Mating Season, A Sequel

By WolfTamer13

53.6K 1K 1.1K

This book is a sequel to my other book (Mating Season) in case you can't tell by the title. Hey guys! Wolf is... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Quick Update
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Ten

1.5K 35 57
By WolfTamer13

A/N: Fair warning: I'm taking liberties with Lucy knowing about Erza's last name. Also! Another warning, long A/N! So, I'm working on another book! I'm co-writing one with Cupcakes20040 that I hope you guys will check out! Also, I'm doing shot little chapters in this book called Fairy Tail Head Canons. Hope to see you guys there! Enjoy the new chapter!

Wendy watched her Mate making her way towards the tower at a sprint and grinned.

She'd never doubted her.

She knew she'd come.


Kagura leaned against the glass wall and sighed.

She hated feeling so helpless.

But she could trust her...

She felt all weird thinking that Millianna was coming to save her.

She'd watched her on the Lacroma.

She'd been so determined... she'd fought a sea monster even.

She's coming to save me...


Minerva felt her face reddened as she heard Yukino muttering to herself on the Lacroma.

"I'll save her... she's counting on me... I won't disappoint..."

Minerva cursed feelings and all their effects.


Chelia skidded to a stop at the base of the tower. She saw Cana, Yukino, and Millianna doing the same.

She drew on her powers to send her shooting up to the glass room, but it didn't work.

She looked over at the others and saw confusion on their faces.

Cana was the first to snap out of it and she ran into the tower.

Chelia and the other two ran in behind her, trying to get to their respective captives as soon as physically possible.

Chelia tried to stop, but she didn't do it in time and she slammed right into Cana's back.

Both girls went sprawling out on the ground.

Chelia rolled over and crawled to her feet.

She looked up at what had stopped Cana and stared in shock.

The tower's stairs were few and far between, every eight places where a step should appear one was there.

Chelia judged the distance with her eyes and stepped onto the first place.

She was about to jump, but she could practically hear Wendy's voice in her head.

Work smarter, not harder.

Wendy had said that once. It wasn't her quote, but she loved it.

Chelia felt as if she was putting something together.

There had been... an air room... a fire room... a water room... and a ground room... four main elements...

So what room could this be?

That reminded her of something.

Something she remembered her biological mother had said when she was younger.

Many say there's only four elements... but those people don't understand the world.

There's one for the sky, the air. There's one for the earth, the ground. There's one for the volcanos and rebirth, the fire. And there's one for the oceans, the water. But there's one for the people, what makes a person a person. Spirit.

That's what this one was.

This was the fifth.


That meant they had to...

"We have to work together." She said.

"There's no other way to get up there. We have no powers in this area."

The runes that surrounded them were a testament to that.

Cana nodded and looked up at the top of the tower.

"Yeah. Yeah we do."

Millianna and Yukino looked a bit worried for a moment before both of them nodded.

"Come on," Millianna said, whipping her tail around and preparing to help.

Cana stood on the ground below the second step, which had about a seven foot gap from the one before it.

Millianna understood instantly and sprinted forward, leaping onto Cana's shoulder and pushing off to the first step.

Millianna, without hesitation, reached down with one hand and pulled Cana up.

When they had pulled the second two up, Chelia took a second to consider.

They couldn't do what they'd done earlier...

Chelia sighed and leaned forward, grabbing onto the side of wall.

"Millianna, you're next." She said.

The feline-like woman let out a sigh. She gently crawled over Chelia and grabbed onto the next step.

Yukino was about to speak, but Cana had already crawled over Millianna and Chelia. Yukino sighed as she heard the two grunt. She followed after Cana.

She saw that the card Mage had already grabbed onto the wall.

It was weird.

As if there were little hand holds for them to grab onto.

Yukino crawled over Cana and grabbed onto the next step, feet on the small hand hold. It was a stick, a rod.

Yukino grunted as Chelia's feet stepped on her.

"Sorry!" She said, grimacing.

Millianna didn't seem to care as she just pushed off her back, as if she had jumped like a cat.

The four of her continued this pattern for a while until they reached the top of the tower.

Then they all suddenly remembered they were in competition.

Chelia saw Wendy and, feeling worried for her Mate, she sprinted forward and fumbled with the keys.

She shoved the keys in one at a time. She turned them all and a very excited Wendy threw her arms around Chelia.

"I love you." She whispered quietly.


Millianna threw the glass door open.

"Kagy!" She said enthusiastically and suddenly pulled the Gravity Mage into her arms.

The black-haired woman was surprised that she had had the strength to shatter her normally strong stance.

She blushed as she realized just how close Millianna was to her.

"It's so great to have you back!" She said excitedly.

"We need to celebrate tonight! Maybe we can-"

But Kagura had found that she had stopped listening.

She was too busy trying to keep her face from turning into a fiery blaze on the Lacroma...

There was only one way she could think to hide it.

She put her arms back around Millianna and put her head on in the crook of the feline-like girl's neck.

She didn't even realize that Millianna had stopped excitedly speaking.

"Thank you." The Gravity Mage whispered to her.

Millianna couldn't believe that she had broken a bit of Kagura's shell.

It made her feel so special...

"It was my pleasure..."


Yukino smiled and practically threw the door off its hinges.

