Under the Blood Moon~ The Gui...

By StefanieMorton

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Author's Note

Chapter Thirty-Three

52 6 0
By StefanieMorton

Under the Blood Moon



As Septimus and I race around the backyard, Valerio cheering me on by the back gate, I see the rest of our group come out the back door. Septimus and I both turn, and start running back towards Esmerelda and Valerio. I push myself even more when I see that Nikiya is standing by Esmerelda and begins whispering to her. Esmerelda said that Nikiya believed her when she said she wouldn't go after Egor, but I still don't trust her anymore. I never though that my inability to command her would effect anything, but it is now. Nikiya isn't one of us, and the thought smacks me hard in the face.

Esmerelda gives me a forced smile, and grabs Valerio's hand. She moves away from the group, coming towards Septimus and I, and then turns to face everyone when we get to them. I take my place at Esmerelda's right side, and look over everyone.

"What's going on?" Miles asks me. We're normally not up this early, but Esmerelda and I couldn't sleep, too excited for Valerio.

"I asked Daddy to teach me about being a lycanthrope." Valerio answers him, running his hand over my fur on my left side.

Every wolf in our group smiles brightly down at Valerio, and congratulate him. Luke looks over to me, and asks, "Any chance I could stay here now? I would love to help out."

Before I can tell him no, Eric looks at his brother. "Uh, no!" He tells him, seeming a little panicked. "Do you not realize how big that new library is, Luke? I need all the help I can get there." Eric turns his head, and looks at me. "I was actually going to ask if Miles could come along too. There's over five million books there. I need more than just Luke, Abigail and I searching."

That's fine. I turn my head to Miles, You'll go with them, and all of you take as much time as you need. I add on. The longer Luke is gone, the better for Esmerelda so she can take her time with Nikiya. I have no idea how difficult it will be to control her for so long, but I can only guess. I do know that Esmerelda will need Hope and Cyrus' help though. And if Esmerelda can't do something by herself, the task is nearly impossible. But I have faith in the three of them. Esmerelda wouldn't tell me they can do something if they can't.

Miles nods his head to me, and then wraps an arm around Hope's waist. If I didn't think Hope, Cyrus and Esmerelda could do this by themselves, I would insist that he stay. Plus, with Miles going, he can keep an eye on Luke for me. I don't have to tell Miles to keep an eye on Luke, he already knows. Luke can still be commanded, but this is his mate Esmerelda will be controlling. If Luke suspects anything, at least Miles will be there to let me know right away.

"When shifting," I explain to Valerio the next day, "it's very important that you control yourself. Shifting is painful the first few times. And if you don't control yourself, you can be lost to your wolf. He will completely take over you, and it can be hard to shift back."

Esmerelda gives me a subtle nod, and stands from the couch in the living room she's been sitting on. Nikiya just left the room a few minutes ago, so I know Esmerelda is going to get started. Cyrus comes off the cushion next to her, and together they walk into her office, closing the door behind them. Hope is in the room with us still, so I assume she will be starting to collect memories. Hope starts moving her right hand, keeping it low, barely moving it over her legs. Her eyes are closed, and her lips are moving, but she's not chanting anything out loud. I look at Septimus, and give him a tiny nod.

I turn back to Valerio, and continue. "Just like with using your magic, you're not allowed to shift while at daycare. When you do start shifting, you are only to do it here at home, is that understood?"

"Will Momma make me another bracelet to stop me from shifting?" He asks me looking down at his bracelet.

"If we think you won't be able to control yourself, I will have her make you one." I answer him. "But we want to trust you Valerio. Your mother and I don't want to hide your abilities, but you need to know that not everyone is like us. We have to keep our abilities a secret."

Valerio nods his head at me. "I understand, Daddy." He tells me, and then continues, "So, Spencer from daycare can't do any of this?"

I have no idea who Spencer is. There are fifteen kids in Valerio's daycare class. I've never felt the presence of another wolf there, so it's safe to say that no other kid in his class is one. "I don't think so, but you can't talk to him about this, Valerio. It's a secret." I pause for a second, looking over at Septimus, and then back to Valerio beside me on the couch. "Have you talked to him about what you can do?"

Valerio huffs, and looks up at me. "He was making fun of me for wearing a bracelet." My eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. "I didn't know Momma made it so I couldn't take it off too, so I told him one day I will be able to turn into a wolf. I just wanted him to stop laughing at me."

