
By inspiredrlh

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(Book 2 of 3 in the Weakness Series ) In one year she fell to pieces. Two were spent in therapy. Three to lea... More

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By inspiredrlh

"Kira, wait!"

I slam the car door behind me while rushing to the open front door. My feet sink into the grass and by the time I reach the front door I'm yanked back around my waist. The aggressive pull has me yelping at the pressure and I don't fight his arm.

"Let me go, please."

"You nearly ran into the house without thinking about what could be inside," he snaps, anger reflecting in his tone and I try to remove his arm from me. "Don't be stupid."

I dig my nails on purpose. "Get off me - now."

Rhys maneuvers me around before releasing me. I pivot around to face the house again while he steps inside the foyer cautiously, gun in hand as he looks around. I stay in the door frame and listen to any sounds only to be met by silence.

"I was wondering when you would get here," Immediately Rhys raises his gun and I rush inside, tugging at the back of his shirt so he doesn't shoot Oscar. "The girl got away, harm free although same can't be said for three of Trey's guys. She impaled a knife in one of their feet and set a slippery trap where one shot themselves, the other broke his jaw on the stairs."

"Why are you here?"

"I was told to burn the house down," Oscar looks at me and kicks the tank by his feet. "Obviously that's not going to happen and I have a better idea of what to burn tonight."

"Don't bullshit me. Why are you waiting for us?"

"That's no way to talk to your father."

I licked my lips when Rhys clicks the safety off his gun. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

"About what?" Oscar sits down on the lounge and stretches back on it. "You can put the gun down as well. I'm not going to shoot you or your girlfriend."

Rhys doesn't respond and instead reaches a hand back to grab mine. He replaces my hands on his gun. "Shoot if necessary, I'm checking to see if anyone else is here."

Uncomfortably I point the gun at Oscar who waits until Rhys is out of sight. I awkwardly look around, the lounge room isn't as messy as I thought it would be. The table is flipped and the photo frames have been smashed on the floor.

"I see you made it out alive," He does a once over and remains emotionless. "Minimal damage, if not any."

"Two fractured ribs." I admit hesitantly and he nods.

"They're a bitch to deal with. Painful and uncomfortable," He waves behind me and I assume it's to Rhys. "Just having a conversation, not like I'm threatening her or anything."

"Excuse me for not believing that considering you kidnapped her less than forty eight hours ago."

"I warned you and at least it wasn't Trey. He's got a death wish for what he did."

"She told me you pulled him off her," Rhys comes around and takes the gun from me. "Whatever your motive is I don't trust you one bit."

"I was a horrible father. There's no doubt about it," He pauses and licks his lips. "But this lifestyle - it's toxic and alluring in a fucked up way. I became a monster; hurt people I shouldn't, blindly followed orders, lost myself in the chaos . . . I became numb  to deal with it, you know what that's like?"

"It didn't turn me into an abuser."

"Not of your loved ones. Especially not this one. I think you'd actually kill yourself before you hurt her," James chuckles humorlessly. "But you hurt others, killed them in fact, there's no way it doesn't haunt you. Your heart's too pure not to feel it - just like your mom."

Rhys goes rigid. "Why are you here?"

"I told you already," He nods down at the gasoline and stuffs his hands into his pockets. "And I may have ulterior motives."

"Of course you do."

"I want to overthrow Trey," Oscar announces and smirks. "He's just a child in grief and I don't think any of the guys are keen on hunting down a school teacher."

"So you want to be in charge?" Rhys connects the dots. "You've literally just got out of jail to go back in to it."

"I don't have a career path or means to support myself . . . of course, I'd be willing to negotiate the terms of your departure."

I react without thinking. "What do you mean negotiate?"

Oscar grins maniacally and looks back to Rhys. I do the same and notice he's lowered his gun slightly. That's when it dawned on me - negotiate his departure, as in give him an out of this life. He's giving him a clean slate.

"Why would you offer that?" Rhys voice wavers with vulnerability. "It doesn't make sense."

"The reason you're even involved was because I fucked up and I want to give you the chance to start over. All you have to do is help me take out Trey and anyone who opposes," He removes his hands from his pocket and picks up the canister. "Then you - and your friends - walk away with no ties, debts or dues. You get the fresh start and escape which I'll do everything to make happen for you boys."

A phone starts ringing and breaks up the suffocating tension in the room. I feel around my pockets, finally grabbing the phone that flashes with Lachlan's contact. I feel a pit of dread at the possibility of explaining what happened to Jamie.

I tug on Rhys' shirt, flashing the contact. "How do I-"

"He knows."

Biting my lip I swipe accept and try to hide the stress in my voice. "Lachlan, what's up?"

