Chapter 7

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As we walk down the steets of queens, his arm drapes over my shoulder and I lean into him "Question." he frowns and I look up to him "What do you think would happen if we stay together?"

I shrug as we walk into a diner "We would be separate in one way or another. Either we're involved, and in different precincts, or partners in SVU, and single."

We sit on opposite sides of a booth and he frowns "Well, I don't want either of those." He declares.

"The world is not a wish granting factory." I sigh, before picking up a menu "A terminally ill boy taught me that."

He nods, softly, before sighing "My father taught me that, as well." I give him a questioning look and he shakes his head "My dad, chemo isn't working anymore."

"Did you're mum tell you that?" I ask and he nods, flipping the page "Thor, there's radiation. Maybe he won't have to loss his sight."

"The world is not a wish granting factory." he replies, before glancing up to me "They already scheduled the surgery." he shrug, before declaring "I figured it would happen, anyway. It's fine."

After a moment, I stand and sit on his side of the booth. When I take his hand, he raises it to kiss the back of mine "What was that for?"

"Because I wanted to." he gives a weak smile, before asking "What movie do you want to go to?"

I shrug, before an idea pops into my head "How about, we go to the cinema, and watch the shittiest looking movie there."

"Why would we do that?" he asks as the waitress walks over to us. We order quickly, before I explain.

"There's more seats, and we can sit where we'd like." I shrug and lean into him "Maybe it will be good?"

He smiles down at me, before kissing my tenderly "Maybe we'll be alone." I scoff at him and he bites his lip "Maybe I'll bring in a blanket."

"We're definately bringing in a blanket." I declare, before explaining "I get cold."


As I bundle up in my chair, Thor wraps his arm around me and kisses my forehead "You're overly affectionate today." I frown.

"If this is our last night together, I wish it to be overly affectionate." he replies, before sliding his fingers into my hair and scratching.

When he stops, I hand him the popcorn and lean into him. I hear something hit the ground and frown "What was that?"

"My phone." he sighs, before whispering "I'll pick it up after the movie. Don't worry about it." he insists.

The movie goes by with Thor and I snacking, and a screech from me, when Thor unexpectedly gripped my side.

All in all, the movie sucked arse. When Thor looks under his seat for his phone, it's ten feet away "That's odd." he frowns.

"It probably just slide or something." I state, before sighing "What do you want to do next?" I ask.

"How about we go back to your place and watch a movie?" he asks and I shrug.


When we walk into my flat, it's dark out. Four photos are taped to the wall, and I sigh "I'm thinking, maybe it was Mantis."

"Why is that? You haven't even talked to her." Thor reminds, before pulling off his jacket and tossing it on the couch, before retrieving a glass of water and sitting it on my side table.

"The kid had brain cancer. She tries to make others feel better. Maybe she wanted to stop his pain." I speak, depressingly.

"I thought you were taking a break from the case." He state and I glare at him as if looks could kill "It's not good for you to be on this case."

"Well, I'm working it!" I hiss, before remark "Rather the captain wants me to or not!"

I look back to the windows, before he asks "Why are you so invested in this case?" when I look to him, he reminds "Whatever happens on this case, wouldn't bring Fenris back."

"You think I don't know that?" I scream, as he picks up him water glass "Why the fuck would you care? I'll be transferred, and we'll stop talking!"

"Do you want that?" he asks, a pissed look on his face "If you want me gone, I'm out the door! Because it's our relationship, or our jobs!"

"I'm not making that choice!" I hiss and he groans, before I scream out "You're the one who has to choose between me being your boyfriend, or your partner!"

He tosses his glass back and it shatters when it hits right below a window "I don't want to make that choice!"

"How about I'm neither?" I spit he his face goes hurt and I give a nasty sneer "If you refuse to make that choice, then don't make it! Get out!" I step towards him and hiss "Never, talk about my son!"

He huffs in anger, before declaring "So what? Is this just over? Do I just walk out and pretend last night didn't happen?"

"If that's what you want." I state, before looking at him "Either grow a pair and say you want to be with me, or act professional at work, or I transfer to somewhere else, and we don't speak."

"I choose you!" he declares, stepping forward and trying to hold my face, only to be slapped away as I growl at him to get off. He backs away and sighs "Loki, I want you to be my boyfriend and my partner!"

"That can't happen!" I screech, before demanding "Get out of my flat!" He holds strong and I push him back "If the captain finds us together, he will have our badges!"

He growls in anger, before hissing "Once this case is over, you won't be talking like this! It's the kids."

"No, it's the fact that children are dying and nobody seems to give a shit if it's murder, because the kids already have death sentences!" I hiss, before pushing him back "You don't care!"

"I care!" he screams, before gripping my shoulders and shaking me "But you're to attached to this case!"

I push him back and growl "So now you're telling me that I shouldn't be a cop?"

He sighs "That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying you should take this case on the sidelines."

"No, you're saying I shouldn't be working!" I hiss, before shaking my head "Don't worry, I'm quitting! Because I'm not a detective, anymore! Just like I'm not a parent, anymore!" I cry out, before turning my back to him.

He sighs, before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around me. He whispers in my ear "Just because he's not here anymore, doesn't mean that you're not a father. You'll always be a dad."

I lean back against him and cry out "I miss him!" He hums to try and calm me "It's not fair! Why did he have to die?"

"I know it's unfair." he whispers as he sways us gently "We don't have to talk about this today. Let's go to bed."

He releases me and starts to unmake the bed, as I walk over to the shattered glass and start picking up the pieces.

When I cut myself, I gasp and he turns around "Don't worry about that. I'll pick it up." he walks over and helps me up, before frowning "We better clean that up, first."

He leads me into the bathroom and pulls out my alcohol and medical bandages. After he's done, he sits me in bed and grabs the broom.

In silence, he sweeps up the glass and sits it aside, before walking over to the bed and pulling off his shoes and pants. He sits his phone on the window seal and slides into bed with me.

When I lay down, he pulls me closer to him and whispers "Loki, I'll ask for the transfer. You don't have to go anywhere."

I shake my head, before whispering "Two precincts in a week. What will people think?" I ask.

"That I was sleeping with my partner." he scoffs, brushing a loose locke out of my face "I don't care what they think."

He reaches over and turns off the light, before I whisper to him "Good night, Thor." as I pull his hair loose.

He does the same with mine, and weaves his hands into it, before resting his forehead on mine "Good night."

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