The ruthless assassin and his...

By Rumbadaa

310K 23.5K 12.3K

May the fittest survive!! The whole galaxy lives upon that law. A world where no one is allowed to show his w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
๐Ÿ’–The Valentine Specials Introduction๐Ÿ’–
๐Ÿ’– Valentine Special - Ming & Kit ๐Ÿ’–
๐Ÿ’– Valentine Special - Forth & Beam ๐Ÿ’–
๐Ÿ’– Valentine Special - Pha & Yo ๐Ÿ’–
๐Ÿ’– Valentine Special - Kongpob & Arthit ๐Ÿ’–
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Special Chapter - Sleep
Special Chapter - Date
Special Chapter - New Arrivals
A few years later..
Some more years later..
Did the distracting plan work?

Chapter 71

2.5K 209 108
By Rumbadaa

Arthit burst out laughing again. He was sitting on a very comfortable chair, a plate on his lap and Diana was stirring something on the stove as she continued her story, her heart full of love as she heard Arthit's open laugh. "Noah then stood up and prepared for his speech. Kong baby was still fidgeting in his chair. He was really getting bored. Those ceremonies are boring if you ask me. And after some point, Noah was finally at his second part of his speech when suddenly we all heard a loud thump and a cry. Kong baby shouted, dancing on his feet: "Hurry up dad!! Finish this boring thing, would you!! I want to pee so bad!!" Right there in front of the crowd." And Arthit slapped his thigh as he giggled again. Diana turned to watch him and smiled. Arthit's cheeks were red with excitement and his mouth was full of food. His eyes were twinkling with laughter. She whispered as she walked to him: "Be careful. Don't laugh while eating." She was so tempted to tell him about the little girl she dreamed of but decided against it. It would be safe for the doctor to announce the news.

Arthit nodded but chuckled again as he tried to imagine his soulmate little and so feisty. Diana glanced at Arthit's nearly empty plate and asked: "Do you want more?" Arthit sipped his pink milk and said cheerfully: "Your cooking resembles so much my mother's a lot! Of course I want more!" Diana smiled as she rubbed Arthit's head: "It was her who taught me how to cook your human food. That was her favourite." Arthit's eyes shone and he asked in a childish voice: "Tell me more about her please." And she narrated Alyssa's stories to him who hung on to her every word. This was how Kongpob found him. He leaned against the door and smiled at how happy his soulmate was as he listened to the stories. Slate whispered: "He is glowing." Kongpob inclined his head as he replied: "He was always glowing." Slate nodded, grinning. Arthit had  always looked special to them. 

Arthit finally noticed him and started to grin at him. But then he remembered Serene's words. He lost his smile and stared pensively at his soulmate. He then lowered his eyelashes and stared at his lap. He then asked out loud to the queen who was about to bring him more food: "Diana, do you consider me as your son's soulmate?" Diana turned to glance at Kongpob who was frowning at his human at his question. She knew he was here since the beginning but she also knew that he did not want to speak to her, so she had kept her attention on Arthit because the avoidance of her son hurt her so much. But the sudden question made her a bit confused. She replied softly as she brought the plate to her best friend's son: "Of course I consider you as my Kong baby's soulmate." Arthit surprised her even more as he asked next: "Why?" Diana now turned to face her son who had such a confused look on his face. And Slate was asking: "What did you do again, Kongpob??" Kongpob walked to his human and replied to Slate: "I did nothing at all. Maybe you did something."  Slate gasped, his hand on his chest, very outraged that Kongpob thought that he could do something bad to his favorite human: "Never!"

Kongpob crouched down and grabbed his soulmate's hand: "What's the matter?" Arthit had been fine when he had reached the kitchen earlier, pushing the soulmate bond matter away. But now that Kongpob appeared in front of him, the hurt was back. He wanted his bond back. He wanted to feel complete again. He smiled at him as he tightened his hold on Kongpob's hand but turned to look at Diana again, waiting for the answer. She replied softly: "Because you said so. Kong said so." Arthit whispered sadly: "You did not feel it then?" Kongpob froze and Slate instantly whined, lowering his head. Both felt guilty. Slate sobbed. "I am so sorry.." And Arthit heard him. He rubbed Kongpob's hand and replied to Slate: "It's not your fault. It's no one's fault." But his eyes were full of sorrow as he touched his chest lightly with his other hand. He missed it. He hated that Serene had pointed it out to him. Hated that he did not want to tell that particular incident to Kongpob. He did not want him to know how insecure he was feeling right now. 

