House of Anubis: Reunion

By shadowspider

140K 5.2K 920

~ warning: this is actually cringy writing of fetus me so..~ Everyone in the Anubis house graduated and went... More

House of Anubis: Reunion!
Summer House
The Secret is Out
Sibuna Meets Again
Make and Renew
The Secrets Lie Beneath
The Big Truth Can Sound Like a Lie
Going Somewhere but Nowhere
Reflections Arena
Im Back!!!
Oh, Jerome
Buried Alive
Author's Note
Amber's Arrival
Unexpected Arrival
Back in the Tunnels
The Host and the Parasite
Keeping Them Separate
Flute of the Snake Charmer
Use of the Flute
Escaping the Room
The Bond
Going Out
Return to Anubis
Finding Joy
News Spread
Author's Note #2
Talk About It
New Caretaker
Up in the Attic
Author's Note #3
Close Call
The Caretaker's Office
Truth Be Told
Problems All Around
Face to Face
Carnival Part 2
False Note
Sibuna Meeting
Search Parties
Three Days Prior
Set the World on Fire part 1
Set the World on Fire part 2
Set the World on Fire part 3
Set the World on Fire part 4
Set the World on Fire part 5
Author's Note
Author's Note(much, much later)
It's Acually Here!

Set's Plot

1.1K 56 3
By shadowspider

Ok, now's a time to re-read the chapter Reflections Arena which is a really, really, really early chapter, and pay a particular note to Alfie's situation because you really need that to sort of relate to this chapter. If you don't catch on, I'll have an explanation at the end of the chapter.

So just read Reflections Arena and then come back to this because you may have forgotten the content of the chapter.


In Anubis House, Set/Jerome was meeting with an important person, or thing.

It was aurally his golden snake, but his snake was in the form of a human as a disguise, and that human was Mr. Wright(new caretaker of Anubis House).

"-they found Joy. They probably have all the items they need. They're on top of everything, it seems, and my plans don't seem to work as well as they should," Set complained.

"The date is fast approaching, sir," Mr. Wright reassured.(the snake didn't have an official name of its own). "You'll surely be strong enough to defeat them, and I'll be by your side."

"But what if they have the flute and the music-then that alleviates you from everything. Sibuna is clever, clever indeed. You're one step ahead of them, and you turn the corner to find they took a shorter route and are ahead of you again."


"Nevermind. But, if we want to guarantee victory when the time comes, Sibuna has to be separated. Whether we kill some of them, capture them, hypnotize them-we just need to do something to weaken their forces."

"What if we get the most important of them?"

"I'm afraid to see what'll happen if I dare mess with someone like the Osirion, or Chosen One(Mara), or even the Bridge(Nina, just in case you forgot). It's obvious they haven't reached their full potential, but their powers can unleash at any time."

"Maybe they can rid themselves out."

"Keep talking..."

"We make them turn on eachother. How? I haven't figured out all the details, but if they alleviate eachother, it puts less responsibility on us."

"You genius snake."

Mr. Wright grinned evilly.


Set was growing stronger, giving him more abilities, and the one he used first in his cunning plot was creating a body double of himself.

It looked entirely like a realistic Jerome, but it wasn't. Set controlled everything it did from wherever he was, so fake Jerome went to the Summer House.

He went to Eddie's door, knocking on it and then racing to the end of the hallway. As soon as Eddie opened his door and saw the fake Jerome, the fake ran up the stairs. Eddie followed, just as planned. Fake Jerome entered into Willow's room which was empty, and he closed the door. Eddie followed him, determined to see what he was up to. He slipped inside the room, locking the door to make sure Set didn't escape, but when he turned around, the room was empty.

He jumped when the doorknob began wriggling, and he suddenly heard Jerome's voice echoing, "Oh, Eddie...Eddie, what're you doing..." But really, Set was messing with his head.

"No, Set, you did something in this room, and I'll figure it out," Eddie spoke aloud.

Willow began speaking, but Jerome's voice drowned her out in Eddie's ears. So Eddie was entirely unaware of all this being a scam-a well thought out scam.

Willow began picking the lock, and Eddie raced to find what was in Willow's room before the door opened. But it was too late. It swung open, and Willow straightened up in the doorway.


She couldn't finish her phrase, because Eddie was driven mad enough to suddenly turn around and shoot a bolt of light from his finger tips, knocking her out cold. Jerome's voice in Eddie's head stopped, and it took him a moment to realize what he'd actually done.

He raced to Willow, laying her limp head into his lap as he knelt beside her. She'd already gone pale, and the only sign of her living was bare breathing.

"Willow? Will-Willow?" his voice began shaking as he processed over and over again, what he'd just done. "Willow!"

Nina, Patricia, KT, Mara, and Amber came out their rooms and immediately saw it.

"What happened?" Nina asked.

Eddie looked up at her. "I-I-" he stuttered.

Alfie heard the name of his girlfriend from downstairs and came upstairs. He froze when he saw Willow in Eddie's lap, and Eddie's expression worrisome.

"What did you do?" is all Alfie could utter before racing downstairs and outside.

Eddie placed Willow's head down gently and went after Alfie. He found him there staring out upon the lake. Eddie approached him cautiously.


Alfie turned towards him, his face already stained with tears. "You did this. You did this," he muttered, his sadness slowly turning to rage.

Eddie suddenly reflected to his vision where Alfie said the exact same thing. "No, no-it was Set-I mean, it was my fault, but-no-it was Set's fault, but I-"

"-go away," Alfie muttered.

"Alfie, let me explain-"

"-go away! I don't want to see you again, you monster!"

"Alfie," Eddie whimpered, but Alfie ignored him and turned back to the lake.

Eddie backed away feeling guilty as ever. He went back into the house, and the air suddenly felt tight in his throat as he put all the blame on himself.


Later that day, in the night, Fabian popped out his room, calling everyone downstairs into the main part of the house. Everyone was already aware of the situation that happened with Eddie and Willow, and Eddie did his best explaining the whole truth as tho what happened.

"Has anyone seen Alfie? He's been gone since early today," Fabian explained. "I tried calling, but it goes straight to voicemail."

"Wait one second," KT spoke. She went upstairs, and returned several moments later. "Willow's nowhere to be seen as well."

"Do you think-maybe Alfie left and took Willow with him?" Mara suggested.

"Where would he go?" Amber asked.

"Somewhere where I'm not," Eddie mumbled, just loud enough for everyone to hear.


Oh, that was intense! How do you feel about that whole plot Set used? And did Alfie overreact to leave along with Willow's still unconscious body?

And here's the explanation about the Reflections Arena. Basically, Alfie had gone into the room and he saw Willow crying and that image was replaced by a smirking Eddie. Now of course all that happened in that chapter wasn't literal because Willow's obviously not crying, and Eddie's obviously not proud about this, but it has more of a symbolic meaning to show that Eddie would do something to Willow. (After so many chapters, it finally makes sense)

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