Step Brothers

By popsicledestroyer

3.1K 88 11

Jade Diamond, her dad calls her Emerald. She's 17 turning 18, she recently moved to Utah with her family for... More

Description and Details.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

234 8 1
By popsicledestroyer

Jade's POV





"SHUT UP!" I yell at Sam and Chris who give me sheepish looks. "Neither. Since you guys have been arguing for the last ten minutes about which one. We are watching neither. We will find one we all want to watch." I snap and the grin at me demanding nature.

"Your so cute when your mad." Chris says pinching my cheeks. I glower at him as I swat his and Sam's hands away as the tease me. 

" Lets figure out what to watch." I sigh and scroll through Sam's phone trying not to pull it from it's charger so it stays at a hundred. 

"Emelie?" I ask. They nod and I click it. We get comfy as it starts playing. 

I narrow my eyes and the sheet that's playing the movie. I glare and get suspicious as the babysitter asks if the kids had phones.

"That's suspicious." I grumble and Chris nods while Sam shrugs.

"Not that much." He mumbles causing me to shrug.

We continue to watch and I immediately start hating the baby sitter. 

"Your parents aren't here now ware they." I mock in annoyance. 

"Wow you hate her and she's just in a movie." Sam chuckles.

"She seems like a real bitch." I shrug and we continue to watch. 

Half way through someone knocks on my door.

I pop my head out. 

"Come in!" I say and Keith and Ethan's head pop through. Sam pops his head up through the sheets after pausing the movie. Sam narrows his eyes at them with a scowl.

"Do you know where chris is?" Keith asks rolling his eyes at Sam.

Chris pops his head up.

"Right here."

"What the hell are you doing in here with them?" Keith asks spitting out 'them'.

"We are watching a movie. These three kids have a psycho babysitter and man is she crazy." Chris says whistling lowly and shaking his head. 

"Don't tell me you like her  too." Keith asks angrily. 

"She has a name, and Sam was right she isn't all that bad. You just need to giver her a chance." Chris sighs shaking his head lightly. 

"I don't know what she has against you guys, but I will find out. Then you guys can be free of her." Keith angrily spits glaring at me. I glare right back. 

"I have nothing against them. Maybe they just like me for who I am. " I spit back. 

"She has nothing against us. She's a good person. We like her and want her to be our sister. she's nice, supportive, and I can trust her. Just leave her alone and get out if you can't be nice." Chris snaps. Me and Sam look at him with wide eyes as Keith scoffs and stomps away with Ethan following. 

I turn and smoosh Chris in a hug and Sam follows.

"Thank you!" I smile and Chris hugs us back. 

"Now, lets watch a psycho babysitter!" Chris smiles and we turn on the movie. 

"You and Chris have the same name, Chris." I taunt and he just glares at me as we watch. 

Once we finish that movie, We continue watching movie till we fall asleep in the fort. 


"RISE AND SHINE BROTHER AND SISTER!!!!!!" I wake up to Chris shaking me and Sam awake.

"Go away!" I grumble and turn over onto my side facing towards Chris. 

"No! We are going swimming!! Get up- What's that?" Chris asks and lift up my raised shirt that shows my scar. I sit up and pull down my shirt, all sleep flying out the window. 

"What's what?" I ask, acting innocent. 

"The scar?" As Chris asks that, Sam sits up and looks at me with wide eyes. 

"What scar?" I ask wide eyed.

" Jade." Chris says warningly, his eyes darkening, causing me to sigh. 

"Story time!" I grimace. 

After an hour, Chris and Sam leave my room with red puffy faces, after I told Chris the story. Sam decided to cry with us. 

I get ready in my black Leo tard that comes basically all my skin, under it I have black swim tights. 

I go over and knock on Sam's door. He opens it tying up his swim trunks. 

"What's up?" He asks as he looks up when he finishes. 

I just give him an evil grin and take a step forward. His eyes widen and he takes a step back. 

"Chris! Hold him down!" I yell and Chris runs in. He grabs Sam and turns him around. 

