Mated With The Enemy

By LovelyLoopyKari

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I didn't think, why would I when rarely anything bad happened or any repercussions were given. I was the prin... More

To Be Loved
Chapter Two - Two Years
Chapter Three - Once Wasn't Enough
Chapter Four - Dangerous Mates
Chapter Five - Assembly
Chapter Six - Greenhouse
Chapter Seven - Dangling Over The Edge
Chapter Eight - The Arrangement
Chapter Nine - According to Lucas
Chapter Ten - Let The Party Begin
Chapter Eleven - Omegas
Chapter Twelve - Miranda
Chapter Thirteen - The Almost Brawl
Chapter Fourteen - Recovery
Chapter Fifteen - Winter Formal
Chapter Sixteen - New Enemies
Chapter Seventeen - Medicine
Chapter Eighteen - Secrets
Chapter Nineteen - Saved
Chapter Twenty - Discovery
Chapter Twenty One - Finally
Chapter Twenty Two - Legacy

Chapter One - Repercussions

10.3K 334 12
By LovelyLoopyKari

Chapter One - Repercussions


“Rosie!” His husky voice greeted me by my locker. How many times did I have to tell him? I don’t want a mate! My wolf growled, clearly annoyed with me, she wanted him. Bad.

I flipped my brown wavy hair over my shoulder and walked right past him. I didn’t need anything from my locker, it wasn’t like I was going to actually do my homework anyway. “Rose, wait up.” He called following after me, still not getting the hint.

“Fisher.” A guy, Wilson, came to my rescue. “Can’t you get the hint? She doesn’t like you, she never will.” I flinched at those words, biting my bottom lip from saying or growling anything I’ll regret later. “Besides, she’s in love with me.”

A gross feeling filled my stomach, I literally felt sick. I didn’t love him, not at all. I loved myself and my parents. I know that as the Alpha’s daughter, I should love the pack but I don’t. At least not right now.

But I had a soft spot from the brown haired boy in front of me. Lucas Fisher. Son of Rhett and Evelyn Fisher, my parents and the packs worst enemies. We weren’t even supposed to look, let alone talk to anyone in their pack. So sharing a school was hard, as you can imagine. Fights broke out all the time, we even had two elders from each pack that hung around the school to try and keep the peace.

My parents would disown me if they ever found out that their only child was mated to their enemies son. I wouldn’t do that, I loved them too much. I didn’t even want a mate in the first place, so I didn’t even have to contemplate who to choose.

I meet Lucas’s golden brown eyes for half a second before I straightened my shoulders and smiled as convincingly as I could at Wilson. “You got that right.” I tried to make my voice flirty. I stood up on my tip toes and gave Wilson a peck on the lips. I hated myself for feeling guilty, I hated myself for being weak. I also hated that I cared what Lucas thought. My eyes flickered to his again and when they hardened on me I dropped my eyes to the ground, finding great fascination in the tile floor.

“Fine.” His tone had a hard edge to it and I flinched, my wolf whimpering softly. “I won’t talk, look at, protect or even think about you ever again.” He hissed.

Turning on his heel he walked in the opposite direction. His back was tense and his hands were clenched into tight fist. My heart hurt terribly and I had the overwhelming urge to run after him. I pushed that feeling away and began my walk to my first class. Lucas’s face kept popping into my head all hour, I couldn’t help it, I need to see him.

After the bell rang I carefully slinked my way out of class and followed the delicious scent till I saw him. He was laying under a shaded tree, a girl to his left and a guy to his right. I zoned in on his breathing that was irregular, I could barely make out his growling. He was pissed.

My wolf’s constant whining grew louder as I looked at him. I watched carefully as the feeling of helplessness formed in the pit of my stomach. I hate that I hurt him, I hate that I care that I hurt him. I didn’t want a mate..

“Rosaline Summers.” I heard one of the edler’s from Lucas’s pack behind me. I turned in freight, my hand holding my chest. “I think you should be in class.” He spoke sternly.

I felt ashamed and nodded, not speaking a word. I usually would chew out anyone who tried to talk to me like that. But I literally couldn’t. I felt so bad for hurting Lucas, it pained me to even think about it now. He was nothing but sweet, beyond sweet actually.

