Secret Class of the Elite: My...

By SugaryGrimmReaper

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πŸ˜ˆπŸ’€πŸ˜ˆ Part I- In the lower grounds of UA, where the students are directed to not explore in, seven children... More

Meet Class R.I.P-101!!!
Chapter 1😈 Unfamiliar Students
Chapter 2😈 Change
Meet Class R.I.P-101's Caretakers
Chapter 3😈 Lower Ground pt 1.
Chapter 4πŸ‘Ώ Fight Fire with Fire
Chapter 5😈 Class A & Class R.I.P-101
Chapter 6😈 Dinner with Class R.I.P-101
Chapter 7😈 Death Match & Quirks
Chapter 8😈 Upcoming Sports Festival
Chapter 9😈 It's That Day
Chapter 10😈 The Elite in Action
Chapter 11😈 Visitors
Meet the Oswalds of an Infamous Mafia!!!
Chapter 12😈 The Strongest gets to Fight an Elite pt 1.
Chapter 12πŸ‘Ώ The Strongest gets to Fight an Elite pt 2.
Chapter 13😈 Hero Names and Costumes
Chapter 14😈 Headed to Tokyo
Meet the Deadman Society pt 1.!!!
Chapter 15😈 Mafia Internship
Meet the Deadman Society pt 2.!!!
Chapter 16😈 Fancy Automobiles
Chapter 17😈 Back Home to a New Enviorment
Chapter 18😈 Capture the Flag
Chapter 19😈 Explanation with a Hidden Secret
Chapter 20πŸ‘Ώ Anger, Tears, & Bond
Chapter 21😈 Encountering an Old Friend
Chapter 22πŸ‘Ώ Brass Knuckles
Chapter 23😈 Practical Exam
Chapter 24😈 More Than One Guest
Chapter 25😈 Rap Music & Peppermint Trials
Chapter 26😈 Summer Reunions
Chapter 27😈 Summer Stalker
Chapter 28😈 Training Camp
Chapter 29😈 Crazy & Exciting Day
Chapter 30😈 Whispers
Chapter 31😈 Engage into Combat
Suicide Squad Academy! Poll for BNHA Characters
Chapter 32😈 Don't Worry About It
Chapter 33😈 The Firefly Virus
The artist of Sierra and Veronique
Chapter 34πŸ‘Ώ Bloodbath Elevator & Broadcasting Torture
Chapter 35😈 I Won't Sit the Waiting Game
Chapter 36πŸ‘Ώ Escape the Asylum
Chapter 37😈 Volunteer
Chapter 38😈 Decaying Monarchy
Chapter 38πŸ‘Ώ Decaying Monarchy pt. 2
Chapter 39πŸ‘Ώ Death Around
Chapter 40πŸ‘Ώ London Mourn
Book 2 is now Out!!!!!!!

Chapter 3πŸ‘Ώ Lower Ground pt 2.

2.1K 45 4
By SugaryGrimmReaper


Warning! Gruesome fighting

Previously on Secret Class of the Elite....
"Kacchan wait", Midoriya says as he steps over too. Sero, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Kirishima, Mina and Kaminari look at each other worriedly before stepping over. "Come on Iida. Might as well", Todoroki says as he steps over. Iida looks from side to side before stepping over the chain and walking down the stairs that seemed to swallow them into darkness.

The ten students walked down the stairs. Their hands glided onto the wall to help navigate through the darkness. "You'd think there would be lights down here", Sero said as he squinted his eyes. "Yeah, it's completely dark, how is she able to see down here", Kaminari says. "Do you think you can turn on some lights with your quirk", Midoriya asks, "because every time I move my hand I feel a bulb."

"Yeah Dunce Face can't you", Bakugou says.

"You know, I'm starting to not blame that girl for slapping you", Tsuyu said.

"What did you just fucking say?!"

"You guys keep it down I don't want to get caught", Todoroki says.

"Well why don't you go back you half n half bastard?!"

"Because....I'm already down here." LED lights finally came to life, but it just made the stairs give off a more...eerie aura.

Everyone shivered except Bakugou, Todoroki and Iida. "Now do you see why we were not allowed down here", Iida points out. "But that girl came down here without a second thought", Kirishima says.

"Yeah! So something must be down here that isn' scary", Mina says. Bakugou rolls his eyes and goes down the stairs, "then you losers stay here. I'm gonna get that little runt." A giggle rang throughout the stairs causing everyone to stop. "Well that's not normal", Todoroki says. They finally made it to the floor. "C-can we just go back", Midoriya asks. "Guess not", Kaminari answers.

It didn't make it any better that the lower floor just looked as scary as the stairs did.

"S-she couldn't have possibly gone down any of these ways", Mina shrieks as she hides herself behind Uraraka and Tsuyu. "H-hey don't use us as a s-shield", Uraraka shouts.

