Por freya_alice_02

26.6K 358 39

Just a bunch of random mulitfandom imagines. Requests are [ ] open [ ] too many [X] closed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~... Mais

Random imagines
Request forms
Peter Parker ~ The washing machine
Damon Salvatore ~ "I'm sorry"
Bellamy Blake ~ "Did you enjoy your trip?"
Alec Lightwood ~ "You promised you'd be fine"
Sherlock Holmes ~ " Don't say it so loud!"
Draco Malfoy ~ "Why did you help me?"
Elijah Mikaelson ~ Soulmates ~ Part 1
Elijah Mikaelson ~ Soulmates ~ Part 2
Grayson Dolan ~ Blanket burritos and popcorn
Joe Sugg ~ Breaking the bro code ~ Part 1
Joe Sugg ~ Breaking the bro code ~ Part 2
Noah Centineo ~ Clumsy Thing
Simon Minter ~ The "ultimate winner"
Elijah Mikaelson ~The start of happiness
Tom Harlock ~ Happy tears
Jack Maynard ~ Camera confessions
Kylo Ren ~ Accidentally important
Tony Stark ~ Not your average assistant
Jasper Hale ~ Tour guide
Travis Walker ~ Argumentative
Steve Rogers ~ Trying to teach
Newt Scamander ~ "I think you dropped something"
Alex Earnst ~ Spin the bottle
Skandar Keynes ~ Wanting more
Felix & Demetri Volturi ~ Own descisions
George Weasley ~ Escapees

Prince Caspian ~ Tree climbing?

770 16 0
Por freya_alice_02

Words: 2742

Request: you are Lucy's youngest daughter returning to Narnia roughly 30 years after Lucy and Edmund left in Dawn Treader. Caspian finds you and you both hit it off immediately.


"Uncle Ed, which bush did you say you wanted me to trim again?" You shouted out at him from the back of the garden.

"The one at the very back, next to the Hudson's fence," he yelled back. You nodded your head and went to find the bush.

It was a beautiful summers day in England. You and your mother, Lucy, were staying with your Uncle Edmund and his wife and new child in Cambridge, waiting for the christening. In return you and your mother were helping the new parents out around the house as much as possible, trying to take the stress off them so they could look after your new cousin.

You'd been through lots of Christenings by now, being the second eldest of all of the Pevensie cousins, after Mark, your Uncle Peter's eldest son.

It had been 30 years since Edmund, Lucy and Eustace has returned from Narnia after their voyage on the seas. You had grown up with many stories about Narnia, as you would expect being Lucy's daughter. You were desperately hoping that one day you'd go to Narnia, but you were 18 and afraid you were too old to go.

Eventually you found the huge, untamed bush that your uncle had asked to cut in the very back of the garden. You sighed, preparing yourself for a long afternoon. But as you were trimming it you saw something shining underneath all of the leaves. You put your hand in trying to reach, but couldn't seem to grab it. You fought back the branches and leaves, fighting to see what it was, even pushing your torso into the hedge to find it.

Suddenly you lost your footing and fell into the greenery but your fall seemed to last forever.

It was an odd sensation, your fall. It was like one second you were being scraped by little leaves and then half a second later your fall was being broken by larger leaves and big branches and your fall was oddly very long.

You landed with a large thump after you broke through the leaves and fell through the air for a second or two. You groaned in pain, as you sat yourself up, but stranger still was not that you had fall into a bush, but that the bush was no longer there. In fact you were sitting on open grass, underneath what appeared to be a very weird tree.

You sat befuddled on the grass for a while before you got up, inspecting your surrounds. How strange. You Uncle Edmund's garden was completely gone. Now you were met with large trees and to your left, just outside the tree line, a large field of grass lay before a medieval looking castle.

You were so surprised you stumbled back and fell onto your bum with your mouth wide open, in too much shock to register the sound of footsteps approaching.

"Hello, are you alright?" A male voice said to the side of you. You looked up in surprise to see a man with shoulder length, brown hair and bronzed skin. He was offering you his hand to help you up but you could barely register what was going on. Eventually you came to your senses and grabbed his large hand and he pulled you to your feet.

"Thank you very much, sir," you said. He was looking at you strangely, almost like he knew something you didn't.

"Sorry, but, do I know you from somewhere? You look awfully familiar," he asked with a deep, kind voice. You blushed under his gaze, noticing how handsome he was.

"Uhh, no. I'm not from around here. At least I don't think I am, that is," you replied. He still looked at you with a curious expression as he gestured for you to walk with him.

"Where are you from then?" He asked gently, looking at your features still. He could see familiarity in your face but couldn't place where from.

