Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy:...

By crazypiratekd4eva

4.4K 87 6

16 (going on 17) year-old J.J MartΓ­n just had the biggest change of her life occur. She just moved to Point P... More

Momentarily Out of Action
I Can See It In Your Eyes
Death On Two Legs
Thank God its Christmas

Bread and Butter for a Smile

557 13 0
By crazypiratekd4eva

Location: J.J.'s House

Time: 8:00 A.M.


I sat on my bed strumming my guitar, relishing the sweet tune that I had been teaching myself recently. As I strummed, I began to sing with it. How could I not? While I feel I couldn't do Brian May any justice with my voice, I couldn't help but close my eyes and sing the last chorus.

"Don't you hear my call
though you're many years away
Don't you hear me calling you
All your letters in the sand
cannot heal me like your hand
For my life
Still ahead
Pity me"

I strummed out the last bit of the song and let the ghost of the tune echo around my room. I wiped a stray tear from my face and set my guitar in the corner next to the other two close to the vanity.

I sat looking at myself in the mirror as another tear rolled down my cheek. I pressed my finger on the glass at my reflection sternly. "Get your shit together." I firmly say to myself. I then tie my hair up with my ribbon to get it out of my face.

I opted to grab my skateboard and make my exit towards the door still humming the tune. My first step outside made me immediately turn around and grab a coat as it was cold and I'm probably crazy to skateboard in this weather, but, I just wanted to clear my head and skateboarding was the best way to do it.

My dark hair waving behind me in its ribbon with the wind and the steady passing of houses just helped be get a better grip on myself. I took a deep breath and gave a small smile at the joy this activity brings me. I couldn't help myself and did a kick flip in my driveway when I returned home.

"Woah man, that was pretty cool." An amazed Hyde approached me. We haven't talked too much since the disco, which was fine, I really didn't know what to say.

"I think you mean that was freakin awesome!" Donna exclaimed approaching me. I just give her a wide smile, her praise was always nice to hear. I pick up my board and begin walking towards them.

"Thanks Donna, what are you guys up to?" I ask wondering why they weren't in the basement or just at the Forman's in general.

"Forman's went to go pick up Laurie so we're just waiting for them to come back." Donna explains. A wave of confusion washed over my face when she said that. "Oh! Laurie is Eric's older sister. You're lucky to have not met her yet."

"Why's that?"

"Colossal whore." Hyde casually says barely even looking up. I nod in understanding. Just then a wind rushes through and we all shiver.

"Umm well you guys wanna go inside while we wait for the Forman's to come home. Just to warm up, my dad is inside but he won't mind to much. He works nights so he might be grouchy but he's still a really nice guy." I offer quite awkwardly. It would be the first time they've been in my house and met my dad at the same time and I'm nervous.

"Thanks J.J. That would be great! I'd love to meet your dad." She says excitedly. We head inside and take off our coats as the warm air of my house hits our faces. My dad walked around the corner in surprise.

"Mi cielito, who are they?" My dad asks looking at Donna and Hyde.

"Papá, this is Donna and this is Hyde, my new friends I keep telling you about. Donna, Hyde, this is my father." I introduced them to each other. My father approached smiling. He was so happy to finally be meeting the friends he keeps hearing so much about. He shook both of their hands happily.

"Welcome to our home! I'm so glad my daughter has received such a warm welcome from such nice people. Please call me Mr.Martín." He welcomes them.

"Glad to meet you Mr.Martín, J.J. is such a nice friend to have. We're glad to have met her." Donna says while Hyde just smiles and nods. I don't imagine this is the best situation for him.

"So Judith says you guys live just across the street, is that correct?" My father asks and Donna's eyes go wide and Hyde just smiles as Donna learned my first name.

"Yeah actually, I'm surprised my parents haven't greeted you yet with brownies. If you'd like you could come to thanksgiving with us." Donna invites. My father smiles and accepts her invitation.

"That would be lovely. I'm sure Judith and I would be very happy to join you. It would be nice to celebrate with others, right Judith?" I just smile and nod embarrassed making mental notes to kill both Hyde and Donna for how much they were enjoying this.

"Of course, papá." I say with my fake smile. "I'm gonna show Hyde and Donna my room." I say grabbing their arms and dragging them away.

"No funny business!" My Father calls after us as we enter my room. I close the door and sigh as the two look around my room getting more clues into my life.

"Nice rock n roll collection! Whose the band on the poster?" Hyde asks looking at my Queen poster above my bed.

"That's Queen, my favorite band. They're not too big in America but they're on their way up. I could show you guys a song or two on the record player if you want." I offer as they looked around. Donn suddenly gasped.

"What if you showed us on one of your guitars?!" She exclaims holding up the red one that was the nicest guitar I had. I ran to her and grab it from her.

