For the King (Vkook/Taekook)

由 frnkyboy

168K 7.4K 1.5K

In a royal life, a king should know how to resist his wants, and understand his needs. But this King has alre... 更多

♤twenty one♤
♧twenty two♧
◇twenty three◇
♤twenty four♤


4.6K 228 39
由 frnkyboy

"G-Gwon, baby, wake up," Shoi said as she softly tapped the kids shoulder. They were laying on the grass, her feet nearly covered in cuts. They had walked through the woods, the cold weather turning their lips blue.

"Momma, where are we?" The kid asked as he struggled to awake, his cold arms were stuck in their position, making the kid slightly hiss at the movement.

Shoi shuttered out a breath and looked around, her mind trying to process her surroundings.

"We should be closer to Blinton anytime now, just a few more hours and I'm sure we'll be at home again."

"Who is there?!"

Shoi and Gwon jumped at the loud voice, making Shoi cover Gwon with her body. They laid there in fear before Shoi felt a warm hand press against her back.

"What are you doing here? This is a dangerous zone for you to be here-"

The guard suddenly stopped talking, his eyes noticing the deep cuts on Shois feet.

"Madame, what happened?"

Shoi quickly looked at her feet and held on tighter to Gwon.

"The king, uh, nothing serious-"

"He marked your child Madame, I must know more before you can enter Blinton."

Shoi's eyes widened as she heard the guards voice, her hands suddenly moving Gwons face towards her. There she found a burn mark on his neck, Gwons teary eyes resembling cracked glass.

"G-Gwon, why didnt you tell me?"

Gwon looked away, quickly covering the burn mark as he lifted the collar of his shirt. "Guard, we need to return to our house. If you must know, I tried to spy on the king but he caught me. Thats why I bare this mark now."

The guard looked over at Shoi, her eyes never leaving the mark on her sons neck. It wasnt until another guard ran towards them that Shoi looked up.

"Madame Shoi, what has happened?"

The first guard looked over at the other, "You know her?"

The guard nodded, lending a hand to get the woman on her feet, but soon realized she couldnt.

"She was Queen Penelopes friend, a dear guest at the castle."

At the sound of her friends name her eyes began to well up with tears once more.

"What happened Madame Shoi? I will personally escort you to your house back in Blinton. Do you know where you are?"

Shoi shook her head, suddenly holding Gwon close to her. Her mind was scrambling to get words out of her mouth but the only noises that came out were chocked sobs.

"Guard Boz, her child bares the mark of the King of Crystal, are you sure we should let them pass?"

"I am confident. I know their relationship with the Crystal kingdom, no need to worry, leave this to me. Return to your post immediately. General Jungkook will be arriving soon-"

"General Jungkook? Are we at the border?" Gwon suddenly asked, his face pocking out from under Shoi's hair. The guard nodded, dismissing the other to a new post.

"Shoi, what happened?"

Shoi looked back up again and prayed for the earth to swallow her. She couldnt get the courage to explain to the familiar guard what had happened. Her chapped lips opened and closed as she tried to speak.

"H-Hes looking for him again Boz, hes looking for Ameth. I dont even know if hes alive, I failed to bring him back to my arms. Boz, he marked Gwon when he promised to bring Ameth back, what are we going to do?" Shoi finally said through sobs, holding Gwon closer to her. Gwon frowned and hugged her back, feeling her tears fall onto his shoulder.

"I'm sorry momma, but he wouldve killed you if I didnt say anything-"

"But now youre in danger sweetie, you should've escaped when you could-"

"No momma! I dont care! We'll find Ameth."

Shoi looked up to see Boz's widened eyes. Boz had stood still, watching the two bicker as he studied the burn mark on the child. It seemed to be nearly fresh, meaning the child still had some time before the King of Crystal would come and take what he was promised.

"Gwon, w-we cant give Ameth back to him. Gwon how do you even know if hes alive?!"

Gwon clenched his mouth, tears close to spilling. "If it wasnt for him we wouldn't be in this situation momma!"

Shoi looked at Gwon with sad eyes, her heart breaking in two. She wouldnt lose two sons, losing one already haunted her. "No Gwon, everything would be so much worse. I wouldnt have you here with me. I would still be trapped in that castle. Gwon, everything happens for a reason. We cannot return Ameth back to Crystal."

"Ameth has caused so much trouble for you momma, its what we have to do, then we can be free-"

"No Gwon," Shoi said, her voice cracking from hearing her son speak with a bitter tongue. This wasnt her Gwon.

"Look at me, we cant harm Ameth and bring him back to Crystal, do you know what could happen if you did?"

