Dear Virgil Sanders [✔️]

By SincerelyLadyBri

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Dear Virgil Sanders, Today is going to be a good day. And here's why... okay well... maybe today isn't going... More

Chapter 1: Anybody Have A Map?
Chapter 2: Waving
Chapter 3: For Forever
Chapter 4: Sincerely, Me
Chapter 5: If I Could Tell His Requiem Tonight
Chapter 6: Disappear
Chapter 7: You Will Be Found
Chapter 8: Sincerely, "Me"
Chapter 9: To Break In A Son
Chapter 10: It Could Be Us
Chapter 11: Plot Holes And Mistakes
Chapter 12: Good For You
Chapter 13: Did You Fall? Or Did You Let Go?
Chapter 15: Words Fail
Chapter 16: So Big/So Small
Chapter 17: Ten Books

Chapter 14: You Will Be Found (Reprise)

70 2 0
By SincerelyLadyBri

Virgil was video chatting Logan. He was desperately trying to fix things.

"Look, I've been a bad co-President, I know that. And I'm sorry. But you were right, you were absolutely right, and I'm back and rededicating myself to doing everything I can do to make this work."

Logan deadpanned. "Too late. I've moved on."

"Moved on?"

"You made it abundantly clear to me that you're not very interested in being a part of the Janus Project."

Virgil sputtered. "I-I can make more videos, write more blog stuff-"

"I can do all of that myself."

"It's not the same. You know it's not the same." He countered. "People want to hear what I have to say, I was his best friend."

"You know," Logan folded his arms, "frankly, Virgil? I'm starting to think if that's even true."

Virgil freezes. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You keep saying you were best friends, you are a figurative broken record about it but nobody ever saw you together." Logan pointed out. "No one knew you were friends."

"He didn't want us to talk-"

"-at school, I know the story. We all know the story."

"You've seen the emails-"

"Do you know how easy it is to create a fake email and backdate emails? Because I do."

Virgil stumbles, reaching for anything.

"You know what? I don't have time for this. I have to fundraise seventeen thousand dollars." Logan finished before Virgil cut him off.

"I can prove it. Here."

Logan opened the document containing a picture of the letter.

"If we weren't friends, then why did he write his suicide note to me?"

"Oh my god... 'Dear Virgil Sanders'.."

"No one has seen this."

"'It turns out, this wasn't an amazing day after all. This isn't going to be an amazing week or an amazing year'."

"You can't show it to anyone, okay?" Virgil addressed him.

"This is exactly what people need to see. We need something to create new interest."

"Can you please delete it now?"

"Don't you care about building the orchard?" Logan asked, eyes scanning the letter over and over. "This is the key to making Janus's dream come true."

"No it isn't."

It's too late.

Logan Beck (Co-President) has made a post to The Janus Project:

Dear Janus Project Community...

"You put it online."

Janus's note is a message to all of us. Share it with as many people as you can. Post it everywhere.

"Logan please you need to take it down!"

If you've ever get alone, like Janus, then please consider making a donation to the Janus Picani Memorial Orchard. No amount is too small.

Mira2004: have people seen this?
maxkingok: Janus's suicide note
OnTheEdge: the whole world needs to see this.
Kikidoyouloveme: this is why the orchard is so important. I just gave fifty dollars and everyone needs to give as much as they can.
Jaymay: his parents resent him.
lololololol: he wrote his suicide note to Virgil because his family didn't give a shit. By the way, his family is extremely rich.
thatsthat22: maybe they should've spent their money on helping their son.
nobodyknows: Virgil Sanders was the only one who was paying any attention.
Whoevenareyou: "Like all my hope is pinned on Patton" Patton is a stick up bitch. I go to school with him, trust me.
Suckadick: Remy Picani is a corporate layer who only cares about himself.
Pussybitch: Emile Picani is one of those disgusting homos.

Patton was frantic, seeing all of the posts. "Dad, you need to see this."

