Alone No More

By EmilyViolet17

124K 4.1K 2.1K

Kakashi, a nine year old chunnin is hiding a dark secret from his team. When his ten year old teammates, Obit... More

A Normal Day
Harsh Words
Missing Wolf
We're a Team
Mission Gone Wrong
A Loyal Pack
House Inspection
A Friend of the Family
Leaving Already?
Piecing the Puzzle Together
Emergency Meeting
Tracking the Little Scarecrow
The Chase
Race Against Time
Please Don't Go
Prepare For My Arrival
Before It All Began
Let the War Begin
A Traitor or Savior
A Shared Mindscape
A Blessing to Burden

Team Dinner

3.9K 115 160
By EmilyViolet17

Minato was in a good mood, so far today has been a better day than the past few weeks altogether. His students had finally stopped arguing amongst themselves, soon after Jiraiya left. Kakashi and Obito were able to find common ground, but they didn't apologize for the hurtful words that were exchanged. However, the team's teamwork overall was improving, slightly, but Minato was just fine with taking baby steps. The Namikaze was also happy that Kakashi was starting to get a little more of his appetite back. During the team's lunch break, the team could feel fewer eyes on them, which made Kakashi relax a little, but Minato could still tell that the silver-haired nin was still on full alert. The blonde was just relieved that his students were starting to get along for more than ten minutes. Plus, Kakashi spaced out only two times so far today and was able to snap out of it by himself. Which is a huge improvement from the past few weeks when the little Hatake would spacing out five to six times a day and was only able to snap out of it was when someone was yelling his name multiple times making the boy jump or flinch.

The yellow flash knew Jiraiya said something to Kakashi because the boy seems more at ease and not as on edge around him, which is a huge improvement from the start of the week. Minato didn't know if Jiraiya mentioned him by name, but Minato vowed to make sure he thanked the toad sage for whatever he said to his youngest most stubborn student.

"Okay guys, training's over for today. let's go get some dinner Krishna said she should have it ready by then." Minato beamed as he watched is tired students, slowly rising from the ground after a whole day of sparring.

The three students followed they Sensei to his house. Usually, Minato tries to keep his students in front of him, so he can keep an eye out for any potential dangers. But today Minato leads the way with Obito right behind him asking how he can improve his ninjutsu. While Rin walks behind the young Uchiha with Kakashi followed a few paces behind her. The Hatake quietly followed with his hands shoved in his pockets as he watches the snow-covered ground as he was walking. While answering Obito's questions Minato glanced at Kakashi worrying that the young chunnin was lost in his head, again.

However, before Minato could intervene, Rin slowed down and walked with Kakashi then started asking him questions about the tannish Brown book that he was reading during lunch. Fortunately, it seemed to work because Kakashi looked up at Rin and started explaining what little of the plot he's read up to now. Minato smiled at the two as Rin talked about other book subjects. Like how she enjoys reading books on medical ninjutsu and ask Kakashi what other topics that Kakashi likes to read, to keep the conversation going.

When they pass for the marketplace for the second time today, the little Hatake could feel a few icy glares on him, but nothing compared to the last few days. Obito held his head up high and quietly muttering that he and Rin left quite an impression on the villagers. Rin just rolled her eyes, giving a slight shake of her head before glancing at Kakashi. Who let out an exhausted sigh, but when the team was about to pass through a civilian neighborhood, Kakashi stopped.

"Kakashi?" Rin questioned in confusion to why Kakashi suddenly stopped.

"Kakashi, is there something wrong? Why are you stopping?" Minato questioned noticing that Kakashi remained unmoving.

"It's nothing," Kakashi stated as he started walking at a slower pace.

Little did Minato know that his good mood was about to change. Minato said nothing knowing that Kakashi would not tell him what's on the boy's mind. Minato did a quick survey of the area but cannot detect any possible threats only a few civilians passing through their area. Team Minato continued their way through the neighborhood as Minato walked in front as a group with as Kakashi walked slightly behind his right side with Obito and Rin walking on either side a Kakashi. Minato couldn't help but notice that they were similarly positioned as bodyguards for Kakashi. As the team walks through the neighborhood, two middle-aged women were standing in front of the house, talking amongst themselves.