Boz suddenly stepped forward, leaning down to face the child. His brows were furrowed, watching in curiosity and the kid spoke with confidence.

"The king would try to conquer all the territories, making all the kingdoms fall under him. There wouldnt be a safe place for anyone. You know the streets of Crystal, youve seen them, is that what you want for Blinton and the other kingdoms?"

Gwon shook his head, looking down as he imagined the streets of Crystal. Harsh people yelling and fighting, animals nearly eating the passed out people on the streets from hunger. It was full of thieves, gamblers, crime lords, and so forth.

"I-Im sorry momma," Gwon nodded as he apologized and held his mother closer. The woman looked up and smiled sadly at the guard, her friend nodding in return.

"I shall personaly take you to the castle, I am sure King Taehyung would be delighted to have you there-"

"Dont tell him what happened, ok? I dont need him to be worrying about my well being, its only another burden."

"Shoi," the guard said, looking at her with soft eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you that youre not a burden? We all care about you."

Shoi sighed but nodded, knowing she had no other way with her friend. It wasnt long before she was scopped up and put into the carriage, Gwon curling into her lap. She could feel every bump on the dirt road, her head bobbing to the sides as she tried to rest.

However, she couldnt sleep with the image of the King in her mind. She dreaded ever seeing his face again, memories of her youth tormenting her. She remembered how his guards had caught her and Gwon.

"Ill make your favorite soup when we get back to the house yeah?" Shoi had asked, Gwon laughing as he played with the stray cat that had followed them, he nodded and continued on.

Shoi had felt eyes on them but thought none of it, she always felt as though she was being watched. Once she saw her house in the distance, her heart calmed down, no longer beating in fear.


Gwon had suddenly disappeared from in front of her, she had only looked away to spot the house for a few seconds.

"Baby! Where are yo-"

A strong hand soon covered her mouth, her hands scratching at the person. Once again her heart began to race, nearly jumping out of her chest. It wasnt long before her eyes were covered and she could hear Gwon crying out for her. She tried her best to shout but she couldnt bite the hand off of her mouth.

They arrived at the castle after a while, Shoi lying limp on the ground as she had used up all of her energy. She knew where she was going.

"Taehyung, wake up," Jungkook said as he ran his hand through the blondes silk like hair. They were wrapped up in the sheets, Taehyung nearly suffocating Jungkook with his strong grip.

They had had another late night, the brunnete wanting to clear the Kings busy mind. In a matter of minutes the only thing on Taehyungs mind was indeed Jungkook, and only that.

"I do not want to," Taehyung finally muttered, snuggling further into Jungkooks neck, making the General chuckle at the childish voice.

"I have to go to the border today, and we need to go visit Gwon and the woman."

Taehyung yawned as he sat up, his chest exposed to the cold air, he shivered and soon felt a pair of warm arms wrap around him.

"Its freezing dear, youll catch a cold," the General said, quickly grabbing a shirt from the floor, his own to be exact, and placing it on Taehyung.

The blonde was nearly swimming in the shirt, the Generals large shirt covering him to his thighs. Taehyung could smell the Generals scent, intoxicating him and drawing him to sleep again, but Jungkooks chuckle woke him up again.

"You look absolutely adorable in my shirt," General said, scooting closer to place his hand on Taehyungs shoulder. His shirt was hanging off of the boys shoulder, giving him a spot to place his warm lips on. He tenderly kissed Taehyungs shoulder, making the blonde a blushing mess.

"Not as adorable as I look on your bed," Taehyung whispered, his hand tilting Jungkooks chin up to his face. He peppered soft kisses on the brunettes face, kissing his eyes and cheeks over and over.

"That is infact true," Jungkook replied, too infatuated with Taehyungs lips on his skin to reply with a suggestive comment.

"Lets go, I need to somehow make it to my room without seeing a maid," Taehyung said, his lips slightly frowning. Jungkook did as well, soon getting up and grabbing another shirt.

"May I keep this?" Taehyung asked once he stood up, slowly walking to Jungkook with the large shirt covering his thighs. Jungkook bit his lip, never getting used to waking up next to Taehyung.

"Take what you want," Jungkook said as he brought Taehyung closer to him by the hips, gesturing to his closet. The blonde smiled cheerfully as he kissed Jungkooks cheek and ran to his closet.

There he grabbed another white cotton shirt and slipped into it. His eyes then landed on the brunettes long sweater, the color attracting Taehyung. It was a beautiful purple, soft and precious. He noticed the browns and tans in Jungkooks closet and knew he had to change it soon. His own closet was full of radient colors, from deep reds to pristine white tops.

