The Modern World For Idiots...

By magicalmoose_03

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{discontinued-ish} The god of Mischief is under house arrest on earth, the Winter Soldier has calmed down fro... More

Chapter 1. Lovely Day
Chapter 2. Under Pressure
Chapter 3. Dream on
Chapter 4. Take it or leave it
Chapter 5. A To-do List
Chapter 6. Let's get it started
Chapter 7. Let's go see the stars
Chapter 8. Put your head on my shoulder
Chapter 9. Welcome to New York
Chapter 10. Here I go again
Chapter 11. Wanna be startin' something
Chapter 12. Ain't That A Kick In The Head
Chapter 13. Sometime Remind Me to Tell You
Chapter 14. We had to end it
Chapter 15. Let's get Loud
Chapter 16. On the Floor
Chapter 17. Can't take that way from me
Chapter 18. Wonderful World
Chapter 19. It wasn't me
Chapter 20. Let Me Hold You
Chapter 21. The Less I Know the Better
Chapter 22. You'll never know
Chapter 23. Up On The Roof
Chapter 24. It Was A Good Day
Chapter 25. It's Not Unusual
Chapter 26. Make Me Like You
Chapter 27. Another Brick in the Wall
Chapter 28. Well... this is awkward
Chapter 29. Well this is a Perfect Excuse
Chapter 30. A Little Game of Hide and Seek
Chapter 31. A Wholly Ceiling
Chapter 32. This is Why
Chapter 33. Trick up the Sleeve
Chapter 35. Just Some Attention
Chapter 36. A Little Bit of Advice
Chapter 37. Just A Bit Longer
Chapter 38. A Memory Relived
Chapter 39. One for the Books
Chapter 40. If You Wanna Be Happy
Chapter 41. When You Were Gone
Chapter 42. Crashing the Party
A Pointless chapter by Yours Truely
Chapter 43. Bring down the house
Chapter 44. Just Checking Up
Chapter 45. A Bittersweet Goodbye
A message from the author to the reader

Chapter 34. Let Me Explain

2.6K 106 28
By magicalmoose_03

Both You and Loki appeared in your apartment, both of you giggling like idiots about what you both just did. Along with Loki still holding onto your wrist.

Bucky jumped causing him to drop the book he was reading as the two of you appeared in the room. " Where the hell have you two been?!"

Loki quickly let go of your wrist. You looked at Bucky and notice that he actually concern in his eyes.

" Let's just say..." You explained. " Tony had it coming."

" Ok." Bucky just shrugged his shoulders and went back to whatever he was doing.

You and Loki looked at each other in confusion.

Steve sighed as he stopped from making dinner. " Buck.."

" What...?" Bucky turned to Steve. " She said Tony deserved it so..."

Steve gave Bucky a look.

  " Steve, you know how Tony feels about me when I am even in the same room as me and about my past." Bucky declared.   

" I know, Buck...." 

" Good." Bucky interrupted. " Now we are on the same page."

Bucky picked up the book and started to read were he left off.

Steve instantly felt terrible for bring it up. You also instantly felt bad for Bucky. You took a quick glance at Loki and you could tell that he had a hint of sympathy for him because he is like that with Tony as well.

Thor noticed that Bucky was now uncomfortable and felt sympathy. So Thor moved from the couch and hugged Bucky from behind with his head resting on Bucky's head.

" Steve." Bucky yelled. " Your friendship with me being threatened by a overgrown Labrador. Plus I might keep him."

" Don't worry, Buck. I baked you a whole separate pie."

Bucky's head perked up. " You are forgiven." 

Steve chuckled." Glad to hear that." 

" Just a little bit. I'm still pissed at you."

" So..." Steve shifted his attention towards you and Loki. " What did the both of you do to Tony?"

Loki took a seat down by the kitchen table. " Well... Let's just say that Stark will have some trouble sleeping."

" Basically Loki turned the both of us into ghosts and just moved random stuff around which scared the living crap out of him." You explained.

" You should've had invited me!" Bucky exclaimed.

" I was not aware of your passion of pranks." Loki replied.

" Are you kidding?" Bucky scoffed. " I love them."

" I can confirm. He was the secret prankster in school." Steve added.

This perked Loki's interest. " Like what?"

Steve chuckled at the memories. " There are many of those... Hey Buck, care to share your best ones."

" With pleasure... Kids, sit down cause I don't want to move from his affection that SOMEONE neglects to give me." Bucky pet Thor's head as Thor was still snuggling him.

" I am cooking food for all of us for your information!" Steve asserted. " Or do you want your food to be burnt to a crisp... Your choice." 

Bucky rolled his eyes.

" Anyways.." You interupted. " You were saying Bucky?"

" Alright." Bucky placed his book to the side. " So this was when me and Steve were about 13 at the time. Back then, there were these types of candies that were called candy cigarettes.... Which was very questionable back then, especially for kids."

" They had that type of candy back then?" You asked.

" Yup. They had the packaging and everything." Steve added.

" What are these things you call" Loki struggled to pronounce. " Did I pronounce that right?"

" Close enough." Steve answered. " Here on earth there are these things called drugs. There a good drugs that help you get better like when you are in pain, you go to a doctor and get the medication or special drugs for you injury or whatever your pain. On the other hand, there are some drugs that can cause damage to a person if they take too much of it."

" His mom was a nurse." Bucky explained. " She was a sweet soul."

