Into The Wolfswood ~ A Game O...

By astormofswords

3.9K 157 10

Far into the North and deep within the wolfswood forests, surrounded by strong ironwood trees lies Ironwrath... More

Part 1 ~ Isobel
Part 2 ~ Asher
Part 3 ~ Prim
Part 4 ~Rodrick
Part 5 ~ Isobel
Part 6 ~ Asher
Part 7 ~ Rodrick
Part 8 ~ Isobel
Part 9 ~Asher
Part 10 ~ Rodrick
Part 11 ~ Isobel
Part 12 ~ Asher
Part 13 ~ Rodrick
Part 14 ~ Isobel
Part 15 ~ Robb
Part 17 ~ Isobel
Part 18 ~ Rodrick
Part 19 ~ Asher
Part 20 ~ Isobel
Part 21 ~ Rodrick
Part 22 ~ Isobel
Part 23 ~ Robb
Part 24 ~Jakob
Part 25 ~ Asher
Part 26 ~ Robb
Part 27 ~ Rodrick
Part 28 ~ Asher
Part 29 ~ Isobel
Part 30 ~ Rodrick
Part 31 ~ Asher
Part 32 ~ Isobel

Part 16 ~ Isobel

98 6 0
By astormofswords

It was late in the evening, but I could not sleep. Prim was in her bed, dozing away peacefully. I wrapped my night robe over me, it smelled like fur and trees - home. I stirred and fidgeted around the room for a while, but could not be satisfied, something was bothering me about Jakob and Renly. They were working together.

That it I decide - I was going to find out. I cracked open my door - nothing. The hallways quiet, the faint sound of music from the castle hall, where no doubt someone was drinking. I heard heavy foot steps and faint whistling. I shut the door as a Forrester guard approached. I didn't want anyone to know what I was up to. I didn't want anyone to get in trouble. Once he had passed I tip toed out my chamber.

I was outside Renly's chamber, I had not seen Jakob at all which was strange, but I also strongly suspected they were together. I heard laughed from within. Two voices. But what was I to do now that I was here? What a stupid idea. Asher would know what to do. And at that moment I could have laughed. As I thought EXACTLY what Asher would have done.

Renly's squire was in the kitchen, collecting more wine for Renly, and his guest. He looked tired from a long day of following Renly around, heading his every word. It had taken my bribing two maids and following another to find him. A young boy from a house loyal to the Tyrells, a gift from them no doubt.

He was startled when I approached him, the kitchen was practically empty, with only candle light to see.

"My lady, it is late, are you lost?" He was sweet and young.

"No, no.. I have been looking for you!" He smiled in surprise and began to blush. He tried to speak but could only strutter.

"You see I need a favour from you, I would be happy to repay you whatever the cost" I smiled at him, acting innocent and vulnerable and batting my big eyes.

"How could I deny such a request from a flower as beautiful as yourself" He was collecting himself yet nearly spilling the wine on me. He was uncomfortably close, his breath hot and smelling of alcohol. I had forgotten I was in my night gown and his eye gazed at me. I felt sick, but had to maintain my strong, controlling appearance. I took a deep breath - this is it, I either get what I need, or I get in serious trouble. But I felt like I had this boy right where I wanted him.

"I need to get into my husband to be's chamber. Right now. Without being seen or heard, you see I want to surprise him with my presence, once his guest has left." I exhaled, filled with overwhelming fear. I tried to steady my breathing, desperately trying not to give anything away.

"My lady... what you ask of me..."

I place my finger over his mouth lightly, and I calmly shush him. "Now, now there is no need to over react, what I am doing with please my Lord, and you wouldn't want to displease him would you?" My eyes were pleading with him, he just gazed down at my body. My skin was crawling,

He exhaled excitedly and straightened his top - "This way Lady Forrester."

The squire lead me through a passage behind the kitchen, then I had to squeeze through a dark narrow passage, and through another heavy iron and wooden door. He carried a torch, but as I could hear voices getting louder, he doused the torch, leaving us again in darkness. I could only use my hands to guide me around another tight dark corner, where a slither of light beckoned the way. Finally, I stopped and I knew I was exactly where I wanted to be. Through the small grate I could see below into Renly's room. Just as I suspected, he was drinking wine by the fire, with Jakob.

"I gather all is going to plan with Isabel?" Renly asked as he swilled his wine around the goblet.

"It could be going better, she can't stand the sight of me." Jakob's voice was his friendly playful self, not the cruel shell of himself he had become. He was standing over Renly's chair from what I could see.

"Now come on, why do you care? You know you need to play the part, if our plan is to work." Renly beckoned Jakob to sit by the fire with him, Jakob obliged.

Okay, so yes they were working together, but WHAT was there plan??

"If we are to be together, you must force Isabel to trust me, she will think I am saving her by keeping you here, then I can bring you into my service forever. You have been such a good servant after all." Renly was toying his words, almost mocking Jakob. But he did not seem to mind and smiled back menacingly.

Together?! My mind could not process, at first I forced myself to believe Renly was talking about me and him. But before I knew it, Renly was kissing Jakob. Passionately, and Jakob was kissing him back. They paused and stared into each others eyes.

"I want to be me, Renly, the real me, not the man my father wishes. I can only be that with you, you have shown me the way. And I would do anything for you, my King." Jakob was so vulnerable, honest and soft. A side to him I had not seen in years. But he was not the man I thought he was. He had been lying, playing mind games, torturing me just so he could sneak around with my fiancé.

Renly led Jakob to the bed and they began undressing each other. At that point I had to get out. I raced back out of the hidden spot, almost tripping a hundred times. I was light headed, my heart pounding in my ears and a billion thoughts rushing thought my head.

Renly and Jakob were together, they must have met over a year ago at the Tully tournament. They must have been in contact, and planned for my marriage, which means Renly would get his wife, but also the man he appeared to love. He made Jakob, once my friend, torment me so I would have no choice but run to my husband-to-be for help. And when he pretended to save me he would really only be helping himself. By keeping me afar since he had no real interest in me, and keeping Jakob close.

It was all too much, I was staggering back to my chambers, when the world went black and my body hit the cold hard floor.

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