By ratboyroth

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Oh sweet revenge. More

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By ratboyroth

"Jesus. Donny, is that you?" I asked, in complete shock.

"Oh my god, Nancy? What the hell are you doing here? We were told by that english guy that he was meeting Von Hammersmark and some woman called Edith!" Donny cried as he hugged me.

I laughed. "Fake identity, you fucking idiot."

Donny laughed as Aldo looked at the two of us with confusion.

"So y'all know each other then?" He asked us as we nodded.

"We were childhood friends in Boston and then of course, the war came about and he got shipped out here. Then, I made my way over and started doing my thing." I explained as Aldo nodded.

"If none of you have noticed I have been shot so can we please just get me to a doctor!" Bridget cried out.

"Well we cant exactly take you to a hospital, too many damn nazis about." Aldo sighed.

"There's a veterinarian near here." Bridget told him out of desperation.

Aldo nodded. "Alright, that'll have to be where we go. Donny, grab her legs. You, Edith or whatever your name is, go upstairs and get the others." Aldo barked orders at us all.

I sighed as I ran up the stairs and into the dingy abandoned house above the bar and looked at the three soldiers stood around up there. They all looked at me with surprise as I laughed.

"Come on ya idiots. Aldo's taking Von Hammersmark to the vets." I told them as they looked at one another before I disappeared back downstairs.


"Now 'fore we yank that slug outta ya, you need to answer a few questions." Aldo barked at Bridget, who was laying on a metal table in the middle of the vets, surrounded by her own blood that was spilling out of her bullet wound.

"Why isn't she being asked any questions?" Bridget demanded, gesturing to me.

"Because we know that she's trustworthy. She's a friend of Donowitz. Anyway, that's beside the point! I want you to tell me why I've got three men dead back there! Now, why don't you try telling us what the fuck happened?" Aldo yelled at her as she sighed.

"The british soldier blew his german act and the gestapo major saw it."

"Fore we get into who shot John, why did you invite my men to a rendez-vous in a basement with a bunch of Nazis?"

"I can see, since you didn't see what happened inside, the Nazi's being there must look odd."

"Yeah, we gotta word for that kinda odd in English, it's called, suspicious." He spoke, before placing his somewhat grubby finger into her bullet wound, making her scream out in pain.

"You met the sergeant yourself! Willi! You remember him don't you?"

"Yeah I remember him."

"His wife had a baby tonight! His commanding officer gave him and his mates the night off to celebrate. The germans being there was either a trap set by me..or a tragic coincidence!" She explained as she groaned out in pain, clinging to the side of the metal table.

"Jesus Aldo! That's enough, she's telling the truth!" I screeched at Aldo, as he looked at me over his shoulder and took his finger out of her wound, making her gasp out in pain.

"How'd the shooting start?" He asked her.

"The english man gave himself away."

"How'd he do that?"

"He ordered three glasses," She spoke as she held up three fingers, index to pinky.

"We order three glasses like this." She explained as she then held up three fingers, index to thumb, as Aldo nodded.

"Okay, let's pretend there were no Germans, and everything went exactly the way it was suppose to. What would of been the next step?"

"Tuxedos. To get them into the premiere, wearing military uniforms, with all the military there, would of been suicide. But going as members of the German film industry, they wear tuxedos, and blend in with everybody else. I arranged a tailor to fit three tuxedos tonight."

"How did you intend to get them into the premiere?"

"Hand me my purse."

Aldo sighed and grabbed her purse, handing it to her. She then proceeded to open it, and take out four tickets to the film premiere.

"Lt.Hicox was going as my escort. The other two were going as a German cameraman and his assistant. Then Edith, or whatever her actual name is, was going to pretend to be my friend."

"Can you still get us in that premiere?"

"Can you speak German better than your
friends? No. Have I been shot? Yes! I don't see me tripping the light fantastique up the red carpet anytime soon! Least of all by tomorrow night," Bridget spat, before pausing and sitting up slightly.

"However, there's something you don't know. There's been two recent developments regarding Operation Kino. One, the venue has been changed from The Ritz, to a much smaller venue."

"Enormous changes at the last minute? That's not very Germatic. Why the hell is Goebbels doin stuff so damn peculiar?"

"It probably has something to do with the second development."

"Which is?"

"The Fuhrer is attending the premiere."

Donny then broke the silence;

"Fuck a duck!" He exclaimed loudly.

"What are you thinking?" Bridget asked Aldo

"I'm thinking getting a wack at plantin' ole Uncle Adolph makes this a horse of a different color."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked with a heavy sigh.

"It means, you're gettin us in that premiere."

"I'm probably going to end up losing this leg, bye bye acting career, fun while it lasted! How do you expect me to walk the red carpet?"

"Doggie docs gonna dig that slug outta your gam. Then he's gonna wrap it up in a cast, and you gotta good how I broke my leg mountain climbing story. That's German, ain't it? Y'all like climbin mountains, don'tcha?"

"I don't. I like smoking, drinking, and ordering in restaurants, but I see your point."

"We fill ya up with morphine, till it's comin out ya ears. Then just slip your little ass up that rouge car-pet."

"I know this is a silly question before I ask it, but can you American's speak any other language than English?"

Donny looked at Aldo and gestured at the two of them

"We both speak alittle Italian." He informed Bridget.

"With a atrocious accent, no doubt. But that doesn't exactly kill us in the crib. Germans don't have a good ear for Italian. So you mumble Italian, and brazen through it, is that the plan?" Bridget spoke with a scoff.

"That's about it." Aldo concluded

"That sounds good." She replied, a slight smile lying upon her face.

"It sounds like shit, but what else we gonna do, go home?" Aldo laughed.

"No, it's good. If you don't blow it, with that, I can get you in the building. So, who does what?" Bridget asked.

"Well I speak the most Italian, so I'll be your escort. Donowitz speaks the second most, so he'll be your Italian cameraman. And Omar
third most, so he'll be Donny's assistant." Aldo told her.

"I don't speak Italian." Omar spoke up out of confusion.

"Like I said, third best. Just keep your fuckin mouth shut. In fact why don't you start practising now?" Aldo told him as he sighed.

"Wait a damn minute. What am I doing then?" I asked Aldo and Bridget.

"Your job's to take out the main nazi officers, just to make sure we take 'em out so they're guaranteed to be dead if we don't get 'em in the blast." Aldo said.

I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Any officers you got in mind?" I smirked.

The whole room was silent for a moment until one of the basterds spoke up.

"Colonel Hans Landa. The SS one." The voice said as my eyes fell upon the person the voice belonged to.

"Oh jeez, y'all haven't even been introduced yet. Edith or whatever your name is, that's private Smithson Utivich, the one by the dog cages, that's Hirschberg and the one who cannot speak italian, that's Omar." Aldo told me, as both me and Bridget nodded.

I looked at Utivich and smiled.

"Don't worry Utivich, I'll try and get that fuckin' Jew Hunter." I assured him as he smiled.

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