anonymous || pjm

By stale-bread-stick

3.1K 158 107

[Highschool!au] Despite the majority of the bad boy stories showcasing a fearless protagonist with a nonsensi... More

(Prologue): Unsolicited Embarrassment


153 12 6
By stale-bread-stick

You stare down at the man slowly but steadily driving past you, wheels making an excessive amount of noise, the man riding the toy car seemingly having the time of his life. Your brows furrow as he has yet to leave your line of sight, the other students in the hallway unfazed as they make space for the male to drive through.


"Jungkook?" You whisper under your breath. And as you jog to catch up to the bulky male that just barely fits on the plastic car meant for children, emphasizing the children part; you realize that it is, indeed, the man you'd thought, faded ripped jeans and black hoodie over his head as he drives through school.

Again, what?

The male in question doesn't even acknowledge you even as you walk beside him, effortlessly keeping up with the all too slow and all too loud toy car. You raise your gaze, wondering why no students even glanced his way. Wondering where all the teachers were, what kind of influence does this boy (currently still riding a toy car through school hallways) have to not even be acknowledged by anyone?

"Jungkook?" You call his name, trying to catch his attention, with no results. "Jungkook!" At that, he catches your gaze, yelling over the noise,

"Hello!" The male below you narrows his eyes, scanning you from head to toe as you watch with a raised brow, "You look familiar. Have I threatened you before?"

You blink. "WhAt-"

"Wait!" One of his hands let go of the handlebar only to click his fingers with a surprised "ah!" as he kept his gaze on you, "You're Y/n! I know you! Well, you don't know me, but I know you! I'm Jungkook, one of Jimin's friends."

What he failed to realize is that everyone knew him, but you kept that thought to yourself. "Well, nice to meet you." You clear your throat. "Um.. care to elaborate on what exactly you're doing?"

This entire conversation has been through yelling, mind you. Your throat is already starting to get sore. "Well!" The toy car skids to a stop, your throat and ears relieved at the heavy noise the plastic pretend-car had finally stopped making. Jungkook leans forward, propping his elbows on the handlebars in an awkward position before looking up at you. "This is my dad's sister's friend's kids', and I charmed them into letting me borrow it."

You snort. "You charmed a five year old?"

"He's six, mind you." He mumbles under his breath, revving the tiny engine of the tiny car as he speeds off as fast as the pretend-vehicle can go, fist pumped in the air, and you only snort as you watch his back become smaller from your spot. A lopsided smile manages its way onto your features. Had you just made a new friend?


"Are you kidding me?!"

The considerably tiny man widens his eyes, eyeing the male sitting on his couch eating his pudding and watching his television. Jimin watches, standing a few measly ways away from the male in question, hands curling into a strangling gesture as the younger male nearly chokes from abrupt laughter from his spot on the couch. Again, his couch.

"Oh?" Another male only months younger than Jimin appears from the doorway, walking into the living room with a teasing smile. "Someone is maad!"

The owner of the couch and the living room and the pudding both males were inhaling only continues his (completely justifiable) tantrum. "How the frick!" Jimin continues by pointing an accusing finger at the male still lounging on his couch. "I try to befriend Y/n since forever and you just... You just ride a stupid toy car around school and suddenly you're both the best of buds?!"

Jungkook is still giggling as he takes another spoonful of pudding. "Not my fault I'm more charming."

"You feckin brat, you-"

Taehyung gasps from the kitchen, walking out with yet another helping of pudding. "Language, hyung!"

The eldest of the two plops onto the couch, arms crossed and brows furrowed, "I hate you guys." Jimin squirms in his spot, shuffling away only for his eyes to narrow in disgust at the crumbs his friends left on the couch. His couch.

The male's glare towards the crumbs only stops as Taehyung plops onto them, leaving the older squished between the two males. Taehyung smiles his infamous boxy smile with fake innocence plastered all over, "I love you!"

Jungkook shuffles even closer to the two, "I love you too!"

Jimin's arms remain crossed stubbornly, unfazed. Well, maybe only a little bit. "I don't love you guys, go away."

Taehyung leans back on the couch comfortably, "I was actually talking to Kook."

Jungkook copies the gesture, crossing his arms over his chest. "Same."

The two meet eyes. Taehyung blinks. "What?"

"I was talking to me too."

Jimin groans from his spot, even more squished than before. "This friendship is cancelled."

"Finally." A pillow is chucked on Jungkook's face at that.


You quite liked the bus.

Sure, maybe at first the possibility of the alarmingly large vehicle unceremoniously tipping over had crossed your mind more times than you'd care to admit, but nevertheless, it served its purpose. At a low price, as well, to which you're more than grateful for. Besides that, you're more grateful to the location of Jimin's apartment, seeing as it was close to a certain stop.

Though as cheap as most buses were, you still weren't willing to pay the few extra that came with having a window seat. And so here you were, squished between two males, the one by the window beside you being a more than bulky man and the other being a hooded figure dressed in all black with music blaring from his earphones; and you're almost sure that if you weren't surrounded by other people and/or in broad daylight, you'd be mildly scared of the person that decided that wearing all black is fashionable.

Though seeing as you'd worn the same thing a number of times and that the person didn't look all too bad, you let the thought slide. Not without shuffling a few inches away from him, though.

