As bad as we are now

By cakeloves18

289 17 9

Everyone has a crack in their hearts there's where the light comes in. More

Chapter one - last day of summer vacation
Chapter three - The break down
Chapter four- Wasted
Chapter five- Cold
Chapter six- relapse
Chapter seven - Field trip
Chapter eight - are we good?
Chapter nine- secrets
Chapter ten - hurt
Chapter eleven- treason
Chapter twelve - babysitting
Chapter thirteen- action movie
Chapter fourteen- heartburning

Chapter two - first day of school

28 2 0
By cakeloves18

Yesterday was like the usual, me and Jim were at the pool for some hours but then Jim had to leave because of his sister or something, I'm not really sure.

I stayed home the rest of the day anyway and I organize my school supplies, and now here I am in the car with my brother going to hell or school as you wish.

"ready?" my brother interrupts my thoughts

"for what?"

"school." he keeps looking carefully at the road

"there's nothing to be ready, I hate that place."

"is not that bad... please don't do anything stupid this year " he warns me, last year I did maybe fight with a guy in front of everyone and well he deserve it, but I was almost expelled.

"I would never" I put my hand on my chest like I was offended

"of course, just remember what dad said " my dad... he said that I will not have more money, my motorcycle, my phone , computer well everything if I do something stupid this year.

I put my long hair in a side braid and lipstick in the little mirror in front of the seat and we arrive the school in time. I get out of the car and I wait for my brother to get out the black Lamborghini that he's so proud of, it's like he's baby. I even think he calls it that.

I notice some people looking at us (more at my brother ) and it's annoying so I decide to enter the school alone, sometimes I hate my brother. Not my brother himself but the popularity he was, some people have scare of him others just don't care about him at all.

I get to my locker that is the same since I got in this school two years ago and I put my notebooks in because I know today it's just presentation, like every year.

"hey Lara!" I know this voice its Alexis ,she and my brother have this thing that I never understood quite well, she wants him and he wants lots of girls so they're not an official thing, I know she only speaks to me to know more about him and well I always tell her to go f... away.

"oh fuck no" I whisper to myself, close my locker and I turn to her

"hi" I give her the best smile I can, but I know it's fake and she can probably tell.

"so... how was the family summer?" she meant my brother summer

"like all the others... you know, I really have to go, I'll talk with you later..." I start walking fast, to fast maybe.

"okay..." she looks at me in shook

I look back to see if she's gone and she's walking away trough the hallway with her friends.

I feel my body collide with a hard platform and I look forward that for my surprise it's a guy, he's tall with brown hair and very handsome, we change eye contact and I melt a little.

"hey watch your way!" he says aggressively and keeps walking, well he lost the handsome part just for open his mouth, rude.

I don't say anything, I don't even know what to say, I'm not used to people talking with me like that. I keep walking there's too much people in this hallways so I'm going outside, I put my headphones on and I sit in a little rock next to the cars, I just want to get out of here.

I look up and the school is empty, everyone is gone. I get up and enter the school, the hallways are empty too, shit.

I search my class room and I find it quickly that I thought, everyone is inside, great.

I open the door and everyone looks at me, I don't even bother to close the door behind me.

I go to the last row like always and there's two sits left, one next to a new guy. Wait, he's the rude gorgeous guy, he's so hot... oh shut up. but he has his bag on top of the chair besides him, he looks at me and quickly looks at his phone thats on top of the table, see other thing about him, if it was another guy that bag would be long gone for me to sit, i guess not this time.

The next available seat it's next to a girl that I don't know but I choose to seat next to her.

"Excuse me! you are?" the teacher speaks and all my class looks at me

"Lara." I say and put my bag on top of the table

"you're late." she closes the door that i left open and stares at me, lifting one brow

" I am." I state the obvious

"and you're not apologizing?" she gives a step back

"I'm not really sorry, so..." I say and I hear some giggles in the class

"quite! " she looks around the class "Miss Lara, is going to be the last time you arrive late to my class or don't even bother to enter" she looks serious at me and I nod.

We were at the class one more hour , listen to the teacher speaking about what's going to happen this year and well I kept texting Jim how boring this class was and he feels the same. I can help myself and look sometimes at the boy besides me, something about him intrigues me.

