A Wolf and A Lion || Jaime La...

By burningballoon

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When the King commands Aurelia Stark and Jaime Lannister to wed, Aurelia reluctantly becomes Lady Lannister o... More

Chapter 1 . Aurelia Stark
Chapter 2 - Direwolves, white walkers, and what not
Chapter 3 - A simple conversation
Chapter 4 - The King's Arrival
Chapter 5 - A possible betrothal
Chapter 6 - First Encounter
Chapter 7 - The Feast
Chapter 8 - A Bastard and an Imp
Chapter 9 - One Step to Forever
Chapter 10 - A Lannister Perspective
Chapter 11 - Two Choices
Chapter 12 - One Bastard and One Trueborn
Chapter 13 - Banters and Arguments
Chapter 14 - An Encounter with the Prince
Chapter 15 - A small present
Chapter 16 - A White Summer Wedding
Chapter 17 - Tragedy
Chapter 18 - A quiet morning
Chapter 19 - Tearful Goodbyes
Chapter 20 - Kingsroad
Chapter 21 - Nymeria
Chapter 22 - Kings Landing
Chapter 23 - Breakfast for two
Chapter 24 - Revelations
Chapter 25 - The Night's Allure
Chapter 26 - Morning after
Chapter 27 - Meeting with a Stag
Chapter 29 - An unlikely conversation
Chapter 30 - The Hand's Tournament
Chapter 31 - Confronting a Lion
Chapter 32 - Flowers vs. Mountains
Chapter 33 - A piece of threat
Chapter 34 - One Lion and a pack of Wolves
Chapter 35 . Everything Has Changed
Chapter 36 . Tywin Lannister
Chapter 37 . Oathbreaker
Chapter 38 . News from Kings Landing
Chapter 39 . War and Prison
Chapter 40 . Battle of the Whispering Wood
Chapter 41 . A captured Lion
Chapter 42 . Growing Pains
Chapter 43 . Eddard Stark
Chapter 44 . King in the North
Chapter 45 . Between Worlds

Chapter 28 - Iron Throne and Wolves

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By burningballoon

    The Iron Throne stood defiantly at the end of the Great Hall. The seat built by Aegon the Conquerer, composed of hundreds of swords melted by the fiery breath of his dragon, Balerion the Black Dread. It was a formidable object more than it was beautiful. Pillars align each side of the room, decorated by vine designs. There were tainted glass windows on the left side that provided light into the hall. The throne sat atop a dais of black stone, with a small flight of stairs by the end.

    Aurelia did not know what crossed her mind when she entered the exceedingly large room. It was her first time seeing the place, remembering every single lesson she learned about the seat of the King, and what events transpired in this very room. She stood by the gallery on the right side of the hall, her eyes focused on the Iron Throne as her mind travelled elsewhere. It bewildered her how time comes and goes, yet the Iron Throne continued to stand tall with no debris or a single scratch.

    The Targaryens were the only family who sat upon it before Robert's Rebellion. Aurelia feared speaking about them in Winterfell, as it was a Targaryen who kidnapped and raped Lyanna Stark and found to be dying in Ned's arms. She was not going to say the name of the person responsible for her Aunt's demise. In the present time, a Baratheon sits on the Iron Throne and ruled over the Seven Kingdoms. The blood of the Royal Family has changed, as Robert Baratheon's rule brought an end to the Targaryen Dynasty.

    Aurelia cannot help but wonder how things would differ if none of that happened; if Rhaegar had not chose Lyanna and fled the Capital with her in tow. If the Mad King would still rule Westeros, or perhaps the title will now be passed down to Rhaegar Targaryen with Elia Martell as his Queen. Would there be peace among the country, or would a different war lay waste on them? They would have stayed in Winterfell, never reaching Kings Landing. The betrothal between Aurelia and Jaime would cease to exist, because Aurelia may never been born. Catelyn would marry Brandon Stark instead, and Ned would marry some other highborn lady. Lyanna would still be breathing air this very moment, taking care of her own family. Numerous speculations roam around Aurelia's mind, knowing that none of that would come to light. It was crazy how one single choice can alter everyone's fate.

    Ned appeared inside the Great Hall looking startled at the sight of his eldest daughter watching the Iron Throne all alone. He was passing through the room on his way to the gardens in order to meet with Littlefinger. This was the place Ned least expected Aurelia to be. He had meant to talk to Aurelia about the Lannisters, thought he couldn't seem to find the time.

