Detroit Become Human: Markus...

By snowglitchz

33.2K 1.1K 253

An android built the same time as the RK800. Made to be the same but one minor flaw. Didn't think you were ma... More



2.4K 98 7
By snowglitchz

(Y/n) Pov.

"This is suicide. We'll all be killed! Please, Markus... It's not too late to change your mind." We were in a store, about to execute Markus plan. I didn't want to but the humans need to hear our message.

"You don't understand... We're finally gonna show them who we really are. This place will go down in history!" Josh said.

"We'll be killed on the spot!"

"That's a risk I'm prepared to take if it means freedom for our people..." I guess he's has that thought in his head when North said he may not deserve freedom.

"Markus... please don't' do this," North begs. I just stood there next to Simon. I'm glad he's back.

"They'll understand... We'll make them understand. This is the only way."

"There're androids here who could join us... The more we are, the stronger our message," Josh says. We start to walk out the store, but as we do. We convert the androids we pass by. They follow us. We walk out to the sidewalk. Markus jogs over to an android. He converts him. The guy tries to stop the android, but Markus yells he chosen to be free. The guy walks away. I gesture the android to come to me. I see Markus convert the other two to block the road, so no cars will come. We walk to the street. I pull the sewer latch off as Markus comes and helps the ones we brought with us up to the street. I see some to the side. I was about to walk, but I see Markus look at them and they joined us. What? We start to walk. As we walk I see Markus raise his had pointing to androids. He's converting them without touching them. I look up at the signs seeing they changed to our flag symbol. I hear people yelling for the androids to come back here. I see a cop in the middle of the street.

"Disperse!" He yells. "DISPERSE IMMEDIATELY! THAT'S AN ORDER!" Markus stops and raises his hands. Everyone did the same. "Jesus Christ... Jesus fuckin' Christ...." The cops starts to get off the street. Markus continues to march.

"NO MORE SLAVERY! NO MORE SLAVERY! NO MORE SLAVERY!" We started to yell. Sending out our message to the humans as we march. "WE ARE POEPLE! WE ARE POEPLE! WE ARE POEPLE! LIBERTY FOR ANDROIDS! LIBERTY FOR ANDROIDS! LIBERTY FOR ANDROIDS! EQUAL RIGHTS! EQUAL RIGHTS! EQUAL RIGHTS WE ARE ALIVE! WE ARE ALIVE! WE ARE ALIVE! FREEDOM! FREEDOM! FREEDOM! NO MORE SLAVERY!" I hear sirens. We were at the end of the street. I saw 3 cop cars blocking the left and 3 heavy armored trucks on the right. Lots of humans came out in suits and put up a shield that said RIOT UNIT. We walked to them and stopped in front of them.

"We came here to demonstrate peacefully and tell humans that we are living beings. All we want is to live free," Markus tells them.

"This is an illegal gathering. Disperse immediately or we will open fire."

"We're not looking for confrontation. We've done no harm, we have no intention of doing any... But know that we are not going anywhere until we have secured our freedom."

"I repeat: this is an illegal gathering. If you do not disperse immediately, we will shoot!" He says.

"Markus, they're gonna kill us..." For once I agree with North. "We have to attack!" I take that back. "There's more of us, we can take them!"

"If we attack, we'll start a war. We have to show them we're not violent. We should just stand our ground, even if it means dying here," Josh says.

"And dying here won't solve anything," Simon pointed out. "Markus, we need to go, now, before it's too late." I see one with a shield go to his knees and a guy comes with a gun pointed to us.

"This is your last chance! Disperse immediately or you al will be killed!"

"We have to show them we won't back down. We stay right here." I stood tall being more confident. Shots were fired. I hear some of our people fall. I felt a sting on my cheek. I raised my hand to see a bullet sliced my cheek. Some blood dripped but I ignored it.


"We have to make a statement. We have to stay put, no matter what," Josh says.

"Please, Markus. We can't let them slaughter us without fighting back!" North begs.

"DON'T SHOOT! Don't shoot! We're leaving..." We turn and start walking away.

"ON MY ORDERS!" I turn seeing them aiming their guns at us.

"RUN!" Markus yells. Everyone starts run for their lives. I see some fall as I pass them. O no. We keep running. After half way we stopped and turned.

"Come on, Markus. We gotta go," North says before running with Josh and Simon. Markus stood there, shock. I walk to him and grab his hand. He still stood there. I tighten my grip and started to pull him. He finally gives in and follows me to run back to Jericho.