He smiled weakly and leaned his head on Kongpob's shoulder. But his soulmate knew him too well. "You want to have our bond back?" Arthit simply nodded, wrapping his arms around his soulmate's neck. Kongpob placed Arthit's legs around his waist and picked him up. When he stood up with Arthit in his arms, he saw Diana looking at them in worry. Slate whispered: "Mommy might know." Kongpob gritted his teeth and refused to ask her. Diana opened her mouth to speak but Kongpob shook his head, refusing to listen. He ignored the hurt in his chest and walked away. Arthit hugged him tighter and Kongpob rubbed his back in concern: "Are you sore, baby?" Arthit huffed against his neck and said: "I liked it." Slate raised his eyebrow in curiosity: "Liked what?" Kongpob smirked: "You sure you want to know?" He then sent healing energy at Arthit. Slate suddenly understood and he looked at them in horror. "HE IS PREGNANT!!!!"

Arthit hid his face even more as he heard Slate exploding and chuckled against Kongpob's neck. Kongpob rolled his eyes. "I asked the doc if it was safe or not, Slatey." Slate huffed, muttering: "We want him to be safe all the time. We cannot afford him to be weak. ......" Kongpob tuned his mutters off and said softly: "What do you want to do?" Arthit leaned back and looked at him: "I want to sleep." He was drowsy now that he had eaten so much. A nap was badly needed. Kongpob kissed his forehead and walked leisurely to their suite with Arthit falling asleep on his shoulder. Slate finally stopped muttering and said to Kongpob: "We are different to the demons here. We have other powers. So maybe there is hope. Maybe I can do it again." Kongpob inclined his head, waiting for Slate to try. And he did, several times. But it did not work. "The thread, Kongpob. It disappeared completely now. I can't see it." Slate was frustrated and as Kongpob put Arthit on bed, he said: "We need to ask the doc. Maybe he could help." 

Slate nodded. They teleported to find him. The doctor frowned at him: "Where is he? He is still too weak. I need to check if he is okay, coping with the pregnancy." "Sleeping. I'll bring him to you when he wakes up.", replied Kongpob and he sat down on the chair, staring down at the doctor. "You did not tell them about me, why?" The doctor smiled: "Because at that time, I did not know that you were our prince. But seeing the tense atmosphere between you and your parents, I don't think I am allowed to tell about that, right?" Kongpob leaned on his knees and looked at the ground as he said: "You are right. You must have noticed that I am different to you all. I- I was experimented on, doc. I was given more powers. All the species in me claimed him when we mated. We lost the demon soulmate bond and I can't sense the other claims too. Is there no hope at all?" "Can't your demon really sense anything?" Slate shook his head. But he suddenly remembered: "But he can hear me sometimes!!"

The doctor frowned and said: "He does? Then there is something? Maybe the baby? I need to know more about it before I could say anything." He stopped talking, suddenly realising something and then said: "You are a- a hy-" Kongpob stood up, raising his voice a little as he replied: "Yes, I am a hybrid." He turned his back and left the room. He nodded at his father when he found him at the door, standing there in shock. His father stopped him as he said weakly, Shadow uncontrollable inside him: "What did you just say?" Kongpob turned his head and said: "Exactly what you heard." Noah's eyes filled with tears as he whispered: "How?" Kongpob longed to hug him and just complain about everything just like he always did when he was little. But he clenched his fists and said coldly: "Ask your soulmate." And he teleported right in front of his father, showing Noah and Shadow how they lost the Kongpob they knew. That was not his cute and sweet, little boy anymore. "H-ybrid.", he said and Shadow growled. 

