My Social Network Romance Wit...

By LisaTheVampire

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The LAST thing Liisa Danvers ever expected from adding Ronnie Radke as a friend on Facebook was to fall in lo... More

My Social Network Romance With Ronnie Radke.
When A Good Girl Meets A Bad Boy.
I'll Be Damned If I See You With Some Other Man.
I Heard A Knock Upon My Door...MOM?
They Call Me King Of The Music Scene
Baby I Get Off By Getting You Off First
Ooo Lala, What Lovely Curves
How You Look When You Were Wet Is Something I Cannot Forget
I Was Wrongfully Accused You Left Me Locked Inside A Cell
My Bodies Tremblin' Sends Shivers Down My Spine
Waiting, I'm Begging So Please Get Here Soon
You Have Left My Heart, Black And Blue...Ronnie!
One Good Girl One Bad Guy Sequel

We Kiss And Make Up And Get Under The Covers

2.8K 53 3
By LisaTheVampire

Max stepped forward awkwardly waving his hand at the people around the table, "Hey Guys".

"Max, its good to see you", Ronnie said coolly.

"Ye Ronnie bro, its been awhile, i never expected you to be here tonight", Max nodded to me smiling.

"Well man i do live in L.A", Ronnie kept his face neutral but still i seen the hurt behind his deep browns, had he ever fully forgiven Max?.

I automatically reached out to rub Ronnie's knee i felt like he needed the comfort, Ronnie's eyes shot down to me, he smiled rubbing my shoulder slightly.

"You're new girl?" Max asked over my head directing the question towards Ronnie.

"Ye Liisa, Max, Max, Liisa" Ronnie introduced us.

"I know who Max is" i breathed, i didn't hate anyone not even Max after everything he done letting Ronnie go down that's what i didn't agree with, i felt sad from the hurt in both there eyes at a lost friendship i sort of pitied Max more then hating him

Max stepped forward reaching his hand out towards me, it was a sort of a shake but not really i took his hand anyway nodding politely, "Hey Ronnie want a drink or anything?, I'm buying". Max Offered.

"No thanks Max i'm fine but thanks", Ronnie looked serious.

"Aw come on dude" Max seemed sad "Lets talk" he glanced around the table before his eyes returned back to Ronnie's "Alone please".

"Look Max i ain't up for shit tonight, i just want to enjoy myself with my friends and my girl". Ronnie looked away from max.

"Please Ronnie man", Max had to raise his voice over the music.

Ronnie sighed beside me "Babe excuse me" Ronnie signaled to get out.

I moved out of the seat and stood as Ronnie got to his feet, Ronnie lead into me planting a kiss on my lips, "Love you" i breathed.

Ronnie Smiled "Love you good girl" Ronnie joined Max as they walked away to somewhere quieter to talk.

I would be lying if i said i wasn't worried i sat back down on the seat staring off to the spot in the crowd were Ronnie and Max had disappeared through.

"Liisa, Ronnies OK he wont get himself into trouble", Jacky British accent drifted towards me.

"I Know Jacky", did i? what if they had a fight?.

"Ronnie seems real happy, you're good for him", this time it was Ryan speaking to me.

"I hope i am, i really love him Ryan", I smiled faintly.

"He clearly loves you to, a happy Ronnie is a happy band", Ryan smiled reaching forward to path my hand.

"He doesn't hate Max, Ronnie's just sad that there friendship isn't reliable anymore", i hadn't meant to say it loud but the words were out of my mouth before i could take them back.

"Max could of done things differently, but so could Ronnie, there no excuses he let his friend go to prison when all he was doing was defend Max", Derek voice boomed across the table, in a polite way.

"We cant change our past", i whispered.

"No but we can try to be better people", Ryan added smiling towards me.

I grinned at him, if anyone thought i felt anything towards Ryan they were wrong i just felt friendly towards him, i couldn't like/love anyone unless there name was Ronnie Radke, i spent the rest of the time talking between Ron and Derek to Jacky and Ryan, Until i noticed Ronnie walking back through the crowed towards our table, i watched as a few girls tried to stop and talk to him but Ronnie just raised his hands up and walked past them his eyes caught mine, he smiled.

"I'm Back", Ronnie rubbed my cheek grinning.

"Welcome back Ronnie", i smiled up at him.

Ronnie looked between me and Ryan, "you too are getting on too well".

