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November 11th, 2038 ; 11:16 P.M

(Y/N) Pov. 

I blinked my eyes a couple times seeing my vision was blurry and my ears were stinging that I couldn't hear nothing till. "(Y/N)!" I hear Markus say. I blinked my eye's having it get focused a bit. It did, and I saw another grenade land. I saw Markus dived for the androids that got up to get them out the way of the bomb. Shit! I dove away to not get hit. I see soldiers jumping over the barricade. O no. I got up and ran to help the android that was down near me. I helped him to get behind the blue trash bin to take cover. I turned seeing Markus run to me taking cover. I turned seeing an android run to the body that was shot. Shit. Markus went around me pulling a metal sheet from the trash bin and ran. I ran next to him staying at his right for him to cover me. I pushed to the android to keep moving. I ran to help another android that was dragging an injured one. I almost got shot till Markus was able to block it with the metal. I saw two androids tried running, but soldiers aimed at them. Markus pushed the bin in time making the shots hit it. I helped the android to the blue bin placing him down. I heard noise behind me seeing soldiers get top of cars. I don't know why, but I felt a serge come through me. I ran on top of the car and flipped him over making the soldier hit the ground hard. Another came and I hit him and made him loose his grip on the gun. He tried to punch me, but I dodged it and aimed it at him. Guess I do have some skills like Connor. The soldier raises his hands in defeat. I unload the gun and see Markus run with the other androids. I run to him but realize we were stopped by the bus. I turned seeing soldiers closing in on us. We're trap. I looked at Markus as he squeezes my hand. Our hands connect, and we lean in one last time. This is it. I felt the tears start to build. I didn't want to give up. I took a couple steps toward the soldiers pulling Markus with me. I took a breath.

"Hold on just a little while longer. Hold on just a little while longer. Hold on just a little while longer. Everything will be alright. Everything will be alright," I sang. I continued on.

"Fight on just a little while longer." Markus sang with me. "Fight on just a little while longer." I heard footsteps from behind me come closer and the androids started singing as well. "Pray on just a little while longer. Everything will be alright. Everything will be alright. Sing on just a little while longer. Sing on just a little while longer. Sing on just a little while longer. Everything will be alright. Everything will be."

"Stop!" I looked up seeing a little boy. He looks familiar. Wait. He runs up to me and hugs me dodging the soldier.

"Don't hurt him! I won't let you!" He grips on me tight.

"Little kid get away from that thing," the same guy said.

"No! He saved me! Now I want to save him!" I saw tears in his eyes. "There not bad! I was about to die from our own kind and he saved me! He cares about me! I won't you let you get near him!" I felt awful. I don't want him to die. I picked him up holding him in a tight hug. I don't know why but it broke my heart seeing him. I placed him back down moving some of his ginger hair from his eye's. It grew a bit when I last saw him. His amber eye's......

"Please..... I don't want you to die... Go back to them. I don't want them to shoot you dead. Thank you for caring and your welcome." I placed a kiss on his forehead before pushing him a bit hoping he will walk back to the soldiers. I let the tears fall. He started to cry as well. He turned back to me wrapping his arms around my neck. I can't let him stay...

"I won't leave. I don't want to live if it means you go. I-I know it's weird for someone to love just meeting someone once, but you cared and save me. I-if you go I want to go with you." I let the tears fall and I picked him up holding him tight. "I want you to close your eyes then ok? I don't want you to see this." I felt him nod on my shoulder. He was the same height as Alice and wasn't as heavy either. It's nice feeling like a family before I go. I looked up and faced the soldiers who still had there gun's aimed at us. I felt someone hold my hand. I turned seeing Markus has held it. I smiled. We're ready. Out of nowhere the soldiers brought their guns down and started walking away. What? What's happening? I looked at to my sides seeing they were as confused as I am. Then I looked ahead of me, feeling the tears come down.

Detroit Become Human: Markus x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now