"Wait! NO! What's happening?!" Sam asks and I run and jump on him. He immediately grabs my thighs as I wrap my legs around him. 

"You made that big of a deal from a piggy back?" Sam asks chuckling. 

"It makes it more phone." I say shrugging and Chris nods in agreement.

"And I just wanted to hold you down." Chris grins and Sam shakes his head as I laugh. 

Chris stands behind so I let go. Chris catches me and holds my torso as Sam holds my legs. 

We walk down stairs and to the back where everyone is outside in the pool already. I feel really great and happy that Jasmine is taking care of Onyx. We moved Onyx into her and dad's room, we are gonna take turns. I can take him into my room and take care of him whenever I want. 

As they are about to walk out the back door I stop them. 

"Wait!" I stop and look up at Chris with wide eyes like I had an amazing idea. 

"What?" Sam asks trying to look at me over the shoulder.

"We should get popsicles first." I grin and They chuckle and take me to the freezer where I grab three pineapple cherry popsicle and we walk outside.

They set me down on a chair and I had them their popsicle. No one has noticed us yet, we eat our popsicle and talk, we put on our sunscreen and stand up to head into the pool. 

"Wanna jump in together?" Chris asks grinning. 

"We should run and jump in, make a huge splash." Sam agrees with a grin. I look at the pool and see that the young ones are to close we would drown them out. 

"No, we would drown out the young ones." I state as I look at them as they pout. I give them a grin. "Just cause Keith and Ethan are mad at you doesn't mean you friends are." I say with a mischievous  grin. 

"It's really just Keith. But I like where this Is going." Chris says grinning.

"You pick which friend and you jump on them drowning them out. Be careful they can drown you out while your at it. Now, I call Blake." I say grinning and me and the boys high five. 

"I call Dean!" Chris and Sam say at the same time but Sam says it slightly first. 

"Damn it! Fine, I get Dustin." Chris grumble. We break off and go to our sides of the pool. Sam standing next to me. 

"Hey, Why aren't you in your swim suit?" Kevin asks me. 

"I am." I say grinning " GO!" I yell and at the same time we jumped on our picked victims. 

As soon as I jump on Blake and he goes down I swim away so he doesn't get me. I hurriedly jump out of the pool and sit near the edge.  I watch with a chuckle as Chris gets off clean and joins me at the side as Sam gets tackled and he and Dean get in a water war. 

"You warned him." Chris tsks shaking his head. I nod with a laugh and watch Blake pop up and narrow his eyes at me. 

"You were under quite a while? Why is that?" I ask raising an eyebrow, smirking a him. My accent slightly peaking through. He just glares at me and starts to swim closer to me. 

"Where is your swimsuit?" Blake asks and I roll my eyes.

"I am wearing it." I say.

"That doesn't look like a swim suit." Blake shrugs holding onto the edge. 

"Well it is." I snap. 

"Just saying." He says raising his hands before grabbing the edge again. 

"Well then stop saying." I say and look at an amused Chris who is looking inbetween me and Blake. 

"Serious sexual tension between you guys." Chris whispers in my ear. My eyes widen and I glare at him.

"No there isn't!" I defend. 

"Yes, yes there is," He says and I push him in the pool. 

We spend the next three hours messing and playing in the pool, with Keith ignoring me, Sam and Chris. 


I stand in the living room alone, as I pick up my phone from the coffee table. I wrap the towel tighter around me to avoid anymore water droplets on the rug. My swim suit is mostly dry from swimming but the top and my hair is still pretty wet. 

"So, Your warming up to Jasmine's sons, Aren't ya?" I hear a snotty voice ask. I look up and see Crystal standing in the door way with a snarky look. Her swim suit basically a few pieces of string. 

"They aren't that bad, we got some pretty good brothers." I say shrugging with a smile. 

"They aren't our brothers. Jasmine isn't our mom. She's just a gold digging wanna be whore." Crystal snaps stalking towards me. 