"Valerio, no." I tell him sternly. "I understand that you were being bullied, but you can't use your magic, nor your abilities to shift to make someone stop. I'm sorry son, but you won't be going back to daycare."

I look over to Septimus who is sitting in a chair. His eyes are just as wide as I'm sure mine are. Figure out who Spencer is, and find out if he told his family anything.

Septimus swallows, and nods his head. The general population can not learn that werewolves, witches and vampires are real. When Esmerelda said she wanted him in daycare, I knew something like this might happen. Valerio is only five. He doesn't understand that he can't talk about stuff like this. He doesn't understand that not all families are like ours. He's too young to understand that keeping this secret could mean the difference between life and death. I just pray that Spencer didn't believe him and didn't tell anyone.


Cyrus and I sit on our knees in the middle of my office, my spell book between us, along with some of Nikiya's blood I collected over a year ago. I have a vial of everybody's blood, just in case I need it. This is the first time I've used any of them. I haven't needed them. I open the vial, and pour a tiny bit into my left palm, and then pass it to Cyrus, who follows my lead. I rub my hands together, spreading Nikiya's blood over both palms.

I let out a deep breath, and nod my head to my mentor. I hold my arms out, and he grabs them. We practiced this spell on Hope last night, making sure we could fully control whoever's blood we used. Since we were just practicing, Cyrus and I made her run all the way into town and back. The spell works, and she didn't remember a thing.

Cyrus and I both let out a deep breath, and lower our heads. We begin chanting, and suddenly, I'm seeing what Nikiya is seeing. She's in the kitchen, drinking from a cup full of blood. I can taste it, making me gag a little as Cyrus continues to chant. I'm strong enough to do this by myself, I think, but since it's my first time really using the spell, I don't feel comfortable doing it alone. Cyrus will continue to chant the spell, while I actually control Nikiya.

I take a deep breath, and move her out of the kitchen, and back into the living room where Cauis, Septimus, Valerio, and Hope still are. Hope is doing her part, casting spells that copy our memories, as Cauis snaps his head up to Nikiya. The look on his face seems worried.

"What is it?" I have Nikiya ask him, myself talking out loud in the office.

Cauis shakes his head at me. "I'll tell you later." He answers, knowing I am controlling Nikiya now. Nikiya always asks 'what's going on', not 'what is it'.

I nod my head at him, which makes Nikiya nod her head. Whatever is going on can wait until this is done. We have a very small window of time, and whatever has Cauis looking so worried isn't an immediate danger. "I'm gonna go now." I tell him.

"Be safe." He replies, his voice full of concern and worry.

I take another deep breath, and then make Nikiya bolt from the room. She runs out the front door, and I turn her south. I am finally able to see what it's like for Nikiya to run as quickly as she does. She sees everything with crystal clear vision. As she runs, I feel my face light up. It's truly amazing. Nikiya jumps over a ridge, and I gasp. The wind against our cheeks feels like silk. She lands perfectly, and continues to run.

It takes nearly two hours for Nikiya to make it to New York City. I pull my phone out of my pocket, which makes her take out her own, and open my contacts. I scroll through Nikiya's phone until I find Egor, and hit send.

"What a surprise, Nikiya," I hear Egor say. "Normally I have to call you. What's up?"

I fake a laugh, and say, "Luke is out of town for a couple of days, and I decided to come see you."

"I'm at home right now if you want to come by." Egor replies to her. I bit my lower lip. I have no idea where he lives.

Quickly, I say, "It's a good day for us to be out. Why don't we meet up somewhere?"

Egor is quiet for a second. "Okay, I could use someone to eat anyway. You hungry?"

I don't think Nikiya is, but I tell Egor I am. "Let's meet in the park. I'm almost there now. How about by the Alice in Wonderland statue?"

"Sounds good. I'll be there soon." He replies, and hangs up.

I have Nikiya run, at a normal pace, through the streets. I see an entrance to Central Park, and run towards it. The only reason I told Egor to meet where I had, is because Hope and her family had been there when she was a little girl. It's honestly the only statue I remember seeing that day. Nikiya makes her way along the paths towards it, and then sits down on a bench close to the statue.