"You look amazing," Jungkook said as he noticed the blonde in his favorite sweater. His heart desired for nothing more but to hold the blonde in his arms. And that is exactly what he did, he held onto Taehyung as tight as he could without hurting the other.

"I need to do a makeover for your clothes, a radiant soul should wear radiant colors, right?" Taehyung asked, his nose bumping the brunettes own.

"You wound me, my clothes are just fine-"

"Theres no getting out of this darling," Taehyung cut him off, capturing his lips as soon as he could.

"Your majesty," guard Boz suddenly called out, making Jungkook and Taehyung look over with confusion. They were walking down the stairs to reach the dinning room.

"I am sorry to interrupt you, but there is an issue. Madame Shoi-"

"Madame Shoi?" Jungkook asked, suddenly looking at Taehyung with wide eyes.

"Yes, Queen Penelopes friend."

Taehyungs eyes were widened as well, going to hold Jungkooks hand but he quickly stopped.

"She never told me her name, but what is wrong?" Taehyung asked, noticing the worry in the guards eyes.

"The king of Crystal had abducted her and Gwon your majesty. The child now holds the mark of the king, and Shoi was wounded from walking back here from Crystal. Another guard and I had found her at the border with the child," Boz had said, noticing the tense figure of the General.

"What did the king want?"

Taehyung knew he shouldnt have asked with Jungkook there, but it had slipped and the brunette was now dying to know.

"He wants his son to be returned your majesty, he wanted Ameth to claim the throne."

Jungkook was shaking at this point, his eyes blinking as fast as they could.

"Is he alive?" Jungkook suddenly asked, his voice harsh. Boz looked over at the king and sighed.

"We do not know General Jungkook. Theres no way of knowing. The child was lost when he was a toddler, he wouldnt have known his name enough to stay with it."

Jungkooks mind was spinning out of control, trying its best to piece the information together, but nothing made sense.

"Prepare my horse please, me and General Jungkook will go at once to visit her. Thank you for informing us."

Boz nodded and bowed before dismissing himself, he noticed the wild look in Jungkooks eyes and the kings hand gently pressing against his cheek as he walked away.

"Shoi!" Taehyung shouted as his horse stopped infront of the womans house. It was in worse condition than what Jungkook had remembered it being. The door was nearly falling off.

"Taehyung, my dear, it is nice to see you again-" Shoi began but stopped as soon as she noticed the brunette standing behind the king.

"He isnt my son, he cant be."

"General Ju-"

"Why did the king ask for his son back? Does he really want him to take the throne? Why was Gwon marked? Why did I have a dr-"

"Darling," Taehyung whispered, turning around and holding Jungkooks hand in his own.

"Taek a deep breath please, she just got back."

Jungkook nodded his head, looking down at Taehyungs hand in his own.

"I-Im sorry, please, call me Jungkook."

Shoi closed her mouth and nodded as she smiled, a sad look on her face.

"Come in," she said, gesturing towards inside. Both of them stepped in and Taehyung soon felt small arms around him.

"King Taehyung!"

"Gwon, my dear! Are you ok?" Taehyung asked, soon crouching down to meet the child face to face. He held the boys face in his hands and held a sorrowful look as he noticed the mark.

"G-General Jungkook, hello," the kid then said, bowing towards Jungkook but Jungkook didnt reply.

"May I see your mark?"

Gwons eyes widened as he looked at the General. He slowly nodded and turned his head to allow the General to look.

There the mark laid, the figure of a crystal burned into his skin. The figure was surrounded by red skin, irritated from the burn and cold wind. Jungkook looked at Taehyung and suddenly looked down again before meeting the blondes eyes.

"Gwon, would you mind me and Taehyung talking to your mother in private?"

Gwon shook his head and excused himself, going outside to play with the horses.

"Taehyung, give me your dagger."

Taehyung looked at Jungkook with wild eyes. His hand instantly covering the dagger as if the brunette would take it on his own.

"Are you insane?"

Jungkook looked over at Shoi and blinked several times before speaking.

"Am I really your child?"

Jungkook couldnt believe he had actually said those words, not until Shoi nearly collapsed and held her sides with pain.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung said as he looked outside to see Gwon being held down by a tall man.

Jungkook quickly turned to face him and noticed the shouts from Gwon.

"Ill get Shoi, go to Gwon!"

Jungkook ran as fast as he could, finally making it out of the door into the front lawn. "Gwon!"

"Take one more step and I'll kill the boy!"