Curiosity tugging at your limbs, you begrudgingly glance at the hooded figure. Something or another prompted you to want to see what the person looked like beneath all the black covering his features. As subtly as you could, you bend over and pretend to tie your shoes, peering upwards and just barely catching sight of a prominent nose and familiar looking upturned eyes almost drooping closed.

Familiar looking eyes that abruptly meet yours.

You sit up straight so fast you almost get whiplash. The male turns while plucking out an earbud, gaze meeting yours a second time and by then you're only hoping he didn't notice how your shoes didn't have any laces. "Oh- well- hey there, Yoongster."

He disregards the more than awkward nickname and greets you as he normally would, nodding his head with a hum. "Y/n."

Ah fuck. You'd actually started forgetting about the whole confession thing. But now that he's here; tired voice, black attire and all, you just couldn't help but think back to all the years you'd been silently pining over him. All the staring from afar and the hopeless daydreams and the laughter about it with Yuna, you just couldn't forget about it as quickly as you'd like.

But it is, again, all hopeless. "What're you doing on the bus?"

He snorts. "Going somewhere, I guess."

"Oh." Red blooms on your cheeks.

You shuffle so that you're facing forward at that, and he takes that as an end to the conversation, if you'd call it that. He places the earbud back in his ear, music turned up loud enough for you to decipher the melody. You absentmindedly hum along, and if Yoongi notices, he doesn't comment. It's rather pleasant; relaxing, even.

Though as a song you're more than familiar with resonates through his earphones, your head quickly turns with a small gasp as your face lights up in recognition. Yoongi's head turns, raising a brow in question, once again plucking out an earbud. Fuck, why were you so obvious? "Uh," you clear your throat, "Sorry, I just really like that song."

His lips part slightly, earbud in hand frozen midair as if stuck in a trance, childlike wonder making his eyes round and glossy. He offers the one earbud towards you, voice just above a whisper, "You wanna listen to it together?"

You took it without much thought, and you watch as the male replays the song from the beginning.

And with the scenery passing by, the somewhat silent bus and the comforting melody in your ear, you fall asleep to the comforting breathing of the male beside you.


"Um- Wake up, doll."

You awaken to a baritone voice in your ear.

You stir just the slightest bit, swatting at the air as a failed attempt to shoo away the source of your awakening. "Fuck off."

Just as you start getting comfortable on your makeshift pillow, an awfully familiar chuckle makes your eyes shoot open.

You find yourself resting your head on an unknown shoulder as you sit up with a start. Your eyes meet a familiar pair. You blink. He blinks back.


You look at him. Then at his shoulder. Then back at him. Then back at his shoulder that, upon closer inspection, held a hint of drool on it.

Oh shit.

Maybe it was the proximity between you and, dare you say, your ex-crush; or maybe the muscular arm from the man by the window pressing against you making you think that he'd inhaled protein powder as if it were crack, but something or other prompted you to shoot up from your seat. Underestimating how high the ceiling of the bus was, this then made your head unceremoniously bump against the harsh surface.

You sit back down with a—"shit!"—cradling your head in your hands as you mutter profanities under your breath. A whimsical, breathless giggle interrupts your string of curses as you glance at the male, now chuckling as he tries to suppress his amusement. You shoot him a halfhearted glare as you sit up straight, ignoring the pounding of your skull.

He glances at you from the corner of his eye, hand hovering awkwardly in the air as if trying to call your attention before he gives up and lays it on his lap. He then turns so that you're facing the whole of his peripheral, eyes glancing to and from your hand and eyes. "Uh, this might be a bad time but can I get my earphones back?"


"I can get to my destination just fine, you know."

"I don't think so, doll."

You don't get it. You'd apologized multiple times, already pissed that you'd fallen asleep and missed your stop. But no, he refused to accept it, glued to you even as you exited the bus. You didn't even bring money for a taxi, so that's a plus.

"I could take you there?" There he is again with his incessant offerings to take you to Jimin's house. Ah fuck, Jimin must be worried sick as to why you aren't there on time. But nevertheless, your biggest problem now is Yoongi's sudden kindness.

You halt your speed walking, making the male shadowing behind you halt as well. You turn around by the heel of your foot, a finger pointed accusingly in his face. "Are you a murderer?"

He blinks. "No."

You scoff, squinting your eyes, "Which is exactly what a murderer would say.."

He groans. "Just tell me where you're going."

You pause. Contemplate. Then give in, hands falling to your sides, "I'm going to Jimin's."

That's how you got Yoongi to walk you to Jimin's, despite it being only about a ten minute walk. It's a comfortable silence, birds chirping overhead and trees rustling in the distance, the screeching of tires on streets passing you by. Which is then disregarded as you receive a phone call.

Talking to Jimin on the phone seems to be the biggest challenge of the day, what with his screaming and all. After assuring him you're okay, the male then proceeds to yell about a different thing entirely, scolding you about not paying attention. At this rate he could become your second mom.

Your feet drag over the pavement as you trudge beside Yoongi, phone to your ear as he listens to you bicker with Jimin. "You can come over in 12 minutes."

You raise a brow at that. "Why not 11?"

"I need that one minute to pee."

You shrug, only then noticing he can't see you. "Okay." You pause. "Ugly."

You distinctly hear him mutter gibberish to himself before answering. "Choke."

"I'll ask Yoongi."

Jimin's then the one to choke on his own spit. "Wha- Bu- nO-"

You smile triumphantly as you hang up.

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