Austin Mahone Imagines

By AyeeitsBriii

133K 1.7K 93

For the mahomies that want imagines about Austin Mahone More

Your love
Not an update but please read
Sick at home part 1
Sick at home part 2
18th birthday surprise
Imagine for Brianna
Important Update
Imagine for Jackie
2nd imagine for Jackie
Today Show
Imagine for Jennie
Imagine for Breauna!
Our Life
Not an Update
Just a night
Austin Leaving
Please Read!!
Our life part 2
Our life part 3
Leaving Day
Please read.!
Need to read part 2
Oh my gosh.!
Is this the end or the start?
Is this the end or the start part 2
Is this the end or the start? Part 3
Should I?
The wars.
I need your help.!
Imagine for Kimberly
Oh my god.!!
Imagine for Isabelle
Imagine for Najla
Imagine for Crystal
Imagine for Billie
Surprise Visit?
Big news.!
You guys??
VMA's Part 2
Should I?
Contest starts.!
I need your help..
Okay So I need you guys!
Personal Imagine
Release Party
Break Up, Make Up
Personal Imagine (Kennedy)
Please Help
Surprise at Tour
New House
Do You Even Love Me...?
It Is Here
Birth of Baby Mahone
Love Sparks Again? Part One
Love Sparks Again? Part Two
Big Update


1.7K 38 5
By AyeeitsBriii

You and Austin are in Inglewood, CA for the VMA's and radio interviews and stuff.

You've been here for 3 days now and yet to spend one day with Austin which was pissing you off.


It's been maybe 2 days since Austin and I've actually seen each other, other than in the morning and at night.

I never knew his schedule was this full and last time I checked it wasn't but I guess they added.

Text View

Baby 😊💕

Hey babe you know we haven't hung out all this time and I feel really bad about it so on top of my suit case is an outfit for you put it on. Meet you soon. I love you 😘

(In his phone)

Sweetheart 😍💕💯

Awee hey baby and aight will do and love yah too 😘💕👏

Baby 😊💕

How's your day been my love?

Sweetheart 😍💕💯

Good just miss you.

Baby 😊💕

Me too love I'll see you soon though.

End of text view.

Austin's POV.

"It's really going to be a big surprise." I say to Beyoncé as we finish up.

That's the reason why I haven't been able to be with Y/N I'm with her idol Beyoncé working on stuff to surprise her.

Plus I got to meet Baby Blue and she's adorable.

Anyways back to what's going on....

So we're working on this really sweet song and we're almost done with it all we have to do is mix it up and we'll be done.

But I'm taking Y/N the VMA's tonight which should be a nice thing but the surprise is going to happen there.

Y/N's POV.

I go to Austin's suit case and I see this stunning light blue dress that matches his outfit tonight.

I guess this is for the VMA's then.

But anywho I called up one of my old friends Rebecca who lives in Inglewood, you guys might know her as a CoverGirl or maybe Becky G.

Yeah we're actually really close and she told me to hit her up if I needed anything while here.

So I call her and about 10 minutes into the call we're finished and she's on her way to do my hair and makeup.

Yes I know how to do both but she's the pro at all this.

But anyways she gets here with all her stuff so I help her into the room.

She first starts by hugging me in the way of killing me then we did my makeup and hair.

Once we were done my hair was curly and my makeup was all done, same with hers but she had straight hair.

"That took an hour and Austin still isn't here yet." I say to Becky.

All she says back is "don't worry we need to finish getting ready if we want to get their in time."

I agree and went to grab my dress and heels.

I put my heels on first then I put my dress on, it's a short but long dress that's light blue and super gorgeous.

While we were getting dressed 2am came on my phone and we sang with it.

Yes I can sing I just choose not to.

Anyways when the song was over we were ready to go so we headed down.

Also Austin was already dressed waiting downstairs for us. Same with Jimmy.

We get off the elevator and both of them smile.

-Skipping until Red Carpet.-

We pull up in a fancy car and get out.

We were about to step in as all the fans were going crazy until someone stopped me..


Ahahaha sorry guys 😉😏

Anyways hope you like part one but would you like part 2 yes no maybe so? 10 likes and 5 comments and until then love you guys.! 😘

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