Slate scoffed: "You serious??? You could sense him coming to the door when you said the hybrid part. You knew dad would hear it!" Kongpob walked aimlessly in the palace as he replied: "I just wanted him to know." Hearing that, Slate fell silent and joined his master in his misery. Kongpob suddenly asked: "You think it was a mistake to come here?" Slate hugged his knees to him and said in a soft voice: "No, I am glad we are home. We may be angry with them but mommy and dad will help us. We- we just need to tell dad what happened to us, Kongpob." Kongpob stopped walking and his hands trembled as he stared at them: "Telling them how we became a monster? How my own mother turned me to that bitch?!" 

Slate recoiled from the pain as he whispered: "We both are hoping that it was just a misunderstanding. We both want to know the real truth. You refused to speak about it to Arthit when he told you he knows that it was not your mother. You are refusing to speak to me. You are refusing to speak about it at all. But we will have to. We will have to face it. There is no escaping it. Dad won't just sit back and wait for you to come and tell him. You know that." Kongpob shook his head, clutching his pained chest and went to his sleeping soulmate. Feeling the anxiety and sadness from his soulmate, Arthit frowned in his sleep. He was already worried for the soulmate bond. He rubbed his belly instinctively and tossed right and left in his sleep. But gradually, his frown faded away as he dreamed.

He was standing in the meadow again. "Mama!", shouted a small girl as she ran towards Arthit. She was shining in the sun. She hugged Arthit and Arthit instinctively hugged her back. She leaned back and grinned at him. She let him go. She kept skipping happily as she twirled around Arthit. Arthit watched her with a huge smile on his face. She was so pretty, Arthit thought. He continued to stare at her lovingly. Such a cute angel. He looked around him and whispered: "This is such a precise dream. So pretty." Alyssa skipped to him and opened her arms wide as she said: "I created it, mama. It's fun to create dreams! I can call you to come and meet me now. You should be happy. Don't be sad. We don't like it when you are sad." She smiled warmly at Arthit and he swore he saw his Kong's smile right there. He then frowned slightly as his brain finally started to assemble the puzzle. His eyes widened as he whispered: "You are-" She grinned: "Yes mama." She waved him bye as she walked away.

Arthit cried out: "MAMA!" as he woke up. He sat up and placed his trembling hands on his belly. His eyes widened in understanding and threw his blanket away to get out of the bed hurriedly. He nearly fell and he felt an arm wrap around his waist. He instinctively turned and hugged his Kong. He buried his face against his neck. He whispered: "It's a girl, Kong. A girl. My baby. She is so beautiful." Kongpob's eyes widened in surprise too and he hugged Arthit back as Slate whispered: "A baby girl?" Kongpob nodded in awe and Arthit leaned back: "You should have seen her. She has already come to my dream before. But I did not make the connection. And tonight, when she smiled at me, she looked exactly like you, Kong. There is also the thing that she kept calling me mama, Kong. We are having a baby girl!"

They all fell silent as they absorbed this news. Indeed this news made all three of them push their own worries and sorrows away. Kongpob finally rubbed his soulmate's back as he whispered worriedly: "But are you fine? The doctor told me that you might be too weak to handle a demon baby, Arthit." Arthit leaned back and said: "You can tell the doctor to go and fuck himself." Slate snickered. "She is my baby, you hear!", continued Arthit and Kongpob frowned: "Well, excuse us for worrying about you. And she is also my baby." Arthit blinked at him and then grinned: "Right. She is our baby. And I am fine, love. If ever I feel weak or need anything, I'll tell you." Kongpob whispered as he gently stroked Arthit's cheek: "Promise?" Arthit kissed him lightly and whispered: "Promise." 

Slate ignored their banter and whispered: "What will be her powers?" Kongpob who was currently lost in his soulmate's eyes did not hear him but at the other part of the universe, the answer was given. The Great Oracle said to his grandchild who finally came back home: "Dreams. She will have the power of dreams. A power that will be greatly feared by others." He shook his head. Tew frowned. "Feared? But she is so kind and so cute." His grandfather just smiled. That little girl was protecting her twin in his vision. She was looking very fierce too. She was not just a simple cute girl. And her parents would have to be informed about her. About her powers. About her destiny. There was still time though. 

