Written In Stars

By TwirlingPages

45.3K 1K 131

Shyra Riminique Swan, the elder sister of Isabella Swan and the newest resident of Forks, Washington. With h... More

Chapter 1: Back Home
Chapter 2: Forks High
Chapter 3: The Eyes of Gold
Chapter 4: The Smirk
Chapter 5: Jasper Hale
Chapter 7: Stuff Of The Legends
Chapter 8: A Walk In The Forest

Chapter 6: The Case of a Hot Mate

4.5K 115 36
By TwirlingPages

Hey guys! If you're on this chapter, you probably like something about this story...let me know what it is!
Happy reading!

Chapter 6
The Case of a Hot Mate

Remembering her little promise from the day before, Shyra found herself smirking as she got dressed for school. Having naturally straight hair, it took her no more than combing them for a few minutes to get rid of any and every wave.

Thanking her stars for Charlie's absence and thereby the avoidance of awkward questions, Shyra went straight to the car, having eaten already.

Feeling all eyes in her as soon as she stepped out of the car, Shyra let out a content sigh when she caught the look on Lauren's face.

"I see what you meant when you said you'll show them hot." Alessia's voice came from behind her, making her stop in her tracks.

"You look scorching." John told her, as he too caught up with her.

"Why, thank you."

It was then that Shyra spotted Jasper who looked positively furious. Alice, who caught her looking, smiled brightly and waved Shyra over.

"I'll catch up with you guys in a few?" Shyra requested.

"Love calls." Lina remarked. "Hmm..don't let the boy talk you into bunking unless..." she trailed off letting the innuendo hang in the air.

"Go ahead. And at the very least, make sure you have no unapproved audience before you do anything." Alessia said cheerfully as she took Madeline's hand and left.

"I'll see you later." Was all John offered before leaving.

"You look good." Alice complimented as soon as Shyra was within earshot.

"And tall." Emmett added with a grin, looking pointedly at her four and a half inch heels.

Shyra gave him an unimpressed look knowing that he knew that she knew that she now standing at 5'9 and a half still had nothing on his 6'5 or Jasper's 6'3 or Edward and Caleb's 6'2. "Haha." She said dryly.

"What brought on this change in appearance?" Jasper asked, standing next to her.

"A little promise I made. To Lauren and to Tunasia." She replied cheerfully.

"I don't think you've met everyone yet." Alice said, linking her arm with Shyra's. "This is Rosalie." She said, pointing towards the beautiful blonde. "And Emmett." She said pointing towards the big guy.

Just as she was about to say that she did in fact, know them, Shyra realised that she only knew their names due to the gossip. She politely smiled at them and left it at that.

"We should get going. Classes start in 5 minutes." Caleb warned.

"What do you have?" Jasper asked Shyra.


"I'm going that way, I have Music." Edward said. "We can walk together, if you don't mind." He told Shyra, glancing briefly at Jasper who gave him a questioning look. "Be thankful you can't hear what people are thinking." Edward mumbled, allowing only the vampires to hear him.

Jasper growled as he stepped even closer to Shyra who looked up at him in shock.

Delicately avoiding her gaze Jasper looked at Emmett. "We should get going, shouldn't we?"

"Come on Shyra." Edward smiles as he offered her his arm. Taking his arm with a hesitant smile, Shyra couldn't help but notice the increase in stares as they walked towards their respective classes.
Edward Cullen was not one to interact with just any human. But Shyra Swan, his brother's mate would inevitably be his sister one day and he did not need a repeat of what happened when Rosalie first joined the family.

Shyra's mind, foggier than any he had come across, almost gave him a literal headache when he tried to hear. But something about her personality, her naive, trusting nature made him want to protect her. That and the fact that the soldier side of his brother would torture him to death for not hearing the thoughts of the person who harmed her. It was majorly because of the latter.

What provoked Shyra to wear the dress she was wearing, he had no clue. Did she not realise the types of people studying in Forks High weren't exactly the best. The thoughts of the majority of the male population (and not very surprisingly, some of the females) were sickening.

Volunteering to walk her to her class, he glared at the ones with the most perverted thoughts, inwardly smirking at the fright on their sorry faces, even if it was momentary. He sighed, hearing the rumours spreading.

"She was with Jasper yesterday!" Jessica Stanley could be heard whispering. "Is this some sort of weird three people thing? Or do you think the Jasper and Edward had a fight over something and she picked him?"

"Maybe she's just friends with the Cullens. She's in my Econ class. Alice Cullen hugged her quite tightly, maybe she just knows them from somewhere else." Angela Weber whispered back.

"Oh come on, I can imagine being friends with Alice Cullen and all but Edward and Jasper? The two hottest single guys around?" Jessica whisper yelled, making Angela roll her eyes.

What is she doing? Tunasia's thoughts reached him. She couldn't possibly have bagged both the single ones in a day! And where did she get that dress from?

