The Only Exception

By BubblySoccer

441K 8.5K 1K

Sometimes you have to look into your past to find your future and Absence can make the heart grow fonder but... More

Part One - Summary
Part One - Chapter One: Contract Talks
Part One - Chapter Two: Life in Rosario
Part One - Chapter Three: The Search Begins
Part One - Chapter Four: The Injury
Part One - Chapter Five: Surprise Meetings
Part One - Chapter Six: Just Dinner
Part One - Chapter Seven: Let Me Help You
Part One - Chapter Eight: Hospital Questions
Part One - Chapter Nine: Reaching an Agreement
Part One - Chapter Ten: Telling the Parents
Part One - Chapter Eleven: Becoming Mrs Messi
Part One - Chapter Twelve: A New Stage
Part One - Chapter Thirteen: Media Attention
Part One - Chapter Fourteen: Welcome Home
Part One - Chapter Fifteen: Meeting Poppy Messi
Part One - Chapter Sixteen: The Contract Signing
Part One - Chapter Seventeen: Making Friends
Part One - Chapter Eighteen: Drunken Leo
Part One - Chapter Nineteen: The Morning After
Part One - Chapter Twenty: Build a Life
Part One - Chapter Twenty-One: Poppy Comes Home
Part One - Chapter Twenty-Two: A New Friend
Part One - Chapter Twenty-Three: Stomach Bug
Part One - Chapter Twenty-Four: The Birthday Party
Part One - Chapter Twenty-Five: The Ex-Girlfriend
Part One - Chapter Twenty-Six: Surprise Warning
Part One - Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Forgotten
Part One - Chapter Twenty-Eight: Picnic of Truth
Part One - Chapter Twenty-Nine: Heartbreaking Decisions
Part One - Chapter Thirty: Please Stay with Me
Part One - Chapter Thirty-One: Leaving for Italy
Part Two - Summary
Part Two - Chapter One: Decisions, Decisions
Part Two - Chapter Two: The Charity Match
Part Two - Chapter Four: Dinner in Rome
Part Two - Chapter Five: Returning to Barcelona
Part Two - Chapter Six: Settling Back In
Part Two - Chapter Seven: Making the First Step
Part Two - Chapter Eight: Showing You My Love
Part Two - Chapter Nine: A Night with You
Part Two - Chapter Ten: Moving Forward
Part Two - Chapter Eleven: Water Breaking
Part Two - Chapter Twelve: The Waiting Game
Part Two - Chapter Thirteen: Hospital Visitors
Part Two - Chapter Fourteen: Calling Argentina
Part Two - Chapter Fifteen: Telling Lucia
Part Two - Chapter Sixteen: Baby's First Day Out
Part Two - Chapter Seventeen: Damage Caused
Part Two - Chapter Eighteen: The One for Me
Part Two - Chapter Nineteen: Bad News
Part Two - Chapter Twenty: Back in Rosario
Part Two - Chapter Twenty-One: Goodbye Daddy
Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Two: World Cup Preparations
Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Three: Happy Anniversary
Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Four: Welcome to Brazil
Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Five: The First Match
Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Six: I'm Not Interested
Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Seven: Lionel's Family
Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Eight: Birthday Surprise
Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Nine: Some Quiet Time
Part Two - Chapter Thirty: The World Cup Final
Part Two - Chapter Thirty-One: Always Proud
Part Two - Epilogue: Matias Messi Castro

Part Two - Chapter Three: Setting Guidelines

7.2K 136 13
By BubblySoccer

“So this is home,” Lionel murmured as he looked around his wife’s apartment, it was a lot nicer than the last apartment that she had lived in and Lionel was relieved about that.

Lucia nodded her head as she flashed her husband a small smile, she set down her bag and headed for the kitchen to put the kettle on.

“Coffee?” Lucia asked as she filled the kettle with water, her blue eyes looking at Lionel as he looked around her living room; she watched as he nodded his head she hadn’t really told him much about her life in Rome.

Lionel watched her for a moment before he continued to look around her apartment, he was glad she had gotten a nice place to live but it wasn’t anything like their home in Barcelona.

“So how are you?” Lucia asked as she turned to focus on her husband, she could see that there was something different about Lionel and she wasn’t sure what it was.

Lucia rested a hand on her bump glad that they were alone to talk about their marriage, she still wasn’t sure if she could trust Lionel but she was willing to give him a chance.

“I’ve been better,” Lionel admitted knowing that if he wanted Lucia to come home with him then he was going to need to be honest.

The couple had a lot to discuss and Lionel knew he needed to apologise for how he had treated her; he had treated her like dirt and she deserved better.

Lucia looked at her for a moment before she turned to make him coffee, she wasn’t sure what she felt about that but she did want him to be happy.

