Into The Wolfswood ~ A Game O...

astormofswords द्वारा

3.9K 157 10

Far into the North and deep within the wolfswood forests, surrounded by strong ironwood trees lies Ironwrath... अधिक

Part 1 ~ Isobel
Part 2 ~ Asher
Part 3 ~ Prim
Part 4 ~Rodrick
Part 5 ~ Isobel
Part 6 ~ Asher
Part 7 ~ Rodrick
Part 8 ~ Isobel
Part 9 ~Asher
Part 10 ~ Rodrick
Part 11 ~ Isobel
Part 12 ~ Asher
Part 13 ~ Rodrick
Part 14 ~ Isobel
Part 15 ~ Robb
Part 16 ~ Isobel
Part 17 ~ Isobel
Part 18 ~ Rodrick
Part 19 ~ Asher
Part 21 ~ Rodrick
Part 22 ~ Isobel
Part 23 ~ Robb
Part 24 ~Jakob
Part 25 ~ Asher
Part 26 ~ Robb
Part 27 ~ Rodrick
Part 28 ~ Asher
Part 29 ~ Isobel
Part 30 ~ Rodrick
Part 31 ~ Asher
Part 32 ~ Isobel

Part 20 ~ Isobel

72 4 1
astormofswords द्वारा

A few days earlier: The ceremony was brief and informal. After three cups of wine I was almost numb to this forced wedding. I could hardly say my vows which infuriated Jakob, he had grabbed me and shook me until I could focus. Warning me of how serious times were - and not to test him. Renly was more than pleased. Within minutes, in a road side inn, he paid a traveling septon to wed us and cheered gleefully. Prim thought it oh so exciting and romantic. I knew better. Despite the wine - Renly's intentions were clear. He wanted to be King and he needed a Queen with powerful army and strong resources - Forrester and Ironwood.

He had paid men to witness to his matrimony and spread the word across the kingdom. Claiming he was the rightful King and I his Queen. That night at the inn, we shared a bed. Fortunately he was not interested in THAT way, but he wanted to keep up appearances. So he paid a couple of whores to play on our bed. He wanted to watch - but I closed my eyes hoping this nightmare would end. He had paid them handsomely, and paid guests to say they also knew our marriage had been sanctified by bedding. It was an expensive weekend for Renly.

As the days went on I was still numb to what was going on - Robert dead, Ned Stark a traitor, and dare I think Renly a traitor too. What of my brothers? Would they join Renly? Would the Stark's join Renly? So many questions with nothing but time to answer them. As Queen, Renly paraded me around the encampment, he bought me and Prim shining new dresses and even a crown, and as much as I hated to admit it - I liked the power. King Renly was being kind and generous - he wanted me on his side, not as his enemy. His men bowed to me as they did to him. He even offered me my own Queen's guard, allowing me to pick the strongest warriors, that way I could ensure Prim and my safety. It is true what they say that too quickly power can go to your head, and once you have had a tasty you are hungry for more.

Present: Night was upon us and it was time to feast - His Grace wished to celebrate the joining of our families represented by Asher's arrival. As long as there was wine, Ash was sure to oblige. Another gift from Renly - a long amber and bronze gown, with matching jewellery. I put on my crown as the King had instructed - it was a show of position and power and I was to wear it always. Again, I did not mind and admired myself in the reflection of the mirror.

"Beautiful as ever wife." Renly's voice was smooth, as he sauntered up behind me, gazing at my reflection while leaning his hands on my waist. I closed my eyes, not from disgust but because... I liked his touch! I surprised myself, had it been that long that I was enjoying Renly's company? Or was it the power he was giving me. I leaned back onto his chest, I could feel his breath on my neck, making my hairs stand and my skin prickle. "Just one kiss..." I thought to myself.

Jakob entered and Renly jumped away from me dazed, as if he had been caught stealing.

"Your Graces I am sorry to interrupt" he mumbled, unable to make eye contact.

"Our guests await us my Queen." Renly flashed me a wicked smile as he put his hand out for me to take. I could only grin as we almost skipped out the tent. What had I turned into? Who had I turned into?

Prim and Asher were seated together, they only stopped talking long enough to eat the glorious feast we had prepared. Renly was a gentleman, filling my glass and plate, kissing my hand between conversation and speaking boldly about how lucky he was to have me. Jakob was at the end of the table, not speaking or even watching, but listening to ever word. He looked uncomfortable, not himself at all. Although I hardly knew him anymore.

After dinner, Asher joined myself and the king in our royal tent, wine and stories were shared. We laughed and smiled and I felt at home. We were sitting infront of the fire on pillows and throws. Prim had fallen asleep beside us, unwilling to leave Asher who was petting her hair.

Renly cleared his throat and sat upright "Asher, as fun as you are, I actually summoned you here for business." he sounded serious and almost harsh. Asher nodded at him to go on, taking another swig of his wine.

"If I am going to overthrow the Lannister's I need a stronger army. And as your sisters dowery, I need your support. The Forrester army shall join mine, you and your brother will be Commanders, Asher, and have a seat on the King's Council." Renly was grinning, so pleased with himself. Asher giving nothing away, continued to drink his wine. So Renly continued:

"I need weapons, shields, supplies - I need wood."

"The is plenty wood in the reach." Asher interrupted, sipping his wine.

Renly nodded his head in agreement, smirking to himself.

"I heard a story about a great Norther Warrior, who ended up in a battle with a young Forrestersquire. The warrior was stronger, faster and more talented. But when his sword hit off the young boys shield, it bounced, making no impact. Eventually, exhausted from the fight the warrior retreated, but the boy swung his sword down hard, breaking the warriors shield in half, cutting right through his armour."

"Ironwood" I whispered, the story is a well known tale in the Forrester region.

"Correct my love. I want ironwood Asher."

Asher put down his glass, again his face expressionless, his eyes examined Renly, studying him from head to toe. The silence was deadly, the tension high.

"What about the Stark's" he finally asked. Renly was puzzled, surely this was not related. He shook his head annoyed.

"Do not waste my time with stupid questions boy. I bought your sister, but you have not paid for her." Everything about Renly had changed in an instant. He was no longer kind and considerate. His voice angry and filled with desperation.

"Now for the sake of my Queen, I will apologise for my outburst, Ned Stark believe Stannis to be the true heir to the throne, I believe his son would agree. If they side with Stannis, they are the enemy. End of."

Asher was not expecting such brutality from Renly, as if the evening of fun had been washed away by greed and rage.

"Very well, Your Grace. I accept your terms. Now if you excuse me, I am rather tired."

"Excellent!" Renly behaviour changed again! He was like a child who screamed when his toys were taken away. "I am glad we could reach an accord brother, good night."

Asher rose to his feet, and assisted me to mines. Renly had made his way to the bedroom with no care in the world. I was sick to my stomach, power had poisoned me. I was in danger here, I was Renly's toy. His chess piece. He was using me to fuel his rebellion. He was not my King!

Asher hugged me tight, he could sense my fear and despair. My eyes were hollow with regret and shame. I was so naive to allow Renly to manipulate me with promises and goods. The only comfort I could pull back from my own disgust was that he was spending money faster than he was making it, and in times of war. Which meant he had little to no idea what to do with an army.

"Do not fear sister, we are getting out of here!"

How in the seven hells, did Asher think he could steal a Queen and a Princess?

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