Everyone gets up and Jim texted me he's outside waiting for me, I get up and I notice that the girl next to me is sleeping on the table, really?

"hey!" I shake her shoulder

"what? where am I?" she looks at me and then around

"school. get up, you look ridiculous " who does that in first day? she's going to have a nickname in seconds if she does this every class

"thanks." she passes her hands in her hair

"you're welcome" I turn around

"wait! I'm Mali" she walks next to me and I stop. I look at her from the top of her head to her feet. I like her. she sees me looking at her and she looks down in disappointment

"you're new?" I ask her and she looks up again

"yeah..." she says and I keep walking

I look at my side and she's not there so I look back, she's still in the same place I left her looking at the ground

"well, are you staying?" I speak a little bit louder for her to hear me and she looks at me

"I thought... yeah." she starts walking

"I'm Lara." I say to her and I keep moving again

"i know." she smiles at me , she has the same high as me

"did you move here?" I push the door to go outside

"yeah I'm actually from Australia, but I was four years at California "

"oh. I'm English but my dad married a LA girl, my mom, so we moved here again" I explain to her and she looks confused, I'm not telling her more but she nods

"hey!" Jim says and then looks at Mali

"this is Mali... she's coming with us, right?" I ask her

"ha... I guess" she looks confused but I know what she wants, new friends.


"hey, I'm Jim nice to meet you" Jim says to her and gives her a hug, something that he knows he can't do with me, hug me... I'm not really the hugs type.

I see Josh with a girl and he looks at me, I wave at him and he lets the girl and starts walking in my direction, Josh is my ex boyfriend but we still speak time to time.

"hey babe" he says and hugs me, of course he does, he lifts me a little, that causes my shirt to go up but he puts me down again

"I'm not your babe anymore..." I say to him and I don't even give me the trouble to adjust my shirt

"yet..." he smiles

"shut up" I roll my eyes

"your coming with us ?" he looks at the car and I see his girl looking at us, I never saw her... but she's feeling uncomfortable so I'm not give Josh more attention

"I was counting on that..." I smile at him

" let's go!" a guy in the truck shouts at us

We all get in the truck and we are maybe ten people on it, in the other one there's other ten maybe, five in the front and five in the open part of the truck.

Me, Mali, Jim and two other guys are on the open part.

"where are we going?" Mali asks me and she looks scared

"we are going to buy some stuff to eat and drink, then to the beach" I speak louder because of the wind

"oh, okay" she looks relive

"hey beautiful do you want to come to party tomorrow? my house" one guy says to Mali

"she can't ... we have plans" I speak before her, I know what this guy want and Mali looks to innocent for that, maybe not but I don't even know this guy so it's a no.

"okay maybe other day then" he looks at her like he wants to eat her alive, he's biting his under lip and everything. so gross

Mali looks at me and she didn't understand why I spoke for her, she will in a few hours.

We get to the beach and the guys bring the bags, we keep walking and it's like 5pm , we sit on the sand in a little circle and a girl hands me a sandwich and a beer she give the same to everyone.

"oh thank you, I don't really like beer" Mali says to the girl and she passes to the next person

"you want water?" a guy that is sit next to her asks

"yeah please" she smiles at him... oh god

he takes the bottle from the bag and hands it to her "there you go " he smiles

he gets up and he goes and sits next to a boy and whispers something to him, the boy looks at Mali and smiles, motherfuckers.

I look at Mali that is next to me and she didn't drink anything yet, thank God. I wait for her to open the bottle and when she's about to drink I smack the bottle that splits everywhere and she jumps back

"what was that?" she looks at me in shook with her mouth open and all wet

"rule number one, never drink something that is offer to you."

"what?'re drinking something that was offer to you" she points at my beer

"it was closed. " I smile to her

"well... I... thank you, i guess" she looks confused again but she understood, I hope

Jim still laughs at her and I give him a look for him to stop and he does but still keeps the smile, that makes me smile too.

It's been a while since he are here at the beach, the sun is coming down and everyone is drunk, well not everyone just some people but most of it, Jim is one of those people and I'm in the state that I have no shame, that's my drunk mode , I talk with no shame at all. Well I'm already like that normally, but my walk turns bad and I become really clumsy, it doesn't matter.

I think I have to stop here or I'm going to sleep in the beach and I can't.