"It's that boy again," one of the women poorly whispered when noticing Kakashi.

Minato looked down at Kakashi and hated Kakashi's reaction to the woman's words. Kakashi's eyes were blank as he stared ahead, still walking close to his Sensei. Although the little Hatake's body posture looked relaxed and uncaring, Minato could see the outline of Kakashi's knuckles where his hands were clutching the fabric of the inside of his pockets.

"It's his fault we're in this war," the other woman stated in a hushed tone to her companion sending a heated glare at the young Hatake.

"Yeah, he's nothing but a disgrace to our village," the first woman hissed looking at a boy in disguise.

"Typical, for a bastard's son," the second women added with a disappointed sigh.

"Hey! Will you both just shut up!" Obito yelled angrily, at the two women who were startled by the sudden outburst.

"How, rube!" The second woman shrieked angrily at the young Uchiha.

The civilian women looked at Minato, expecting the Jonin-sensei to scold the young Uchiha. Instead, Minato gently ruffled Obito's black locks giving the boy a warm reassuring smile, before looking up at the two women with a smug look like 'what are you going to do about it' with a wide grin. Then before the women could say anything, Minato places his right hand between Kakashi shoulders carefully guiding the nine-year-old along the frozen slushie path with Obito and Rin following close behind.

"Are you okay, Kakashi?" Rin asked in concern for their youngest teammate.

Kakashi slightly nodded and softly added, "I'm used to it."

Minato could feel his heart breaking he wants to help Kakashi so much, but he didn't know what to do that he hasn't already done. So, the blond decided to get his team to his house as quickly as possible. Minato silently thanked whatever God there was because the group didn't come across anyone else on the rest of the way to the blonde's house.

Upon entering the Namikaze's house, Kushina came and greeted each the team member with a hug. When Kushina hugged Kakashi, she noticed how the boy tensed at touch even though she was moving slower than usual. Then the Uzumaki stated that dinner was ready when the team entered the kitchen to see the mini feast that Kushina has prepared for them. The sensei and students looked at the redhead waiting for an explanation, and Kushina only defense was that she didn't know what everyone wanted. Before adding that there a pot of miso soup with eggplant on the stove as she gave a wink at Kakashi.

"Well, dig in everyone!" Kushina beamed happily as everyone sat around the table after dishes were set and filled. Kushina made sure put a little bit extra on Kakashi's plate while Minato distracted the boy, by talking about future missions.

"Thank you for the food," the young students replied respectfully.

"Wow, Kushina this is amazing!" Rin exclaimed happily after taking her first bite of Kushina's homemade gyoza.

"Yeah, you're a really good cook!" Obito agreed loudly still chewing a mouth full of teriyaki salmon and rice.

"Thank you please help yourselves as much as you want!" Kushina replied with a wide grin and a small blush. Before cheerfully adding, "there's plenty for everyone, ya know!"

Unlike the other two, Kakashi removes his mask and cautiously sniffs the food before hesitantly eats a piece of sushi and silently nodding in agreement with his teammates. After finishing, Kakashi does the same thing before slowly eating a spoonful of miso soup. As the silver nin continued this process every few bits or when trying something new. Minato and Kushina quietly realize that Kakashi was checking the food for poison.

This realization was unnerving to the two jonin, to say the least. Minato gave his girlfriend a worried look for a split second, so his students don't notice the two jonin's uneasiness. Trying to make conversation, Minato informs his students that he and Kushina will be gone on a border patrol mission this weekend but will be back for Monday's practice. The attempt works as Obito yells that he wants another C rank mission Rin also agreed with the energetic Uchiha, even Kakashi voiced his opinion that they should take more challenging missions.

"Well if your guy's teamwork gets better than maybe," Minato replied with slight hesitation after the damage that was caused by the last C rank mission the team took.

