INEFFABLE โžณmccall

By omgnobody

221K 5.3K 2.4K

๐ˆ๐๐„๐…๐…๐€๐๐‹๐„ /inหˆefษ™b(ษ™)l/ (adj.) too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words. โIn which... More



5.5K 135 49
By omgnobody


: ̗̀➛☽︎

"THIS IS GOING TO BE IMPOSSIBLE, YOU KNOW." Scott commented as the trio walked into the school. The werewolves had no idea how they were going to get the necklace from the huntress, but Stiles seemed to have a plan. Not that any of his plans were great.

"Just ask her if you can borrow it." Stiles responded, causing Scott to give him a look. The pale boy turned toward Addy. "I meant Adelyn. She can do that."  

"Well, how should I do that?" The girl questioned as the teens slowed to a stop next to her locker. She put in her combination, quickly opening it and nearly hitting Stiles in the process. The boy jumped dramatically, Adelyn shaking her head at the boy's antics.

"Just ask her if you can hang out some time, then, when she's not looking, steal it." The Stilinski's voice squeaked with the last part, not really believing the words were coming out of his own mouth. Adelyn sighed and rubbed a hand over her face, then pushed passed the two to walk down the hall towards Allison's locker. 

The boys began to follow, but they stopped at the corner as they saw where she was headed. Allison was putting books in her locker, thankfully, alone. "Hey, Allison." The girl greeted in a cheery tone, smiling at the Argent.

"Hey, I was just thinking." She paused as she shut her locker. "We need to hang out. Me, you, and Lydia if she's up for it. Maybe after school today?"

Adelyn blinked a couple times, thinking this was going to be easier than anticipated. "Sounds like a plan to me." The Tate nodded. "See you later then?"

"I'll text you." She turned, pulling her bag back onto her shoulder, then walked away. 

Maybe this plan would work.

: ̗̀➛☽︎

Scott sat alone at a lunch table, silently panicking about his confrontation with Jackson. The McCall had no idea how the boy knew, but it was definitely concerning. The good news was that his only threat to werewolf was telling Adelyn, though she already knew. At least the consequences of not getting the Whittemore the bite weren't bad. Yet.

The werewolf's legs bounced because of his nerves, Scott too lost in thought to even notice Adelyn had sat in front of him. The girl wasn't aware of Jackson's revelation as Scott hadn't gotten the chance to tell her.

She snapped her fingers in front of his face, "Scott? You good?" The McCall nodded in response, making her furrow her eyebrows.

"Okay, uh, what's up?" Stiles asked, awkwardly trying to break the silence as he sat next to Scott.

"I'm going to Allison's after school, and Lydia said she didn't really want to come, so we're good in that department." Adelyn replied, letting them know her plan was successful.

"Cool, now all you need to do is get the necklace."

Scott finally looked up from his tray at Adelyn, only barely spotting Jackson staring at him. The McCall dipped his head toward Stiles. "He's watching us." He whispered almost inaudibly, Adelyn squinting at the boys in confusion as Stiles looked at Jackson too. "Act normal." 

"What's going on?" Adelyn questioned.

"Scott? Can you hear me?" Jackson quizzed, the werewolf trying to act natural. "You can, can't you?"

"Jackson's talking to me. He knows I can hear him." Stiles' jaw dropped as he looked to Jackson, Scott quickly pulling his attention back to him. "Look at me! Just talk to me. Act normal. Pretend that nothing is happening."

"Wait, does Jackson know?" The girl questioned, earning a nod from both teens in front of her.

"Are you trying to pretend not to hear me?"

She looked down, trying to listen too. "Adelyn, don't." Scott muttered, earning a confused look. "He might figure out that you're one too." He stated slowly, making up the reason. Scott wasn't too sure what Jackson would say, so he didn't want her to listen in. Addy started eating, trying to act natural with the boys. "Okay, talk to me Stiles."

"I can't think of anything, my mind's completely blank." He rushed the words out, making exasperated hand movements.

"Your mind's blank? You can't think of anything to say?"

"Out of all the times you could run out of things to say, you choose now?" Adelyn deadpanned, earning a glare from Stiles.

"I can't think under this kind of pressure!" He explained. "FYI, he's not even sitting with them anymore." The McCall looked to where Jackson was, only to see that Stiles was right.

His eyes scanned the cafeteria. "Where the hell is he?"

"Looking for me, McCall?" The Whittemore's voice echoed. "I'm right here." He chuckled darkly. "So what else can you do? Can you see better? Are you stronger, more powerful? I knew there was no way you suddenly got that good at lacrosse. Which means you're actually a cheater, aren't you? Can you even play lacrosse?" 

