The Greatest and Worst Month...

By misunderstood_mayhem

68K 2.9K 786

Loki likes to work by himself, but the captain is forcing him to have a partner. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 4

5K 180 110
By misunderstood_mayhem

On Friday, Thor knocks on my front door and I open it "You told me Friday, it's Friday." I let him in and walk towards my closet to pull out a shirt, blazer, and tie.

"My fault, I lost track of time in the shower." I sigh as I button my shirt and pull on my shoes. As I grab all of my shit, I sigh "How about donuts today?"

By the time we walk into the donut shop, I tuck in my shirt and the little Asian woman gives Thor a bag and a cupholder with two coffees. I wave to her and we're out the door.

As he drives, I continue to get dressed. By the time we park, my hair is greased back and I wear an all black suit.

When we sit down at our desks, he hands me three donuts and takes the other three, before holding up two gigantic sausage rolls "What are these?"

I gasp and take one "These used to be my favorite, but they stopped making them!" As I start to eat mine, Natasha walks in with a weak smile "Hi darling."

She gives an odd look, before asking "Are you okay?" I nod and she frowns "It's just, you're usual not okay for awhile after..."

"I'm fine." I nod, before looking to Thor "Thor came by on Wednesday, and we talked about stuff. Really helped."

Natasha looks to Thor, then to me, before nodding "Well, you still have to talk to Banner... he'll be here in an hour."

She starts to walk away, but grabs Barton by the collar and pulls him into the Captain's office.

"What exactly is this?" Thor asks, holding up the sausage roll "It smells spicy."

"Jalapeno and cheese." I state and he bites into it, nodding in approval, causing me to smile "You like it?"

"That's good." He nods, before drinking his coffee, before swiveling around in his chair and tossing the balled up paper bag into the trash, only it doesn't make it, and he stands up to go get it.

When he bends over, his pants rip and I burst out laughing. He looks back to me with a fake frown "You're a goofball!" I laugh and he hangs his head.

"Do you mind running out to my car to grab my backpack?" he asks and I take his keys "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." I sigh. When I get back from the car, I find Barton, Rominoff, Steve, Tony, and Bruce stare at me "What?"

I hand Thor his backpack, as Banner sighs "You know what we gotta do. In my office, please."

With a sigh, I walk into the office and he shuts the door behind me. When he sits, he clears his throat "The third anniversary was on Wednesday."

I give a short nod, before explaining "It was rough, the first day I was out. But Thor showed up and we had a little thing for Fin."

Banner gives a shocked look, before asking "What did you two do, to memorialize Fenris?"

"We ate cupcakes and candy, and watched the movies Fenris loved. Like, we watched Harry Potter. Thor fell asleep during the second one." I smile.

"So you like your new partner?" Banner asks and I give a short nod "Where did he sleep, and where did you sleep?"

"He slept on the couch, and I slept in bed." I frown, before hissing "Just because I'm getting along with someone, doesn't mean I'm sleeping with him!"

"Okay, I understand." Banner nods, before leaning forward "Then let's talk about the UC assignment. How do you feel about that?"

I lick my lips and shrug "I'm fine." He gives a doubting look and I remind "I knew I wasn't going to get hurt."

He gives a short nod, before sighing "You're free to go."

When I walk out into the bullpen, I find Thor has changed into his new pants "Are you good?"

"Peachy." I sigh, before sitting in my seat and continuing with my breakfast "Thor?" I ask as he types away on his computer. He hums in recognition, and I ask "Are we too friendly?"

He shakes his head "I don't think so." he looks to his computer, before remembering something and looking at me "My mom is in town, she wants to meet up for lunch. You're coming with."

"Okay." I sigh, before continuing with my paperwork, when the captain walks out of his office "Is your mum from Australia?"

"She's English." Thor states, taking a bite of a donut "She loves everything British. She'll love you."

"Coming over to mine for dinner?" I ask and he shrugs "Is your mum going to be here for dinner?" he shakes his head and I sigh "Fast food?"

"Sounds good to me." he smiles, before looking to his computer as Steve stops next to our desks.

"Listen, we have a new case, but I don't want you on it..." I give an odd look and he sighs "Someone is poisoning terminally ill children..."

"I'm working this case." I insist and he starts to argue "No, I know most of the medical personal in the childrens hospital. If we sideline me, you'd be moronic!"

Steve sighs, before shaking his head "Fine, but if I tell you to stop, you stop, understand?" he asks and I nod "Get to the hospital. Compile a list of people new and suspicious."

"You got it." I sigh, before grabbing my phone and looking to Thor "Come on, before another kid is hurt."


At the hospital, I hug Gamora and give a weak smile "I'm sorry to be here under these circumstances, but I need your help."

"What do you need?" She asks, crossing her arms in front of her.

"We need a list of everyone who has access to his floor, and a list of everyone who used their cards to get in, and out in the past two days."

After an hour, she gives me photocopies of the cards and a list of everyone who works there "Thank you." I smile.

"How are you?" she asks and I look at her blankly "Fenris, was only three years ago that he..."

"I'm doing alright." I nod, before shaking my head "Here recently, I've been trying to remember his laugh, but I just can't."

"I'm the same with Groot. I can't seem to remember his laugh anymore..." she shakes her head, before frown "I can only seem to remember the sound of the heart monitor, when we took him off life support..."

"It's hard." I nod, before sighing "This morning, I woke up, expecting him to be jumping on the bed. I ended up laying in bed for an hour, crying my eyes out over the fact that he's never going to grow up to be the man I saw he would be."

She nods, before sighing "Thanos is at bitch, man."

I nod, silent, before clearing my throat "I'm sorry, but we should be getting back to the station."

"See you later?" she asks and I nod, before giving a short hug, and leading Thor out the door.

"I didn't know that that's why you were late this morning." he states and I shrug "What's Thanos?"

"After he..." I sigh, and gulp "I joined a support group, for parents who lost kids by unnamed birth defects or diseases. We used Thanos as a word for the disorders our children lost their battles with."

"Gamora was in the support group?" he asks and I nod "What was wrong with Groot, if I may ask?"

"He had an autoimmune disease." I sigh, before explaining "Once he could no longer digest food, his body starts eating his brain, as if it was a fat reserve."

"Really?" he asks and I give a short nod, before we sink into silence. And we stay that way, until we get to the precinct.

As I brush past Steve with the papers, he frowns "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." I grovel, before walking towards the copier and printing a copy of all the papers from the hospital.

When I get back, I stuff the copies into my bag and pin the originals to a corkboard "Who's looking good?" Barton asks as I sit down at my desk.

"Captain?" I ask and he looks to me "I can't be on this case." I state, looking down at my desk in false defeat.

He looks to Thor "Take him home. Come back after you see your mom."

The whole ride home, Thor is silent. When we park outside my flat, he sighs "I'm sorry if I pushed you..."

"You didn't." I sigh, before looking at him "Tell the captain I'll come back to the force when this is solved."

Before he can respond, I'm out the door. When I get to my flat, I pull out the papers and tape them over my windows. When I log into my police account, I sigh "Let's do this."

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