Deathly Endings [#5]

By Slytherinwitch13

194K 9.2K 1.5K

The War has officially begun. After the realization that Draco was in fact a Death Eater, Carlie is left hear... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Nineteen Years Later
Final Author's Note

Chapter One

20K 456 128
By Slytherinwitch13

If you click on this & start reading...well you'll be confused because this is book 5/5! The first one is called The Golden Emerald. So please check that out.

Okay, I'm going to try not to make this A/N long... but it's the very last 'first' author's note I'll be writing for this series. How sad. Can't believe I'm on the final book! & honestly three years ago, I didn't even think I'd finish the first one. Well, I hope you've enjoyed it so far & thanks for sticking with it all the way up to here! dedication goes to you all.

Disclaimer for story: JK Rowling is the amazing author of Harry Potter & owns everything you recognize. I really wish I was her, because that would mean that I am a genius.

Chapter One:

July was coming to an end. Tomorrow is the first of August which meant I would be attending the wedding of Bill and Fleur. When I left Hogwarts last year I officially moved in with Jake. His apartment was protected by enchantments to keep us safely hidden from the Death Eaters. Unfortunately due to the location in the big city, we rarely got outside. The only air I ever got was when I went out on the tiny enchanted balcony we had. Yet in a crowded city, you could hardly call that 'fresh air'. After moving in with Jake I tried to push all the bad memories aside. Draco would become a part of my past. I didn't want to think about him or ever see him again after what he has done.

The Order wanted us to remain safe and hidden from the Death Eaters. So on our free time, Jake taught me a variety of spells that would come in handy if there was a battle. Jake was a great trainer, just like how Harry was a few years ago with Dumbledore's Army. Dumbledore popped into my head again. What were we going to do without him? Harry surely seemed lost at the memorial a few months ago. Dumbledore was the only person alive that the Dark Lord feared, and now there was no one to get in his way. Except for, well, Harry. Unfortunately, I don't even think Harry knew exactly what he was going to do about it yet.


Every day was the same. I had my own small room on the other side of the apartment. It was the same routine every morning. We'd wake up and train. Then eat and then train some more. Most of the time I just learned the names of the spells, because if we used too much magic the Death Eaters may find our location. I couldn't write to anyone because of the protection spell but that was fine with me. The less everyone knew, the better. Jake and I were back to our friendly relationship. I loved our friendship. Yet there were a few nights where we questioned if we were simply friends.

  One night we decided to call our training quits for the rest of the day. We were sitting by the television watching a muggle movie. At this time, only two weeks have passed since we left Hogwarts and I was adjusting to living a primarily 'muggle' life. I didn't know the name of this movie, but it was absolutely hilarious. Jake was good with knowing muggle stuff. I was actually rather impressed with these small and flat rectangles that created live stories for you. It was fantastic and the first time I laughed in a while. "It's nice to see you laugh," Jake said turning and looking at me. He reminded me of those characters I saw on the television, the ones that all the girls went crazy for. In a strange way, muggle's had the right idea, because the girls at Hogwarts went crazy over him as well.


I hadn't realized how close we were sitting at the moment. Then Jake began leaning in and I knew what he was doing. He kissed me, and I didn't pull back from him. I never gave him a chance before, but ten seconds into it I knew that nothing was really there. We didn't have that spark everyone spoke of, and when he pulled back away from me I knew he felt the same. It wasn't like when I kissed Draco...which I hated to think about. With him I actually felt something, with Jake it was nothing. "I just had to see..." Jake began saying and I nodded in agreement.


"Me too," I answered and we left it at that. I knew deep down, we both had liked each other at different times, but it wasn't that kind of love. I did love him as a best friend. We would always just be friends and I was okay with that. Love messed with your mind, I didn't want that anymore.


Now that August was almost here I have completely adapted to this lifestyle. It was late at night and I was trying to sleep in my small twin bed, but couldn't stop looking out the window. Technically it wasn't that late, it was around eight at night and I couldn't believe how tired I was. Our training session was hard today. Monique has been coming over a lot. She and Jake were officially together. He should have known that all along, they were perfect for each other. You could tell just by the way they looked at one another. Monique was one of Fleur's bridesmaid's, so she has been in town a lot lately and she was Jake's date to the wedding. I didn't want a date, and didn't even want to think about it at the moment.