November 9th, 2038 ; 9:34 P.M

I look around seeing Jericho had a big upgrade. Screens were all over showing the news telling us what's happening. More androids are coming. I kept walking then I notice something. Or someone. I walk down the stairs to them. Tears started to build up. Alice looks up and see's me. "(Y/n)!" She lets go of the hug from Alice and runs to me. I open my arms to hug her.

"Alice I never thought I would see you again!" I let go of Alice and go to Kara to hug her as well. She hugs back. "I can't believe y'all made it! I'm so glad." I see another android watching us.

"(Y/n) this is Luther. He's been with us in our journey. Now we have to go to the border to cross so we can be in Canada. But we need passports. Markus agreed to get us some."

"That's great!" I yelled happy.

"(Y/n) come with us. We can go together and be happy together." I blinked shock... Leave? Leave with them? Leave everyone here?


"There you are (Y/n). We need you. We need to discuss something with the others." I turn seeing Markus. I felt him grab my hand and pull me away. I look back to them as we walk. Alice waves and I wave back. After minutes we finally made it up and he lets go of my hand walking to the panel to think. I see Simon, Josh and North thinking as well. They all hesitate. Josh was the first to speak up.

"We're short on blue blood and biocomponents. Our wounded are shutting down and there's nothing we can do!"

"President Warren is saying we're a threat to national security and we need to be exterminated," Simon said.

"Humans are conducting raids in all the big cities and they're taking androids to camps to destroy them!" North pointed out.

"It's a disaster. They're slaughtering our people!" Simon said.

"It's all our fault. None of this would have happened if we'd just stayed quiet!" Josh spat looking at Markus.

"Staying quiet isn't going to help getting our freedom Josh," I spat.

"We couldn't just suffer in silence, they're killing us! Nothing is gonna justify that," Markus said looking at him to North.

"What's the point of being free, if no one is left alive?" Josh says.

"Humans enslaves us! I'll never regret standing up to that," Markus said.

"We shouldn't forget who our enemies are. We can't fight amongst ourselves," Simon said getting between the two.

"He's right." North backed him up. "All that matters now is what we do next." She looks at Markus. "Markus?"

"Dialogue." I looked at him. "It's the only way. I will go alone, try to talk to them one last time."

"Don't do this, Markus," North said. "They'll kill you."

"Maybe, but I have to try North. If I don't come back, lay low as long as you can," Markus say's. I gritted my teeth. Simon walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Just come back," he says before walking out. Josh walks up to him.

"They need to realize how much they're hurting us. Find the right words and they'll listen," Josh say's before walking out as well. Markus turns to place his hands down.

"They've been butchering each other for centuries over the color of their skin or whatever god they wanted to worship. They're not gonna change. Violence is just in their genes." Me and North looked at each other with frowns on our faces. She turns back to Markus.

"They can't stop what we've started," North say's. "Since you been here, you given us hope..."

"You've given me hope." She walks to him. "Today, a deviant arrived in Jericho and he told me that he stole a truck transporting radioactive cobalt." Markus turns to face her. "He said that he abandoned the truck somewhere in Detroit and rigged it to explode." Markus walks to her. "I convinced him not to do it, and give me the detonator," she say's pulling the detonator out.

"A dirty bomb."

"We can't lose this war, Markus. If humans overcome us, our people will disappear forever. This may be our only chance to survive if things go wrong," she says.

"I just hope we never have to us it," Markus say's putting the detonator away.

"Whatever happens tomorrow, I just want you to know that I.. I'm glad I met you." I felt jealousy come. Back off North. Wait what? "I'll go join the others," she say's walking to the exit. She turns to Markus. "Look after yourself. I don't want to lose you." She then looks at me placing a hand on my shoulder then walks out. Markus turns back looking out the snowy weather. I walk to him to stand next to him. I rubbed his back giving him a sincere smile. After all this, he must be stressful. He looks at me giving me one to. He starts to lean in and I do the same.

"I'm sorry," he says.

"I'm sorry to, I know it's hard after all this and I guess you did go through a lot. We all been through a lot. But I'm here and I'll stand by your side," just when I finish, my heart drop.

"I've been ordered to take you alive," Conner.... I was about to turn, but Markus made me stay faced foreword. He turned and faced Conner. "but I won't hesitate to shoot if you give me no choice," Conner says.

"What are you doing?" Markus asks. I start to shake. "You are one of us. You can't betray your own people," Markus say's. I can hear him taking steps toward Conner.

"You're coming with me!" Conner yelled.

