The Devils Favorite Demon

By DJPiper

34.3K 638 26

It's really hard to kill a demon, you need alot of holywater, maybe a devils trap and a spell, or a special k... More

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Devil's Favorite Demon

E & I

1.9K 43 0
By DJPiper

Lucy's POV

We were walking when the group suddenly started hiding behind cars and stuff but Floyd and I kept walking, we stopped for a second to look at them and I knew this was the building. "What do you say we get this over with," Floyd said turning to Flag. We turned back around and started walking, As Floyd opened the door the glass shattered making me laugh, he glared at me and we walked inside with everyone else following. "Oh computers, I'm gonna see someone's browser history," I said getting on the computer. Flag and Lawton were looking at the eight monitors while I was going through someone's history and let me tell you it wasn't pretty.

"Psst, Luce, let's go," Harley said motioning for me to follow her. I did as told and she led me to an elevator, we got on and started moving, I giggled as Harley waved to the team. "He's almost here, are you sure you don't want your nanite disabled". "I don't have one cause of the cuffs remember?". Harley texted Joker one more thing before putting her phone away.

I looked up to see a soldier thing crash to the glass. "Harls!" I yelled, I opened my gloves but the soldier alien grabbed them and they locked automatically. "You little shit!" I yelled. I opened my scythe cutting its gut open pushing it out the broken window.  Another came and attacked Harls but she hit it with her bat and her and I got back to back as she walked up the side of the elevator and landed on the thing. I grabbed another by the throat smashing my scythe into its head. "Sweetie calm down! Your eyes they're turning black!" Harley yelled. "I'm sorry it's just, those things, honestly look very familiar" I whispered. Three more broke in through the roof and as Harley beat one with the bat while I stabbed one in the 'face' with one glove and the other with the scythe. I pushed the bodies off the elevator as Harley fixed her make up made me chuckle. "Oh Hunny, your necklace" Harley said handing me the moon crescent. "You should really wear it, it matches your outfit better than that weird skull," She said. I nodded ripping off the demon skull necklace tossing it to the side putting on the crescent moon. 

The elevator door opened and everyone got ready to fight. "Hey guys," Harley and I said with a smile. "Come on," We said as we walked away. "Hold," Rick said holding a hand up. "Use extreme caution." He said." I don't like this Rick" I whispered to him. "I know" He glanced over at me his eyes flickering down to the moon necklace, he gulped before focusing, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but ignored it as I took the lock of my bracelets turning the right one into the fully formed glove. " I don't like this flag," Floyd said. "I don't either." He responded. Floyd grabbed his white mask putting it on. "Pussy" Harley and I muttered walking past him." I will knock your asses out. I don't care if you're girls" he said. Harley and I laughed but I heard Kc growl towards the ceiling. "Kc? Everything good?" I asked he shook his head.

The alien soldiers came down like pouring rain and attacked us. I just froze, like I was glued to my spot, I couldn't move, I remembered seeing these things, they were in the cave, the night I got the necklace. I remember who gave me the necklace.


I was walking down an abandoned road, thanks to 'Father' I had become the second fallen angel, but Lucifer had sent me to live in the overworld. I was 914 years old but I could easily be mistaken for 5 with the vessel he had provided for me until I could find my own form. I walked into the woods and a cave. There I saw a woman, kinda, I sensed her, she was a witch. "Darlin' are you lost?" she turned around and I saw her face, it looked dirty and she was covered in chains and her hair was down to her hips. She had a moon-shaped crest on her forehead. "Hey lady, can I stay with you, my brother sent me to the overworld but I have no one to take care of me." I asked childishly "Sure my child, let me show you my family" I smiled and grabbed her hand. "You're a witch right?" I asked full of confidence as we walked deeper into the cave. "Yes, and I'm assuming you are a demon," she said. I smiled and nodded my head as we got to the end I saw a bunch of black soldier alien things and a huge fire skeleton thingy. "More like a fallen angel if you wanna be specific," I said. The witch smiled at me before gesturing to the huge firey skeleton "My Brother, this little girl is Lucinda, from the underworld." The witch spoke. "Why have you brought a mortal here dearest sister of mine," he said, well he spoke it in his own language but I understood him. "Mister, I'm not mortal, I'm a fallen angel!" I said they both looked at me surprised. "I'm Enchantress and my dearest brother here is Incubus" She spoke in her native language. "Chanty and Cubus got it, "I said, Chanty smiled while Cubus just shook his head and walked away. Chanty followed him and me her, we walked through a wall and I saw a huge light in the center of the room. "How does that not attract flies or moths!?" I said my accent strong. They both chuckled and Cubus started walking again. "Lucinda, we have to leave and prepare but I promise we will find you and the 3 of us can rule the world." Chanty said. I was upset but understood. "For protection and we can find and sense each other, and you can gain and strengthen your powers" she spoke in her native language. She put a necklace around my neck which had a moon crescent. She gave me a small box with the initials E & I.  


Enchantress and Incubus, it was them.

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