Expeliarmus: HARRY POTTER GOB...

By toriandfriends3

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"We can't stop him from returning, but we can help defeat him again." ~Lorna Dane LORNA, REBECCA, AND ESME DA... More



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By toriandfriends3

THE DAY OF THE SECOND TASK WAS UPON THE THREE SISTERS. The three sisters were told to put on swimsuits and thin blue robes. Athena and Diana had not come back to the dorms yesterday evening.

Lorna rolled her neck several times. "Will you quit doing that?" Esme asked annoyed.

"And why should I do that for you? What's in it for me?" Lorna smirked.

"You won't be punched." Esme answered honestly.

"And who's gonna punch me? You're not gonna do it, Esme." Lorna taunted.

"Oh no it won't be me. Why waste a perfectly good nail on your cheek? And it'll be Rebecca." Esme paced around the room.

"Will you calm down?" Lorna snapped.

"Why should I?"

"Because I might be the one doing the punching." Lorna said bluntly. Esme opened her mouth like she was about to snap back but she closed it at the last second. Lorna smirked at her success.
The three sisters along with Fluer walked to the Black Lake together. "Pink?! I can't believe it. Pink! Bloody pink! I could be wearing black!" Rebecca complained.

"In case you hadn't noticed, Rebecca, I'm wearing blue." Esme sighed.

"But blue's awesome. Pink's not!"

"I think they were really going for the whole green theme." Lorna grinned.

"Well, your hair is green." Rebecca groaned. Esme sat down into a boat with Rebecca and Fluer. Lorna stepped into the boat and sat down, nearly tipping it over.

"Do you know where Athena and Diana are?" Esme asked nervously.

"No. Please tell me you have your gillyweed." Lorna said. Rebecca and Esme both pulled out their gillyweed.

"All set." Esme said smirking. Lorna let put a sigh of relief.

Their boat reached a large balcony filled stand. They got off to be greeted by their friends and Madame Maxime. Annie and Rachael, two of the mutants' friends, took off each girl's robes.

Fluer shook off her nerves away as Esme cracked her knuckles. Rebecca popped her neck and Lorna glared at the water as she popped her shoulders and ankles repeatedly.

Dumbledore said some kind of speech, the kind that Lorna always ignored. She popped the gillyweed in her mouth, Esme and Rebecca following her actions. All three were used to the pain of gillyweed's effects. A cannon sounded and the three sisters dove into the water with the three original Champions. Lorna swam to the left, Esme to the right, Rebecca straight ahead.

One tactic they had discussed was splitting up to find their prize. Lorna used her head and followed the mermaids to find people strung up unconcious. She daw Cedric and Harry already there. Cedric and Harry seemed to be speaking silently.

Lorna swam forwards to Athena's unconcious form and cut her rope to free her. She dragged her up to the surface. She saw Fluer was already up there with no prize. Lorna glanced up confused. Fluer was crying.

"Athena, go! I'll be back!" She dove underwater once more with only her breath and a tiny bit of gillyweed. Cedric passed her with Cho. Behind him was Esme with Diana. Rebecca was dragging Ron with her. She was struggling. Lorna growled and helped her carry him.

Hermione was being pulled by a shark person? Lorna guessed that it was Viktor. She saw Ginny and Gabrielle being floated up. She gave the two an extra push before swimming to rescue Harry.

Harry was being attacked by grindylows. Great. Lorna rolled her eyes. She shouted out the first spell that came to her mind. "Immobulus!" The grindylows froze and scattered.

She swam over to Harry and checked his pulse. He was slowly drowning. Double great. She shook her head before slapping his face. Lorna rolled her eyes and swam with him a tiny bit more before screaming it out. Her favorite spell. "Ascendo!" The two were propelled by an unseen force. They landed on the dock, Harry on top of Lorna. He coughed spluttering her face with saliva and water.

"God, Harry, gross." Lorna complained before shoving him off her. Her face turned sympathetic. "Are you alright?" She asked concerned.

"Fine." Harry smiled. Lorna blushed and looked away.

"Lorna!" Esme tackled her sister into a hug. "Are you alright?" She wrapped an extra towel around her.

"You almost died." Rebecca blunted.

"I am fully aware." Lorna grinned before Rebecca hugged her.

"In first place we have Lorna Dane with the use of gillyweed." Lorna grinned as Rebecca hugged her. "Seeing as Mr. Potter would have finished first, but instead chose to attempt to save the others as well, we've agreed to award him second place. This puts Mr. Diggory in third, Esme Dane in fourth, Rebecca Dane in fifth, Mr. Krum in sixth and Miss Delacour in last." Dumbledore continued his speech.

"Little Miss First." Esme teased Lorna.

"Esme, stop it."

"Come on. Let's get dry." Rebecca said. The three sisters along with Fluer walked to the carriage. The four Champions quickly changed into their usual clothes before heading back to the Castle to eat dinner. The three sisters entered the Great Hall earning many stares.

"If you got a problem, open your mouths!" Lorna shouted. Esme silently gasped while Rebecca just groaned. Noone said anything. "Good." Lorna sneered before turning on her heel and gesturing for several plates full of food to follow the sisters.

"You really shouldn't have done that." Esme snapped.

"Would you rather them stare at you like you're evil?" Esme remained silent. "That's what I thought." Lorna answered.

"But we are evil. Think about it. Our brother is You-Know-Who and we have several associates in Azkaban that have recently escaped." Rebecca said solemnly.

"Wanda, Clarice, Andrea, Jean, and Sonya broke out?" Lorna asked. "Of the depressing ocean pokey?"

"Well everyone but Sonya."

"What do you mean?" Esme asked.

"The collar killed her. She was using her abilities too much to suit them so zap." Rebecca explained.

"Never liked her anyway." Lorna joked.

"Lorna!" Esme snapped.

"What? You can't say you didnt like her either?" Lorna smirked. When Esme didn't answer, Lorna gasped. "I knew it! I knew you hated Sonya!" She cheered the death of Dreamer. Even Esme admitted, Sonya was pretty useless to the Inner Circle.  

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