"Well, I'm originally from Kent but I'm staying with family in Cambridge for my cousin's christening," the words spilled from your mouth as you spoke of you family, the handsome man looked at you confused. Where and what were Cambridge and Kent?

"I'm sorry but I don't think I ever got your name," he hinted.

"I'm (y/n), and you?" you asked in return.

"Oh, it's Caspian, my lady," he said sweetly, bowing his head towards you.

Caspian. It sounded familiar to you now. Where had you heard of someone called Caspian before? It hit you like a car at full speed making you stop in your tracks, looking at the handsome man with wide eyes.

"You're Caspian?! You're the KING Caspian?! The one who saved the Narnians and the one who helped destroy the evil mist?!" You exclaimed. Caspian nodded unsurely at you sudden realisation, confused why this was so important. You turned your back to him, looking at the strange trees you were walking underneath, and the luscious green grass and then the castle beyond with mountains behind it.

"Narnia!" You laughed disbelievingly, "I'm in Narnia!"

"Yes, this is Telmar... Is everything alright my lady?" Caspian asked gently, stretching out a hand.

You looked back at the King with glee and happiness in your eyes. You couldn't believe you were here, in Narnia, the place you'd heard so much about. All of the stories your mother had told you, all the things Peter, Ed and Susan would say. All of them were true. Narnia was really real and you were there to experience it.

"Everything Mum, Ed, Peter and Sue told me was really true!" you yelled out in excitement. Caspian looked at you with wide eyes as well now.

"You know the Kings and Queens of Old? You're from their land?" Caspian questioned with excitement.

"Yes! Yes I'm from England! In fact, I'm Lucy's daughter!" You smiled in delight. Your grin was infectious and Caspian couldn't help but smile widely at the beautiful stranger in front of him.

"Lucy has a daughter now? Goodness that's incredible. I did say you looked familiar," he grinned at you, awed by your beauty.

You and Caspian continued to talk of Narnia and England and your family whilst walking back to the castle. He was the perfect gentleman. Listening carefully to you, hanging onto your every word as you spoke, but then replying with his own intuitive words. When you got back to the castle he held open all of the doors for you, letting you take his arm when you were too busy staring at the gorgeous Narnian architecture around you to see where you were going.

During your exclusive tour with the King, he politely offered to lend you a dress which had been your mother's when she was last here. It was beautiful, the bodice intricately decorated with golden silk thread and the red material of the skirt rested on the floor as the burgundy train trailed behind you. The mirror in front of you showed a young woman with long (h/c) hair and sparkling (e/c) eyes which were surrounded by your many freckles.

"You look so much like your mother in her dress, you know?" Caspian said gently, watching as you jumped despite his kind tone as he walked up to you. You could see him smiling behind you in the mirror before you.

"I don't see it. I guess I never did see her when she wore dresses like this," you responded, blushing whilst nervously fiddling with the hem between the bodice and the skirt, "Is it bad that I look like her?"

"No!" Caspian quickly said. He let out a nervous cough to cover up his sudden words, "I think you look most beautiful, (y/n)," he complemented quickly, his mistake soon forgotten as a fierce blush covered your cheeks.

"Shall we continue to the rest of the castle, my lady?" Caspian offered, holding out his arm for you to take. You gladly took it, picking up your large pleats in your skirt as you walked out of the small room.

"This is the throne room," Caspian explained with a smile, desperately hoping you'd like it as much as the rest of the castle of Telmar. Your lips parted in awe, it was beautiful with high walls and tall pillars holding the roof up. There was a long, red carpet rolled out from the door leading up to the thrones in front of the stained glass windows.

Two thrones though. If Caspian was King who was the other chair for? The last you knew he was queen-less according to Uncle Ed. But how many years has passed since your mother and family were here? Time was different in England compared to Narnia.

"How long has it been since my mum, Ed and Eustace left Narnia?" You asked quietly, suddenly shy and scared that you'd misinterpreted Caspian's actions. He was king after all, he had to be nice to people.

"Just over a year, I believe. Why do you ask, (y/n)?" He replied with another sweet smile. You felt unsure of how to respond. Could he have found a queen in a year and married her? You didn't know the beliefs of Narnia. The people in England would sometimes date for years and years before they got married.

"Oh, no reason," you said trying to make it seem as nonchalant as possible.

"Is that your throne?" You quickly asked effectively changing the topic, instead directing your discussion towards the thrones.

Caspian's smile was proud and you could tell he'd worked very hard for his title. He straightened his back and nodded with another heart-melting smile. Those smiles kept making your knees all wobbly.

He placed a hand in the top of his throne and looked at all of the intricate golden patterns and pictures on it with pride flowing from his skin. You stood next to the other throne and looked at it carefully.