"Careful! This is a custom made Gibson ES-335TD Its very special and very expensive. I don't mind if you hold the other two as much, but this one, This one I only ever play for special occasions." I explain putting it back on its stand.  "And you guys don't wanna hear me play I'm not that good."

"Then why the hell do you have three guitars? Come on doll, you gotta be somewhat decent. Play 'Stairway To Heaven'." Hyde suggests. I sigh and just pick up my acoustic guitar instead and sit on my bed.

"Fine but I'm only playing the first verse." I huff. I quickly make sure the guitar is in tune before beginning the slow tune. The only sound heard was the strings of my guitar as I played the slow tune. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the song and before I knew it, I began singing.

"There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to heaven"

My eyes flutter open to see the wide smile from Donna and a look of awe from Hyde. "J.J. That was amazing, you should be performing somewhere!" Donna exclaimed. I gave a small smile.

"Actually, I'd enjoy that. I really wanna be a performer."

"Oh would you look at that. The Forman's are home. Shall we head over?" Hyde suggests digging his hands into his pockets. I felt a sort of pang in my chest when he just wanted to find a way out of giving his opinion on my singing. I just nodded my head quietly.

And with that we headed over to the Formans


"So this Kate, is she hot?" Hyde asked Eric as we all sat around the table at the hub. I rolled my eyes at the question. Of course all the boys would be drooling over the petite blonde staying in Eric's room.

"Of course she's hot, all college girls are hot." Kelso says. "I mean, we've all seen the brochures, right?"

"Okay Donna, help me play some music, right now!" Jackie demands getting up and dragging Donna away. "J.J. come on." Jackie waves me over. I was shocked. She must be high or something. Either way, I got up and headed next to the two girls.

Jackie was facing the jukebox as I stood next to Donna. "Okay," She began spinning around. "Are you okay?" She says sympathetically. I didn't even realize she was capable of sympathy.

"Um, yeah." Donna replies with a raised eyebrow.

"Donna, How can you be okay? There's a college woman sleeping in his bed."

"He's sleeping in the basement." Donna defends. Although, Jackie actually had a point to her worries. I mean if it was Kelso in that spot I don't know how that would go over as Kelso says about everyday he's gonna break up with her but he never does.

"Donna, stairs are not gonna stop a high school horn dog. Barbed wire will not stop a high school horn dog. A wall of fire will not stop-"

"Jackie, I get it, I get it." Donna shuts her up. She then turns her head to me. "J.J. What do you think?" As if I would know the answer to this. Heck I've barely had a boyfriend before. Not that they would know that about me.

"I mean Jackie is making a point here. Look at them all drooling over the mere idea of her. I'd say just be careful." I say being completely honest with Donna.

"Poor Donna, so naive." Jackie says as we turn to walk back to the table. I head pass the table to the bathroom.

I stand in front of the mirror alone looking at my figure. I furrow my brow as my eyes looked at my hips remembering the pain in the ass theses pants were to put on today. I wasn't a petite blonde that was for sure. Quite the opposite really, with very dark hair, I'm pretty tall, as tall as Donna actually, and I had my mother's curves that made finding clothes difficult at times. So I was by no means small nor could fit a size small. Was that a bad thing?

I snapped myself away from that thought and gave myself a frustrated look in the mirror. "You really need to get your shit together." I say before walking back into the lobby of the hub where Eric has disappeared.

"Hey Donna, where did lover boy go?" I ask and she just gave me a frustratingly confused look.

"He just left." She says still confused.

Oh Eric, you cabrón


I sat back in my room dancing around to my newest Queen record. With my hairbrush in hand like a microphone, I stood on my bed, as if it were my own stage and I was singing to a sold out stadium. This was one of the positives of having a dad who worked nights is that I could play my music when I had nothing better to do at night.

I stood in my crop top and pajama pants and picked up my acoustic guitar again acting and just pretended I was playing the guitar solo that came along in 'Bohemian Rhapsody', and with my mass of dark, curly, hair I looked similar to Brian May and I was living for it.

"For me, for meeee, FOR MEEEEEE!!!" I belted out the high note before beginning to head bang and jump around my room. This was the happiest I've felt all day, being alone in my room and jamming to my favorite band, who wouldn't be happy doing that?

As the song quieted down I heard a knocking at my window. Confused I turned off the record player and then looked outside where Hyde's grinning face looked back at me. Instantly, my face went red. Hyde was motioning for me to open the window, to which I reluctantly did.

"I don't think I've ever seen anyone head bang that hard. Ever." Hyde laughs entering my room. I punch his shoulder once he stood up straight causing him to slightly wince.

