Tales from the Basement

By PRTwriter

164 2 0

This is an amalgamation of Dungeons and Dragons games that I've been apart of over the years. This is a conti... More

Let's Quest
Curse of Strahd: Session 1: Welcome to Murder House
Curse of Strahd: Session 4: Take me to Church
Curse of Strahd: Session 5: Windmill where he waits
Curse of Strahd: Session 6: One Crazy Night
That 3.5 time in College: Part 1: Intro
That 3.5 time in College: Part 2: Deception begins
That 3.5 time in College: Part 3: Pay Us Rent
That 3.5 time in College: Part 4: Troll in the Camp
Curse of Strahd: Returned to Vallaki and Ride a Quetzalcoatlus and Eagles

Roll 20: Worst Fantasy Homebrew

5 0 0
By PRTwriter

Alright, let's talk about Roll 20.

     Besides the racist sexist crap, they have been up to...Yes, that's going on.

Let's talk about why I hate and don't use Roll 20.

     1.) Games- I never can find a game to join or play. Either its super late at night of a Friday or super early Saturday mornings...when I work.

     2.) Hosting- Using the map and tools are a mess in my opinion if you start using roll 20 I advise you to look up a tutorial on youtube to learn the tools.

But this episode is all about why I don't like Roll 20... Nah you guys know me. I managed to get into a Saturday night game of Dnd on Roll 20 and DnD Beyond.

 My ex and I used our Adventurers League characters. This was before I used Takeshi in Adventurers League. Takeshi, do I have to explain go read Curse of Strahd; and Treya, a Dragonborn knight-paladin. Joined a necromancer, a gunslinger, and a rogue...From what I remember. You'll find out in a bit. This was a homebrew game. Don't get me wrong about homebrew, I work better in homebrew than mods. But, this was bad...very bad.

So necromancer, gun, and rogue were in town and see a man get stabbed in public. Not even assassin creed style, just red wedding. If you get that reference. The bandit flees the town. This was a cult killing...or something*. They travel to my school of knowledge. Takeshi always sought enlightenment but had a bloodlust he couldn't control. This would be apart of the Strahd ending if I was there but. We join the group stopping whatever research we were doing for adventuring. We sailed to the cultist island and.

      Attacking was the slowest and most annoying part of this mess I have ever played. But it gets better. I passed out in my living room waiting. My ex was in the bedroom since we were playing in Discord. After we cleared the bandit cultist the DM called it a night. That was three hours.

Last session

     We made it back to town except for the Rogue, quit. The necromancer and the DM barter for an hour in the shop. My Patient ran thin. I grab a grappling hook as a weapon...I was Way of the 4 elements at this time since I did not read Xanathar's guide to everything. This was also the time I was told of sun soul but didn't change it. After the hour in the store, we find the cultist leader. However, I wasn't a monk... I was Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. Grapple hook as a weapon and I had the homebrew stats for it. After we fought the Cult Leader which by the way. DM needed to make a session 0 so the party knew what they're dealing with as the campaign processes. We killed the Cult Leader. 

     We met up with two bounty hunters on the way back to town. They were looking for a special man. As we adventured into the woods. This man was trapped in a hole. We threw down some rope. And the moment he comes up the DM says "Its the guy, he flees." 

     Treya and the gunslinger grapple him. "I hook shot him, "I said... but the DM replies "No, you are in a prism, he flees." I quit since I needed to go to work the next day. However, Treya and the gunslinger fight this for the next twenty mins. The next day on the discord we see a message from the DM boosting about how the players are dumb. This is when we quit. 

I was a work at the time when I notice the boasting and complaining. My ex and I came home and berated the DM. Then to make sure people knew I reported him on DnD Beyond.

Later on, the Rogue messaged me back, because we were investigating why he left before us. You don't have to even guess that he agreed with us leaving the way we did. I chose to write this series not only to hold on to old adventures I've had in DnD. However, I feel I need to warn people about bad games as well. Call them out when they happen and walk away when you see bad Dungeon Masters or Players.

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