I don't know what Egor looks like, but I'm sure he'll make himself known when he arrives. Sure enough, about ten minutes later, a pale skinned man with jet black hair sits beside Nikiya. "It's good seeing you, Nikiya. How have you been?"

I smile at him. "I've been good. How are you?"

Egor shrugs, "Been on alert ever since you told me your friend wanted me dead."

Nikiya told him? I grind my teeth together. We really can't trust her. "Esmerelda isn't going to come after you anymore." I have her tell him quickly. "She doesn't want a war with John. So, you're safe. That's why I wanted to come to see you. I thought good news like this should be shared face to face."

Egor sighs in relief and smiles at her. "This is good news indeed!" He says happily. "We have to celebrate!" He encourages.

Egor grabs Nikiya's hand, and pulls her off the park bench. I use every ounce of control I have to not kill him yet. The sun is just starting to set, but there are quite a few people walking around. The nightlife in New York City is crowded. The safest place to kill Egor will be at his place, wherever that may be. The two of them walk at a normal pace through the crowds, and come up outside a club with music blasting from it.

I grab Egor's arm, and nod my head to the club. I've never been with Nikiya, nor Luke, when they feed, but from what they told me and Cauis, clubs are the best place to feed openly. Egor looks over, and smiles, nodding his head. Egor flashes inside, running at full speed pass the bouncer who doesn't see him. When no one says anything at his speed, I have Nikiya do the exact same thing. The music inside is loud as Egor pulls Nikiya to the dance floor. He lets go of her hand, and makes his way over to a blonde girl who is dancing by herself.

I stand there, unsure of what to really do. I decide the best thing to do is to start dancing. A come minutes later, a man comes up to me. He puts his hands on my hips, and begins swaying with me. I smile at him as I look behind him, seeing Egor running his tongue over his bite mark on the woman's neck. He bites the tip of his index finger, and puts it on the woman's lips. She licks her lips when he pulls his finger away, and the bite mark disappears. What the hell was that?

Egor pushes the woman away from him, and then starts looking around the room. His eyes land on Nikiya, and he smiles at her. I wrap Nikiya's arms around the neck of the man she is dancing with, and pull him towards her. I can smell his blood, and it makes Nikiya's mouth water. I open my mouth, and I can feel Nikiya's teeth extend. She bites on the man's neck, and drinks. When I think she's taken enough of his blood, I pull away, and bite my index finger just as Egor had done. The mark Nikiya left on him also disappears when he licks his lips.

I have no idea what a vampire's blood does to a human. Luke and Nikiya haven't told us. I'll have to remember to have Cauis ask Luke.

Egor and Nikiya stay at the club for nearly three hours, feeding from just about everyone that comes in. How much blood does it take to fill a vampire? If it seriously takes this much, then it's no wonder most choose to live in populated areas. The disregard they seem to have towards human life makes me sick. Egor is treating every young woman with blonde hair like his personal buffet. He's killed two of them, leaving them in the dumpster in the ally. I put my hand on my stomach as it churns.

"I told you not to go after the stoner." Egor laughs at Nikiya over the music.

I make a disgusted face, which makes Egor laugh even more. "I think I've had enough." I say to him. I can't watch as they feed anymore. If I do, I'll throw up. I've let this go on long enough. Egor should be well relaxed by this point surely.

Egor nods his head, and then pulls Nikiya out of the club. "Wanna go to my place?" He asks her as they start walking down the crowded side walk.

I smile at him, and nod my head. This is exactly what I wanted to happen. His guard is down, making this the perfect moment. Nikiya and Egor weave their way through the streets and people, eventually coming up to a dark brick building. I let Egor lead the way, following right behind him. They walk up four flights of stairs, and then come to a stop outside a door. Egor fiddles with his keys, and then unlocks the door.

His apartment is nice. His décor is all black, with splashes of reds here and there. I force myself to not react to his cliché of color choices. "Whisky?" Egor asks as he tosses his keys on the black kitchen counter.

I've never drank before. Not once, not even at mine and Cauis' wedding, preferring to keep my mind sharp at all times. I shake my head at Egor, not wanting to dull my senses right now. I need to focus more than ever. "That stoner really did a number on my stomach." I tell him, hoping that will explain why I don't take him up on his offer.