"What's up? Are you serious?" I relax at the sound of Jamie's voice, the light hearted reply enough to nearly bring me to tears. "I'm alive in case you didn't know and Lachlan's taking me somewhere safe for the night. He said you guys should go to the apartment."

"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you did they? Why are you calling of his phone? How are you holding it together right now? Where are you going?" I fire rapidly, my anxiety getting the better off me.

"You need to breathe. I'm fine and alive which is brilliant considering people are trying to kill me," I step in to Rhys' side as he opens his arm up to hug me. "Look I only called so you wouldn't be in the fetal position freaking out. I don't know what's happening or where I'm going, I just need to stay alert. You need to do the same incase Trey comes after you."

I glance at Oscar who's in a stare down with Rhys. "Be safe. Please, don't do anything reckless or brave. Please."

"I'll do what it takes to survive so no promises."


"I'm kidding mostly. If I don't joke I'll cry and I know which option I prefer," she chuckles dryly, clearly trying not to lose her mind over everything happening. "I've got to go. I'll try to call you tomorrow. Bye, Kira."

"Stay safe."

The call disconnects and seconds later Rhys speaks up. "I have no reason to believe you'll let us walk away."

"Well technically I would like another thing from you and Nate," I slip my hand under the back of Rhys' shirt, rubbing his tense muscles that are locked tightly. "A weekly phone call and a monthly meetup. I want to be kept up to date with what you're doing in exchange for freedom."

"I could easily just kill Trey and you, problem solved."

"What about those enemies you've made over the years?" Oscar taunts, nodding towards me. "Isn't that how she got shot? If you kill me, you won't have someone to cover your tracks and you'll be constantly looking over your shoulder."

"I'll be doing that anyways," Rhys raises the gun again and aims it. "At least it won't be my own blood trying to kill me."

I press my nails into his spine, gaining his attention which is a heated glare. "Don't do this, please."

"You're kidding."

"I think killing him right now is a bad idea. The neighbors have probably called the police - blood and a dead body aren't easy things to explain," I reason, his eyes soften slightly. "You can't get arrested right now."

"She does have a point . . . get arrested for my death and who's left to protect her from Trey? Nobody."

Rhys reluctantly puts the safety on and lowers the gun. "I want to kill just so you know."

"Noted," He taps the can which echoes. "You've got twelve hours to decide if you want to take the deal . . . if you'll excuse me I'll be burning Trey's car to ashes."

I blink furiously and freeze when Oscar winks at me before leaving. Gaping I move around to the front of Rhys who waits until the front door closes. Immediately I know he's angry and I swallow.

"I was right, you know?"

"I really don't trust him," Rhys states, shaking his head slowly. "He wants to be in charge - big shock there. I don't understand why he wants the updates from Nate and I."

I sucked my lips in. "Call it crazy but maybe he's changed?"


"Everyone can change if given time and circumstance," I gesture between us. "We're examples of how that happens. I'm not saying to full om trust Oscar but I think he wants to be involved in your lives without pushing it, hence the weekly and not daily, monthly and not weekly visits. It makes sense but it's up to you, whether you think you can commit to it or if you have a better plan?"

"Honestly, I can't think of anything. There's too much going on," Rhys laughs humorlessly, panic and unease fitting in to his words. "Trey took you using Oscar, he fucking kissed you, hurt you, left Derek for dead, tried to kill his cousin when he was defenseless and now he's put a bounty on Jamie's head for killing his dad . . . I'm worried about everyone."

"You're panicking . . ." I reach up and cradled his face when I notice the difference in his demeanor. His chest is heaving, eyes frantically flickering until I tighten my hands to force his eyes to meet mine. "We'll work this out, okay? One thing at a time. I need you to stay calm and sane because I'm pretty sure being the worry wart is my job. So I need you to focus . . . I need you to stay calm for me."

He doesn't respond, merely stares while getting a grasp on his sanity again. Everything happened so quickly and I don't know how everything is going to be okay. But I know panicking isn't going to solve anything.

The irony of that coming from me.

Rhys turns his head, pressing a kiss to my wrist before nodding. "I'm calm . . . thank you."

"You've done the same for me."

"I think I know what we need to do first," Rhys scans my face and bites his lip. "We need to send your dad somewhere safe until this blows over because we know Trey isn't above manipulating or killing others loved ones."

I nodded stiffly. "What about Jamie? That text said he's going to send professionals after her in three days."

"Jamie can defend herself . . . plus she's with Lachlan who would do pretty much anything to protect her," He shakes his head with a chuckle. "Even if it meant making a deal with the devil . . . which means they'll be leaving to guarantee her safety."


