Part Two - Chapter Fourteen: Calling Argentina

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Lucia swallowed nervously as she stared at the laptop that Lionel had set up, she knew that her parents would be excited to meet their granddaughter but she couldn’t shake the bad feeling that she had bubbling in her stomach.

“It’ll be fine,” Lionel said as he looked over at his wife as she sat holding Maia in her arms, they had not long returned home from the hospital and the newborn was still only hours old.

Lucia was wearing a cream embroidered peasant top and distressed boyfriend jeans paired with black trainers, she cuddled Maia as she smiled down at her daughter knowing that her parents would love her.

“It still feels weird that she’s here,” Lucia said as she looked at Lionel, she had only given birth that morning and they were already home with their little girl.

Poppy sat loyally at Lucia’s feet as the blonde sat on the couch, she had been pretty good since the couple had brought Maia home and had spent most of her time running around the garden stretching her legs after being locked in the house while Lucia had been giving birth.

“Good weird?” Lionel said as he chuckled at his wife, he knew what she meant but he was glad to have Maia home; he didn’t think he could really handle or protect them if they had remained in hospital longer.

Lucia grinned and nodded her head as the laptop made a noise, she looked down at a still sleeping Maia as Lionel moved to answer the Skype call.

Adjusting the laptop, Lionel frowned a little at the lone sight of Annabelle Prieto on the screen and his wife was going to be a little disappointed that her father wasn’t there.

“Hola madre,” Lucia greeted softly as she smiled at her mother, she hadn’t really seen much of her and she did feel guilty about that; she knew a trip back to Rosario, Argentina was in order that summer.

“Hola,” Annabelle replied forcing a small smile to her lips, she tried to look happy knowing that this was meant to be a wonderful time and she didn’t want to upset her daughter right now.

Lionel eyed his mother-in-law wondering if everything was alright, he could see that something was bothering her since he could read her just as well as he could read Lucia.

Annabelle shifted nervously as she eyed the small bundle that her daughter was holding, she was glad that Lucia was in Barcelona and had no idea what was going on back home.

Lucia had enough on her plate with the birth of her daughter and being married to Lionel Messi, she didn’t need to be worrying about things that couldn’t be changed.

“Madre this is Maia,” Lucia said as she shifted her hold on her newborn daughter so that her mother could see her, she felt Lionel wrap his arm around her; she smiled at him as he pressed a kiss to her cheek.

Annabelle sniffled in awe she couldn’t believe that her daughter had given birth to something so perfect; she just wished that Andres was well enough to meet their granddaughter right now.

Lucia and Lionel shared a look knowing that they would have to take a trip to Argentina when the season was over so that Maia could meet her maternal grandparents.


Lionel smiled as he watched Lucia leave the living room and take Maia upstairs for her nap, he adored having the newborn home even if it did feel strange.

The footballer waited for a moment before he turned his attention back to the laptop screen and looked at his mother-in-law.

Annabelle looked completely nervous and she could tell that Lionel had picked up on the fact that something was wrong, she just hoped that Lucia hadn’t noticed her behaviour.

“Is everything okay Annabelle?” Lionel asked concerned as he stared at her worried, he didn’t like the fact that she didn’t look happy; he had promised Lucia that he’d look after her parents when she had agreed to marry him.

Annabelle took a shaky breath knowing that if there was anyone that she could tell about this then it was Lionel; he would be able to look after Lucia and tell her when the time was right.

“I didn’t want to say anything to Lucy but Andres has only been given five months to live,” Annabelle said as she stared at her son-in-law, she couldn’t bear the thought of telling her daughter that her father was dying.

Especially when Lucia was so happy right now with the fact that she had just given birth and it wasn’t fair to take that joy away from her.

“Is there nothing that can be done for him?” Lionel asked softly this would devastate his wife, he felt his heartache at the thought of her losing her father.

The footballer glanced at the door knowing that Lucia couldn’t hear about this now, he wanted to see if there was some way to help her father first.

Annabelle shook her head as she sniffled, she wiped her nose on her hand as she wondered how it had all come to this right now.

“No… his organs have all begun to fail and he’s so weak,” Annabelle whimpered as she looked down at her hands, she didn’t want to go into too much detail since Lionel was meant to be celebrating the birth of his daughter.

Annabelle hated that this was happening, she hated that her husband had so little time in the world and that there wasn’t a chance that he would never get to see Maia grow up nor would he meet any of his future grandchildren.

“I’ll do everything that I can for him Anna,” Lionel promised as he looked at Annabelle determinedly, he wanted his father-in-law to be comfortable in his final few months of life.

Lionel would never be able to thank the man enough for raising his wife and making her into the woman that she was today.

Annabelle opened her mouth to protest knowing that Lionel had done so much for them since he married Lucia and had been paying for Andres’s extensive medical bills without a worry for how much it was costing him.

“I’ll tell Lia… it’d be better coming from me,” Lionel said knowing that Lucia would be devastated and he wanted to comfort her while she came to terms with what was going on.

Lionel didn’t even mind that she would want to see her father before he passed and the need for him to meet Maia was going to be great; it was going to be hard and everything was only just settling down.

Annabelle nodded her head as she watched her son-in-law glad that her daughter had him; they were happily married as far as she knew and they were living so far away.

“Gracias Leo and look after them both,” Annabelle said offering him a weak smile, she couldn’t help but worry about her only child and daughter, she wouldn’t react well to the news that her father was dying.

Lionel nodded his head as he stared at Annabelle, his brown eyes filled with sadness wondering how he could tell Lucia that her father was dying.

The footballer would have done anything to stop this from happening but there was nothing left to be done now; Andres would be gone in a short amount of time.

“I swear nothing will ever happen to Lia and Maia,” Lionel said, he would do anything for his wife and daughter; they meant the world to him and he wasn’t going to lose them ever. Annabelle nodded her head knowing that the next few months were going to be difficult. 

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