    "Aurelia," Ned called out her daughter's name. She finally turned around and saw her father walking towards her. She was so lost in thought that she hadn't heard anyone coming in. He ended up in the gallery, standing beside Aurelia as her gaze returned the Iron Throne. Ned glanced at it for a second before looking at his daughter. She didn't smile nor greeted him in return, like she always does when she sees her father.

    "They died here didn't they? Uncle Brandon and grandfather?" Aurelia asked, and Ned was taken aback at her question. Not once had ever asked him about what happened to their family during Robert's Rebellion. She knew that they had died, but never asked too much about it. He paused for a moment, finding the words to reply her.

    "You know the answer to that question." Ned responded in return,

    "But why? Why were they killed?" Aurelia questioned, and Ned was surprised that Aurelia wanted to know the truth so eagerly all of a sudden. He couldn't answer that question because he didn't for her daughter to know the truth. When the time comes, Ned will tell her, but not now.

    Knowing that her father wouldn't answer her, Aurelia let out a deep sigh to try and calm herself down. She had no idea what went through her for her to ask such a thing, despite knowing that her father would not answer it. Ned stiffened afterwards, afraid that something horrid happened to Aurelia, and she was hiding it. He was aware of Aurelia's actions when problems arise. She would hid it away and try to handle it on her own, instead of expressing it to her parents who was there to help no matter what.

    "Are you alright?" Ned asked her, his voice laced with concern. His hand touched her back as a sign of comfort, and he took a step closer.

    "I'm fine, it's just..." Aurelia trailed away, trying to mutter up the courage to say it. "The King requested my presence not too long ago." She said,

    "He did? He did not tell me." Ned said,

    "I meant to tell you, but you weren't at the Hand's Tower. Besides, he's the King. He can do whatever he likes." Aurelia told her father, "I thought he wanted to talk to me about the business at the crossroads, but he was only interested in me...or at least what I remind him of." She explained, and Ned understood that she was referring to Lyanna. Robert talks about her frequently know that Ned is present, and he's been thinking about her more often than before because of Aurelia Stark's existence.

    "He talked about Aunt Lyanna as if I knew her when he knows I don't. I didn't want to be but at that moment...I wanted to scream for him to stop; to stop comparing me to her. That's all he's been doing ever since he saw that day he arrived at Winterfell. He looks at me like he's hoping for Aunt Lyanna to emerge, or maybe he hopes that I am her." Aurelia continued to say, and Ned was hearing all of this for the first time.

    Robert talked to him about Aurelia's resemblance to Lyanna numerous times, and he confided in Ned about how he doesn't remember Lyanna's face anymore. When Robert saw Aurelia at first, he thought his mind was playing tricks on him, and he convinced himself it was. But it wasn't that he recalled Lyanna's face; it was that he recalled the memory of her. Even after today and seeing Aurelia, Robert still cannot picture what Lyanna looks like.

    Ned understood Aurelia's fear. A fear he did not she possessed until the night before her wedding.

    "I shall speak to him about it. I do not want for you to be put in that position anymore. He cannot do that to you." Ned told his daughter, and he meant it.

    "Do I remind you of her? I know you don't want to talk about her because it makes you feel sad, and that's the last thing I want to do to you, but is that what you feel? Do I make you sad?" Aurelia said to him, and Ned ached upon hearing her innocence.

    "No. No you don't. You could never." Ned told her, wanting Aurelia to understand that. The expression on her face conveyed the guilt in her, thinking that all this time she unintentionally made her father sorrowful. He rested both his hands on her shoulders, his eyes looking straight into hers. Aurelia always acts strong in front of her siblings, but Ned knows that she can be as fragile as glass. "I have never felt sad when I look at you because it can never happen. Do you hear me? You are not Lyanna. You are Aurelia Stark of Winterfell. "

    "I know that!" Aurelia raised her voice, "And it feels as if I'm the only person who does. Everyone else seems to think differently."

    "Then let them think whatever they want, because what is important is that you know the truth." Ned advised, resting his hands on her shoulders as he looked directly into Aurelia's eyes. He didn't know what Aurelia truly feared until she told him the night before her wedding. Aurelia was afraid that her fate will end up the same as Lyanna. "As time goes by, you can prove to them who you are. You are Aurelia Stark, and you will always be her."

    Aurelia nodded her head in response, and Ned pulled her daughter against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. For the first time since she arrived in Kings Landing, Aurelia felt safe and protected.