"Hey Kakashi, I was wondering..." Rin trailed off after a few minutes of comfortable silence as the group continued eating.

"What?" Kakashi asked after try some of the salmon and rice.

"I was wondering how is that puppy we found is doing?" Rin asked curiously, wondering why she hasn't seen the puppy since Monday.

"She's fine, Auel is taking good care of her," Kakashi replied with an exhausted sigh, but his lips twitched upward.

"Who's Auel?" Obito asked, trying to look like he's not interested with a mouthful of food.

"She's one of the wolves from the Clan's pack" Kakashi explained, and I'm bored tone then rubbed the back of his head while quietly adding, "and she's like a mother to me."

Before Obito could ask why, Minato asked, "do you have a name for it yet?"

"Kinda, Kyo wants to name her Konji while Auel wants to name her Yukiko," Kakashi explained gazing at his almost empty plate, and relaxing more in his chair.

"Which name do you like better?" Kushina added when she noticed Kakashi was starting to relax.

"It doesn't matter to me both names are good, but since most of us in the packs are calling her Kiko, I guess that her name is going to be Yukiko," Kakashi explained with a small grin as if watching the memory play out in front of him.

"But I thought that giant grey wolf was the leader, so doesn't matter what's the others say?" Obito questioned not understanding the ranks within a ninken pack.

"No. Lady Faiashi is the actual leader the Hatake Clan's pack, Kyo is like the co-leader," Kakashi explained trying to keep his grip chopsticks from getting too tight. Then added with a small shrug, "well until I become pack leader, which is me working alongside Faiashi, instead of Kyo."

"Is this Lady Faiashi like the other wolves?" Obito asked, but Kakashi could tell everyone else was listening closely as well.

"No," Kakashi answered simply. Then the young Hatake's eyes slightly widen as if he said something he really shouldn't have. Then quickly added, "sorry, but I can't explain."

"Why?" Obito questioned, again which made his youngest teammate frown.

"Every clan has its secrets," Kakashi stated which made Obito nod knowing that the Uchiha clan has secrets of their own.

"How many wolves are in the pack?" Kushina asked as her curiosity got the better of her.

"There's three," Kakashi confirmed simply which inwardly caught Minato's attention.

"Well don't keep me in the dark tell me about them, ya know!" Kushina beamed happily giving the hesitant Hatake some encouragement. Then added more common questions to encourage Kakashi to keep talking. Minato slightly wondered why Kushina was using one of her information gathering tactics on the nine-year-old Hatake.

"Well, their names are Eri, Kyo, and Auel," Kakashi started, but his voice was drowned out to Minato, who was in deep thought.

While Kakashi talked about the wolf pack to Kushina describing how each one looked and what they're like, as Minato remained in deep thought. The yellow flash remembered Jiraiya specifically saying that there were four wolves in the Hatake pack, while they were walking to the training field this morning. Although the toad sage didn't provide the wolves names, he did say that two of the wolves we're sisters and are very close to Kakashi. Minato snapped out of his thoughts and focused back on the conversation when he felt Kakashi giving off a small amount of killing intent.

"-just summon them more often when we are on more dangerous missions?" Minato heard the Uchiha asked missing the part that seemed to anger Kakashi.

"Obito!" Kushina and Rin yelled in anger as Minato feels like he missed something important.

"What?" The dense Uchiha countered.

"Would you use your own family as a human meat shield," Kakashi spoke in a calm but stern voice.

"What! No, of course not!" Obito yelled, surprised at what Kakashi just said.

"It's basically the same thing," Kakashi justified before eating some of the rice on his plate.

"Obito you don't have summonings, so you can't just assume you know what it's like to have them. Some summoners are very close to their summonings, Kakashi and I included." The Namikaze explained assuming Obito accidentally said something insulting about Kakashi's packs.

"Oh... uh sorry, I guess that didn't come out right," Obito apologized scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Ya think," Kakashi added in his matter of fact voice with a hint of anger threaded into it.