The next morning we woke and Jake got us breakfast. I have seriously grown to love muggle iced coffee. There was a shop right below our apartment. So many different flavors with a big boost of caffeine, it was just perfection. We ate and then got ready. I used a quick makeup and hair spell. My hair was pulled up with curls, sort of how I had it for the Yule ball, and I had makeup to match my dress. My dress was a maroon color and it was tight fitting, but very suitable for a wedding. I had about one inch white heels and then I walked out to meet Jake. Flashbacks of the Yule Ball came into my mind when I saw him standing there in his tux. He smiled at me, "I'm going to have to watch out for you. I've heard the Weasley's have about twenty boy cousins," he said and I shook my head with a laugh.


"Monique's not going to be able to keep her eyes off of you," I said to him with a smile. My wand was kept in a pocket in my dress and wasn't noticeable at all. "Should we get going?" I looked over at the clock, it was around twelve and I slept in that day. The wedding wasn't starting for a few hours but we had to get there early to get seats and catch up with everyone.


"After you," Jake said opening the door to his small apartment. People were passing by us. There were so many out here today. I couldn't help but be a bit paranoid if any of them were Death Eaters and were watching us. No, I couldn't think like that. An old woman passed by us and smiled.

            "What a lovely couple," she said and continued walking. Jake and I shared a look and a smile as we walked. We couldn't apparate from inside the apartment with the Ministry being taken over by Death Eaters. They'd be able to trace it back to Jake's apartment and know where he resided. So we were going to walk to the park and then apparate from the woods. I was getting frustrated walking in these heels. Jake keep making fun of me as if I was going to fall. Once we arrived at the woods, we walked deep into them. People probably thought it looked sketchy all dressed up and walking into the woods, but we'd be gone in about a second.


"Hold on tight," Jake said offering me his arm and I took it as we apparated. I hated this feeling, I felt sick when we hit the ground and the fact that I had to now balance in heels was going to be fun. There was a protection around the Weasley's house, so we had to apparate a little father off and then walk up to the house. "You okay?"


"Oh, great." I put my hand to my head where the headache was but at least it was fading quickly. People were already there as we walked down the pathway, I guess we came at the perfect time. It was set up very nicely. There was a beautiful large white tent with exotic flowers set up all over the place. There was a dance floor and tables covered in white cloth, it was stunning really.


"Welcome!" Mrs. Weasley said as she approached us and hugged us both. "Glad you could make it." I never knew what Mrs. Weasley thought about me. I know she used to like me. Ginny hated me and Mrs. Weasley knew that I had helped Draco, but maybe she had put it all behind her like I have done with last year. "Jake, Monique has been asking for you. She's on the second floor." Mrs. Weasley smiled and then went to greet more guests.


"Better go see her," Jake said turning to me with a smile. "I'll save you a seat at the wedding." I nodded as he walked off. Once he disappeared, I realized how awkward I actually felt being here. I didn't know where these people think I stood. A few people were giving me simple smiles while a few others were looking at me curiously. I didn't blame them, a Death Eater's daughter.


Thinking about this was only making it worse, so I just wanted to smile and let them know I wasn't going to summon the Death Eaters or anything. One of the Weasley's relatives gave me a death glare and muttered something cruel under her breathe. Ron's told me about her many times. He said she was bitter and nasty so I ignored her comment. I was here to just enjoy the wedding and see a few people I haven't got to talk to in a while. "CARLIE!" Someone yelled and I was embraced in a hug, almost being knocked over in my heels.


I turned to see it was Veronica. "Nica!" I replied equally as excited and turned to hug her. "I missed you," I said. "I wish we got to see each other earlier! What's been going on?" I stepped back to see she was dressed in a light blue dress which was exceptionally pretty. Her blonde hair was curled and left down giving her a natural look.

