The Devils Favorite Demon

By DJPiper

34.3K 638 26

It's really hard to kill a demon, you need alot of holywater, maybe a devils trap and a spell, or a special k... More

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E & I
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Six Six Six
Devil's Favorite Demon


1.6K 33 0
By DJPiper

Lucy's POV

They all started walking and I jumped into the helicopter looking through a bunch of stuff with Floyd. "Hey Floyd, check this out," I said handing him a binder that said 'TOP SECRET'.He looked inside and he was furious."Floyd, what is it?" "Let's go, now," He said, he helped me out of the heli and we walked over to the group. Floyd raised the binder and threw it at Rick barely missing him."Tell them everything right now! Or me and you are gonna go right now" Floyd yelled pointing at us. I backed up a few bumping into Chato. He put his arms around me."Rick, what's in the binder?" I asked."You haven't seen it?" He asked. I shook my head and said."I saw the binder but I didn't look inside, I gave it to Floyd". Rick sighed and gave us an explanation.

"3 Days ago a nonhuman entity appeared in a subway station. So Waller sent me and a woman with amazing abilities" He started, he looked at me and that caught my attention. "A witch," He said, I got out of Chato's grip taking a few steps towards him. "See nobody could get near this thing, but the witch could." He said still looking at me, I felt more eyes on me but I focused on Rick."Needless to say, the whole thing was a bad idea, and that's how she escaped from Waller. So now you know" He finished explaining. All the memories came back in a flood. The swirling light. The soldier alien likes things. The necklace. I shook my head in disbelief. "What's the name, Rick?" I asked looking at the ground."Lucy I-" "Rick! What's her name!" I yelled opening my scythe from its cane form swinging it to hit the car right next to him. This time he said nothing and I gave up. I look next to us to see a bar. I glare at Rick and just run over to the bar walking inside. The minute I did I walked over to the bar and made myself a pina colada with extra rum. I sat on the counter and chugged the drink. I tossed the cup to the side grabbing a black label. Floyd walked in with Harley behind them Boom, Chato, Tyler, Kc, Katana, and Josh.

"What you having KC?" Harley asked walking behind the bar with me. "Bloody Mary right?" Floyd said mocking him. "Rick goes to mind," Kc said actually considering it."KC it's the end of the world, come have a drink with us." Harley said."Beer" he said."There it is, gives the man a beer" Boomer said."How about your hot stuff?" I asked Chato. "Water," He said. "That's good idea honey," Harley said making me chuckle as I gave him a water bottle. "Katana?" I asked jumping off the counter. "Whiskey," she said. I grabbed the bottle and tossed it to her, she caught it and I looked at Tyler and Josh. "I'm stealing your black label," Tyler said grabbing the black label from over the counter. "Lane Boy," I said looking at Josh. "Vodka?" He asked. I grabbed it from under the counter tossing it to him. I went to the shelves behind Harley and grabbed an unopened bottle of blue label. "What am I 12?" Floyd asked pointing at his empty shot glass. Harley filled his shot glass again to the top. "Here's to honor amongst thieves," He said raising his shot glass. "Not a thief," Katana said. "She's not a thief" He whispered.

"Well, we almost got away with it. Despite what everybody thought." He said. "Worst part of it is, they're gonna blame us for the whole thing. And they can't have people knowing the truth." He said."We're the patsies, the cover-up. Don't forget. We're the bad guys" He said as he took another shot."For two sweet seconds, I had hope." He said. I looked at him in disbelief, like he was crazy."You've got to be kidding me" I muttered. Chato Slammed his fist against the counter making a couple of the things jump."You had hope huh?" He asked."Hope don't stop the wheel from turning brother" He said looking at him."You preaching?" Floyd asked making give a small smile."It's coming back around for you. How many people you killed man?" "Chato, tú nunca y no significa nunca, pregunta alguien eso. Especialmente alguien como Floyd"(Chato, you never and I mean never, ask anyone that question. Especially someone like Floyd)"Exactly," Floyd said pointing at me it was kinda obvious what I said."You ain't ever whacked down no women, no kids" Diablo asked. I choked up and Harley looked at me. Tears brimmed my eye's and Tyler came over and out a hand on my back. Chato glanced over to me but kept talking. "I don't kill women or children." Floyd said looking at me."I do. See I was born with the devil's gift. Well, one of the devils' gifts" He said correcting himself looking at me. "I've kept it hidden most of my life but... As I got older, I got stronger. So I started using it, for business. You know the more power I got on the street, the more firepower I got" He said, a bloody tear fell from my eye as I quickly wiped it away. I moved away from Tyler but stayed on the counter."Like that shit went hand in hand. You know, one was feeding another. Ain't nobody tells me no. Except for my old lady. She would pray for me, even when I didn't want it" He explained."Bullshit" I muttered, I dropped my blue label and ran to the back room locking the door shut and froze it.

Floyd's POV

"Bullshit" Lucy muttered. She let her drink fall to the floor and she ran off to the back room shutting it lock. I was about to get off when the new guys said to leave it."Continue" Josh said to Diablo. Diablo opened his fist showing a dancing woman."God didn't give this to me, why should he take it away? See when I get mad, I lose control. I don't know what I do" He said as he grabbed a glass cup putting it over the fire."Till it's done" he said as the fire turned into smoke.