"So far, from what I hear you're good at training ninken, Kakashi, ya know!" Kushina beamed changing the conversation before the boys could start arguing.

"You think so?" Kakashi replied and indifferent tone as he starred at remaining food on his plate.

With that being said, Minato could see that Kakashi was starting to slowly shy away from all the attention he was getting. That's when Minato decided to continue the conversation on summonings for Kakashi. The yellow flash explains how contract summonings work, and the abilities, strengths, and weaknesses that come with them.


"Would you like some more, Kakashi?" Kushina asked the little Hatake after refilling everyone's plates.

Kakashi shook his head, and when Kushina gave the boy a questioning look, he answered hesitantly. "Uh... it's okay, really."

"Nonsense you barely eating anything, ya know!" Kushina countered with a loud cheerful voice. As she picked up the boy's bowl, Kushina could tell that Kakashi was thinner than the last time she saw him a few months ago. Which was why she was so bent on having Kakashi eat a little bit more even if it was something light like Miso soup.

"But-" Kakashi started to speak before being interrupted again.

"Even the best shinobi need to make sure to have full stomachs, if not they're prone to do something stupid and rash, right Obito?" Kushina teased giving a sly smile to the young Uchiha.

"Hey!" Obito yelled in defense.

"All right but only a little bit, please," Kakashi replied with an amused huff.

"Sure thing!" Kushina added as she refilled Kakashi's bowl with more miso soup and making sure she adds more eggplant into the dish. Then after she's seated at the table again, she smiles at the three students and asked, "now how about you guys tell me about your missions, and how bad training has been!"

As the evening went on, Kakashi didn't speak much more during dinner. After everyone was done, Minato led his students living room as he put a movie before going back to the kitchen to help Kushina clean up. While the couple was putting the extra food away, Kakashi came into the kitchen asking if he could use the restroom. Minato just nodded and told the boy where the bathroom was not, and continued cleaning not giving it a second thought. When the two jonin's where done cleaning up, they joined the students in the living room.

Minato sat on the edge of the couch reading the newspaper as Kakashi sat next to the blonde with his back leaning against him. While Obito sat on the floor leaning against the couch as Rin leaned on the arm of the couch reading the newspaper that Minato was holding. As Kushina leaned against the back of the couch, pressing her folded arms into the couch is a cushion.

"I don't understand, why didn't they just go through the back way?" Obito wondered out loud as his eyes remained on the TV screen.

Kakashi nudged the Uchiha with his foot in irritation. "Shut up, I'm trying to watch the movie?"

"But you're reading!" Obito dramatically countered throwing arms out towards the TV in defense.

"And, I said shut up so I can listen!" Kakashi warned lightly kicking his teammate's shoulder before turning his attention back to the spot on the page he left off at.

"'Shut up so I can listen' while you stare at a book," Obito grumbled half audibly in an annoyed voice. Before getting hit in the head with the binding of the book, Kakashi was reading. "Ow! what was that for!" The young Uchiha yelled, covering his aching head.

"For not listening! Now shut up!" Kakashi whispered in annoyance, and warningly glaring at the young Uchiha, who pouted in silence.

When the movie was finished, it was starting to get dark outside. Judging that it was too late for another movie, Minato decided to use his teleporting technique to take Obito and Rin home. Upon returning, Minato found the last Hatake sitting on the couch with his masked face staring at the closed book in his lap as Kushina sat next to him.

"Okay, Kakashi where do you want to stay tonight?" Minato spoke calmly as knelt next to Kakashi, not wanting to make the little Hatake feel trapped between him and Kushina.

"My house," the nine-year-old stated dark grey eyes peering at his Sensei through silver lashes.

"Kakashi, the compound is not safe for you anymore," Minato replied gently.

"But Minato-sensei it is!" Kakashi argued with what sounded like a pleading whine.

"Okay then, Kushina and I will stay the night in the compound with-" Minato began before being interrupted by his youngest student.