Because right now, he was interested in examining that cyborg who came along with Tew. A tall, muscled man who observed a lot and spoke very little. Unlike that about-to-explode oracle next to him. The frustrated Dae muttered: "Who said that the robot man was allowed to be here??" The Great Oracle hid his smirk. At least he would not be bored during Tew's stay. Dae stood up and grabbed Tew's arm, pulling him along: "Let me show you the new room assigned to you, P. Our rooms are so close together." Tew frowned at him and exclaimed as Dae continued to drag him away: "Let me go, you little shit!! You took my powers away!! I won't forgive you so easily!!" Dae protested instantly: "That was Grandfather's orders! You can't blame me for this!" "WATCH ME!!", shouted Tew, his voice just a little whisper as they walked away. A complaint was heard: "But P...." When the old man shook his head at their argument and turned to watch the cyborg still sitting in front of him, he smiled. Because there was a heat in his eyes. A jealous side of the cyborg perhaps?

"Can I please ask if I can kill an oracle? By accident of course?", Knott absently asked. And the Great Oracle burst out laughing. A jealous fit for real. He then cleared his throat and said in a fake serious tone: "Dae has been enamoured with my Tew since he was small, young man. Are your affections for my grandchild greater than that of his childhood love?" Knott turned to look at him and said in a very serious voice: "Of course." The Great Oracle crossed his fingers, enjoying the interesting twist. Knott excused him and walked towards the two who had disappeared in one of the rooms. He then saw Tew running towards him, a huge smile on his face. He grabbed Knott's hand as he continued to run, dragging the muscled man with him. He exclaimed: "A party!!! There will be a party!!! Let's go!!" He waved his grandfather bye and shouted: "We'll be back!" 

Knott pointed at their intertwined fingers and winked at the Great Oracle. Tew's grandfather laughed. Dae walked to him, pouting. And the Great Oracle ruffled his hair affectionately. "What party is Tew talking about?" Dae muttered, still very unhappy that his P had left so suddenly: "A party by the wolf and cat planets. To celebrate the good news of their pregnancy and the merging agreement of the two planets. Don't act like you don't know." The old man nodded, confirming that he always knows. He said: "Pretty sure they will send an invite for an oracle representative too." Dae instantly raised his head to look at him, his eyes shining in excitement: "Really?!" "Since Tew will be invited by the princes, you can go too. From our behalf." Dae shouted: "YESSSSS!!!!" as he hugged the Great Oracle before running to his room to get ready. "You just wait, P!! I'll sweep you off your feet this time!"

At the wolf planet where the celebrations would be taking place...

Kit squirmed on his chair. Ming ignored his persistent stare as he looked at the invite in his hand with the title "Join us for THE party!!" with the details of the event cited below. He muttered: "That must be Aki's doing." Kit asked again: "But why can't we just go there to tell them?" Ming sighed. "Because it's too dangerous. We do not know what's happening there. We cannot just go there. Demons are not friendly, Kit. For so many years, they refuse to come to any events. You know that." Kit frowned: "Yihwa came to Beam's and Forth's ceremony." Ming nodded: "Maybe not as an official representative of the demons." Kit whispered: "But I want them to come.." Ming stood up and came to his mate, raising his chin and leaning over to kiss him softly. Kit moaned as he opened his mouth to deepen the kiss. Ming whispered against his lips: "We'll send the invite along with a note and if there is no response, I'll go there myself. Okay, my kitty?" Kit grinned and nodded. 


"We are holding a party to celebrate the peace agreement between our two planets and we would be grateful if you could send a representative to our event along with your prince and his soulmate."

{Note to Kongpob and Arthit: Ming here! Please come if you can! Kit and I will be very happy to meet you! He is missing you guys a lot.} 



The chapters' lengths for this story will now be doubled to reduce the number of upcoming chapters. Which means the time for me to write one chapter too will double. I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience. 

And a big thanks to you all who have been with me on this story's journey! I love you guys! 💖

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