    "Shut up! You're being to loud over nothing", Bakugou yells.

"But you're being too loud as well", a voice calls out. The students turned left to right, but saw no one.

    "Hah?! Come out and show yourself", Bakugou shouts. A figure appeared in the doorway at the very end of the hall. It was in the silhouette of the little albino. "There you are", Midoriya said. He steadily walked towards the girl that stood ever so still.

    "We aren't gonna hurt you. I promise, we just wanna talk and get to know you." The shadow looked up, but what startled the green haired boy was it's red glowing eyes and Cheshire Cat smile that seemed to grow. "You're so sweet. And yet so gullible, not even realizing that your friends are gone."

Midoriya didn't know what the figure meant until he turned around noticing that nobody was there expect him and the shadow. "H-huh?!" A hand was then placed onto his shoulder, he looked behind him to see ginger hair and hazel eyes glaring down at him with a grin. "How pathetic can Class A get?" Dominic grabbed Midoriya by his shirt collar and slammed him into the floor.

     Midoriya coughed up a little blood before he was picked up again and slammed into the wall.

   The two were put into a staring contest. Midoriya's voice was ragged as he never looked away from Dominic's burning stare. The older male smirks, "should've known you and your class would become a nuisance."

In anger, he threw the boy across the hall and into the double doors, breaking them due to the impact. "Damn, Grimm's gonna kill me for breaking that expensive wood." Dominic nonchalantly walked down the other end to his opponent.


Tsuyu and Kirishima looked around the dark room that they were pulled into. To their knowledge, nobody was in there. Only junk that had been thrown and forgotten about over the years. "K-kirishima. What's going on?" Kirishima felt around with his hands to see if he could find his classmate. "I have no clue." The two then jumped from the startling sound of an impact crashing into wood. The crash seemed to be just outside the door. "I think that was Midoriya", Tsuyu says as she walked towards the door that brought in barely little lighting from the frosted window.


Kirishima and Tsuyu turned to the source of the voice, but couldn't see anyone. "H-hello", Kirishima said. The sound of a body moving swiftly could be faintly heard, making the red head move with the sound in hopes of seeing what it was.

"Aw aren't you nice! Saying hello and all, but I'm not too sure about your friend over here." The lights came on and a boney hand grabbed Tsuyu's long green hair. She was tossed across the room, sliding into some cardboard boxes.

"Tsu!" Kirishima happened to look up, seeing multicolored eyes staring down at him with a wide stare and a crazed sharp toothed smile. He realized that the girl was up on the ceiling in a corner. "My~. You are so cute! Let's introduce ourselves shall we?" Veronique summoned a gorgeous ghostly pale woman who wore a pink masquerade gown that had an immense amount of blood on it. A large knife with caked on blood was in her hand.

     "Now", Veronique sings, "before I introduce myself. This is one of my favorite favorites~, Bloody Widow! She has been quite lonely since she killed her husband so she is a little antsy, but don't worry~! She means you no harm...not to extreme measures." Bloody Widow swiped left and right at the red head boy who dodged each attack. Whenever the woman got close, he hardened his arms.

     "Ahh~ your pretty good! Oh! Where are my manners?!" She jumps down, dodging Tsuyu's tongue that zipped by. She grabbed it and slammed the girl down on the ground. "My name's Veronique Mosaic! Now you tell me your guys' names!" Veronique switched with the bloody woman and kicked Kirishima in his side, sending him flying towards the wall. "Kirishima I'm gonna get help–."

Tsuyu heard a gasp come from Veronique. "You'd leave you own friend, defenseless? What a shame. Fine then, go, leave him here to get beaten to a pulp." Tsuyu's eyes widen at the threat. She knew they needed help, but Tsuyu didn't want to leave Kirishima behind even though she knew he had a pretty tough quirk, she just couldn't take the risk.

    Tsuyu stood in a fighting stance alongside Kirishima as they glared at the girl. Veronique's grin grew even wider as her eyes glinted dangerously.

"Then let the games begin my loves~"


"Kaminari! Get up man", Sero shouts shakily. Kaminari opens his eyes slowly and he looked around the room. The strange thing about it was that they seemed to have been in some type of carnival...but it gave off an unsettling feeling for it was dark and dreary. There were broken carnival rides and bloody booths.

    The two boys walked around the place looking around, Kaminari jumped on Sero when they passed by a merry-go-round that slowly turned and made a loud squeak. "Chill dude, it's just a broken merry-go-round", Sero assured. "Y-yeah. Right." Little snickering rang out through the carnival, it sounded like it came from little children, but when Sero and Kaminari looked around, they didn't see anyone.

