In Too Deep

De HeavenlyDreamerBlog

13.7K 601 309

Meet Lexy. She's heading for a new life in LA, hoping to leave behind traumatic family memories in Louisiana... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 16

332 15 11
De HeavenlyDreamerBlog

Hope you all enjoy this latest chapter. I love getting your feedback, so please let me know what you think of this latest instalment of the Jared, Shannon and Lexy story xxxx

One week later........

I'm counting down the days to Shannon's party and I can feel a knot of dread building from deep inside. For the past few days I've survived on the bare minimum of sleep, either locked in the office with my head buried deep in accounts or – as I am now – pacing around Jared's home, dealing with all the last minute preparations.

"Stop," I shouted, motioning for the electrician to halt work for a moment. "Those lanterns are for outside not in here." I sighed, wondering when someone would listen to my instructions. "Jared wants the smaller lights decorating the kitchen and this area," I pointed to where we were standing in a vast hangar-like area. I could tell he was pissed, so I rushed off, letting him get on with the job.

Everything was coming together but I could feel the stress building as my phone vibrated constantly with questions, demands and people letting me down at the last minute. I huffed as it vibrated once more but decided to let it go.

Instead, I walked towards the sunlight at the back of the house, letting my bare shoulders brush against the cool white walls. It wasn't hot outside but neither was it cold, just a soothing early morning hint of warmth. I made my way to the poolside, gazing at the water and remembering Jared wrapping his shirt around my shoulders. What did he say about me being his to tame? God the guy had some nerve. A sudden breeze sent a shiver through my body and I turned to reach for a blanket on a nearby chair. I sat there cocooned, lost in my thoughts for a precious moment. My phone vibrated again. "Hell fire," I muttered. "Can't I just have a moment's peace." I had two texts, both from Jared. I cursed myself for ignoring the earlier one.

Jared: How's my party planner? Hope everything's working out. Call me back please.

I felt the blood rise to my cheeks, knowing how he felt when I didn't respond to his messages. I clicked on the second text he'd just sent.

Jared: Good to see you're hard at work babe. You look nice and warm there.

I shot out of the seat, the blanket falling from my shoulders and landing in a heap on the ground. I could feel my cheeks burning and was glad my sunglasses hid my sleep-deprived eyes.

Jared was leaning against the door frame, hair tied up in a messy bun while those blue eyes burned holes through me. His lips curled into a smile and I knew he was revelling in my apparent discomfort.

"How long have you been watching me?" I asked, turning to scoop the blanket off the floor, busying myself folding it, avoiding eye contact.

"Long enough Lexy, long enough. I was worried when you didn't call me back as I asked .... " He pushed himself away from the door and padded over, bare feet on the cold paving slabs. I watched him move gracefully, his muscled body just visible under a tight fitting shirt.

He bent over and picked up the blanket I'd just discarded. "Come over here," he motioned to me, holding out the throw. "I can see goosebumps," he smiled, wrapping it tight around me.

"Jared, thanks but I'm OK," I whispered, snaking my arm out and placing it against his chest. I needed some distance between the two of us. My night with Shannon was still too vivid and my emotional attachment to him was growing as fast as I tried to shut it down. "Let's go inside. I'll make you some tea," I suggested, moving to put some distance between us. I hurried back into the kitchen, the blanket now trailing in my wake. I filled the kettle while opening and closing cupboards trying to find cups and plates to prepare breakfast. This was not in the remit of my job but anything to keep myself at arm's length from him.

I raised my head up, sunglasses misting from the steam pouring from the boiling kettle. "I think you'll have to remove them now." The voice came from behind me and I felt his hands slide through my hair, gently pushing the misted spex from my face. "You need 20/20 vision handling something this hot Lexy." I could hear the smirk without even turning round to face him.

"Could we please keep things professional Jared," I pleaded, aware of various people coming in and out of the building (at times it was difficult to call something this large a home). My back was sandwiched against the warmth of his chest as he pressed my hips against the counter top. "Stop," I muttered, pushing back against him to create a little room. "I have a job to do and you're not helping at the moment. Look," I gestured out to the poolside. "Nothing's been set up yet. No lighting because the electrician messed up. They've yet to construct the bar area and I haven't heard from your DJ friend who pissed me off a few weeks ago. So, hands off me."

I stomped off down the hallway but then cursed myself for forgetting he still had hold of my sunglasses. Taking a deep breath, I marched back to the kitchen, holding out my hand. "My glasses."

His eyes held mine, before roaming down my body. "That's no way to ask for something baby girl."

I could feel my cheeks turn pink. "Don't make me beg Jared. Just hand them over and let me go."

