truthfully, not wanting to get on his bad side. But he had a feeling he already did somehow.

A dark aura of red and black appeared around the spiky-haired boy. "Why the hell are you and Round Face holding hands?", Katsuki asks him, walking up to him quickly before grabbing his collar. "Don't lie to me, Deku."

Izuku gulps as he tries to remove his childhood friend's hand, a look of worry in his eyes. 'I guess there's no need for an announcement, now.' Midoriya thinks to himself. 'If I lie to him, I won't be able to diminish the situation without a fight...but if I tell him the truth, who knows how Kacchan will act!' His mind raced as Bakugo gripped tighter and tighter with impatience.

"It's true, Bakugo." Both boys look over to their right to see Ochako standing firmly with a serious expression on her face.

'Round Face...'

'Uraraka, don't!'

"Deku and I...we're dating now." The brunette sighs as she looks at her friend in the eyes. "I'm sorry, but that's just how it is, Bakugo."

Katsuki drops Izuku at the sound of those words, a red firework going off at the thud of his decent. His face lacked any anger, happiness or sadness, just a multitude of uncontrollable tears streaming down his face as he falls to his knees in shock. Two more fireworks go off in the background, one green and the other pink. Then a multitude Fire off from yellow to purple to grey to orange to red to grey to blue to white and more. Finally, the last one ends with a culmination of all the colors, going out with a spectacular bang. Katsuki, however, was comforted by Momo, who was holding him as she cried with him.

Oh boy, oh BOY! I know you guys been waiting almost a whole month for this chapter, and you got it now I'm your hands! Now stop making me stay up all night to do this, damn it! 😭 All jokes aside, I'm really glad for all the support and sticking this out with me for so long. This was the hardest chapter to write since chapter 1 and 2, and chapter 15 will be as well. Though it will be shorter BIG TIME compared to this one, I'll be to give you what you all wanted so badly (hopefully). I hope you all enjoy this chapter and this book/fanfic/novel/whatever ya wanna call it in general. Have a good day, be safe and stay fantastic! Plus Ultra!

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