"No!" Kakashi voice was frantic as he clenched the book on his lap.

"Why?" Kushina asked in a gentle tone as her gaze remains locked on to Kakashi.

"Because... Because..." Kakashi muttered looking as if he was in shame.

"You can tell us, Kashi," Kushina spoke softly as she pulled the distressed kid into a side hug while gently rubbing Kakashi's arms.

"I'll stay here," Kakashi stated flatly then muttered something under his breath.

"What was that?" Minato asked gently.

"Can my ninken stay with me?" Kakashi muttered a little louder with half masked cheeks flushed embarrassment.

"Of course, the more the merrier, ya know!" Kushina replied, pulling Kakashi into a tighter hug giving the boys a wide smile when he looked up at her. Just when Kakashi started to tense up, Kushina released the boy, and place her fists in the palm of her hand, as she quickly added: "wait, I almost forgot, Minato and I got something for you!" As the redhead remembered Kakashi's present.

Kushina went into the guest room for a moment before coming out with medium-sized box wrapped in navy blue wrapping paper with a silver ribbon tied around it leaving a small silver bow on top. Kushina held the present out to Kakashi, who slowly took the box with eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of weariness. Kakashi gaze lifted to the cheerful Uzumaki as if he is asking for permission to open the box.

"Happy late birthday, ya know!" Kushina cheered loudly with a large excited smile and happily encourage, "go on open it!"

Then Kakashi locked eyes with his Sensei in the same manner. Minato gave the nine-year-old an encouraging nod with a warm smile to hide the uneasiness underneath. 'He looks to weary for that look to be just a way of being polite," the blonde thinks as he studies his little student.

Kakashi meticulously opens the present making sure not to rip the navy wrapping paper. The couple couldn't help the smile on their faces as they watch the young boy look like a curious puppy expecting a new chewy toy. After removing the wrapping paper and ribbon, and setting it to the side, the Kakashi just sat there starring at the cardboard box. Then glanced at each jonin for a second, before opening it.

Inside the box was a charcoal gray jacket that had a soft down inside with a polyester outside with a black zipper. Kakashi lifts it out of the box turning it around to see that in the middle of the upper back was a white diamond shape with a black outline with two black lines running through it on each side like an X forming smaller diamonds within the larger one. Kakashi slowly ran his small pale figures over the diamond that was sewed on by hand.

"Thank you," Kakashi spoke softly and sincerely. Even with his mask on Minato and Kushina could see how the little Hatake's expression soften at the sight of his Clan's symbol. Something the boy has been actively trying to restore to its former glory.


Minato offered to take Kakashi home so he could start packing. However, Kakashi refused the offer saying that he has everything he needs in his sealing scroll. Then showed the two jonin the scroll as he pulls it out of his weapon pouch alongside with his ninken's summoning scroll.

When Kakashi summoned his dogs, the couple were greeted with happy yips and yaps of the dogs as they surrounded the boy. Then each dog greeted Minato and Kushina as Kakashi explained that they're going to be staying Minato's house for now on. The dogs looked at each other than Kakashi, then the couple then down to Pakkun, who agreed with their boss's choice.

"Is something wrong, Kakashi?" Minato asked as Kakashi kept shifting on the couch as he tried to read the book Jiraiya gave him while the ninken lounged around the living room.

"Uh... May I use the restroom, and I may use the shower?" Kakashi asked in a nervous voice, which was very strange to Minato.

"Of course, it's down the hall first door on the left there should already be another clean towel in there for you. Oh, and Kakashi, you don't have to ask every time you have to use the restroom, okay?" Minato replied in a calm tone, thinking that Kakashi behavior could be linked to something deeper and darker than he would like to believe.

Soon after hearing the bathroom door closed Minato heard the shower turn on. Minato placed the newspaper on the coffee table before his way to the guest bedroom that Kushina was cleaning up for Kakashi to use. When the usually hot-tempered Uzumaki noticed her boyfriend leaning against the doorway, she could practically see the gears turning in his head. Which must be a bad thing for the grim expression that was shown on Minato's face.

