Stay: A Divergent High School...

By dauntnlessx

103K 2.6K 1.2K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chpater 11
Chapter 12
sorry Authors note.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chpater 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20/BIG A/N

Chapter 8

4.8K 123 91
By dauntnlessx

Super important authors note at bottom/ cover winner announced

"It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn't matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over."

When I first heard this quote, I thought it made perfect sense. Leave the past in the past. Know when to say goodbye. But, I still find myself thinking about it, and I don't completely agree.

From things that happened in the past-There are memories and feelings and I know I would never want to forget. Of course, with that there's also things we think we wouldn't really mind forgetting.

Most of it Makes sense. I just dont agree that we should "leave in the past those moments". Why should we leave anything in the past to be forgotten about? Our past makes us who we are. It affects our desicions and how we think.

So I guess it's true we shouldn't live in the past, at a certain point we need to know when to move on. But when we do, we should remember our past and learn from it.

I caught myself thinking about this quote in the first place because the Youtube Tour is over. We're all ecstatic knowing we get to go home, but it will be hard to leave the big performances behind.

In a way, it's good that it's ending, because the end of one thing means new beginnings are on the way.

Like the new school year. School is quickly approaching and we are finally upperclassmen. Junior year is starting. Christina and Shauna continuously babble about what everyone at school is going to be saying about the tour. They say, more like squeal , "we'll be the talk of the school"

Because that's never happened to us before.

For Zeke and Tobias however, senior year is starting. Granted this is their second senior year, but it still seems like it should be exciting.

Tobias. Speaking of moving on....

Late last night, the four of us girls had a looong talk about him. All three girls insisted we should get back together because it would be the best decision for both of us. I insisted I needed time to be single.

We came to a simple conclusion. I've had enough of being single. And I definitely haven't moved on. The girls were right( as usual) the time apart definitly helped me, but it wasn't doing so anymore. I wanted our relationship back.

And I plan to tell him just that. From his song dedication I knew he felt the same way.

"Stay" by FGL and "On My Way" by Lea Michelle have been replaying in my head for hours. His dedication song, and mine. Well, the one that describes my feelings now anyway.

We all were envious to get back. But as fate would have it, things didn't go so well.

We got through our first flight smoothly, but when we had to get off for our layover, it didn't work out.

Because we missed the plane. And the next flight into Chicago wasn't for two hours.

"This absolutely sucks." Chris complained.

"I hate airports." I agreed.

The complaining went on until we reached the counter to buy tickets for the next flight. Tuning to face the woman behind the counter I smiled.

"Hi there, we just missed out flight to Chicago,is there anything you could do for us?" I asked sweetly hoping we wouldn't have to pay full price again.

"So you need four tickets to Chicago?" She confirmed in a sickly sweet voice.

"Well, yes. but I was hoping we could get a discount or..."

"Look honey, that's not how it works," she stated, the fake kindness fading from her voice. "You pay full price or you don't get tickets."

I groaned and looked around in annoyance. in doing so I noticed a boy who looked around our age having the same conversation with a man at the opposite end of the counter.

"Fine." I waited for the transaction to go through then irritably ripped the tickets from her hand. All four of us turned on our heels to walk away, our good moods quickly fading.

And they didn't improve. See when we actually did make it back to O'hare airport in Chicago- it was nothing we expected.

Between our luggage getting lost, and Marlene's purse getting stolen we were officially done with the world.

And are you ready for the kicker? This was the real cherry on top of my perfect day.

See, we were walking outside trying to find the Will, Uriah, Tobias, and Zeke who had volunteered to pick us up.

" Oh guys finally!" I announced. " look there's Four." We started walking- the thought of our beds at home driving us forward.

We were about 15 feet away from him, when a petite girl flounced past us toward him. She stood In front of him holding one of his hands.

Walking slower, I saw him slowly draw a hand to her face, and push a piece of hair behind her ear.

I drew in a sharp breath, and stopped dead in my tracks. Shauna and Marlene were so engrossed in a conversation they didn't notice. But Chris looked back at me.

"Tris? what's wrong?" I hardly heard her. I was too busy watching.

Tobias' arm was snaked around her back, and the space between them was decreasing. I clutched Christina's shoulder to steady myself as the girl's ( who I'd never seen before) lips collided with his.


So, let the hate begin? I wouldnt blame you (jk dont hate me ily all) ive been MIA for so long. then i appear and just hwen fourtris is about to get back together-- new girl. Also this chapter is super short so im sorry.

~In all seriousness:

I am so so so sorry for the long wait between updates. I have been so busy lately it feels like I havent been able to stop and take a breath for the past 2 weeks. like I cant even tell you the last time ive been on my phone or computer for more than 10 minutes.

Bsaically everyday is school, cross country, and by the time I shower and eat i have to do HW then sleep. This past week has been especially crazy bc Ive had so much homework, and a lot going on in my family.

I wanted to get this updated tonight because I have a cross counrty meet tomorrow (ew i have to be at school at 5:45 AM) and i didnt want you to wait any longer.

If you have any questions about this you can message me. ~

on a little lighter note: I have the winner for the cover contest!! DRUM ROLL PLEASE...

 THE WINNER IS... WATTPAD USER: ANELA1002 Please message me so you can claim your prize ;) (in normals words that means message me so we can talk about your character asap!!!!) The cover she made is at the top :)




comment your thoughts on this incredibly short chapter so ill be inspired to write more :) 

later lovelies 

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