"Are you sure you aren't talking about your self or Bertha?" I ask glaring at her. I don't know why but her talking crap about Jasmine tickled my pickle in a bad way. Feathered up the weather making it sneeze snot everywhere. I like weird metaphors. 

"Shut up! They aren't our family, when are you gonna get that." Crystal snaps. 

"And you think Bertha is Family? Where is she now, huh? Where's the hell is Bertha right now the woman who is supposedly our family? You hurt dad with all your stupid ass bullshit about how Bertha is your mom and you wanna be with her. You twenty-two for gods sake, move the fuck out then. Dad is a good parents unlike Bertha. He doesn't deserve needing to hear the bullshit you spew out. Jasmine is a better mom than Bertha. Bertha would have a different man in her house each night. And she would watch and let those men hurt us! She watched as they fucking molested and raped us! She watched them beat us, and yet you still care about her. Something is seriously wrong with you Crystal. I don't know what happened to my sister, but I want her back cause I miss her. Let me know when you find her. Bertha is not and never will be my mother. Jasmine is, blood doesn't matter, trust and love does." I spit angrily at her, stepping up to her as I slightly tower over her. 

Crystal looks at me with teary eyes and run out. I slouch down and sigh rubbing my forehead. That's the worst fight we have gotten into. 

I turn around and see a wide eyed Ethan and Jasmine at the door way. My eyes widen not knowing what they heard. 

Suddenly i'm engulfed in a hug as Jasmine cries on my shoulder. I just stand there stiffly and awkwardly pat her back. Here comes my surprise as Ethan joins my hug.

"Thank you so much for standing up to me. what you said means a lot." she says crying in my shoulder. I nod my head stiffly as Ethan tightens his hold on me.

"How much did you guys hear?" I ask pulling my head but causing a double chin as I look at their head. 

"All of it." Ethan mutters. Suddenly, Jasmine pulls away and wipes at her eyes furiously. 

"You get to pick what we eat for dinner. Anything. I will make it." Jasmine says smiling at me. 

"Can we have breakfast for dinner?" I ask giving her a shy mischievous grin.  She gives me a smile and nods wildly. 

"Eggs, bacon, and what?" she asks still wiping her tears. This whole time Ethan moved from hugging me to cradling me to his chest. 

"French toast." Me and Ethan say causing me to look up at him with narrowed eyes as he gives me a grin. 

"Okay, on it." Jasmine chuckles, turning she walks off. "I might need you to go to the store!" She calls over her shoulder. 

"Did that really happen?" Ethan whispers once she is gone, puling away and holding onto my shoulders at arms lengths. 

"Yeah, but can we, like maybe not talk about it. At least not right now. I've only been living here two weeks and enough of my secrets have gone out." I sigh. 

"Yeah, but we will be talking about it." Ethan says sternly. I just nod and he pulls me in for a quick hug before pulling me back outside. 

"Maybe you aren't as bad as Keith is saying you are, but you're gonna need to let him know that." Ethan says with his arm on my shoulders holding me to his side. I just nod, and shiver as the water and the air conditioning was freezing my tits off. 

"Dad's opening the hot tub in a few minutes you can warm up in there." Ethan states, chuckling at my shivering form. I laugh and slightly push him but pull him back for warmth. 

"Dad?" I ask and Ethan nods with a smile. 

"I wanted to start calling him dad for a while now but I was kinda scared of what you and everyone else would say, but I thought 'fuck it!' and now i'm calling him dad and so is Sam and Chris." Ethan informs shrugging with a grin. I smile at that loving how our messed up family is already coming together. 

"So, you wouldn't mind if I called Jasmine Mum?" I ask, my accent peaking through again. 

"No I wouldn't, Keith would. But no one else would, well maybe Crystal but. meh. What accent is that?" Ethan asks as we walk outside and sit on the lawn chairs away from the boys views. The younger ones and Crystal are somewhere else, it's just the older kids out here now. 

"I'm from London. I grew up in London until we moved here when I was eleven. I've learned how to hide my accent it just tends to peak out sometimes. " I say letting out my full thick accent. 