"What's wrong?" Kushina asked softly, standing in front of him staring into Minato's dulled blue eyes that are usually bright with life.

Minato opened his mouth to speak when a choppy high pitch voice interrupted him "excuse me, sorry for bothering you. But if you're going to have a heart-to-heart conversation maybe it'll be better to have it in the living room. The pack can stay in the guest room, so when Kakashi gets out of the shower we can go to bed," Shiba starred at the two jonin. Minato was surprised by how much Shiba's human speech has improved. The Jonin-sensei can still remember the first time he met the dog and how the young ninken could only speak ten words without accidentally barking.

The couple agreed and went back to the living room and sat on the couch as the dogs bid them a good night before entering the guest room. Soon after two groups switch places the couple heard the bathroom door open, and the guest room door closed. Kushina didn't even bother asking her question again, instead, she just gave Minato a questioning look as she waited for him to answer.

"It's just a hunch I don't know anything yet," Minato explained slowly shaking his head as if trying to deny what he was thinking.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kushina asked seeing how disturbed Minato was at the whatever thought popped into his head.

"We should talk to Pakkun and get his side of what's going on."

"Okay," Kushina agreed softly before adding of a smirk, "do you still think your plan was better than mine?"

Minato gave an amused huff, "if you're asking me that I'm glad I asked Kakashi to stay here, instead of kidnapping him like you wanted to do. Then yes, I quite sure my plan was better than yours."

"Pfft, you're just too patient, I'd rather get things done quickly," Kushina countered crossing arms over her chest.

"Well you're right about not being patient" Minato agreed, giving the redhead a teasing smirk. Which rewarded him with getting punched in the arm, "I'm kidding I'm kidding," Minato repeated now rubbing his sore arm. Then added as he got up "come on let's go check on Kakashi and ask Pakkun if he answers some questions."

The couple quietly made their way to the guest room door, Minato knocked on the door. The couple expecting Kakashi to open the door instead one of the dogs told them they could come in. When Minato and Kushina open the door, they didn't expect to see what they saw on the bedroom floor.

A sleeping Kakashi was dressed in his signature mask with a worn gray long-sleeve shirt including long black shorts with his new jacket draped over his lower face and side, like a tiny blank. Kakashi was sleeping on his side with his upper body laying against Bull's side while the Mastiff laid half curled on the small rug in the guest room. Ūhei was stretched out along the back of Kakashi's legs while laying her head on Urushi hind leg as Urushi was curled up next to Kakashi's lower back. While Biscuit was nestled between Bull and Urushi while resting his jaw on Urushi's back as the side of his head leaned against Kakashi's back. Unlike Ūhei, Shiba was curled up against the front of Kakashi's lower legs with his head between his paws. Akino was positioned similarly as Shiba, but against the little Hatake's upper legs instead. At the bottom of the dogpile was Guruko, who curled around Kakashi's feet, keeping them warm.

The jonin couple studied the puppy pile trying to commit the adorable but shocking moment to memory. Minato couldn't help the tender smile that formed on his face since there are very few moments where Kakashi shows people the caring side of him. On the other hand, Kushina looked like she was having a cuteness overload. With her fingers intertwined with each other as her red brows drew up, and her mouth fell up to make a quiet, "aww-ha-ho," sound. At the sound, Pakkun poked his head out from under the jacket, and careful maneuvering out from Kakashi's arms that kept a gentle hold on the pug. Minato and Kushina watch Pakkun whisper something into the boy's ear when Kakashi began to stir before relaxing and falling back into a deep sleep. The pug left the room, with the two adults then quietly closed the door pushing it with his muzzle.

"Hey Pakkun," Minato greeted as a pug stretched, he and Kushina sat down on the floor.

"What is it?" The pug asked with a yawn, as he sat down looking up at the two jonin.

"I have some questions for you," Minato continues carefully hoping the pug will give them answers.