"Who has control over most mercenaries in North America?" He questions, causing me to retract my hands with realization.

"His dad?" Rhys nodded in confirmation and I gape for a split second. "But he thinks any female is a phase."

"Jamie's different to him - we both know it, everyone but her knows it."

"Yeah. I still don't get why his dad would help him . . . don't they not get along?"

"Like I said, he'd make a deal with the devil if it meant she was safe."

I frown. "So you think that's going to keep her alive?"

"If I had it my way you would be on a plane to Australia," Rhys deadpans. "But that pesky investigation about your former workplace is preventing that from becoming a reality . . . similarly, Lachlan do whatever in his limits he could. She'll be safe and she'll come out of this alive - didn't you tell me she was strong?"

I exhale slowly. "Strong but not invincible."

"If they need our help they'll call. At the moment we need to focus on bigger prob-"

Sharp knocks on the door snap both our heads to it. "Police, can somebody please open the door? We've had concerned calls that someone may be hurt."

I started towards the door stopping when Rhys grabs my wrist, shaking his head in warning. "Everything's fine."

"I'm going to have to have you open the door miss." His eyes close and he releases my wrist, tucking the gun in to the back of his jeans.

"Now isn't the best time," I respond, formulating a plan rapidly before I toe off my shoes. "I can assure you those complaints weren't from someone being hurt."

I pop the button and zip of my jeans, beginning to wiggle out of them despite Rhys' confused expression. "If you don't open the door in the next ten seconds I'll be forced to enter."

"If you insist," I kick my jeans to the living room, pulling off my socks and throwing them as well. Reaching out I tug on his shirt. "Where's your shirt?"

Purposely keeping my voice hushed I see the gears tick over at the same time I remove my shirt. He does the same and helps me put it on. Once it's on I ruffle my hair, arching back when Rhys ducks his head to the column of my throat.

I punched his shoulder when I bite my lip to avoid moaning. Rhys lets up, rubbing his thumb over the mark with a satisfied gleam in his eyes. I shove him away and flick my hand to the living room.

"We're coming in!"

"Wait," I rushed for the door and unlock it, poking my head around the crack. The officers eyed me warily and I smile shyly. "Everything is fine. I'm sorry about the calls but I'm fine and so is my boyfriend."

"Can you please step outside, your boyfriend to?"

"Um . . . Rhys can you bring me my jeans?" I look back and see him pick them up off the floor.

"Oh," One of the officers draws the conclusion and turns away with flushed cheeks. "They were having sex, Hal."

"I gathered." The first officer, Hal still looks unsure.

"Here's your jeans," Rhys approaches, handing me my jeans and opening the door with me standing to the side and behind the door. "We had a fight which is what the noise was about. But everything is fine now as my girlfriend's said."

"Is this your girlfriends place?"

"Her roommates actually but she's not home." I wriggle into my jeans, watching how calmly Rhys handles this situation after stepping in to the convincing role.

I readjust Rhys' shirt, not bothering to do my jeans up and opening up the door more. "I told you everything is fine and I'm sorry for wasting your time."

The second officer shakes his head with a grin before walking back down the path. Hal glances between us, peering inside and I hope to god he can't see anything incriminating. Something needs to go right.

"Try to keep your arguments down," He glances between us again, eyes settling on me. "Enjoy your night."

I slacken, leaning on Rhys for support as the officer's get in their car to leave. Rhys presses a kiss to my forehead to keep up pretense while I try to hold it together for a bit longer. I just lied my ass off to cover up the break in. And it actually worked.

"That was quick thinking," Rhys mumbles, closing the door once the car does a U-Turn and drives away. "I don't know how I feel about seeing you strip down to answer the door though."

"I watched Mr and Mrs Smith not too long ago, that's where I got the idea from. It was better than the truth," I lean against the door, peering up when he cages me in. "You can't seriously be turned on right now?"

"You stripped down to your underwear in front of me and I had a pretty good view of these," He reaches down and pulls my jeans down slightly, exposing my underwear. "Can't say I didn't enjoy the sight."

"Everything is going to hell and you want sex?"

"To be fair, it is pretty shitty timing but everything is giving me blue balls lately . . . besides, you can't with your ribs unfortunately." He pouts and I can't help but laugh.

"Oh you poor baby," I fake sympathize, grinning when he glares. "You haven't tried sushi yet so you're still going to have that discomfort for a while."

"I'll try it before we get engaged, how does that sound?"

I press into the door more at his words. "That seems like it's in the distance."

"Or closer than you think," He mumbled and swallows. "I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you . . . if things weren't so crazy I would've given you an engagement ring instead of a promise when we went to Speers Point."

"One day then."

"I promise."

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