"Ryan a nice guy", i grinned in Ryan's direction.

Ryan seemed abit on edge but smiled back anyway.

Ronnie sat back down beside me without another word, i felt slightly on edge myself, was he seriously jealous of me being buddy buddy with Ryan? i ran my hand down his arm, "What did Max want?", i knew it was a touchy subject but i thought i should ask.

"Hes got his act together, he just wanted to say how sorry he was and that he would like if when I'm not on tour to go see him sometime like old times" Ronnie paused before continuing "without the drugs off course".

"That's good about him getting his act together, give it time Bad boy" i tried to lighten the mood and it worked because Ronnie grinned at me.

"Oh baby with you in that dress i want to do bad things right now" he lowered his voice enough for just me to hear.

I blushed looking around at the others before whispering back "Mr.Radke save it for later". i flirted back.

"Oh i plan to", he guided his hand onto my knee and squeezed when i blushed even brighter Ronnie smirked clearly amused by my reactions.

"So, Max hes gone?" i asked out of the blue changing the heated subject.

"Ye apparently he just wanted to speak to me", Ronnie looked seriously at me "In all honesty i feel sorry for him, he still fighting his drug problem its hard".

"You did it so can he Ronnie" i kissed his chin lightly.

"Hes was never as strong willed as me babe, all i can do is reach out a helping hand show him there's more things in life then drugs", Ronnie seemed literally worried for Max even though there friendship was ruined Ronnie still cared.

"You still care Ronnie", i breathed.

"I will always care, Max is like my brother we have been through alot i miss him but i don't thrust him anymore". Ronnie seemed sad again he shook it off quickly looking me up and down, i noticed the fire in his eyes was back.

"Easy down bad boy, later remember" i teased leaning into him kissing his lips tenderly.

"hm, Later seems so far away" He groaned against my lips the simple groan made me squirm in my seat with arousal and of course Ronnie noticed, "We should go" he tucked my hair lightly behind my ear.

I nodded eagerly now just wanting to leave and be alone with this sex god again, "Yes". i purred.

The guys around the table looked up when Ronnie got to his feet, "Guys you meet my girl so now were off".

"Ye thanks for being so cool guys", i smiled then looked at Ryan and teased "Bro" i was rewarded with a huge goofy grin then a frown from Ronnie, i let Ronnie drag me through the crowed toward the door, suddenly i felt someone grab my ass from behind making me yelp i let go of Ronnie hand to stare at the low sized guy behind me.

"Hey babe you look hot", he leered at me.

I cringed appalled "Are you insane i have a boyfriend". i spat.

"HEY, Don't ever touch my girlfriend again you got me?", Ronnie was beside me now and fuming i watched as his hands formed into fists.

"What a guy who wears more makeup then his girl?", the guy laughed, "she needs a real man to show her a good night bet she likes it hard-".

The guy didn't get to finish his sentence because Ronnie jumped forward punching the guy square in the chin, the guy stumbled back clearly shocked, as much as he was asking for it Ronnie shouldn't of hit him.

"RONNIE" i grabbed his arm shocked.

"Say that again to my face you little bitch i dare you", Ronnie shoulders rippled with anger.

"Jesus dude, your fucking psycho " the guy eyed Ronnie with a hateful look in his eyes.

Ronnie was about to start another swinging match until i grabbed his arm, "Ronnie, stop it dammit lets just go" i begged.

"That bitch needs to learn a lesson", he growled at me shocking me.

I turned looking towards the security guards who were approaching the scene now i felt mortified beyond belief i just wanted to leave, "He's not worth it Ronnie".

Ronnie seethed glaring at the guy as he walked away holding his chin, "Ye keep walking panda boy" Ronnie shouted.

"I'm going to have to ask you both to leave", a big security guard stood behind us.

"Don't worry were going", Ronnie grabbed my hand again pulling me out into the open air as soon as we were outside i shock his hand off clearly pissed off big time, Ronnie turned looking at me.

"God Ronnie temper much, what if he calls the cops?", i hadn't meant to shout but i did.

"He wont if he knows whats good for him", Ronnie looked worried now "Hopefully".

I shook my head "You cant just go around hitting people Ronnie".

"He touched you, what did you want me to do, stand there and let him handle my girl?", Ronnie growled at me, angrily.