"Okay, let's hear them, but doesn't mean I'll answer them," Pakkun explained in his usual grumpy tone after thinking for a moment.

"How long has Kakashi been on his own?" Minato started with simple questions trying not to push his luck with the pug's corporation.

"Well it's almost been three years, but you've already known that." The pug answered, raising an eyebrow at the blond knowing that's not the only question the Jonin-sensei wanted to ask.

"What was Sakumo like before it happened?" Minato asked, still wanting to know what happened to Sakumo that night. The yellow flash knew that Jiraiya was on the case to find the answer, but he thought it would be good if he could help get more information on the case for his Sensei.

"What do you mean by that?" Pakkun asked, looking at Minato with weariness in his dark doggy eyes.

"I mean after that mission, how did Sakumo react, was he depressed?" Minato clarified as Kushina listened silently.

"He was happy, but it what anyone expected it was hard to believe from what happened," Pakkun slowly answered, looking down at the hardwood floor as his ears flattened.

"What happened to Kakashi after his death?" Minato asked still a little shocked from Pakkun's answer.

"Well, I'm sure you already know from the Pup's file. Kakashi was put into a foster home and then left after three months. That's when he started living on his own in the Hatake compound, but he wasn't alone we always make sure to check up on him." Pakkun explained, flatly as he scratched his ear.

"No, I never of this, why did he leave his foster family?" Minato asked as he and Kushina glanced at each other, upon hearing the new information.

"No comment," was all Pakkun said in a flat stubborn tone.

"Do you know how Sakamoto die?" Kushina asked, changing a topic to the previous subject.

"Yes. The Pup told us, but I ain't telling you it's personal." The pug stated flatly, as the two jonin resist the urge to groan and frustration.

"We've heard how the villagers been treating Kakashi, and we want to help. But we don't know how if you can tell us everything you know, and what they've been doing. We can be able to stop this and Kakashi won't have to worry about whoever is doing this ever again." Minato persuaded trying to ensure the pug that they were on their side.

"Yeah, I've heard those pretty words before too. didn't end well for anyone I'm sorry I can't answer that." Pakkun's voice and expression remained unreadable as he spoke.

"Is there anything you can tell us?" Kushina questioned trying to keep down her growing frustration. Internally understanding how Minato felt when he explained his interactions with the wolf pack, and how Kakashi would always dodge his questions.

"Thank you," Pakkun stated sincerely, looking up at both of the jonin in front of him.

"For what?" Kushina asked taken back from the pug's gratitude.

"For keeping him from being alone," Pakkun answered with a small respectful bow of his head.

"Can you give us any kind of heads-up what might happen next or when Kakashi might get unwanted visitors?" Minato asked, hoping for some kind of heads-up of what might happen next.

"The only thing I can tell you is to keep your eyes open and look around, observe everything," Pakkun added seriously sharing into me and toes eyes.

"Alright, thank you," Minato spoke with a small nod.

"Now I'm going to bed, the Pup needs me," Pakkun stated, standing up turning towards the closed door while still looking at the couple.

"We understand goodnight, Pakkun." The yellow flash replied as he silently opened the door.

"What do you make of it?" Kushina whispers to Minato with weariness present in her violet eyes.

"Nothing good. We're just going to have to do what Pakkun said and keep our eyes open and observe everything around Kakashi from now on." Minato replied at the same volume as his girlfriend.

"Why is he sleeping on the floor?" Kushina whispered as she pointed at the boy after entering the room.

"The boss didn't want to get dog hair on the bed," Biscuit replied a soft volume as a the ninken woke up but remained in place.

"He didn't know if we were allowed on the bed," Akino added with a soft yawn rubbing his face with the side of his paw.

"Can we! My paws are clean, promise!" Shiba asked slightly above a whisper is it still as his tail wagged with excitement.

"Of course, but shh we don't want to wake Kakashi up, ya know!" Kushina smiled at the youngest of the ninken holding her finger up to it up to her lips as she winked.