Somethingrotten: a hundred and sixty more dollars and the orchard will be fully funded.
JustineCarmike: fuck the Picanis. Make them feel what Janus felt. I love you guys!
Holyfxck: holy shit we are two hundred dollars over our goal.
Stalkerbitch: was heir house is at the end of the cul-de-sac with the red door. Patton's bedroom window is on the right. The gate to the back is completely unlocked. Patton's phone number, if my sources are correct (***-***-****). I gave 20.

"How did they... our information is everywhere..."

Stalkerbitch: I'm not saying do anything illegal. All hours, day and night. Ring the doorbell. Keep calling, they'll answer.
1,000 over our goal.

"Where did they get Janus's note?" Emile asks, worried.

"I don't know." Remy replied.

Patton shut the laptop.

"I tried calling Logan but he's not answering.."

Emile turned to Remy. "Some of these are adults. Do you see their pictures? They're adults!"

Patton's phone stared ringing.

"Let it ring, Pat-" Remy said but he was already on the phone.

"Hello?" The other person said something. Patton's face remained neutral.

Remy looked concerned. "Who is it Patton?"

"Have fun with your miserable life. Bye." He said and hung up.

"What was the number?" Remy asked him, going to jot it down.

"It's blocked. Who cares?" Patton looked defeated.

Emile grabbed Patton's hand, sitting next to him. "What did they say to you?"

"It's doesn't matter, Dad."

"Did they threaten you?"

"Pops, it doesn't matter!"

"That's it I'm calling the police." Emile started dialing.

"Right now," Remy stood, taking the phone from Emile, "maybe the best thing to do is to just wait and see if this blows over."

"That's always your solution. Isn't it? Do nothing."

"Did I say that?"

Patton looked up at his Dads. "Can you guys just stop?"

"Wait and see. Let's wait and see, right, Remy?"

"What are the police going to do? It's the internet! They're going to arrest the Internet?!"

"I had to beg you every step of the way!"

"Okay hold on-"

"I really think they're going to stop..." Virgil said quietly.

No one heard.

"I had to plead with you. For therapy, rehab-"

"You went lurching from one miracle cure to the next."

Emile laughs. "'Miracle cure'. Really? Is that what you call it?"

"Because all he needed was another twenty-thousand-dollar weekend yoga retreat."

"Maybe I should try calling Logan again..." Virgil paced around the room, beginning to spiral again.

"And what was your alternative, Reminard? Other than picking apart everything I did?"

"Putting him on a program and sticking with it!"

Patton glared at him. "No, you wanted to punish him."

"Listen to your son, Remy."

"You treated him like a criminal!"

Emile turned to Remy with a smirk on his face. "Are you listening, Remy?"

Patton whipped around to look at his other dad. "You think you were any better? You let him do whatever he wanted."

"Thank you."

"When he threatened to kill himself the first time," Emile looked Remy in the eyes, "do you remember what you said?"

"Oh for Christ's sake, Emile-"

"'He just wants attention'."

"I'm not going to sit here and defend himself."

"He was getting better. Ask Virgil, tell him, Virgil!"

Virgil froze. The attention was on him. "I shouldn't... uh.."

Emile frowned at his husband. "Virgil did everything he could."

Remy rolled his eyes. "Virgil was in denial of what was happening right in front of him."

Patton layered his voice over his parents. "Don't put him in the middle of this."

Emile walked over to the computer. "Read the note, Remy. Read what he said. 'I wish that everything was different'. He wanted to be different. He wanted to be better."

"I did the best I could, I tried to help him in the only way I knew how, and if that's not good enough..."

"No...." Virgil was panicking. "No... no..."

"He was trying to be better. He was trying."

"And he was failing."

"We failed him!" Emile cried out in anger and sadness.

Virgil couldn't stand it anymore.

"No you didn't." The family turned to look at him. "You didn't fail him."

"Look at what he wrote..." Emile gestures to the computer.

"He didn't write it!"

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