Into The Wolfswood ~ A Game O...

By astormofswords

3.9K 157 10

Far into the North and deep within the wolfswood forests, surrounded by strong ironwood trees lies Ironwrath... More

Part 1 ~ Isobel
Part 2 ~ Asher
Part 3 ~ Prim
Part 4 ~Rodrick
Part 5 ~ Isobel
Part 6 ~ Asher
Part 7 ~ Rodrick
Part 8 ~ Isobel
Part 9 ~Asher
Part 10 ~ Rodrick
Part 11 ~ Isobel
Part 12 ~ Asher
Part 13 ~ Rodrick
Part 14 ~ Isobel
Part 16 ~ Isobel
Part 17 ~ Isobel
Part 18 ~ Rodrick
Part 19 ~ Asher
Part 20 ~ Isobel
Part 21 ~ Rodrick
Part 22 ~ Isobel
Part 23 ~ Robb
Part 24 ~Jakob
Part 25 ~ Asher
Part 26 ~ Robb
Part 27 ~ Rodrick
Part 28 ~ Asher
Part 29 ~ Isobel
Part 30 ~ Rodrick
Part 31 ~ Asher
Part 32 ~ Isobel

Part 15 ~ Robb

105 6 0
By astormofswords

I had stirred awake before dawn to the noise of Grey Wind howling in the Wolfswood. It hadn't taken me long to get dressed and go look for him. I had put on simple slick black riding bottoms with a brown, cushioned tunic, emblazed with the Stark dire wolf. I was grateful to have grabbed my gloves and my heavy dark cloak, with wolf pelt in the lining. The wind was howling through the castle grounds as I stumbled onwards, half asleep, my eyes still heavy. The bitter cold nipped at my nose, my curly hair was keeping my ears warm, and my beard the same for my face. I could see my breath forming in puffs of mist as I yawned. The walk towards the weirwood tree passed quickly, as I followed the howling of Grey Wing, getting louder with every crunch of mud and branches underfoot. I pushed aside some branches covering my way, and made it into the clearing by the weir wood tree.

Grey Wind was there, circling around a rock, howling and howling. I tried calling to him, but he ignored me. I jogged over, and the dire wolf stared at me, as if he had not seen my approach.I knew with his sense that was near impossible. The howling had stopped and Grey Wind sat own where he was, I approached slowly, concerned by his uncharacteristic behaviour.  The closer I got, I noticed the rock he had been circling, was moving... and moaning. For a second I was frozen with fear, but out of nowhere I felt brave, like the night we had to look for Isabel... even thinking of her briefly pained my heart.

My memories of her now were so sacred, as I feared they were all I would ever have of her:

Lord Tully's Name Day Celebrations 1.5 years past: At the tournament for my grandfather Lord Tully's birthday, I was surprised when she had joined her brother. Asher and Jakob had entered in the melee and other games. Rodrick too busy, Isabel had asked to join them. It was the middle summer, the sun was beating down blessing everyone with golden skin, children were screaming with joy as they ran around playing. The music and the wine was flowing and the air was light with peace and pleasure. I first saw Isabell as Jakob helped her dismount from that beast of a horse Storm. Isabel was so beautiful, her hair almost to her waist, long and so wild, with mismatched braids and flowers, she looked like a wilding queen. Her dress was blue, her favourite colour, the material looked like soft satin, I hugged her curves and showed of her amazing body. Jakob held her waist as he swung her leg over and he swept her off her feet and had decided to carry her in his arms, Isabel was swinging her head back with laughter while holding onto Jakob. Asher was with them, laughing along, and heading straight for the pub. Isabel was so relaxed and laid back, she simply wanted to have fun, and be treated like her brothers, so much so when an older gentleman rudely propositioned her she punched him in the nose. She was strong, Asher and Jakob held her back, all the while howling with laughed.

I watched her from a distance most of the day, as I was in the tournament myself. The final listing for sword play, I was against Asher, I had fought him many times before and the wine would have got to his head by now as it was going to mine. He came out fully armoured staggering about, his helmet visor down. The fight ensued. Our blades kissed with quick strokes and strong stikes. The ringing of steel sent us into a dance  for warriors. The crowds growing larger as the scene progressed. It was a hard and long battle, neither of us wishing to submit or tire. Asher fought hard, pushing me to stirke, yet dodging at the last minute. He knew this wound me up. I lost my footing and Asher had the upper hand. The crowd was cheering wild by now, screaming our names. I was flat on my back, disarmed and Asher blade to my throat.

"I submit!" I had no choice but to yell. Annoyed with myself for loosing to Ash. Asher offered me his hand, which I playfully knocked away and raised on my own. The announcer told of Asher victory and he raised his arms in celebration as the crowds chanted his name. I was bent over hands on knees, trying to catch my breath and stop my head from spinning. I threw my helmet to the ground and wiped the sweat from my brow. I was dizzy from the heat and the wine, I had to find a tent to collapse in. Asher came over and bent down next to me, so close as only I could hear him.

"Hope I wasn't too hard on you Stark" Isabel's voice was like honey. I blinked at Asher's blood-spattered armour, dazed. She got up hastily and headed for the tents. I followed in a flash. We were alone, I was still behind her but the second she entered the tent, I spun her around and grabbed her by the waist pinning her close against the table behind her.

"What in the gods did you think you were doing?" I was angry, embarrassed but also impressed and so so attracted to her. She did not reply, so I pulled the helmet of her face and threw it to the ground. Her hair tumbled out, her lip bloody from a blow to the face, but still stunningly beautiful. Her skin sallow from the sun, her eyes bright with wild desire. I stared into her piercing stardust eyes. She was high on the ecstasy of the fight, and the freedom of her rebellion, I knew the feeling. She smirked at me.

"Now, now Robb. I didn't know you liked it rough." Her voice sweet and sexy as she purred in my ear...

Present: I reached down and rolled over the rock, my hands trembling with fear of the unknown.  It was a person, a man I think, caked in mud and leaves he looked like he had been out all night. He was cold as ice to touch.  Unaware of me he continued to moan and shake in there dream state. I wiped mud of there face.


Panic stricken, I fell to my knees next to him and started to shake him awake almost violently and the direwolf began to howl again. I called for him and called him but nothing. His eyes were glossed over white. His mouth speaking inaudibly. I shook his body hard knowing that if he did not wake we were both in trouble. A million ideas ran through my head and I tried to guess my next move. Isabel would have known what to do.

Suddenly his eyes were open, his green eyes were back, but staring dead ahead into the tree covered sky. The howling had stopped, there was only silence.

Asher was whispering so quietly, only the dead could hear him, I leaned close while I held his head up off the ground, his body still trembling. Or was that mines?

"Isabel. War."

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