"You're lucky I didn't leave you out there to freeze!" I yell at him punching his shoulder again. He holds my arms down at my sides trying to get me to stop.

"Shhhh! I don't wanna wake your dad!" Hyde hisses. I roll my eyes at his statement.

"Cabrón, were you not listening earlier? My father works nights!" I exclaim. Everyone in Wisconsin really was this dumb. Some even dumber that this pea brain in front of me. Hyde's face starts with confusion and then clarity dawns on his face.

"So do you basically just take care of yourself?" Hyde asks letting go of my arms. I simply nodded.

"I've always been independent. As much as I love my dad, my parents have barely had time for me the last few years so now I'm just more independent than I was before." I say and then something in my brain clicks. "Won't your parents be upset when they find out you've left?"

"Ha, that's a good one." He chuckles and my heart drops. "My parents couldn't care less about where I am. I don't even know where my dad is if that tells you anything."

"I'm sorry Hyde." I say wishing I could tell him that I understood what that felt like, but I couldn't let myself open up that part of my life. Hyde just shrugs 

"It's nothing really." He says walking over to my record collection. "I didn't get to tell you this earlier but you sounded pretty good on your guitar, even I was impressed." He explains.

"Oh please, it doesn't take much to impress you." I tease standing beside him making sure he didn't mess up the way my records are organized. I tense when he lifted the 'There's One In Every Crowd' record and then put it back in the wrong place.

"Is something wrong?" He asks settling on one of the  Pink Floyd records. Even the way he set down the the record's sleeve was wrong. It should've been neatly placed next to the player so you can easily find it and it won't get damaged.

"Oh nothing." I respond placing the Eric Clapton record back where it's supposed to be while he was busy with the record player. I attempted to sneakily put the sleeve where I preferred it as well. "Just trying to keep my stuff organized and in good condition ya know."

"Uh alright." He says kind of confused as he sat on my bed before flopping down on my soft mattress as if he was allowed to do that after drooling over that dumb blonde.

"Tu, tonto, that's my bed get tu culo off of my bed." I say crossing my arms. Hyde didn't budge a muscle and I rolled my eyes at him. I turn and grab the spray bottle from my bedside. I was saving it for when I got the dog my dad promised me, but the dog on my bed will have to do.

As soon as I sprayed him he jumped off the bed. "What the hell was that?!" Hyde exclaims looking at his shirt.

"Relax wicked witch of the west, it's water. So you'll get off my bed." I say holding the spray bottle close so he wouldn't get any ideas. Last thing I needed was getting sprayed close to my bed and while I'm not wearing a bra. "Also, cause you're a cabrón!"

"Still don't know what that means but it can't be good." He says putting his hands in his pockets.

"Why are you here Hyde?"

"I got bored, and you're not boring." Hyde shrugs. My heart starts beating fast again, but I keep my annoyed tone.

"Yeah, well I'm sure that blonde across the street would keep you from being bored." I huff at him. I guess I was releasing some frustration at not really talking about the night of the disco. I may not know what to say, but something has to be said.

"Is that what you're mad about? Judith," I wince at the use of my first name. "there's no way that chick is as fun to be around as you are." He says. "Not just anyone can get me to dance." I laugh at his remark.

"Or even learn to dance for that matter." I smile revealing my knowledge that was unknown to him. I see his eyebrows raised above his glasses in surprise. "Gee whiz Hyde, it's dark outside! Take those damn things off!"

"Numero uno," He begins and I roll my eyes. "The shades stay, they're my staple. Numero dos, you knew about that?"

"I sorta saw it when I  was gonna go in to ask Mrs.Forman to sew my dress to show less cleavage. I ended up changing my mind after you left though." I say a little sheepishly.

"Oh really, why is that?" He smiles taking a step towards me.

"Maybe I was hoping someone would take notice of me. And maybe it worked." Hyde is standing right beside me at this point. I feel like he can hear my heart beating at this point.

"Well change in dress or no change in dress, I would've still danced with you." He says. We were as close as we were when we were dancing. I was looking up at him, his shades hiding his eyes, masking whatever he was thinking.

Suddenly, Hyde takes the spray bottle from my hands and starts spraying me. "Oh my god Hyde!" I yell when he stops. My front was soaked, making the wet clothes cling to my body, which was bad, very bad. Did I mention the shirt I was wearing was white? I crossed my arms over my chest and ran out of my room embarrassed. I ended up locking myself in the bathroom.

"J.J.? Look J.J. I'm sorry. I didn't realize that would happen." Hyde knocks at the door. I didn't want to open it.

"Just go away Hyde. I'll see you tomorrow." I yell back. "Seriously, I'm embarrassed that you had to see that."

"I'm really sorry okay." Hyde says again.

"Please just go. " I say again. I hear his footsteps fade away as I sink to the floor.