He didn’t deserve me as a mate, I was horrible to him. I hope he moves on and becomes happy.

It never would have worked with the two of us. I’m bitch, yes I know that I am one, and he is a sweet caring person. Oh and also the fact that our families have a deep hatred for each other.

I didn’t go to class. I walked home, it was a nice time to think. To reevaluate things, I hated how I had to do things but I really had no choice. Besides, who would want me as mate?

“I can’t believe I did that.” I muttered under my breath, my eyes stinging with tears. I avoided everyone as I ran up to my room. Locking my door I unleash my tears and I fell onto my bed. Lucas was the only thing on my mind.

Hours later I woke to a dark room. I shifted on my bed, confused. Something woke me up, I’m sure of it. But what?

Loud growls and shouts could be heard from downstairs and I jumped with surprise. Making my way quickly down the stairs I met the confrontation in the living room. Gasping in surprise at the bloody body in the middle of the room. Wilson.

“Oh my God.” I whispered shaking my head. “Will.”

“Rosaline.” My mother came up next to me, relief on her face.

“There has been an attack.” My father’s voice bellowed over the voices in the room to get them to quiet down. “A boy is dead.” He hung his head, losing one of your pack members is like losing family. For some.

“But he didn’t die in vain, no. He died protecting our future Alpha, my daughter.” He gave me a slight smile. “Our Enemies have declared war by trying to attack her, they have declared war for killing one of us.” The crowd that was gathered in the living room nodded. “We kill. Tonight.” His order final.

Lucas. My mind instantly went on high alert, they were going to kill him. I didn’t want him dead, I just wanted him happy.

“Dad.” I called after him as he hastily walked into the backyard, warriors following his every move. “Dad, stop.”

“Go back inside Rose.” He told me curtly.

“Please don’t do this. I’m fine, they want me and I’m fine. Please don’t start a war.” I shook my head.

“He killed our Brother.” He growled in my face. I shrunk back in fear, my father has never growled at me before. “I have to Rosaline.” He told me softly, kissing my forehead before he went into his office, that was in our back yard.

I took off running, not even caring that Lucas wanted to kill me. I needed to warn him, he needed to be safe. I made it to the edge of my pack lands and hesitated, knowing I was going into enemy territory terrified me but Lucas being hurt over powered that at the moment, so I continued forward. The growling started almost as soon as I crossed into their territory.

I had to give it to them, they were really good at border patrol. One wolf let out a terrifying howl, warning me he called in reinforcements. My heart raced in my chest once I caught his scent and followed it to him. Standing in front of me in the middle of the forest was a line of wolves. I slowed to a stop and looked around the circle that they had me in, never stopping the vicious growls and the snapping of their teeth.

“Lucas?” I whispered as I studied the wolves. I could smell him. A wolf to my left stiffened and my eyes zeroed in on him. He was a big brown wolf, with honey brown eyes that belonged to my Lucas. “You have to go.” I told him, tears in my eyes as I looked at him. He growled and every wolf in the circle did as well. “Please, they’re coming. They’re going to kill you.” I sobbed, my throat closing up at the thought along with an ache in my heart. “Lucas, please.”

He growled again but this time no one followed his lead. A group of about 6 broke apart and started running away while more moved to flank Lucas. “Luke.” I pleaded but he cut me off with a sharp look.

I was hurt sure but I mean it wasn’t like I wanted him, right? Everyone bolted into the woods, including Lucas, leaving me alone. I took off running back the way I came, back home.

“Rose!” My father yelled as I made my way onto our land. “What the hell were you thinking?”

“I-I.” I stuttered, shaking my head, “I wasn’t.” I bowed my head.

He grabbed my upper arm and pulled me with him, all the way back to the house. “Damn right you weren’t thinking.” He growled. “You betrayed me, you betrayed your pack! For what?” He shoved me on the ground.

“Dad.” I shook my head, looking up at my father.

“You’re done Rose.” He sighed shaking his head with anger, “You are no longer future Alpha. I release you as my heir.”

Let me know your thoughts!:)

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