It was obviously not as large as Caspian's throne, meant for a woman's smaller figure. But it was the beautifully detailed images that caught your attention most. The top of the throne was carved with a tree much like one of the Narnian trees you'd seen outside, and there was a crown floating above it with rays of light coming from it that almost seemed to shine. Then on the main body was a story delicately engraved into the gold. It showed several images of a beautiful woman with long hair in different carvings. The largest image was of the woman sitting on the floor of a forest, looking up at the trees above her.

You looked up at Caspian with a curious face to see him looking back at you intrigued.

"And this throne?" You asked carefully, whilst stroking the arm which had the carving of a lion head at the end. Aslan.

"That is meant for the Queen of Telmar," Caspian said gently, trying to see your reaction but you'd covered your face by your long hair, flushed pink under his intense gaze. He reached his hand out and pushed your hair behind your ear, wanting to see your face. He was so intrigued by you.

You had mysteriously fallen from the trees, a strange girl from a strange land who had caught his eye immediately. You were even a relative of the Pevensie's, Lucy's own flesh and blood. He'd never seen a woman so beautiful in all honesty. Even Lilliandil, the blue star wasn't as stunning as you. Your skin was sun-kissed from your summer in the garden, and your blue eyes were alluring and curious just like your mother's, but they had something else in them that intrigued Caspian so much.

You blushed furiously when he moved your hair, bending his head down to reach your eye level. His knuckles briefly brushed over your cheekbone as he spoke.

"I haven't quite found my queen yet," he said and your heart sunk a little bit, "But I'm quite sure she's very, very close," Caspian said with a tender smile and warm chocolate brown eyes. Your cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of scarlet as his insinuation made you dizzy with the very idea of Caspian. You coughed awkwardly, trying to gain some composure over your quick breathing.

"They were a gift from Aslan the day that you mother and the others left after taking back Telmar from my uncle. He said that everything would soon become clear, though I still don't understand," Caspian explained, retracting his hand after your awkward cough.

"You can sit on it if you like," he offered, seeing your eyes trail over the designs of the throne in front of you. Your head snapped up having heard him say that, your face full of excitement and curiosity. He gestured to the golden chair with a smile as you stepped in front of it with glee.

You suddenly paused before sitting down. Were you allowed to do this? He had said you could but you weren't anything special. You were just plain old (y/n) from Kent.

"You are a princess by birth right, you know?" Caspian said gaining you attention. Your head snapped to his with wide eyes. Your lips curved into a smile as it dawned upon you. You a Princess? It was almost unreal. You were expecting to be woken up by you mum any second in the bed in Cambridge, waiting for the christening again. Caspian again gestured to the golden throne and watched you slowly and cautiously sit down.

It didn't physically feel any different but the gleaming grin that had planted itself in your face told Caspian otherwise. His lips caught your infectious smile and looked down at you admiringly. You turned your head to see everything around you, soaking in every detail like a sponge. You turned every way

"How do you see the things behind you?" You asked curiously, trying to look around the back of the throne.

"You don't, is the answer unfortunately," Caspian looked at you with an adoring smile and let out a breathy laugh.

"Shame, the stained glass windows are gorgeous. I'd love to see them everyday if I could," you exclaimed with a sigh.

"Maybe you could."

"Pardon me?" You asked gently, turning around in the throne. Your expression was confused but something just seemed so right, you just couldn't place what it was.

"Excuse me, (y/n), I meant no offence," Caspian apologises quickly, turning away in embarrassment.

You quickly stood up and gently held onto his wrist, very effectively stopping him and making him turn back around with a small tug.

"I'm not offended, at all, I apologise if I came of as anything but surprised. I just- Why me? Why me out of all of the beautiful women in Narnia?" You asked quietly with curious (e/c) eyes. Caspian looked deeply into your orbs and studied them, seeing small flecks in the middle.

"Because, why not you? You are beautiful and charming and funny and smart and- and now you're making my words tumble out of my mouth without consent. I don't understand what I'm feeling, it has only been a day, if that. But i can't help but feel like this is meant to be. Like we're meant to be," Caspian explained looking intensely into your orbs, capturing you in his melted chocolate irises.

"Really?" You asked perplexed.

"Really," he confirmed with a determined smile.

"Well, maybe seeing those windows every morning won't be so bad at all," you said with a cheeky smile, Caspian's face lighting up immediately.

Feelings of excitement and joy bubbled in your stomach as Caspian leaned closer to your face. Your eyes fluttered closed as his lips met yours in a gentle but world shattering kiss. It didn't last long but it was enough to make you feel weak at the knees and for Caspian to put his large hands on your hips.

"I think I like Narnia a lot more actually being here," you remarked, a sweet laugh falling from your mouth as Caspian looked down at you with a smile equally as bright.

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