She strode in, looking quite awesome actually, and Minerva stood.

The taller of the pair started to speak, but Yukino shook her head and grabbed onto her hand.

"Come on."

She wasn't going to let her spend one more second in that room.

Minerva found herself liking Yukino taking charge...


Cana threw open the door of the glass room.

"Mir." She said simply.

The Mage opened her mouth, but Cana just grabbed her by the shirt collar and tugged her closer.

"I think it's time." She said.

They hadn't made it public that they were married yet.

Mirajane grinned and Cana closed the distance between them.

The crowd was in a stunned, shocked silence.

Cana didn't care as the two pulled away from each other.

"Now come on." Cana gave her wife a wink before leading her away from the glass room.

But both of them stopped as they saw two panting Mages that were standing outside of two different glass rooms.

Yuka and Sherry turned on each other with dark glares.

"We had some good times," Yuka said.

"But now we're in competition... and I'm not losing my Renny," Sherry responded.

"Don't call me that!" Ren shouted from his glass room.

The two seemed to forget their powers were disabled here and had a temporary moment of confusion when they didn't work.

Then they both dropped into ready positions as Sherry advanced on Yuka.

Sherry was about to throw a punch, but Chelia appeared and grabbed onto her cousin's arm.

"It's spirit. It's the fifth room." She said.

Wendy gave her Mate a confused look, but she grabbed onto Sherry's other arm as Chelia had.

Chelia gave her girlfriend an affectionate look for trusting her so easily.

"You have different keys! You can use each other's." She said sensibly.

Neither of them looked alright with that.

"Alright... Wendy." She pointed with her head towards the glass door nearest them.

Wendy understood instantly and grabbed onto the four keys.

She passed it to both of them after a look to her girlfriend.

"Here." The God Slayer said kindly.

They each grabbed the keys and Sherry gave her cousin a thankful look before opening the door to Ren's room.

Chelia allowed them to have their, admittedly long and awkward, reunion before she gave her cousin an excited look.

"How about you and Ren come over tonight! It'll be fun!"

"Yeah! I can get to know that friend of yours better!"

Wendy looked over at her Mate with a 'what is she talking about' look.

Chelia gave her girlfriend an apologetic look.

"Yeah. You and Wendy can meet!" She said happily.

The crowd got too loud in its cheering for them to continue speaking.

Wendy snatched on Chelia's hand and pulled her closer.

"You're going to explain this later, right?" She asked.

Chelia nodded quickly.

Wendy gave her a level look for a moment before she accepted the answer.

Chelia sighed a bit.

Maybe she should have told Sherry they were dating... but then her cousin would have played the 'over-protective card' and she might have said no to Chelia joining Fairy Tail...

As if that would really stop her... but it was nice to have her cousin's (who was practically her sister) approval.

She had just thought that she and Wendy were really good friends...

Yeah... I've been Wendy's friend before and I'm not too keen on going back. I'm quite happy with being her girlfriend, thank you very much. She thought with a small smile on her face.


It's when Erza and Lucy are cheering for Wendy and Chelia when it hits hits the blonde.

"Erza, was Millianna telling the truth when she said that Jellal had given you your last name?" She asked.

Lucy glanced at Erza to watch her response.

She blushed a bit and nodded.

"Yes." She responded.

Lucy suddenly felt a feeling that she hadn't felt towards Erza in so long.


"When we get married you're changing your name." She said with a sense of finality and determination.

Erza raised an eyebrow.

"When?" She asked with a smirk.

Lucy felt herself blushing.

Of course she had to turn the conversation now...

"Yes! We're soulmates, or whatever, so of course we will! The point is that I'm not going to have the last name your ex-boyfriend gave you!" She snapped.

Erza was grinning now as she looked at her girlfriend.

"Alright. When we get married it is." She responded.

Lucy thought she had won, but of course Erza had to open her mouth.

"Do you want to keep your last name? I thought you hated being recognized as a Heartfilia."

Lucy opened her mouth to respond... but she had to admit that Erza had a fair point...

But Scarlet.

But Scarlet.

She'd always loved that last name.

She had thought it didn't just reflect Erza's hair, but her personality.

Despite Erza's calmness in most situations, she had a fiery temper which was showcased when she randomly knocked Gray and Natsu unconscious.

"But... he gave you that name! I don't want you to be his! I want you to be mine and for me to be yours! That's how marriage works! I'm not going to have you married to me with some other guy's last name!"

Erza gave her a short look.

"It's not Jellal's last name, it's mine. It doesn't matter who gave it to me." She said.

Lucy was seeing red... no, she was seeing Scarlet.

"But, if you're not secure enough in our relationship, then we can use your last name."

Lucy was about to agree, but she stopped as she looked at her Mate.

"Uuuuuggggghhhh." She drew out with a sigh.

Erza face her a grin before realizing that Lucy still disliked the idea.

"Alright, Lu. I can change my name if you want." She said with a small smile.

Lucy grinned and threw her arms around her Mate's shoulders.

"Thanks, Honey," Lucy said.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you, too," Erza said, grinning.

They leaned towards each other to kiss.

But maybe Lucy could be a Scarlet.

That name would definitely strike fear into the hearts of any that saw her.

A/N: Comment who you think should change their name!

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