Ganz x Reader ||COMPLETED|| {...

By 23whitecrystal

28.6K 1.4K 492

You fell into the underground to a talking flower and your stuck in the ruins running around until some event... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - A lot of realization
Chapter 3 The strange figure in the night.
Chapter 4 Morning dreams
Chapter 5. The plan.
Plans for a movie.
Chapter 7. Adventuring around
Chapter 8. The sounds of beyond the door.
Chapter 9 The picture
Chapter 10 *insert weird title here*
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 "The realization of a loss of hope"
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 ....licking attack....
Curious Kid
*insert another weird title here*
Whip Cream
The terrors that haunt us
You can ignore this lmao
"His past"
Understanding A Ganz
An exit
I guess were playing Tag
self-esteem is an enemy
The inn
Plans for events
Seeing the snowfall
*insert another weird title but title that's still cool*
A new discovery
"Sweetheart these are called echo flowers for a reason."
Something In The Bushes
Starting to have "terrible" dreams about someone
Talking about Dreams
Exposed A Little
A Walk With Mel
Leaving Undyne's house
Ganz's Mixed up Emotions
Its hard to control anger
Plans for the Revival
Determination Extracting is not the safest thing to do
Revival of What was Lost
"Can I just get some water please?"
Regrets of the past
Explaination of Flowey
The Fight

Some laughs in sleep

443 29 10
By 23whitecrystal

“SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING TRASH BAGS!! SOME PEOPLE WANT TO SLEEP JFC!!” Flowey screams at them. Ganz and Mel continue arguing. “HE KEEPS ON TAKING ALL THE COVERS!!” Ganz yells. “WELL YOU SHOULD TAKE YOUR JACKET BACK FROM Y/N!!” Mel yells. You didn't realize you had the jacket on until Mel said so. Wow you were tired. But you couldn't sleep with people yelling and screaming at each other.

 You get up and give Ganz his jacket back but he just places it on you head. “She's cold and she needs the extra comfort. Plus you already have a jacket on Mel.” Ganz calms down every time your around him. He knows you don't like yelling so he keeps his voice down for you. Mel just is have a tantrum like a child. “Mel can you please stop.” You say quietly. “Not until I don't have to sleep with him.” Mel pouts.

 You just sigh. Bunny is then at the door. “What's going on in here.” she ask. “Well Mel is having a tantrum and doesn't want to sleep with Ganz.” you say planly. “Why don't you and Ganz sleep together?” Bunny asks. You felt your face heating up and put the jacket on and pulled the hoodie up. “U-um well I don't want frisk to be uncomfortable with Mel.” Frisk just gives you a thumbs up. Damn it frisk you are not helping.

  “Luckily we have one extra room left since some other family took the one with two beds and the single bed one. But there's a single bed one. Mel could have a bed and frisk could have her own bed then you and Ganz seem pretty friendly  with each other so you two could sleep together.” Bunny says. “Thanks Bunny I guess we'll go over there. You find with it y/n?” You just nod your head and follow him. You were internally screaming.

   Bunny lead you both to the room. “Alright don't have to much fun in there.” bunny handed Ganz the keys and walked off. Why did she say it like that. You took Ganz's jacket off and gave it to him or attempted to. “Here I know you probably want this back.” You say politely. “Nah I'm good you need the warmth. Skeletons can handle a lot of heat and cold.” Ganz said.

  “So…” you said trying not to make anything awkward. “ I know this is a bit weird but you don't mind right? I'm not gonna do anything to ya.” Ganz said. “GANZ I WASN'T EVEN THINKING LIKE THAT!!” You said trying to lie. “Pfft okay then get in bed with me.” Ganz said. “O-okay…” You felt heat rising on your face. Ganz was on the right side of the bed so you got on the left. What sucked is that it was a small bed.

  You pulled some sheets over you and started to fall asleep. You were a bit cold and tried not to shiver. You felt something move in the bed. Probably Ganz adjusting. You then felt something hug your waist and felt someone's chest against your back. “G-ganz are you okay?” you asked. “Yeah why?” There was a bit of silence. “What have you never slept with someone?” Ganz asked. “N-no not really. Why?” You were blushing like mad. You didn't want Ganz to see so you were looking at your pillow.

  “Just wondering. Your really cold.” he said as he nuzzled your neck a little. Ganz was a little blue. “Good night sweetie” Ganz said and drifted off into sleep. “Goodnight Ganz.” you said and then drifted into sleep.





You woke up in the black void again. “Gaster?” you called out. You heard someone walking closer. The face started to look like gaster. He eventually got to you. “Hello there did you figure out anything special yet?” Gaster said. You mumbled something funny. “Ganz is a good cuddler.” But Gaster couldn't hear because you were quite. “I'm sorry what was that?” gaster asked in curiosity. Realizing what you said you shook your head. “Sorry one of my thoughts came out loud. Haha..” you said.

 “Oh that's okay that sometimes happens with me. When Ganz was younger and didn't swear he would often try to steal the monster candies from the cupboard. One day I caught him doing it and I accidently said your gonna really fuck up my experiments. Then he asked me what fuck ment. I just replied with i did it with your mother. His face lit up and he went to his mom and asked why did daddy fuck you?...yeah she was pissed at me.” You couldn't help but laugh.

 “Now he learns stuff really quick and he thought it meant to grab because he was trying to grab the monster candies. Then at school he said 'aren't you going to fuck the papers.’ The teacher asked how he knew that word and I got called to the school to have a chat with the was a nice chat…”  You were crying from laughter. “C-can I t-tell Ganz this!” trying to speak you said.

 “Don't tell him I told you.” Gaster said. “Okay Gaster” You said. “You know that if you laugh to hard people might hear you in the real world.” Gaster said. Oh shit. “ anyways.” You said trying to talk about something else. “I got to snowdin and I'm in the inn.” You said. “Oh well are you there with anyone?” gaster asked. “I'm there with Ganz,Mel, and Frisk.” You said trying to sound cool.

  “Who is Mel?” Gaster asked. “Well Mel was Ganz's friend in his head but for some reason I can see his and now frisk can see him.” You said. “Oh so that's who he was talking about. He would often argue with him about killing people and well, me. I don't think Mel liked me that much.” Gaster said a bit confused but with some sign of relief.

 You felt your self fading. “Sorry Gaster but I think I'm waking up.” Gaster laughed a little. “Its alright thanks for chatting with me. Take care of my son while I'm gone.”

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