Scott clenched his jaw and answered, though the human couldn't hear him. "Yes." 

"I'll bet my new co-captain's gonna score a bunch of shots tonight, aren't you?" He taunted, smirking triumphantly.

"Don't let him get to you." Adelyn warned, but her words were drowned out by his.

"And while you're pretending to not be a lying cheat, I'm going to ruin your life if you don't give me what I want." He stated. "And you know what I'm gonna start with? Adelyn." The werewolf glanced between Stiles and Adelyn, the former was looking at him with concern, but Adelyn had seemingly decided to continue acting normal as she was eating her lunch.

"I'm going to destroy your chances with her." Scott grabbed a bottle of water and took a drink out it, shaking with anger. "And when I'm done with that, I'm gonna get her all alone, and I'm gonna get my hands over that tight little body."

"Scott, you can't let him do this. You can't let him have this kind if power over you, okay?" Stiles tried to calm him down, but to no avail.

"I'm going to do everything you never got the chance to do, and, Scott, she's gonna beg for more. I'll bet she likes to get loud." The McCall gripped the edges of his tray, shaking even more violently with anger. "How are you gonna feel, Scott, when she's screaming my name?" Scott snapped the tray in half with the last question, gaining everyone's attention. Adelyn raised her eyebrows with worry, blinking a couple times in shock.

Scott didn't care that Jackson had won, he just wanted to kill him.

: ̗̀➛☽︎

Adelyn was following Lydia around as she was searching for Jackson. The boy had tried to break up with her over text, royally pissing the redhead off. When the Martin spotted him, she basically, and impossibly, sprinted in heels to catch up with him. Adelyn groaned and followed after her, as Lydia had told her to provide moral support. 

"Jackson!" She shouted, pulling her phone out. "This little text? Not funny."

"I wasn't trying to be funny. I would have put a 'haha' at the end of it." Adelyn bit her tongue, wanting to punch him in the face. "And see there's no 'haha'." He pointed out.

"'Lydia, please give up my spare house key at your earliest convenience-" She recited the text. "-as we are no longer dating.'?"

"You didn't lose it, did you?" Addy's lips parted slightly, not understanding why he was doing this.

"What the hell is this?" She whispered, causing Jackson to sigh.

"Well, Lydia, in preparation for some big changes, I've decided to drop some of the dead weight in my life. And you're just about the deadest." Adelyn scrunched up her nose, knowing he was talking about becoming a werewolf. She looked at her friend, preparing for some kind of meltdown.

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"Dumping, actually. I'm dumping you." He chuckled and tried to walk away, only to have his arm grabbed by Lydia.

"Dumped by the co-captain of the lacrosse team. I wonder how many minutes it'll take me to get over that. Well, seconds, actually. Seconds!" She stated sarcastically, flipped her hair, then walked off.

"Well, she handled that well." Adelyn mumbled, starting to follow her, only for Jackson to grab her by her arm.

"You know," He started, proceeding to pull her closer to him. She leaned away, trying to put more distance between them. "You could have the spare house key."

Adelyn's face contorted into disgust as she yanked her arm away. She processed his words for another second, then bitch-slapped him. "I'd rather set myself on fire, thanks." The girl stated sarcastically, letting the boy recollect his thoughts.

He grabbed his face where she had hit him and laughed humorlessly. "See you around, Tate." He smirked before walking off. Adelyn stood there for a couple seconds, slightly dumbfounded by the encounter.

She had slapped him, yet, still felt as if she had lost.

: ̗̀➛☽︎

Adelyn was walking to the Argent household, collecting her thoughts. Lydia had offered to give her a ride, but the werewolf had known she had a bad day and didn't want to inconvenience her. The Martin acted like she was unbothered, but Addy knew her better than that.

The Tate was wondering what the hell Jackson was doing. She didn't understand why he wanted to be a werewolf or what he was trying to do back at the high school. None of it made sense, especially if since he wasn't aware she was a werewolf as well.

Adelyn's phone vibrated, Stiles name at the top of the screen. She assumed it was important, so she answered. "I'm almost at Allison's, what's up?"

"It's Derek." The werewolf's voice came through the phone, confusing her slightly.

"Why do you have Stiles' phone?"

"I assumed you were more likely to answer." He replied stoically.

"Oh, well, what's going on?" She inquired, not understanding why he was with Stiles.

"We're gonna figure out who sent the text to Allison when we were at the school. Get the necklace, be careful." He explained to the girl, who nodded though he couldn't see her.