We walked and took seats over at a small table off to the corner, neither of us seemed to know many other people. "It's been...great really," she smiled at me and I was glad to hear it. "Fred and George's shop was dead all summer but we got progress done. For the past two weeks, I've been here though. I've been helping Mrs. Weasley with everything." I nodded, sounded like she was having fun. "And, I met someone."


"Who?" I asked curiously.


"His name's Sonny," she explained. "He's a Weasley, he came around the same time I did and he was so kind. We literally have spent every day together."


"That's great Nica," I said to her smiling. "Hey, have you seen anyone from school here? Like Harry, Ron, or Hermione?" she nodded.


"Yeah actually Hermione is inside somewhere with Ginny, helping her get ready." I couldn't say I was psyched to see Ginny, but of course I'd be friendly because it was her house. "Ron is with Bill, he's one of the groomsmen. That's Harry over there," she pointed to a small red haired boy who looked like he was only thirteen.


"What?" I asked but then didn't have to ask. "Polyjuice potion..." Veronica smiled and nodded. "So what has..." I went to ask her what was going on but then the wedding was about to begin. Everyone was quickly taking their seats. "We'll catch up later?" She smiled and nodded, she went to go find Sonny and I went to go find Jake.


The wedding ceremony wasn't long, but was definitely something that would be glued in my mind forever. They looked so happy together, as if they were the only two in the entire room. How they could do that in the midst of a war, I'll never know. It was sweet though. Everyone was applauding and looking happy. The cheerfulness uplifted my mood. The bridesmaid's dresses were beautiful, they were light pink and Monique looked very pretty. Jake seemed to be smiling at her the whole time. I hope they were happy together.


By the time it was over and the food was served, it was getting dark out. My table was Jake, Monique, Veronica, Sonny, and I. I felt as if I was imposing on them, but they didn't mind. Sonny was very cute, I could see why Veronica liked him so much. It seemed like everyone around me was in love, I don't think I'd ever be in love. "I'll be right back," I said to them and they nodded.


I went to go find Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I haven't talked with them in a while and I spotted Harry. Luna passed by me and smiled, she was with her father and she waved to me. They were dancing quite strangely, it was actually amusing. That's when I spotted the tiny red haired boy who I knew was Harry. "Hey," I said smiling at him and then he looked up at me.


"Carlie," he said looking up at me. "You know who it is?" I nodded and took a seat next to him. "How is everything for you?" Hermione and Ron weren't anywhere to be seen, but I was glad to speak with Harry. It was rather smart of him to disguise himself. I saw something about him being 'wanted' in the paper.


"Alright," I answered with a shrug. "I've been practicing a lot of new spells. What about you though? I feel like I've missed everything. I heard about George's ear." Jake left to help deliver Harry safely to the Burrow one night, and I had to stay back by myself in complete worry. When he got back, he told me all about how Snape took George's ear left off. Harry told me a bit more about what was going on before Ron and Hermione came over to us, they both were dressed very nicely. We all got to talk for a bit but they seemed distracted, like they were looking for someone.


Harry excused himself and rushed over to some old man I have never seen before, but whatever he was doing had to be important. I even noticed Viktor Krum was here and dancing with a few of Fleur's Veela friends. Hermione and Ron went to dance, and again I was alone. Hermione and Ron made a cute couple. I wonder if they knew that. Looking around, Fleur and Bill were also dancing. I couldn't help but be jealous of what they had, at the rate I was going I would never have that. "Dance with me?" someone asked and I turned to see Jake. I smiled.


"Would Monique mind?" I asked, I didn't want to impose at all.


"Of course not," he replied pulling me up and walked out onto the floor to dance. I put my arms around his neck as we danced slowly to the music. "Everything is going to be okay, you know?" We rocked back and forth to the music. "With this war and all."


"I hope so," I replied and then we danced in silence to the music. Jake couldn't be more wrong, right as I was about to loosen up, a patronus entered into the middle of the tent and everyone backed up around it. It was a lynx shaped patronus, I'd never seen it before. Whose was it?


"The Ministry has fallen. The Minister is dead. They're coming," a voice boomed from the patronus. "They're coming." It kept repeating those last few words over and over again. I knew exactly what it meant too, the Death Eater's were coming.

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