Long Way From Love (Mark Free...

By JoviEurope83

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Mark Free and Lissa are childhood friends, their relationship is put to the test when Lissa is kidnapped and... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 3: After School Part 2
Chapter 4: Pizza Hut Mishaps?
Chapter 5: Give a Little Bit
Chapter Sixx: OWWWW, this hurts
Chapter 7: Are you drooling over Robert Plant?
Chapter 8: I'm In love with my car
Chapter 9: Graduation
Chapter 10: Are you okay?
Chapter 11: Morning Accidents, Nighttime Concerts.
Chapter 12: I'll never leave you
Chapter 13: Your In W.A.S.P!!!
Chapter 14: Photo-shoot
Chapter 15: I don't like her
Chapter 16: Um... Mark?
Chapter 17: Dancing With Desire
Chapter 18: I think I have enough money?
Chapter 19: I'm Buying The Furniture.
Chapter 20: Food
Chapter 21: Help Move
Chapter 22: Good Night, Good Morning
Chapter 23: I guess it's lunch.
Chapter 24: I hate saying goodbye.
A/N and Valentines day special.
Chapter 26: I hate saying goodbyes, part 2.
Chapter 27: A Biscuit.
Chapter 28: I hate doing stuff
Chapter 29: Sleep, Eat, Get Hit In The Face, Repeat.
Chapter 30: Raccoon!
Chapter 31: Back Home
Chapter 32: You Need to Eat!
Chapter 33: Good morning, another day.
Chapter 34: New Years
Chapter 35: New Years, Part two.
Chapter 36: Strange Start to a New Year
Chapter 37: Another year closer to death, Happy Birthday Mark
Chapter 38: Who knew one could hate flying so much?
Chapter 39: But I don't want to wear a dress!
Chapter 40: Promotional things are boring.
Chapter 41: You're going on Tour!
Chapter 42: Meh, it's nothing but a few aches
Chapter 43: It's Just A lot
Chapter 44: Going on Tour!
Chapter 45: Crappy Hotel Rooms and Opening for Maiden
Chapter 46: Up's And Downs Of Tour
*Writing improvement at this chapter* Chapter 47: I don't feel older...

Chapter 2: After School

55 8 25
By JoviEurope83

I sat there just waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting, school was almost over and the idea of going to detention has got me paranoid. I hate detention. It's no fun (duh) we don't even do work. All we do is sit there, sit there, sit there, sit there and sit there, and boy can I tell you. I'm good at getting bored, when I'm not aloud to talk or move, I want to talk and move. Also I'm going to get yelled at by my mother. That's worse then doing nothing.

So my mother doesn't beat me or anything but she has away with words. What she says to me kills me inside and I have no father to turn to because my father died in a care wreck about 3 years ago.

That's how I met Mark. The police came to my door and I answered it. Everyone thought I looked a lot older then i was at that age so the police officer though i was his oldest daughter. So, the man told me and walked off. At that moment i was suicidal, I called my mom with the house phone and told her what happened. In response, I was told that I was a lying little b**c that needed to go to hell. It wasn't until recently that i realized that my mom was a drunk stripper that my father married because of his wants to settle down. 

But when my so call mother said that to me, I ran out the house crying. While I was running to who knows where a boy who seemed to be older than me, chased me down and made me tell him what was wrong. At the time it was real creepy and in a way it still is but i think it was sweet. It really was

But ever since we have been best friends. And I'm grateful for him.

I decided it was time I finished my work instead of staring off into space. I picked up my pencil and looked at my paper. It was for a project. 'Music Project:' is what it read. "Yes." I whispered. Music is probably my main obsession, I've always loved it, and now i get to do a project on it. Why are we doing a music project in English, now that I'll never know.

I probably shouldn't get so excited yet, reading the directions will help me actually know what I'm doing but either way I'm excited.

'You may choose a partner: Choose a genre of music or singer or band and do research on it. Ounce done with your research you must right a 3 paper essay on your choice and present to the class' 

Well that wasn't many instructions. Does it really matter, i mean you know what they say "Less instruction, more freedom". 

Who will i work with. I'm not the most social person in this school so finding a partner want be easy. That's a light bulb went off in my brain. Mark's friend, Bruce, is in this class. He's not a close friend and that's mostly because I don't know him well. But what I do know is he plays a guitar and likes music so we should get along for this project. Right?

I looked over my shoulder and saw him looking around for a partner to. That makes two of us. Now all he needs to do is look this way. "Walk this way, Talk this Way." I couldn't help but start humming 'Walk this Way' by Aerosmith. I smiled to my self.

Bruce turned his head and looked in my general direction. Well its now or never. I looked up and smiled. He gave me a confused look, then his eye's lit up in realization. He smiled back then got up and walked my way.

"Wan't to be partners?" Bruce asked me. "Yes." I answered quietly, I don't know why but for some reason people make me nervous if I don't know them well. 