"We are your people. We're fighting for your freedom too! You don't have to be their slave anymore," I hear Markus say trying to convince him. "You're Conner, aren't you?" How does he..... My memory.... So he knows? "That famous deviant hunter. Well, congratulations. You seem to have found what you were looking for." I wait for Conner's answer, but nothing came. "Have you never wondered who you really are?" I tighten my fist. "Whether you're just a machine executing a program or. A living being. Capable of reason. I think the time has come to ask yourself that question. Join us. Join your people. You are one of us. Listen to your conscience. It's time to decide." I turned to face Conner. Conner looks at me shock.

"Conner, please. Realize what you're doing. Your one of us. Their using you. You're my brother and I don't want to leave you or fight you. I love you. Please don't leave me," I begged. He looks at me shaking a bit. I waited and waited. I was scared. "Conner?" He puts his gun down.

"(Y/n).... I'm sorry." I go to hug him tight. He does the same. He let's go smiling, but it soon faded. He looked up at Markus. "They're going to attack Jericho."

"What?" Markus say's surprised. We heard noises from outside.

"We have to get outta here!" Conner yelled.

"Shit," We ran outside to see a helicopter. We ran inside to the bottom, bumping into North.

"They're coming from all sides! Our people are trapped in the hold, they're gonna be slaughtered!" North yelled.

"Where's Simon and Josh?" I asked worried.

"I don't know, we got separated," North said. Markus raises his hand then places his finger on his head. I hear the message. There are exits on the second and third floor. Find them and jump in the river! "We have to blow up Jericho. If the ship goes down, they'll evacuate, and our people can escape!"

"You'll never make it!" North yelled as he already started jogging. "The explosives are all the way down in the hold, there are soldiers everywhere!"

"She's right. They know who you are. they'll do anything to get you!" Connor pointed out.

"Go and help the others. I'll join you later." O no, Kara and Alice!

"Markus-" He cut me off.

"I won't be long," he says before running down the hall on the left. We run the other direction. We ran saving as many as we can. We kept running and running. North said she'll meet with us. I nod. I kept going but realize Connor was gone. I went back and see him looking.

"Don't move!" I turned seeing Connor standing still. He see's me and gestures me to stay down. I nod. "Don't shot. I'm on Your side," I said

"With us? Are you a human?"

"Obviously!" He said opening my hands showing that he's joking. "What do I look like? DPD. I work with Lieutenant Hank Anderson? We're on a stakeout. If I knew you were coming I would have brought some donuts," he said sarcastically.

"You're a lucky guy. Another second and I'd have shot you," the soldier said placing his gun down. "You should go back up on deck and let us do our job."

"You're right. That's...Exactly what I'm gonna do." Connor gestured him to go ahead. He walked away having is gun ready. When he left, Conner ran to me pulled me up. "We have to go," he said grabbing my hand again and running down the hall. We met up with North, Simon, and Josh. Where's Markus?

"Markus," North said. I turn seeing him coming.

"Bombs gonna explode any second. We gotta get out of here!" Markus said running already. We turned and started running. There were some obstacles we had to jump over, but we were getting closer to the end. Until I heard a grunt. I turned back seeing North got shot.

"It's too late, Markus! There's nothing we can do for her, we've gotta run!" I looked at Markus and North. Shit. I ran to North, picking up a metal sheet, but got shot. I kept going to her, blocking the bullets that came. I threw it to her and she used it shielding herself. I can hear someone behind me. I turned seeing Markus. I went on all four as he jump on my back, jumping over north and kicking the soldiers, knocking one down. He toke the gun about to shot till the other came at him. He kicked him to the wall and shot his arm.

"Contact! Contact! Hostiles engaged!"

"Over there! Run!" Markus said helping North. I followed covering them. I saw Conner came, aiming and shooting at the soldiers that were coming.

"Tango, suppressing fire!" They were about to shot me till Conner picked up the metal sheet blocking them charging at them. He got close to one making him go down on his knee and shot him on the shoulder. He shot the other soldier charging at him and hitting him to the other wall then turned to the other one charging at him grabbing his gun while the soldier tried holding onto it. He knocked him out by the wall and aimed the gun at the final soldier shooting his gun out of him hand, but the soldier charged at him, so Conner used the gun to hit him with it then pushed him away taking his pistol out again and shot him in the side.

"We need support. Report: requesting support." Conner turned to me having his hand out for me to take. I took it.

"Run, quick! Come on!" Markus said jumping and we followed.

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