"Don't growl at me, and secondly i can fight my own battles without punches being thrown", i squared up to Ronnie pointing my finger in his face, "You need to control yourself abit better sometimes", i gushed, i sighed stepping away from him stalking past him to the curb i felt so mad i just wanted to go back to my hotel room.

"Babe where are you going?", Ronnie bellowed behind me, "please come the fuck back".

I didn't look back instead i stuck my hand out to hall a taxi, i heard a grunt then foot steps behind me Ronnie grabbed my arm pulling me back, "Your hurting me", i shouted.

"Your being ridiculous do you know that?", He sounded and looked pissed off.

"No that's you, Jesus Ronnie", i pushed him away from me he stumbled back staring at me.

"Fine fuck off back", he slurred.

I stared at Him for along time before turning my back to him finally a taxi pulled up to the curb and i got in giving him the directions back to the hotel.

Ronnie walked over to the car looking ashamed he knocked lightly on the window "Baby come on I'm sorry get out of the damn car", Ronnie begged.

I didn't look at him i just stared straight forward signaling for the Taxi man to go.

"Fuck, get the hell out of the car Liisa". Ronnie fumed, "come on please".

I shook my head exasperated i just wanted to get as far away from Ronnie as possible right now, the taxi took off i didn't bother to look back i was sure Ronnie was seething probably kicking himself, the taxi had only pulled away when my phone buzzed in my jacket on my lap i ignored all Ronnie's attempt, i felt sad inside, i kept quite staring out the window as it began to rain down heavily outside and wondered if Ronnie had seeked shelter because this rain was damn heavy all of a sudden, the taxi pulled up outside the hotel after i paid the guy i made a run for the doors, Jesus it was pissing out i shuddered rubbing my arms while i walked over to the elevators punching in the number all i wanted to do was lie down and just cry, it was my plan for tonight as soon as i stepped out of the elevator and into the direction of my room i began crying unable to hold back my tears, never had i felt this upset before over any-ones words, it wasn't just his words it was everything that followed it, as soon as i shut the door behind me i sunk onto the ground and cried for along time until i dragged myself up changing into my pj's, i was still getting calls from Ronnie as i laid down into the warmth of the bed not wanting to speak to him i turned my phone off and tried to sleep.

it must have been awhile after i dozed off i was woken up to a knock on my door i leaned up slowly rubbing my eyes looking at the beside clock it was 3am, i sighed trotting sleepily over to the door, looking out the peep hole it was Ronnie, he looked a mess and wet, i stepped back opening the door.

Ronnie leaned against the jar of the door soaking wet he didn't smile "Baby what i said, I'm so fucking sorry".

"You're wet, Ronnie you can get sick like that, come in", i sighed annoyed he could catch anything out in rain like that.

"I walked back and don't worry I'm stronger then i seem", he looked like he was thrown into a large swimming pool.

I walked into the bathroom fetching him a towel before returning, i carefully watched as he eyed me giving him none of my emotions away, "here", i reached out offering him the towel.

"You have been crying, fuck" Ronnie seemed pissed off instead of taking the towel he knocked it out of my hand and onto the floor sweeping me into his arms, as mad as i was i didn't push away, "I'm so sorry baby, so so sorry, please forgive my stupidness, i didn't mean to make you cry". before i could even say anything he kissed me hard and i surrendered to his soft loving lips against mine, i wrapped my hands around his neck, feeling the wet from his clothes seep through mine, lightly i brushed my tongue across his bottom lip and heard the moan low in the back of his throat as he opened his mouth welcoming my tongue, our tongues hungrily twined as our fingers undone each-others clothes, Ronnie lifted my shirt over my head tossing it onto the ground while i fumbled with his belt, it all seemed like a whirl wind in my mind from fighting to tearing each-others clothes off, finally Ronnie belt came undone and i pushed his jeans down freeing his erection, Ronnie lifted me up kissing me as he slowly laid me back onto the bed never once breaking the kiss, i reached up twining my fingers into his wet hair savouring every part of him.

"God i love you" Ronnie whispered against my lips he stared down at me as he pushed my hair back off my face.

"I love you Ronnie", i raised my legs up to his sides as i trailed my fingers down the corner of his eye down his tear drop tattoo, he leaned down to kiss me softer this time slowly he eased himself into me i arched gripping the covers under my fingertips, Ronnie Moaned low in his throat trailing his lips up and down my neck, as our body's tangled into a passionate embrace...

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