Please let tomorrow be a better day


The Pinciotti residence

I sat on Donna's bed as she paced around her room fuming. "Men are idiots and I can't believe that scrawny dumbass actually did something like that!" She rants.

"I honestly expected better out of him too. If it was Kelso I probably wouldn't have been surprised but Eric? I'm shocked." I say. She stops pacing and turns to me.

"What is it about those dumb blondes anyway? I mean, what is it about her that's so enticing other than she's small, blonde, and stupid?"

"I know. Girls like us," I gesture between the two of us. "Actually have a personality, we're smart, we're beautiful, there's nothing wrong with us. I don't get it either." I rant.

"Girls it's time to go to the Forman's!" Bob calls to us. We both give each other an unhappy look before reluctantly joining our parents to head over to the Forman's where I would avoid Hyde at all costs.

"Are you as unready for this as I am?" I ask her, since she also knew what happened last night. She nods.

"C'mon, let's just try to ignore them." She says putting on her brave face. I do the same.

We head into the Forman house hold and my mood was lifted when an aroma of delicious smells surrounded me. My eyes gazed over the food and I knew then that my stomach had been waiting all day for this. "Papá, I hope you're glad I made such good friends with parents who are excellent cooks."

"Trust me, I am very proud of you right now." My father responds. We grab our plates and I sit down next to Donna to eat. Hyde was across the room stealing glances my way and Donna was doing the same to Eric. To be fair, both of us were stealing our own glances too.

As my father sat leaned back on the couch with Red and Bob, letting their full stomachs rest, I began looking around at everyone I was thankful for this year. Donna and Eric had disappeared, hopefully making up and fixing they're relationship. Fez was trying to woo the blonde, but I couldn't find Hyde.

Curious, I began searching around for Hyde. My efforts first led me to the kitchen where another blonde, Laurie Forman, stood pouring herself something to drink. She turns when she heard me come in.

"Oh so you're the new girl they've been talking about." She smiles sweetly, but something was off about the way she was acting. It felt fake, I'm sure it was.

"Uh yeah. I'm J.J." I say. "My father seems to be getting along well with your dad." I say making small talk. Her eyes go wide.

"That's your dad?! He sure didn't look like that type of dad to me." She says biting her knuckle and smiling.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I say through gritted teeth. I did not appreciate my father being gazed at by this colossal skank. He's been through enough in his life and he doesn't need some blonde floozy wrecking our home. Ruining what life we've started to build here.

"It means I'm interested to know if he's on the market, cause I'm in the market for him." She say smiling at me sort of benevolently. She really irked me.

"Hey don't you have a business inquiry on the corner?" Hyde says coming out of no where. I have him a small smile relieved he was here.

"No, I think it's been covered by your mom." Laurie retorts back. I roll my eyes at her remark.

"Maybe it's one of your professors offering you a good deal to raise your grade, since, according to Eric, that's your only hope." My comeback caused Laurie to storm out of the kitchen, leaving Hyde and I alone.

"That was badass." Hyde says smiling at me. I just shrug, remembering I'm supposed to be avoiding him for soaking my white tank top last night. "Hey look, I'm really sorry for being such a dumbass, and not realizing that that would happen. I haven't told anyone that it happened. And I won't because I was a complete dumbass because of it."

"I'm still angry, but you are dumb, and I am thankful I met you. So because it's Thanksgiving, I won't kick your ass today and I'll forgive you. But one thing first." I begin before punching his shoulder. "Okay now I forgive you."

"Fair enough." He says rubbing his shoulder, giving me a small smile. He was stepping closer to me again, this time putting his hand under my chin and tilting my head up. He was leaning down and my heart again was pounding.

Of course that's when Eric and Donna walk into the house causing us to separate quickly. "I see I'm not the only one who did some forgiving today." Donna waggles her eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah okay, you keep telling yourself that Pinciotti." I give a nervous laugh.

"Wait, you and Hyde?"

"Yeah, in her dreams maybe." Hyde chuckles and I give him a glare.

"Try your dreams Steven." I shot back at him smiling. "Well let's head back before our folks get to suspicious about where we've been." I say urging to get out of this awkward situation.

We went back in and finished the rest of Thanksgiving. I sat again and thought about what I was thankful for. I was thankful for Donna, for her kindness to me and my father and my inevitable best friend, even if it's only been a few months. Eric and his parents for their hospitality and Kitty's love. She's probably gonna be like a mother to me eventually. Kelso and Fez, for their stupidity that makes great stories. My father, for being my rock and always doing his best to show he loves me. And I'm thankful for Hyde too, for being someone I can relate too, even if he doesn't know that he can relate to me too.

Also Queen, I'm always thankful for Queen.

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