Jungkook quickly stopped and clenched his jaw.

"Let him go! Isnt it me you want?!"

"Youre not Hyojong. This kid said he would have the kings son by two days, his 48 hours are ticking, nearing the end."


"This kid said that was his name, now move before-"

"Take me instead of him."

Gwon widened his eyes and quickly shook his head.

"No! Jungkook no!"

The man suddenly chuckled and dropped the boy, making Gwon hit the floor face first.

Soon Gwon stood behind Jungkook, holding tightly onto the Generals arm.

"Go inside Gwon, help Shoi and Tae," Jungkook said, patting the boys shoulder. Gwon listened and ran inside, rushing towards his mother.


"Are you taking me or what?" Jungkook said as he stood taller, his eyes capturing every movement.

"My mission here was to get the kid to hurry up, I'm not waisting my time on you. Tell him he better have Hyojong by tomorrow morning, or he's dead."

A small dagger came flying towards the man as he turned around to leave. Making the man fall as his head was stabbed by the dagger. It wasnt long before a patern became visible, thorny vines marking the skin.

Jungkook looked towards the window and found the king breathing heavily. His hand still lowering down from throwing the blade.

"Jungkook-" Taehyung said, quickly rushing outside to hold the mans face.

"Are you out of your mind?!"

Jungkook shook his head, his eyes filling up with tears as he held Taehyung closer.

"I-I am sorry," he said, quick to bring Taehyungs lips against his. The two kissed, Taehyung completely forgetting they were in the middle of the street.

"What were you thinking? Leaving me here? Dont ever do that again!"

Jungkook took deep breaths and Taehyung soon brought him inside. His cheeks were red as Shoi looked at the two with warm eyes.

"I think I need to see a doctor, my ribs have been bothering me-"

"Ill bring one from the castle, please just rest," Taehyung said, quick to help the woman lay down.

"Gwon," Jungkook said, suddenly being pushed back as the kid ran into his with open arms.

"I-I am sorry Jungkook! This is all my fault! I shouldn't have helped the king, I shouldve stayed quiet. I cant turn you in- I cant do it!"

Jungkook held the boy closer as he heard the child crying into his chest.

"Gwon I need you to tell me everything," Jungkook whispered, his hands wiping the boys tears away.

"I believe you are the missing son. You survived the wound, you managed to get rid of the mark!"

"B-But that was Taehyungs doing, he got rid of the wound, and I didnt have the pattern on my skin. Not until Taehyung had wounded me when we first met, and he got rid of the mark as well."

Gwon looked at the General with a confused stare.

"How? The wound was on your abdomen, I heard my mother and Taehyung talking about it. Its impossible to survive a wound from that dagger, unless youre blood related to the king," Gwon said, remembering the day in the garden. He remembered his mother looking hopeful as the king had said the boy who had gotten wounded was Jeon Jungkook, his General.

"I-I dont know," Jungkook said, his eyes trailing to the front door.

He soon stood up and went towards the dead man who still had the dagger in him. He pulled it out, quick to go inside and wash the blade. He washed it and called for Taehyung.

Taehyung soon walked in and shook his head as he noticed the dagger in Jungkooks hand.

"Taehyung, I want you to cut me," Jungkook said, his voice shaking.

Taehyung shook his head again, rushing to take the dagger away from Jungkook. "Please, I need to know," Jungkook said, his voice breaking.

Taehyung couldnt stand there looking at the brunette holding the dagger to his chest.

"There are other ways Jungkook-"

"You can just kiss it away, cant you?"

Taehyung frowned at the brunettes voice, it was fragile and scared. He knew the brunette wouldnt stop until he knew.

"O-Okay, Jungkook," Taehyung said, walking closer and laying a kiss on the brunettes cheek. "I promise I'll kiss it away, I'll kiss everything away," Taehyung whispered, making the brunette shiver.

Gwon stood there with sad eyes, he could only hear Jungkooks breathing.

Slowly Taehyung took the dagger into his hands, shaking as he neared Jungkooks chest.

"I c-cant do it there Jungkook, give me your hand," Taehyung whsipered, his hand slowly tracing down the Generals chest, sending shivers down Jungkooks spine.

"I-Im sorry," Taehyung whispered, his dagger near the brunettes shaking hand.

"Just do it-"

Taehyung huffed out a breath before gently sliding the blade against Jungkooks hand. It wast long before the blade cut through the soft skin, blood quickly dripping down to their feet.

"J-Jungkook!?" Taehyung asked as the brunettes eyes suddenly closed and the mans knees gave up, making the General fall to the ground.


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