Part Two - Chapter Eighteen: The One for Me

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Lucia smiled down at Maia as the little girl slept peacefully in her bed, she knew that she was avoiding facing Lionel about what had happened that day.

Lucia wasn’t sure how she felt about Antonella being back, her talk with Shakira had calmed her only slight but she knew that she would have to face Lionel about it sooner or later.

Lucia brushed her fingers tenderly through Maia’s blonde curls, she smiled sweetly at her daughter as she heard Lionel step into the nursery.

The couple hadn’t really spoken to each other since their friends had left, they were both on edge for their coming conversation which could be make or break for their marriage.

“Lia,” Lionel murmured walking over to her concerned, he knew that they needed to talk about Antonella; he didn’t want her thinking that this was going to be a repeat of what happened last time.

Lucia closed her eyes taking a deep breath, she wanted to put this off for a little while longer so that she could pretend that their marriage was going to be okay; she didn’t want to think about their marriage collapsing.

“I don’t want her Lia… you are the one for me, you are the one I want,” Lionel said wrapping his arms around his wife, he hated how she tensed and he was determined to show her that he would be remaining completely faithful this time.

Lucia relaxed into his touch, she opened her eyes knowing that she couldn’t shut him out; they weren’t going to collapse because of her and she knew that there was still a chance.

“I love you Lia… I always have and I will not lose you again,” Lionel said shaking his head, he pressed his lips to her neck as he glanced down at their sleeping daughter; he would not allow Antonella to take his family from him for anything in the world.


“I won’t even speak to her,” Lionel promised watching his wife prepare for bed, he knew that this was going to be hard but he was willing to cut all ties to his ex-girlfriend if that was what it took.

Lucia wrapped her rose print night robe around her as she watched her husband, she sighed knowing that she couldn’t ask that of him; she knew she’d asked him not to speak with Antonella.

Lucia wanted nothing more than for her husband to do so, but she knew that she would only make things worse if she did; she didn’t want to turn Antonella into forbidden fruit.

“Leo it’s okay… I trust you,” Lucia said sitting down on the bed, her blue eyes watching her husband as she tried to keep herself calm; she knew it was a risk but it was one that she had to take.

Lionel stared at his wife, he knew that she was trying to be okay with all of this but he could see that she was struggling and he didn’t blame her.

What he had done with Antonella last year had been devastating and it had nearly caused them to lose Maia; the outcome could have been so much worse.

“No,” Lionel said shaking his head pulling off his shirt, his brown eyes dark as he thought about the fact that he had nearly lost everything while Antonella had walked away completely unaffected by what they had done.

Lucia stared at Lionel, she blinked a little taken back as he removed his dark jeans and tried to wrap her head around what was going on; she wasn’t sure what he was saying no to.

“I want nothing to do with her,” Lionel said as he walked over to his wife, he was determined to keep his marriage arrived.

Lionel dropped to his knees in front of Lucia and rested his hands on her bare legs, she was wearing a rose print night slip under her night robe.

The couple were silent as they watched one another nervously, they both knew that this was going to change things for them and they needed to be strong.

“You are the only woman that I will ever want,” Lionel said moving to cup her face, his brown eyes searching her face as if trying to find any doubt in him.

Lionel knew there was so much that he was going to have to do to make sure that Lucia didn’t ever feel threatened again by Antonella; he wanted nothing more than for this nightmare to be over with.

Lucia opened her mouth to say something when Lionel stopped her, she knew that he was still trying to make amends for what had happened last time.

“Just promise me… that it won’t happen again,” Lucia said offering him a small smile, she knew that this wasn’t going to be easy; Antonella was always going to be a threat to her.

Lucia brushed her fingers through his hair, she trusted him more than she should; it was something that would only hurt her in the end.

“I swear to you Lia… I won’t hurt you again,” Lionel said pulling her into his arms, he would never lose her again and he knew he had so much more to lose now than he had before.

The footballer quickly found his wife’s lips knowing that he would do everything that he could to look after her and Maia; they were everything to him.


Lionel grumbled waking up to Maia’s cries for feeding, he blinked as he looked over at his wife as she slept soundly beside him.

Lionel smiled softly as he pressed a gently kiss to her bare shoulder before he rolled out of bed, he was more than happy to do a night time feed so that Lucia could rest.

Lionel quickly left the room so that Maia’s crying wouldn’t wake her mother, he looked at Poppy who was snoozing on the landing unaware of what was going on.

Lionel chuckled as he entered the nursery and moved to pick Maia up, the newborn whimpered as her father lifted her out of her bed and into his arms.

“It’s okay, papa is here,” Lionel whispered comforting Maia and carried her downstairs so that he could warm a bottle of milk for her; he was glad that Lucia had pumped some milk so that he could also feed their daughter.

The footballer held her close knowing that he was never allow anything to hurt her, she was his little girl and she always would be.

“I’m not going to allow anyone to take you or your madre away from me,” Lionel vowed looking at her, he smiled knowing that everything was going to be okay.

Lionel wasn’t going to let Antonella back into his life, he could see the trouble it would cause and he didn’t want to go there; he would lose the perfect little girl in his arms right now.

“Your madre and I, you’ll always have us,” Lionel said cuddling Maia close, he wanted nothing more to believe that Antonella would stay away but he knew that wasn’t going to happen.

Antonella wasn’t going to back down if she thought there was any chance that she could repair a relationship with Lionel; she might have wanted him as a friend right now but that wouldn’t last.

“I’m not going to lose you or your madre,” Lionel whispered walking into the kitchen, he knew that he would risk his entire life for Lucia and Maia; he would do everything in his power for them.

Lionel sighed knowing that he needed to speak with Antonella about staying away from his family, he wasn’t sure how she would take his rejection but it had to happen.

Lucia and Maia meant the world to him and Lionel was not going to lose them for anything. 

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