"Frightened children?" They turned to see Sierra. She stood calmly but watched the two as if they were her prey. "Hey, you got stuck here too", Kaminari asked. Sero slapped his palm on his face and looked at the blonde in disbelief about his dumbness. "No, sweetheart. This is my realm, and the children want to play!"

The two boys heard giggles behind them. They quickly turned around to see zombie children and children that seemed to have been apart of the carnival because of their circus-like attire and makeup. But they all still looked demonic to the boys, which made a shiver go down their backs. "Now if I were you, I'd start running", Sierra said, "they'll follow my every command."

Sero and Kaminari dashed past Sierra who looked back at them while loudly counting down.


     "Todoroki watch out", Uraraka yelled as Ollie sent a trail of fire towards his way. He blocked it with a wall of ice, but the wall was shattered with the help of Ollie's dragon tail. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way", Ollie says as he spotted Uraraka in the corner of his eye trying to touch him. He swung his tail at her, but she happened to dodge. Ollie then grabbed a bunch of her hair and threw her against Todoroki. "Sorry Todoroki-kun", Uraraka shouts.

     "You're fine. It's his doing." Ollie laughed at the two on the floor. "If you didn't come down here being so curious along with your friends, then we wouldn't be in this mess! Now would we?" Ollie grabbed one of the other's leg and threw them behind his back. The two slammed into the floor. How the hell can he be this strong Todoroki thought as he tried to get up but was knocked down by flames being blown his way.

     Uraraka looked around the room to find anything that she could use to float that would be of some use. They were in what seemed to be an old classroom. With wooden desks and chairs and an old green chalkboard with the words "LAST DAY!" written upon it. "Thinking of a plan?" Uraraka's eyes widen when a strong grip wrapped around her ankles and slammed her into a desk.

    She coughed at the sudden impact due to the air being knocked out of her. Todoroki stepped on the floor, ice heading straight towards Ollie. Ollie sensed the ice and drew in a huge breath, then blew his breath, making the flames melt the ice instantly.

     "You two are boring. And I expected more from the half-and-half", Ollie said in a monotone voice. His eyes glowed at his two opponents, "you better perk up and give me a good fight!"


    Mina created a ball of acid and threw it at Caleb, only for him to dodge it for the fifth time they were in the fight. "You all are so bothersome", Caleb says as he moved to the side and ducked down when Iida tried to grab him. "If you weren't meddling around down here and didn't get caught, none of this would've happened."

    Caleb threw a hard punch at Iida who was then knocked into the storage closest in the vacant classroom. "Iida! Are you alright", Mina shouts. "I'm fine! Do you think you can hold on a little longer while I go and try to get help." Mina nods her head, "yeah!" Iida stood up and dashed towards the door, speeding towards the stairs.

Mina put her attention onto Caleb, "ha! You let one of us get away! Now what–." Caleb grabbed Mina's throat and lifted her up. "The better to easily get control of you. I was gonna use him, but his quirk mainly consists of speed. Yours'll do just fine." Caleb activated his quirk, a wave of pain went through Mina's body as he let her go. It was difficult for the girl to breath, she clutched her chest while she tried to take deep breaths.

"My quirk is Glitchy Reaper, I'm able to control anyone once the virus goes through the Respiratory System, so you'll have to go through a bit of pain before it takes over your mind. Oh! And your friend didn't really get away. He should be back in" Caleb snapped his fingers and Iida glitched back into the room. "Wha? How did I?!"

"Oh good you're back...and just in time to fight your friend", Caleb stated. They both looked over at the pink girl, who stood up slowly and raised her head up. Mina's eyes were a light turquoise color. She glared daggers at the two before turning her attention to Iida.

"Have fun while you still can class A rep."


Bakugou looked around the room, it looked like he was in a library due to its large size and many books. "Oi! Where the hell are you losers?!" The blonde got no response , only silence. He groans, but started walking through the shelves of books, every now and then taking one out before putting it back.

    "Do you like reading books too?" Bakugou turned his head around, meeting sky blue eyes. He tried to hit the boy, but Hugo grabbed his fist and pulled him close, their faces nearly touching. Hugo tilts his head as if he were examining Bakugou. He smiles, "well I'll be. Aren't you quite famous for getting caught up in the sludge attack, Katsuki Bakugou right?" Bakugou's eyes widen as his hands sizzled and he sent a blast a fire towards Hugo. But a wall of white flames divided the two.

Bakugou looked behind him as he saw a very familiar albino girl. Her purplish-blue eyes glowed dangerously at the ash blonde boy. He smirks at Kaiya, his hands crackling like a firecracker. "I think we have unfinished business together, you little runt", Bakugou sneered. Kaiya only stared back at him, her hands covered in white flames.

Bakugou thought he was going insane, but he could have sworn he heard demonic screams coming from Kaiya.

"It appears we do.......Bakugou."

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