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August 15th, 2038 ; 7:58 P.M

(Y/N) pov. 

"Functions are working. OK we Have our Deviant Hunter and now his Deviant Hunter Support made." I slowly opened my eye's. I see a women with a clipboard and another women next to her. "He's finally done."

"I don't think we need another android to help this one." I turn my head seeing another android beside me that had brown hair and brown eye's. He looked at me with curiosity, just like I had for him. He seemed taller than me. He must have been activated before I was or the same time as me. "We don't need to make suspicion so I believe we can just keep one. He can go and take down the deviant that has the little girl hostage and we can send this one to be another android to serve people as well. No one needs to know what he can do and also take the thing he can do."

"We cannot. It's part of his functions. We can remove the program from it to not know what he has."

"Yes, do that. That will save us time, for now go take Connor to the tower. They are running out of time. 

"Will we make copies of him?"

"No. He can be the only one Like Connor." Connor...... I look at the clothes he wore. It said RK800. I looked at mine and saw I had JK400 on my jacket. Connor....

"Deactivate it and send it to the shop for people to buy." The women with the clipboard nods.

"Connor, and JK400. Follow me." We nod, following her through the halls to the elevator. She say's the floor and the elevator takes us. As we made it to the floor, she starts walking again. We follow her all the way outside and waited. A car drove in front of us. An android got out and handed her the keys. "Get in the back." We nod as we get in. She gets in and starts driving. As she drives I look outside the window, seeing each building we pass by. I turn my head to Connor seeing he was looking at me. I give a small smile. I don't know why but it felt right to do. He gives a small smile as well but turns forward again with no expression again. I do the same. Minutes later the car stopped. "Connor enter the building and show your ID. There is a deviant and has a girl hostage. You are the negotiator so make sure you complete your mission."

"I will accomplish my mission," Connor say's opening the door to get out. He closes the door and she starts driving again. It took some time till we made it to a building. She parks and tell me to follow. I follow her all the way into the building she talks to a man who works there. I look up to see the TV on. I see a android on top with a girl. I see another figure some. That's Connor. I watch as he wraps his tie around an injured cop. He gets up and slowly approach the android. Then the android falls back. Connor leaps for her, pulling her toward the building as he falls with the android. My heart drop.

"I have a couple looking for a unique model. I'll call them tomorrow and give them this one. Sure they would love it"

"Deactivate JK400." I nod as I shut my eye's close. I hope he's ok.


November 5th, 2038 9:40 A.M

I saw as my blood started dripping. The pain it hurts. I saw my owner stab me another time. She grins at me with her husband watching. She cuts down all the way to my heart. It scared me. Her husband came taking the knife, placing it down. He grabs my arm and breaks it.

"AHHH!!" I yell in pain. My vision started becoming blurry.

"OK my little princess I think that's enough fun. Go take him to get him fix. Hurry, we don't want anyone making suspicions. We want our little toy back for more fun." After what seemed hours but only minutes. I was lifted and placed in the car seat. My vision was still blurry but I can still make out stuff. She started speeding down the street. As she stopped on a red light, I tried making out what was in front of me. It was android. Dark skin wearing his jacket that identifies him. I don't know why but something sparked in me. I was scared of it but it felt nice...... He looked at me. The feeling began to expand. I didn't know what it was and then he smiled. I was shock. He walked across in front of us and continued off. She started to drive again. That smile made me fall asleep peacefully hoping for me to forget that painful life I'm living.

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