Mali is taking care of Jim because he does bullshit after bullshit when he's drunk, he got arrested once for public nudity, yap he did that.

I feel my phone vibrating on my pocket, it's my dad.


"where are you Lara? your brother has been calling you nonstop " he says

" I'm at the beach with some friends, why?" I get up and I go where Mali and Jim are

"I want you home at seven, your grandma is going to have dinner with us, you have half an hour to get yourself home "

"fine I'm coming" I start walking faster, i feel tired already walking on sand is not my jam.


"yes?" Jim is laying on the sand playing with it and Mali is sit with him

"just come home please " I touch Mali shoulder and I hit Jim on the leg with my foot and I stop

"is everything okay?" he sounded concern and I don't like to hear him like that

"yes tiger, we just want you home" my mom is listening to our conversation I could hear her say (we have her favorite dessert), it made smile and I want to go home.

"I said I was coming...and dad... don't call me tiger" I said and I hang up.

"we have to go" I say to Mali because Jim is not in the same mental state that we are

"with all my pleasure " she says and gets up

"Jim get up... let's go!" I say to him and he gets up slowly grumbling

We don't even say goodbye to "our friends" and just leave for the street and search for the closer taxi.

We left Jim home and I got back to the taxi.

We stop at a red light and I can see my street from here "so I live right here in the next street, I can walk" I say to Mali and I point to the street

"but... that's my street too" she looks at me and smiles

"oh, really? cool, okay..." I see the counter and it marks nineteen dollars, I take twenty dollars from my bag and I hand it to the taxi driver, we get out and start walking

"do you mind if i eat something at your house? and maybe a gum? " i ask her because my grandma is probably in my house already and I cant barely think correctly

"sure yeah, is this one" she points to the house that is next to mine

"cool thanks..."

"oh you still moving?" i see boxes in the porch

"yeah well, we moved like four days ago" we climb the stairs and I almost fall, Mali laughs a little while she searches for her key

we get in her house and it's bigger than it looks from the outside, it has this modern style that i like.

"okay there's the kitchen you can take what you want from the fridge or that shell, I really really have to go to the bathroom " she points at the kitchen and walks faster to the other end of the house

I enter the kitchen and open the small fridge , there's nothing interesting but there's milk so I grab that.

I feel the fridge close strongly so i move my body up and I see a arm with a tattoo

"what a hell are you doing here?" shit the rude boy, what?

"I could ask the same" I answerer him, Lara you have to shut up

"I live here" he looks at me and then he grabs the milk that was on my hands

"I actually need that if you don't mind" I try to grab the milk back but he lifts his arm, correction, he lifts his strong and beautiful arm up, I'm close to him

"I actually need you to leave before I call the cops" he leans into my face, oh crap

"well lucky you, I was invited here" I don't move and i smile to him, I'm so stupid.

"really?" he doesn't move either and he's thinking so it is my perfect moment to have the milk back, i jump and take it from his hand, i succeed and i feel happy for it

he looks surprise and he's ready to take it again "thanks" I say to him and turn back to search a glass

"you're drunk" he says behind me and I'm still opening all the shells in search for the freaking glass, can he just tell me where it is, of course not.

"I am not" I smile because I know I am, but I'm better than some hours ago

"where's Mali?" he asks again, I find the glass and I take it from the shell and turn to him

"bathroom" i say and i look at him, he has a white tank top and some black skinny jeans and he's barefoot, he turns around and he goes in direction where Mali was.

I shrug and I look for something to eat, I look at my phone it's 6:45pm, well I still have fifteen minutes to eat.

I look at the window and I have a great vision for my pool, weird.

I see some papers on the counter but I'm to drunk to read them, there's lots of words so I give a step back, i see food... so grab the cookies that are in front of the papers and I make my way to the leaving room

i sit on the couch and i start to eat some cookies, i turn around because i can hear Mali's voice

"Lara I'm sorry...did Calum bother you ?" she stands in front of me

"oh so that's his name... Calum." I look at the cookies and I give a sip from the glass

"you okay?" she smiles at me

"yes, better... just hangover now " I look at my phone it's seven, I get up

"I have to go... I'll see you tomorrow at school... what do we have together again?" I put my bag on my shoulder

"English, French and sociology the rest I don't have it, I've already done it"

"right... okay, good night then" i open the door and i leave

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