"What do I get in return Lexy?"

I took a deep breath and met his gaze. God those blue eyes would be the death of me. "If you're lucky Jared, in return you'll have a party for your brother. But if you continue behaving like you're doing, that's looking less likely by the hour." I held out my hand. "Glasses ... please."


Jared got the message. He knew how important this party was and at last gave me the space I needed. The day was spent in a whirl of details; some small and some so large they were giving me brain-ache after a few hours. The good news was the ambient lighting was sorted. I couldn't wait to see what it looked like when the sun went down. But I wasn't hanging around for that today. I called the office to check on things there. Jess answered, as usual on the first ring. "Hey it's Lex," I giggled, listening to Carrie cursing in the background. "Normal service resumed now she's back in LA then? What's flipped her lid?" I asked, at the same time directing some guy in tattered jeans and a ripped T with a tool box outside. "Sorry Jess, what did you say? I'm talking to you while trying to run a military operation up here." I sat down, propping my back against some cool tiles and spent the next ten minutes catching up on office gossip. A text pinged on my phone and we said our goodbyes with promises to catch up later. I clicked on the message.

Shannon: I miss you x <3

I smiled, realising how much I'd missed hearing his voice and feeling his arms wrapped around me, hugging, soothing and massaging away my worries. I didn't bother returning the text and hit call instead.

"Hey, I miss you too," I whispered as soon as he answered. "Where are you?"

"Home. What about you?"

"Working still. It's been a bit hectic and ... look sorry I haven't called." It'd been a week since we were last together and there hadn't been a waking moment when I hadn't thought back to how our bodies reacted to each other, the sexual spark ignited by promises we'd both made. "Look, I'll be finished in an hour, how about taking me out for a walk somewhere quiet. I need to escape ... with you."

"Who are you escaping with?" The voice was curious. I hadn't heard Jared approaching, so lost was I in my brief conversation with Shannon. "One moment," I whispered, covering the phone with my hand.

"Don't let me stop you Lexy." He crouched down on the floor next to me, his eyes watching as I hid the phone beneath my hand. "Have you something to hide from me baby girl?" A smile curled his lips, watching as I squirmed under his gaze. My cheeks were burning. I gripped the phone. "I'll call you back," I muttered before ending the call and shoving the phone into the back pocket of my jeans.

"Do you think, just for one moment, you could afford me just a degree of privacy." I glared at Jared, who was squatted in front of me, balancing on his toes. "I've finished for today," I continued. "You have a list of things completed, things still to be done. The latter I'll be back to work on tomorrow. Now, Jared, I'm leaving." I pushed myself up from the cool floor, angry that he'd interrupted my chat with Shannon.

"Who were you talking to?" His voice was curious, maybe tinged with a hint of jealousy.

"None of your bloody business." I stomped back into the kitchen where I'd left my bag. I grabbed my car keys and turned to leave. Jared was watching my every move. I knew I'd have to return in the morning, so I closed the distance between us. "I'm tired J," I explained, searching his eyes for a hint of understanding. "I have to go meet someone." Against my better judgement I allowed my lips to brush the corner of his mouth. "I'll see you tomorrow."


"So who is this mystery client?" Shannon watched my reaction closely as he took two bottles of water from the fridge, placing one of them on the breakfast bar in front of me. "Baby girl? That's some term of endearment for a business meeting."

"Shan, it's not what it seems, please listen to me." I took his hand and pulled him closer, close enough to let my fingers trace the outline of the triad tattoo on his neck. "It's a job, that's it. It's a well paid job, the client is demanding and you will understand – soon, I promise." I felt myself holding my breath, refusing to break eye contact until he spoke. I remembered last time we were together telling him there'd be no second chances. The question was, would he give me a second chance?

His hand moved to the nape of my neck, his fingers tangling into my hair. His muscled arms pulled me tight to his chest, my head buried into his shoulder. Then I heard the click of a shutter.

"Stay there, don't move, I love feeling you so close." I knew he was on his phone behind my back.

"Who are you texting Shan?" I tried to swivel round, but he held me tight.

"Nobody, nothing for you to worry about." His lips brushed across my cheek, finding my mouth. "It's been a long time since I felt this way about anyone, so I decided to quash all those rumours about my love life." His tongue traced across my teeth before he nibbled my bottom lip. "I can't believe what I've just done." His hazel eyes were as alive as I've ever seen them. I laughed, feeling a warmth spread through me.

"OK, what have you done?"

He looked away, biting his bottom lip. "I just posted a photo of us on my Instagram account."

Stay tuned for what happens next. It won't be long x 

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