Loving You From a Distance |...

By talentedxasher

10K 267 106

You loved Asher Angel as your best friend ever since you were little, but when he left to pursue his career... More

One: Missed You
Two: Hurt
Four: Only You
Five: Happy
Six: Confused Pt. 1
Seven: Confused Pt. 2
Eight: Promise?
Nine: #1 Fan
Ten: Envy
Eleven: "Action!"
Twelve: Chemistry
Thirteen: New Job
Fourteen: Last Goodbyes
Fifteen: Him
Sixteen: Her

Three: Better Now

878 25 7
By talentedxasher

           You and Asher were currently covered up in blankets and surrounded with pillows. You both were still in the treehouse and just got done adding new things and decorating. Asher's mom bought everything for it and even bought some new pillows. You and Asher were just talking about how it was in Utah.

"Yeah. It's amazing, actually. The cast is super fun to be with, we work well together. I actually, want you to meet them sometime. They'd definitely like you. Well, from what I've told them, they already do." He smiles. "It's really fun being at work, I love it. I really, really do. There are things I'm also not allowed to talk about, like about what the show's about and all. But we got pretty far in for the past 9 months." He had a huge smile on his face, he was so happy, you loved it.

"I'm really happy for you, Ash. I'm so proud of you." You gave him a smile, that wasn't forced either. "It sounds fun, I knew you could do it... Remember when I always went to your plays? Those were funny. I loved them."

"Oh yeah, those were great. And, thank you. It means a lot coming from you, hug?" He opens up his arms. You nod and hug him, smiling. "But just remember that I'm never leaving you forever. Okay? I'll make sure of it."

"Uhuh. I know." You let go and smile again, then sit back down. You cover up with the blankets and close your eyes. "So my best friend's famous now?" You let out a small giggle, getting comfy.

"I guess so." He chuckles. "Are you going to sleep?"

"Nah, maybe. I don't know I'm just getting comfortable, that's all." You smile and continue to rest your eyes.

"Well then, I'll be right back. I'm gonna go grab my laptop so we can watch some movies on Netflix. Does that sound good?"

"Yes. Sounds perfect." You uncover your face and look at Asher, he smiles. You look away.

"I'll be right back." He got up and left. You saw Asher's phone and decided that you wanted to spam his camera roll with pictures of yourself. You already had your fingerprint on his phone, so he wouldn't mind. You look at his lock screen, it was him with some of his cast mates. You hit the home button and his home screen was a picture of you and him. It was one of your favorites, too. It was when you both went to a carnival. You were holding a teddy bear that Asher had won you. You still have it. You smile and then go to his camera and take a whole bunch of pictures. You hear him come up the ladder. So you quickly put his phone back and go under the covers. He walks in and sits right next to you. He puts his laptop in between the both of you and then lifts up your blanket.

"Why are you hiding?" He laughs.

"No reason." You giggle.

"I know that facial expression, you're lying. You cant lie to me, (y/n). What'd you do?" He said while taking off the blanket.

"Nothing." You smile and laugh.

"You're such a bad liar." He chuckles and grabs his phone. "I know exactly what you did." He goes and sees his photos. He smiles. "These are so cute. I'm keeping them." He looks at you while your face turns red. He just called you cute.

"Don't keep them. Those were only temporary poses. For temporary pictures." You smile.

"Well now they're not. Too bad." He turns off his phone and goes onto his laptop.

"I hate you." You cross your arms and pout jokingly.

"Yeah yeah I love you too." He looks at you and smiles. You roll your eyes and sit closer to him. "Anything you wanna watch?" Asher asks while scrolling through Netflix.

"No not really, anything's fine." After a couple minutes you both find a movie to watch. You get comfy and then Asher starts the movie.

"Comfortable?" Asher asks. You look at Asher and smile. You grab his arm and put it around you. Then you rest your head on his shoulder.

"Yep, now I am." You giggle and look at Asher. He smiles.

"Cutie." He laughs and wraps his other arm around you, holding you. You blush a little but then start to watch the movie.

Halfway through the movie your eyes started to get heavy.

"Ash I'm tired." You say as you scoot a little closer to Asher, he rests his head against yours.

"It's alright. You can go to sleep if you want to." He smiles.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to be bored or anything." You respond, feeling a little unsure about his answer.

"Of course I'm sure. Just don't be asleep for too long." He chuckles.

"Okay, goodnight for now then." You smile and close your eyes.

"Goodnight for now." Asher holds you close, with both arms around you. You felt like nothing and no one could hurt you in his arms. You felt at peace, which made you immediately fall asleep.

Asher's P.O.V

(Y/n) had fallen asleep in my arms. I didn't want her to wake up and get up if I'm being honest. She's so cute. I'm never going to be able to get over her. I've been crushing on her for about two years now. If I'm being completely honest, I think I might just be in love with her. My friends think I'm just obsessed, but I'm positive that's not true. I think I've had a crush on her longer, but I didn't realize until she always talked about the guys she thought were hot or cute. Or when she was talking to one. Her and one of the dudes hit it off and ended up dating. I, of course, got jealous. But I didn't have a say in any of it. Just as long as she was happy then I guess I would be okay in the end. I just didn't want anyone breaking her heart. She didn't deserve that. Matter of fact, she deserved so much better. Better than anything I could give her. I wasn't allowed to really talk to her since he thought me and her really had something going on. But the kid ended up cheating on her and broke her heart. I didn't let him leave her and get away with it though. I didn't let her go through it alone either. I was there for her. I'm always here for her. But I don't know why I even try. She doesn't want me. She thinks of me as her best friend. That's all we are. Nothing more. But keeping her happy was just one of the things I wanted most. I loved her more than anything. She deserved the world, and I'm trying my best to give it to her. I turn off my laptop and put it to the side. I hold (y/n) while a tear slowly rolls down my cheek. All I wanted was her. Was it really that hard for her to understand? I just hope one day I'll be able to call her mine, forever. That's all  I want. I think hard about everything me and her have been through together, while slowly drifting off to sleep.






Word count: 1261

A/N: sorry this is so cringey and such a flop. Hope you liked this chapter anyways my dudes. Love y'all 🤪❤️


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