Steve sighed and turned away from Bucky. " There are some good, some bad, but just be careful of how much you take, etc." 

" Anyways..." Bucky interrupted. " There were these types of candies that were questionable, but I decided to be the most annoying jerk that I am. I decided to play a little prank on the rebels of the school..."

" You got them expelled." Steve interrupted.

" It was those yella bellied chicken faces fault on their behalf that they didn't have a better hiding spot."

" Point taken, plus I never liked them anyways."

You faked coughed to get their attention.

" Right... So it was lunch time..." Bucky continued. " So I knew that these kids liked to hang out on the back of the school when lunch came around and I bought these candies for a gag to scare my mom, which I did get a beating for. Which made my mom want me to get rid of them and My way of getting rid of them was do do it this way."

" His mom banned you from hanging out with me after school for a week when she found them." Steve chuckled.

Bucky gave him a glare. 

" Hey..." Steve held his hands in defense. " You did this to me when I was telling my late night unnecessary taxi service story."

" Fine." Bucky spat. " Since I was getting rid of these candies, but having a little fun with it. I decided to be smart about this and disguise myself. Since there was no disguised as good as they are today, I had to work with what I have. So I borrowed my dad's jacket and hat, some bed sheets so I can make myself a bit more chubby, and some charcoal and some ash from fireplace to make myself look more homeless then I already look..."

" All this nonsense for some candy cigarettes?" You asked.

Bucky looked at you with a serious deadpan face. " Yes. Yes I did."

 " Ok then."

  " So after I go to my disguise was all fixed. I went over towards this group of... teenagers with my full new appearance." Bucky smile. " They were very sceptical about me since I hopefully looked like a different person...Basically I came up to them with a smoker's voice, " HeY BuB, I'm a LitTle sHort on caSh herE. Do yOu wAnNa BuY sOme CigS?"."?  

The four of you chuckled at his mocking smokers voice.

" Did they take them?" Loki asked.

" Of course they did." Steve  scoffed. " I knew that those idiots consume cigarettes like Thor goes through the avenger's fridge."

" Yikes." 

" Hey!" Thor shouted.

" Do not insult this adorable ray of sunshine for what he eats. He can punch the daylights out of you, heathen!" Bucky defended Thor.

" That is my job to insult him and my job only." Loki added.

" Do you want a burnt dinner?" Steve threatened. " Because your stomach's happiness is in my hands."

The room fell in silence of his threat.

  " Good. Buck... did you want to continue?" Steve went back to cooking.  

" Sure." Bucky sighed in defeat. " So the idiots buy the cigarettes off me, but the bell rang for school to go back normally. I decided to be a little late for class to get rid of this dirt off my face and hid my disguise from the school..."

" You completely skipped a class because your face was stained with dirt and ash." Steve chuckled. " My excuse for him skipping class was to say you had explosive diarrhea."

You chuckled. Bucky tried to keep his cool, but you could tell that he was pretty annoyed.

  " Anywho... " Bucky gritted his teeth. " After I cleaned myself, I shoved my stuff in my locker and hid my stuff in there for the rest of the day. As school was coming to an end, me and Steve saw the kids who I sold the cigarettes being taken to the principal's office..."  

Bucky turned towards Loki and Thor to explain to them." Here on earth, if you are sent to the principal's office it would either be an execution of your reputation, your will be murdered your parents in cold blood if they found out you were called to talk to the principal office, or the principle just pulled you for no apparent reason and just congratulate you for existing or whatever."

" Yikes." Loki commented.

  " Anyways, after I saw them being pulled into the office, one of them made dead eye contact at me." Bucky explained. " So I did what anyone would do in this situation.... I ran to the bathroom and hid for my life in hope for my life to be spared."   

" Anyways, after I saw them being pulled into the office, one of them made dead eye contact at me." Bucky explained. " So I did what anyone would do in this situation.... I ran to the bathroom and hid for my life."

" How is this situation a prank when your life is hanging on a thin thread?" Thor asked.

   " Because it was fun and I was committed to the gag." Bucky smiled. " After I was hiding for my life, I heard from a group of guys that were gossiping in the bathroom for some reason, which was the only time a bunch of guys in a bathroom....they were talking about the guys, the ones that I just saw being pulled into the principal's office, about how they were being expelled after many warnings from the school that they are finally get kicked out."   

" After this, This scared cat would stay over at my house a lot because he thought that those guys were so pissed that they would find were he lived, kill him and his family." Steve smiled. " All because he made eye contact with one the jerks."

" Did they?" You turned towards Bucky.

" No, but I don't regret doing it." Bucky smirked. " And I would do it again."

" Remind me to invite you to pranks more often." Loki acknowledged.

" On the other hand, I haven't done pranks in a long time, but let me know when that slot is open." Bucky added.

Loki chuckled. " Will do."

" Ok, Dinner is ready." Steve interrupted.

" Yay!" Thor cheered.

  Bucky titled his head up to Thor still hugging him. " Hey, Thor. You don't have to keep hugging me?" 

 Thor looked down at Bucky. " Are you sure, Barnes?" 

" I'm good, Thor."

" Alright then." Thor let go of Bucky and gave him a quick noggie

Loki leaned towards you. " I think I just witnessed my childhood trauma."

" A Noogie?" You questioned.

" Is that what it is called?" Loki looked to you in disbelief. " But yes. That just brought back memories I choose to how you would say it " Sweep it under the mug"."

You chuckled.

What idiots, but they do make me smile.

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