"What band do you want to do? I know your mark friend and he has good taste in music, so I'm going to trust your opinion." Bruce told me with a big grin plastered on his face. "We should probably write our names on the paper first?" I said more quietly then the first time. "Quit acting like I'm about to kill you. It's not like we haven't met before." Bruce chuckled.

"Sorry, I just don't know you well that's all." I told him, he playfully nudged me and sat down on my desk. A small smile formed on my lips. Maybe getting to know more people wouldn't to bad? Bruce seemed to be fairly nice. 

"You know sitting on the desk isn't a smart idea, the teacher will yell at you and you might fall off. Trust me it hurts when you fall off or it flips on you." I smiled while speaking. "Oh- wait you flipped the desk before?" The way he asked almost sounded as if he didn't believe me.

"Yeah, well no. I didn't flip it, I was sitting on it and Mark was leaning on it and apparently the desk didn't like that to much cause it flipped over and I fell." I explained to him, smiling at the memory. 

"Okay, that makes more since." Bruce chuckled and his smile got even bigger which caused me to smile. "I see my smile is contagious." He declared, that made me blush and for some reason he thought that was real funny cause he laughed so hard he fell off the desk. Not overly bright but funny. 
"I told you but no you just had to fall." I tried to sound serious but it didn't work I smiled and started to giggle. It was funny. "Yeah, yeah very funny." He sarcastically mumbled but it was obvious he was smiling to.

He tried to get up but his hair had different plans. His long brown hair was stuck under the desk and he fell back down. I laughed harder and cursed "Dammit." under his breath. I lifted the desk off his hair, he got up, grabbed a chair and sat down and wrote his name 'Bruce Gowdy' on our project paper like nothing ever happened.

He must be crazy, or he was trying to be funny. I don't know? I can't read his mind but i do know everyone in the class is looking at us but he doesn't seem to care. I care because every one's attention is on us. What do I do, act normal, act normal, act like Bruce, just act like nothing ever happened and get to work. 

My face must of screwed up in a worried look, Bruce must of noticed because he gave me a 'are you okay look'. "I'm fined." Is all I said and looked at the paper. 

"No your not." Bruce retorted and continued. "Look, don't worry. What happened was funny and all you need to do is laugh, then every one want care." He touched my hand in comfort and I looked up to see his brown hair all over his face with one eye closed and his tong hanging out of his mouth. I started to laugh and a smile returned to Bruce's face. "Better?" He whispered and i nodded.

"So which one do you want to do?" Bruce asked referring to our project. I looked at him. "How about we do it on a band." I told him. His eye's lit up with happiness at my response. See I'm not the only person that is obsessed with bands.

"We could do Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath what about Kiss or Van Halen, Fleetwood Mac maybe-" I stopped him. "I hate Stevie Nicks so no Fleetwood Mac." I told him. Yeah so, I might just have a wee bit of a hatred for Stevie Nicks, no offence but i can't stand her. 

"So no Fleetwood Mac, how about Rainbow or Deep Purple?" He added. I thought for a second. I have already made up my mind on which band but I'll sound suspicious if I said it right away.

"We can do Rainbow. They got good music." I finally answered, my faced turned red when the idea of doing a project on Cozy Powell. I might or might not have a big crush on him. For some reason I'm just in love with him.

Bruce eyed me in suspicion but let it go. I was just finished writing my name on the paper when the bell rang. 

We got up to leave class. "Oh I forgot about The Who, we could of done The Who, but it's to late now!" Bruce exclaimed. I started to say something but Bruce interrupted me.

"Want to hear a joke?" He asked. "Sure." I replied. Oh god, if his jokes are anything like Mark's there going to be so bad its funny.

"You ready?" Bruce said. "MmmHmm." "Knock, Knock." He started. Seriously a knock knock joke. This should be funny. "Who's there?" I 'answered'. "The..." He continued. "The Who?" I sighed. Then I realized what the joke men't and I burst out laughing. 

I almost couldn't stop. That was so stupid and so funny. I felt kind of dumb for not catching on.



So in this chapter the thing that was true is Mark Free had a friend named Bruce Gowdy during high school, Gowdy and Free were really close friends. Gowdy became the guitarist for Free's band, Unruly Child. I hope if anyone is actually reading this that they enjoy it. For me, this is emotional to write. For some reason what Mark Free did, really affected me to the point I almost had a panic attack. I know that's really stupid but it's true, and I'm sorry about my grammar. Oh, this is kind of strange but I was creating a cast for my other book i started and I put Bret Michaels and Wattpad changed it to Bred Michaels and I'm like who the heck is that and I looked it up and theirs not a person called that, please explain. But if anyone does read this, y'all tell me what you think I can improve on. I ain't that good of a writer but... yeah, I don't even know what I just said was even suppose to mean. So Vote, Comment, Share and all that jazz.

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