“Lo siento… you didn’t deserve what I did,” Lionel said as he watched Lucia, he had dealt with the massive fall out of her leaving him and the press were none the wiser to the real reason even if they had tried to work it out.

Lucia stopped what she was doing and took a deep breath, she closed her eyes as she rested both her hands against the counter knowing that they needed to do this.

“I’ve been a mess without you Lia,” Lionel continued as he walked over to his wife, he had so much damage to repair and he was going to start now.

Lionel wanted to be a family with his wife and unborn child, he didn’t want to watch Lucia happy with another man who would play father to his child.

Lucia turned to face Lionel, she could see in his eyes that he was sorry but she wasn’t going to let him think that she would forgive him so easily.

“I’ll do whatever you want but por favor don’t leave me,” Lionel begged knowing he’d get on his hands and knees if she wanted him to, he would do anything to win her back.

Lucia stared at him, her blue eyes searching his face she would make him suffer a little before she told him that she was coming back to Barcelona.

“I want to be there for you and our baby, I want to spend the rest of my life making up for my stupidity,” Lionel said as he moved closer to his wife, he stood just feet from her he would do anything right now.

Lucia stared at him a little taken back, she hadn’t thought that he would be like this and she could see that the last five months had changed him.

Lucia hadn’t known what she was expecting when it came to seeing Lionel again but it wasn’t this, she had just hoped he wasn’t love sick over Antonella still.

“It’s a girl,” Lucia revealed carefully as she looked at Lionel, she wanted him to feel involved with their baby and the only other person that knew she was having a girl was Francis.

Lionel stared in awe as he took in the news that he was going to have a daughter, he hadn’t really given much thought into what they were having but he couldn’t help but feel thrilled at the news.

“A little girl,” Lionel breathed as he moved forward, he resisted the urge to touch her bump knowing that he hadn’t earn that yet; there was still so much that he needed to fix between them.

Lucia nodded her head as she watched her husband, she could see so many emotions in his eyes that she couldn’t help but want to reach out for him.

“Por favor,” Lionel pleaded as he felt a sudden charge of emotions, he couldn’t allow another man to raise his little girl; he didn’t think that he could watch Lucia and his daughter with someone else.

Lucia sighed as she moved to sit down, Lionel would follow her and she hoped that they would be able to talk about this before she told him her other news.

“You’re going to have to earn it Leo, I’m not going to let you walk all over me… not again,” Lucia said shaking her head as she sat down on the two seater couch, her hand resting on her bump; Lionel sat down across from her in the armchair.

Lionel’s brown eyes watched her as he nodded his head eagerly he would give anything to have her back; he would do whatever she wanted within reason to prove his love for her.

“I already said I’d do anything, anything for you and our little girl,” Lionel said she wasn’t going to just roll over about what had happened, he didn’t expect her to since he had really hurt her.

Lucia crossed her arms as she eyed her husband, she wasn’t going to break the news that she was going back to Barcelona just yet; she would wait until she really had to.

“I don’t want you talking to Antonella,” Lucia said carefully, she had never wanted to be one of those women who banned their husband’s from speaking to someone but she felt that she needed this right now.

Lucia held the other woman to blame for the collapse of her marriage and she didn’t trust Lionel not to do this all again if Antonella came calling; she wouldn’t be second best again, not with a baby on the way.

“I haven’t spoken to her since you left,” Lionel said as he looked at his wife eagerly, he knew why she had said it and he had no interest in his ex-girlfriend anymore.

Antonella had made her point and she had messed him around enough for Lionel to see that he was better off without her; he wanted to focus on his marriage and the birth of his firstborn now.

Lucia eyed Lionel seeing that he was being honest, she wouldn’t admit that she’d had Shakira spy on him while she was in Italy.

“If you ever treat me like you did five months ago… I’ll not only divorce you but take our baby back to Argentina and you’ll never see her again,” Lucia threatened as she glared at her husband so that he understood what she was completely serious about her warning.

Lionel stared at Lucia, she would have every right to do that to him, he had hurt her so much and he wasn’t going to risk his marriage a second time.

Lionel nodded his head as he looked down at his wedding ring, he hadn’t been able to take it off and he knew that if he messed things up this time then he would never forgive himself.

“I swear Lia… I won’t even look at another woman,” Lionel said if it meant that she would take him back then he would walk around with his eyes closed in public for the rest of his life.

Lucia nodded her head, it wasn’t what she wanted but it was a step in the right direction; they were going to have to put in a lot of work to fix their marriage especially if they wanted to be okay before the baby came.

Lucia just hoped that she was doing the right thing for her and her unborn child, she had been thinking a lot since she had walked away and she was never going to let anyone try and hurt her like that again.

Lionel’s emotional affair was the worst thing that had ever happened to her.

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