" I gotta admit, that's an amazing accent. You shouldn't hide it, wait, you should." Ethan says immediately changing his opinion.

"Why?"  I ask not bothering to hide my accent. 

"Because guys will start falling for you. I'm not gonna let my baby sister get chased by guys." Ethan says. I just laugh and shake my head. 

"Let's go swimming." I say purposely using my accent. I plan on using it for a while. 

"No, Stop it! Hide it." Ethan says following me into the pool. Jumping in right after me. 

I pop up from under the water infront of Dean and grin read to randomly speak. 

"Don't you dare!" Ethan says  blocking my mouth. Making sure I can't talk. 

"MMMMMMM!!!" I say behind his hand before I kick him, where I don't know. It's enough for him to let go and go under water. 

"What the hell man! Let me speak in piece." I say glaring as Ethan pops from under water with a glare.

"You kicked me in the balls!" he accuses.

"You were blocking my airway!" I accuse back and we get into a glaring war as the boys laugh at us. 

"Don't tell me your friends with her now to." someone says. We look up to see Keith glaring at me from the edge. 

"Yeah, I am. Got a problem?" Ethan says surprising everyone. 

"Yeah I do, she's doing something to turn you guys against me." Keith says getting angry. 

"i'm not-" I get cut off as Ethan climbs out of the pool and stand infront of Keith.

"She isn't turning us against you, you are. You think you can control us, well you can't. We like her, she's our sister get used to it. she hasn't done anything wrong. You just wont give her a chance and that your problem. We are willing to accept them into our family and apparently you aren't. When you are, maybe you can see she isn't that bad after all." Ethan snaps and storm off. We are in a dead silence before Keith turns slowly glaring at me.

"I will always hate you." He spits before storming off. All the boys look at me with wide eyes. 

"Well, that was dramatic." I say and they start laughing. 

"Nice accent. How do you do it so well?" Kevin asks sitting on the edge of the pool. 

"I'm from London, it's real." I state with a smile. For the next half hour we just talk until Ethan comes out all dried and dressed. 

"We gotta go to the store and get somethings for Mom." He says to me giving me a small smile. 

I nod and climb out, I give Ethan a grin before spreading out my arms. 

"Can I get a hug big bro?" I ask and start chasing Ethan inside. 

I chase Ethan into the kitchen where Jasmine is eating popsicles with the children. 

"No running! And go get dried off Jade your tracking water!" Jasmine calls after us chuckling. 

"Sorry Mom!" Me and Ethan yell as we run upstairs. 

I got to my room and take a shower before getting into Black shorts and a thin long sleeved white shirt.

"Ready?" Ethan asks as he pops out from the wall as soon as I walk out. 

"Yup." I state not even flinching causing him to pout. 

"Blake, Dean, Chris and Sam are going with us." Ethan grins and I roll my eyes. We walk down to meet them at the front door. 

"Come on! Show us some upper skin man." Dean pouts looking me up and down. That cause four hands to shoot out and smack the back of his head. Everyone raises and eyebrow at Blake who just shrugs. 

"No, Let's go." I say as we are walking out someone tackles my legs. 

"Mama?" I look down at a crying Onyx.

I crouch down and wipe his tears.

"What's wrong, buddy?" I ask as I pull him into a hug as he wraps onto me.

"You no want me." He cries into my shoulder. My eyes widen and I gasp.

"What? of course I want you, Who the hell said I didn't?" I ask getting pissed off. 

"Kweif." Onyx said in his baby voice making keith's name sound like queef. 

"Don't listen to queef, He's a bully, a meanie. He says lies. I love you, and I want you. I'm not going any where." I say and Onyx hugs me, refusing to let go. I stand up with an annoyed look as I turn around. 

" I'll be back." I say and turn storming off. The last thing I hear as i'm stomping away causes me to smile slightly. 

"Mama Bear unleashed."


That was a long chapter, over three thousand words. I need to start writing shorter chapters, agreed? Comment if you agree or disagree.

I hope you enjoyed!

Please follow,



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