Edward would have barfed if he could. The thought of being romantically involved with Shyra, as beautiful and intriguing as she was, was absurd. Not only would the Major kill him, he already thought of her as nothing more than a sister.
Calculus was uncomfortable, to say the least. Not only did Shyra receive a number of glared from who she assumed were Edward fans, a number of boys decided that they wanted her number.

"So you're the new girl." A raven haired, boy with pale skin and a smirk on his face said as he slid in next to her.

"I am." She agreed dryly without turning to look at him.

"Would you like to go out for dinner?" He asked her confidently, earning a look of distaste.

"I like to know the name of the person I'm having dinner with." She said with a saccharine smile.

"To know that you're going to have to come to dinner." He said, voice coated with arrogance.

Shyra slammed her textbook shut. "I also only like to have dinner with men capable of taking hints." She sneered.

Unfortunately for her, the remaining day passed in a similar way. Rejecting people who wouldn't take no for an answer. On a brighter note, one of the Cullens always seemed to be around to scare off the pests.

When a particularly courageous boy approached her after lunch while she was walking to class with Jasper, he was practically hissed at in an animalistic manner which gave even Shyra a bit of a shock. The boy gulped with his eyes popping out of their sockets and borderline ran in the opposite reaction. Jasper then proceeded to put his hand on the small of her back, and though Shyra would never admit it, she leant into his touch, compartmentalising her thoughts about Jasper's inhuman behaviour which she had witnessed in the morning as well.
"I soo almost regret this." Shyra groaned, looking down at her outfit.

"But the look on that plastic doll's face! Totally worth it, isn't it?" Madeline exclaimed.

"So worth it." Shyra agreed.

"Heard the Cullens were chasing boys away from you the entire day." Daniel smirked.

"You make it sound weird." Shyra said, as she opened a bottle of apple juice and sipped.

"It is a little weird." John said hesitantly. "I mean, how did they even know where to find you?"

"I have at least one Cullen in all my classes." Shyra pointed out as she continued sipping.

"English was cancelled." Jacinda said. "You weren't with any Cullen. How did Rosalie know which direction to find you in?"

"It isn't a very big school." Alessia shrugged.

"Accepted. But why?" Daniel ask with a raised eyebrow.

"I was with them in the morning. I walked to class with Edward. Maybe he noticed me getting irritated at some point." Shyra offered weakly.

"That does make sense." John said. "Everyone noticed Shyra getting annoyed with the ones who couldn't take no for an answer."

"Which is annoying. She should be able to wear anything without being stared at and bothered." Madeline said, rolling her eyes.

"I know right. I mean, there are always a couple of exceptions, but...really." She agreed, trailing off towards the end.

"It's a small town and you're the new girl. They'll stop bothering you for these things in about month or when you murder someone. Whichever comes first." Sarah shrugged nonchalantly.

"There you are!" Lauren's voice came.

"Here I am!" Shyra exclaimed in the same voice as she turned to look at Lauren, Tuney and the other silent blonde.

"So I see you're becoming exceptionally close to the Cullens." Tuney said.

"Particularly the boys." Lauren added.

"We don't like it." Tuney said. "Which is why it won't continue." She spat. "I don't know what they see in you. Your failed attempt to look good on your second day is proof that you're just a little wannabe."

"Good going Nancy Drew." Shyra commented dryly.

"You don't deserve them." Tuney said. "You'll never be worthy of any of them."

"Great." She commented, her tone remaining the same. "Anything else?"

"You're sooo smug, aren't you? You think you own this school-"

"I'm tired." Shyra interrupted. "If you or your two junior friends have something important to say, summarise it in 5 sentences and speak. Unlike you, I actually have friends in my grade and would like to have a couple if minutes with them before I get home and sleep!"

"That's your cue to leave." John piped up from behind.

"Please." Lina said in exasperation.
Jasper narrowed his eyes as the boy with specs put his arm around Shyra.

"Jazz." Alice said, touching his arm.

"You don't have to worry about him." Edward sighed. "He's...well, he's..."

"He's gay." Rosalie interrupted bluntly. "Honestly Edward, it's not 1920 anymore. Saying it is not offensive."

"Why can't she have more friends like him?" Jasper murmured as he looked at John who clearly fancied his mate.

"The one your glare has shifted to, that one doesn't plan to make a move either." Edward said.

"Thank goodness I found you a vampire." Emmett told Rosalie as he looked at his brother have a mini freak out about how his human mate could be harmed by anything and everything out there.

"The world isn't out to get your mate, Jazz. Honestly." Caleb scoffed as they practically dragged Jasper into the jeep.
Not my best, I'm aware. But do let me know your views on this chapter. Did I overdo it?
I hope not.
Do vote, comment, follow and share. I will update soon.
Thankyou and a very happy new year❤️

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