Egor gives me an odd look, but nods his head. He pours himself a half glass, and come back into the living room. As he sits down heavily on the couch, he asks, "So, how's things in Canada? You doing okay up there with a bunch of werewolves?" They way he says werewolves makes me angry. He said it in a disgusted tone, like what he is isn't the real abomination.

I force myself to keep my voice level, and reply, "Things are fine. Luke makes it bearable." I add on. Nikiya is a full vampire, so if her best friend thinks we're disgusting, then she probably does too. At least, to some degree.

Egor chuckles, and takes a sip from his glass. "I still can't believe you're with one of them. I know, I know, it's been nearly five years, but it still blows my mind."

I smile, as I'm sure Nikiya would have at the mention of her mate. "Luke is great. I love him."

Egor rolls his eyes. "I know you do. That's the only reason I came to your wedding. But, did you have to invite so many wolves?"

"Yes," I accidentally spit at him.

Egor had been in the middle of raising his glass to his lips again, but he stops, and looks over the rim to me. He arches an eyebrow, and cocks his head to one side. "You okay?" He asks, lowering his hand with the glass in it. "I get that you're with a werewolf, and Luke is cool, but they're werewolves, Nikiya."

The way he keeps saying 'werewolves' pisses me off. I come off the couch, and yell, "They're my family!" But then I remember why I'm here. Why I'm controlling Nikiya. I'm not here to make him see reason, or to be his friend as I've been pretending to be. I'm here to kill him for what his father did to me and Kalli. What he would have done.

Egor comes off the couch, anger clear on his face. "I thought vampires were your family?"

I make a disgusted face at him. "Werewolves are my family. Just as are witches."

He mirrors my disgusted face, and takes a step away. "I told you to never mention witches in my presence. You know how I feel about them, and the fact that you live with three of them every single day makes me question your sanity."

"March 11th, 1267." I say quietly. "Your father killed a little girl named Kalli. I was in her body."

Egor gives me a confused look. As I remember what I'm doing here, I continue without letting him talk. "I am Esmerelda Heteria, formally Blasio. Kalli's dying words were that I would come after the families of the men who killed us. And here I am. Ready to kill you."

I lunge forwards, Nikiya's extra speed coming in very handy, and put my hand underneath his that's still holding his whiskey. I force his hand up, and ram the glass deep into the front of his neck. In a flash, Egor grabs Nikiya's wrist, and bends it backwards, snapping it. I feel no pain, as I know I should. Knowing now that no matter what he does to Nikiya, I will fee no pain, I smile, and bring my right hand up to Egor's chest. In one sharp movement, I force Nikiya's hand into his flesh, and grab his beatless heart.

I look into Egor's eyes, and say, "For Kalli." And then retract my hand from his body, pulling his heart with me.

Egor's eyes turn red, and then black. His hand that is still around Nikiya's wrist drops, followed by his body. My breathing is coming out in pants as I squeeze his heart in my right hand tighter. Nikiya's strength makes the heart explode, covering her face in his blood. I open Nikiya's hand, and move her back. I turn, and race over to the sink in the kitchen. I wash her hands and face, and then notice her clothes are also covered in blood. I look around the open space, searching for the bedroom. I spot a closed door, and run to it. Inside the bedroom, I run to the closet, and grab a clean shirt. When Nikiya has changed her top, she moves back into the living room.

I smile at Egor's body in the middle of the living room, and then leave the apartment. I make Nikiya run full sprint all the way back home, relieved this part is finally over. I have Nikiya run straight into the basement, put on a clear shirt of her own, and bring me her bloody shirt and Egor's that she had been wearing.

Cauis and Septimus are sitting in the living room, both anxiously looking at my office door. I smile at them as Cauis comes off the couch. He breaths a sigh of relief, and smiles at me. I hold up a finger to him and Septimus, and move Nikiya into my office. My office door opens, and I see myself and Cyrus. I put the shirts on my desk, and move Nikiya back out to the living room.

Cyrus and I both drop our arms, and let out a large sigh. For seven hours, we have been using each others powers constantly. The amount of power it has taken to achieve this has taken a large toll on both of us.

"Well done." Cyrus pants at me, nodding his head slightly.

I nod my head back at him, too tired to say anything. Cauis, come get me. I tell him as my body slumps. I hear my office door open, but don't see Cauis before my eyes close.

Thanks for reading!


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