"I will." She answered shortly, walking onto the Argent's porch.

"Seriously." Derek stated firmly.

"I promise, I'll be okay. Don't let Stiles die and don't let his dad find you." She reaffirmed, assuming it was a good enough answer for him when he hung up.

Addy knocked on the door, 'father crossbow' opened it. "Adelyn." He stepped aside and let's her in the house. "She's not back from her run yet, so you can wait here if you like." The man motioned toward Allison's room, the girl saying a quick 'thank you' as she walked up the stairs.

She began to look for the necklace, careful not to make much noise to draw attention from Chris. Her first thought was to look on Allison's nightstand. The werewolf pulled some drawers open, focusing her hearing for footsteps just to be safe.

After she had no luck with the nightstands, she stood in the middle of the room and waited for something to catch her eye. Addy's gaze fell onto a book that rested on the Argent's desk. She walked towards it, and noticed the chain that acted as a bookmark. The girl grabbed the necklace and pocketed it quickly as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. She hastily sat on the bed, pulling out her phone to act natural.

"Hey, Adelyn." Chris started. "I have a few questions."

"Okay, ask away." She tilted her head at the Argent, setting her phone on the bed beside her.

"How do you know Derek Hale?" 

She narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at at the floor as if she were confused. "The dude who locked us in the school?" She asked, to which he nodded. "I don't know him and hope I never meet him." She lied nonchalantly before continuing. "What makes you think I know him?"

"Allison said she has seen Scott talking to him before, I figured you might know him if Scott does. I seem to have been mistaken." He replied, before Allison entered the room.

"Hey, uh, what's going on?"

"Nothing. Everything's good." Chris answered, before quickly exiting the room. 

"That was weird." Allison laughed nervously, hoping her dad didn't say anything too strange. "So, uh, I know this inconvenient, but if you want to just head to the game that's okay. My run took longer than expected and I really just need to take a shower."

"Oh, okay. See you there?"

"Maybe. I'm not sure yet." She answered honestly. "I'll talk to you later though."

Adelyn nodded and they parted ways. She walked down the stairs and exited the house, making sure that nobody could stop her because she'd rather not have another conversation with an Argent that's not Allison.

When she was a few houses away, she sent a picture of the necklace to Stiles. Her phone immediately buzzed with a call, Derek asking her a bunch of questions. The necklace was just a flat pendant, it was nothing special. When he didn't get any useful information, Derek gave the phone back to Stiles.

"We're coming to get you."

: ̗̀➛☽︎

The text was from Melissa McCall.

Addy didn't believe it. The three pulled up to the hospital, Derek telling the teens to go inside to check it out. Before they could get out, he grabbed Stiles and smashed his face into the wheel. The Tate questioned it, receiving a very short description of what happened at the Stilinski's house.

Adelyn didn't know Derek's real name was Miguel.

Stiles was talking to Derek on the phone as the teens searched for some kind of evidence. The two arrived to Peter Hale's room, instantly regretting it.

"Get out of there right now, it's him! He's the Alpha!" Derek exclaimed, causing Addy's heart rate to spike alarmingly. She grabbed onto Stiles' hand back slowly away from the room. They spot the werewolf down the hall, half of the man's face having scars from the fire. He looked like hell.

"You must be Stiles. Adelyn."

"What are you doing here?" A nurse hissed as the teens tried to walk away. "Visiting hours are over." 

Stiles started stuttering, connecting everything in his sentence fragments. He began panicking very quickly. "Oh, my god, I'm gonna die." The Stilinski repeated multiple times. Addy's grip on his hand tightened as Derek elbowed the crazy bitch of a nurse and knocked her out.

"That's not nice. She's my nurse." The psychopath at the end of the hall commented.

"She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people." Derek snarled. "Get out of the way." He motioned for the teens to move.

"Oh, damn." Stiles remarked, before pulling them both to the ground.

The two werewolves bickered for a moment, before Derek growled and decided to attack. The younger Hale was getting the shit beat out of him, Adelyn and Stiles were hiding behind a counter as Peter gave some awful excuses for his actions.

"I tried to warn you." He threw Derek through some glass, making Adelyn flinch.

"We have to get out of here." Stiles whispered, tugging on her hand. The girl doesn't move and continued to listen to Derek struggling. Stiles pulled her off the ground, making her turn toward him. "We have to go." She shook her head hesitantly, not wanting to leave Derek behind. "Adelyn. Now." He added firmly, making her huff. She nodded, both teens making a run for the exit.

What a shit day.

: ̗̀➛☽︎

6/19/20: edited to be third pov

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