"And the kids?" Boomer asked."He killed them, Didn't you?" She asked him. Diablo looked into the backroom where Lucy locked herself. My eye's widened in realization. I looked at Josh and Tyler and they nodded to me, I ran to the back room to see the door locked. "Babygirl, open the door please," I said. I heard a smash of glass and crying. I hit the doorknob with the butt of my gun and the door opened. I walked in to see a ice surrounding Lucy. "Luce," I said as I cradled her. "C'mon Lucy, stay with us, we need you sane, we don't have room in this group for 4 insane people," I said referring to Harley, Digger, and Rick. She giggled and looked at me. "Diablo's complaining about his life I had to live with my crap for years and I'm gonna deal with it for the rest of my life." She said."You know about Diablo killing his family?" She nodded her head. "He knows I've killed the ones I love," She said."Look, Lucy, it wasn't your fault" I said."I know but, I feel like I should've done something. "C'mon baby girl, we need you," I said.

 She sighed but nodded her head. I helped her up and we walked out of the room. She sat on the counter of the bar where she was before and I took my seat again.."What do you think was going to happen huh!?" Harley yelled. "Hey, Harley. Come on" I said. "What were you just... Thinking you could have a happy family and coach little leagues and make car payments!" She yelled, she didn't even notice Lucy."Normal is a setting on the dryer, people like us we don't get to be normal!" She yelled."Why is it always a knife fight every single time you open your mouth?" Digger asked."You know outside you're amazing. But inside, you're ugly" He said. Lucy threw her bottle of the blue label against the wall."We all are! Each and every single one of us are and no one can change that!" She yelled."Well except Kc, he's ugly on the outside too" Harley said."Naw, not me shawty, i'm beautiful" Kc said taking off his hood."Yeah you are" Lucy and Kc said in unison, Harley looked back at her giving her a fist bump.

Lucy's POV

Rick walked into the bar and I grabbed a bottle of Vodka throwing it at him. He, sadly, dodged it and Diablo grabbed my hand. "Calm down Nena, your eyes are turning black" He whispered I yanked my hand away from him and leaned against the wall sitting criss-cross on the countertop."We obviously don't want you here" Harley said gesturing to me. Rick sat down in between Floyd and Chato looking down."Did you get to the part in the binder where I was sleeping with her?" He asked I looked at him in disbelief."Yeah, what's that like?" Floyd asked."Apparently, that's why the creatures chase him and Lucy so much, the witch is afraid of them" Floyd said."If I don't stop the witch everything is over, everything" Rick said looking up at me. He took the tablet with our mugshots smashing it against the table. "You're free to go," Rick said. Harley looked at her neck in the mirror and Digger just ran out. I got off the countertop walking around the bar over to Rick and slapped him across the face."I deserve that" He said."And whatever comes after this." He said, he took something out of his pocket handing it to Deadshot."Your daughter writes to you, every single day" He said to him. Chato grabbed my hand and I walked towards him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my head against his shoulder."You okay Nena?" he asked."You've literally asked that like 5 times since I met you" I said looking at him, he smiled and we listened to Floyd and Rick's conversation.

I saw Rick about to leave but Floyd stood up forcing him to turn around."You had these the whole time? You had letters from my daughter this whole time?" Floyd asked irritated. Rick gave him a guilty nod."I'm gonna get you there. And you're gonna end this" Floyd stated."I'm gonna carry your ass if I have to. Cause this shit is gonna be like a chapter in the bible. Everybody's gonna know what we did. And my daughter's gonna know her daddy's not a piece of shit." He said. "Zoe's gonna know her daddy's a hero," I said to Floyd, he nodded and walked out. Harley grabbed her bat and looked at all of us. "What? Got something better to do? Come on" She said walking out. Katana got up and walked out, then Tyler and Josh followed by KC and Chato leaving me and Rick behind. "Enchantress," he said. I touched my moon crest necklace and walked past him out the door. We walked out of the bar followed by the remaining soldiers, I looked down an alley and saw Boom with two cans of beer.

I walked up to him taking both cans making him follow me. "Care to join us?' I asked. He took one can open it and I did the same with the other. "Cheers Sheila," He said. I smiled as we chugged down the beers. "So you and fire boy?" He asked gesturing over to Diablo who was with Tyler and Josh holding my cane. I rolled my eyes and threw the empty can of beer at him signaling him to shut up. He nodded his head and made the 'my lips are sealed' motion as I walked faster next to my boys.


We neared a building and Boomer used one of his boomerangs and threw it and started working it with his phone. I sat on the floor cross-legged as the guys watch the phone. I was fiddling with the moon necklace. "We need to take out the big one," Floyd said. "Incubus" I whispered as my eyes shot open. "I left a big ass demo charge down there in that subway. There's a flooded tunnel that leads right under that building" Rick said. I walked out of the building following the light. I ripped off the moon crest necklace and dropped it on the floor. Chanty Cubus, I'm on my way

Diablo's POV

"Guys, where's Lucinda?" I asked. "She's not with us?" Rick asked. I ran outside and saw something on the floor. "What's that?" Floyd asked. "Her necklace," I said inspecting it. "She's after Enchantress," Rick said. "We have to find her now," Harley said. "Let's go"

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