Kushina slowly approached the puppy pile and carefully picked up the sleeping Kakashi. The Uzumaki held the young boy gently, to not wake the sleeping masked child. Kakashi head laid on Kushina's left collar bone, but can still hear the Red-Hot-Habanero's strong yet relaxed heartbeat. While Kakashi's limp arms rested at his sides with his pale legs dangled on each side of Kushina's hips. Kushina gently rubbed soothing circles into Kakashi's back, keeping him in an unconscious state.

Minato and the ninken rearranged the pillows and blankets to make sure all the dogs can fit on the full-sized bed. While Kushina was silently inspecting Kakashi for any signs of abuse. But was unable to found anything, as she tries not to get too distracted with how adorable the little Hatake is when he's not preaching about the shinobi rules. Which was hard to do, but Kakashi unconsciously makes it even harder when he shifts in his sleep, and Kushina inwardly panics for a moment thinking the boy was waking up. Instead, the little Hatake raises his left arm, and grabbed hold of Kushina's right green dress strap, before releasing a deep breath and relaxing further against the redhead's shoulder.

Kushina let out a sigh of relief as she turned to Minato and whispered, "can I keep him?"

"Kushina!" Minato exclaimed in a whisper careful not to wake his exhausted student.

"But he's just so cute, ya know!" Kushina replied quietly as she softly rubs her cheek into the boy's silver locks, to emphasize her point.

"I know, but that's not our decision to make, it's Kakashi," Minato emphasized by lightly ruffling Kakashi's silver hair.

The couple's conversation was quickly ended by Pakkun clearing his throat. The two jonin's attention went back to the dogs, who are standing on the floor, beside Bull who is laying head the bed giving the two adults a doggie smile. Kushina did not want to let the boy go just yet but understand that the dogs want she walked over to the bed and carefully laid Kakashi down with his back leaning against Bull's side. Then then the rest of the pack join Kakashi and Bull on the bed as they lay around their little ninken summoner before Minato covered his student in a blanket making sure to cover Kakashi's lower face. The couple bid the pack the goodnight before heading to Minato's room to get ready for bed as well.


"Minato, are you still awake?" Kushner asked as she finished brushing her red shower damp hair.

"Hn," Minato mumbled laying in bed all ready half asleep.

"We need to keep a close eye on Kakashi," Kushina continued as she lay next to Minato laying her head on his shirt covered chest.

"I know," Minato agreed still on the borderline of sleep.

"No, while you were gone at training, I was looking through one of the old scrolls that belonged to Lady Mito," Kushina added as she listened to her boyfriend's steady heartbeat.

"What was it about?" Minato asked with a yawn looking down at the redhead laying on him.

"Dire wolves. They're a type of wolf that can grow into the size of an average size man." The Uzumaki explained with a soft yawn.

"Dire wolves... I never heard of them, what scroll was it in?" Minato asked a bit more awake now.

"One of the scrolls contains detailed information on chakra beasts," Kushina replied in a tired voice.

"What!" Minato loudly whispered in shock.

"Yep, apparently dire wolves are known for being half chakra beast," Kushina explained with her tired half-lidded eyes.

"Half?" Minato questioned the Uzumaki with curiosity heavy in his quiet voice.

"Yep," Kushina clarified flatly, half asleep.

"Then what's Faiashi?" Minato thought out loud, remembering how Kakashi said that Lady Faiashi is not like the other Hatake wolf pack.

"I don't know," Kushina muttered before falling asleep. While the Uzumaki slept, Minato remained awake processing the information, before slipping into his uneasy slumber.

A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing well this summer. I would like to thank every one of you, for the votes, the comments, the support, this story is getting. It means so so much to me, thank you. From here on out, the story will be going at a faster pace. I'm sorry if that's not your cup of tea, but we're just at that part of the story now. Also, sorry for any grammar errors I was trying to get this chapter out as quick as possible for everyone. I hope you all like this chapter, and I hope you all are looking forward to reading the next chapter! Again, thank you all so much for your support, it does mean a lot.

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