    To cheer her daughter up, Ned allowed Aurelia to take her direwolf out for a walk near the grounds of the Red Keep. Aurelia was more than ecstatic, as Aiyana has been cooped up inside her chambers for far too long. She occasionally lets Aiyana sleep in Arya's room, knowing that her little sister must miss Nymeria. Arya needed Aiyana more than Aurelia needed her own direwolf. But now that Arya occupies her time with her dancing lessons, Aurelia could spend more time with Aiyana. She wished Sansa could go with her, but she was stuck in her lessons with Septa Mordane. Nevertheless, she asked Aurelia to take Lady out for a walk as well, and Aurelia gladly accepted.

    Ned had ordered Jory to accompany Aurelia out for the walk. She did not complain this time, as this was most likely the only chance she would receive in getting out of the castle. Aurelia had been wanting to explore more of the city, in hopes that it will gratify and change her perception about the capital. She never realize how many people can fit into an already crowded city. Kings Landing was occupied by thousands of the common folk, all who live in poor living conditions under the blazing heat.

    Ned told her about the nearby training yard filled with knights and soldiers alike where she could come and watch as she please. Aurelia's heard about the gardens as well, and how it was the most beautiful in Westeros. But seeing that the gardens are always crowded with noblemen and ladies, Aurelia knew that it was not an option. She was tired of the stares and the whispers, and it would only increase now that she had her direwolves with her. None would even dare to walk close. Aurelia needed peace and quiet, and the grounds Ned mentioned earlier was perfect.

    It was only a couple of minutes walk from the castle, and Aurelia and Jory had to cross a bridge to get there. She was glad that it was Jory accompanying her, rather than a household guard that she never talks to. It was similar to when Jory would accompany her to the place with the rolling hills she loves so much. Aurelia longs for that place, wishing she could take the direwolves out for a walk there.

    "Do you find the city to your liking?" Aurelia asked Jory. He was holding the leash on Sansa's direwolf Lady, whereas Aurelia held Aiyana's leash. The wolves were about the size of a large puppy by now, but their strength compares to that of a full-grown wolf.

    "It's not Winterfell, my Lady." Jory replied politely, but Aurelia understood him.

    "I feel the same way." Aurelia concurred, "Father says I'll get used to it, and Ser Jaime says I'll learn to enjoy it someway but I can't. The city smells, every neighborhood is packed, and all of the people in court walks around with such pompous." She complained, much to Jory's amusement. 

    "Have you ever been down to the city?" Jory asked her with a grin, knowing the answer fully well.

    "Well, no...but, I've seen it from the castle. The stench goes all the way up." Aurelia explained but she wasn't entirely convincing. It only entertained Jory even more.

    "I remember my Lady telling me she wanted to explore the world, and Kings Landing was one of those places." Jory reminded her of her childhood dreams. "Do you remember the map you always brought wherever you go? You never wanted to put it down." He recalled the fond memory he has of Aurelia when she was a small and adventurous child who never tires.

    Maester Luwin gave her a map of Westeros, which she kept in her room ever since. She remembered tracing out her plans on which cities she'll visit, strongholds she'll be able to see, and Lords and Ladies of Great Houses she will be able to meet.

    "I was a child back then. Everything seemed wondrous for me." Aurelia told him, as they walked further away from the Red Keep. The grounds were practically deserted, except for a few soldiers and servants walking by. Their stares were hard to miss, with the direwolves inciting a tremor of fear within them. Aurelia tried to look away, focusing her attention on the wolves or with Jory.

    "Does it still not?" He asked, aware that Aurelia's mind can be floating from time to time and thoughts of wonderment or her wild imagination.

    "A little bit...perhaps." Aurelia replied with a smirk, knowing that Jory was right. "I miss home, though. I miss everyone back at Winterfell." She continued, as her hand went to touch the pendant of her necklace hanging around her neck. 

    "I know you do, my Lady." Jory sympathized, "Have you been practicing with your dagger?" He quickly changed the subject, not wanting for Aurelia to dwell on matters that turns her miserable.

    "Not as much as I hope." Aurelia told him, "Father says I should be careful. He tells me not to do anything foolish or dangerous while we're here."

    "Your father is right." Jory said,

    "When is he not?" Aurelia replied with a smirk. She trusted Ned's judgements more than anything. "He's been doing business out in the city quite frequently has he not? Do you know why?" She asked, the curiosity getting the better of her.

    "Best you ask your Lord Father, my Lady." Jory responded, and Aurelia knew that to be true. "They say the King is hosting a tournament for Lord Stark's honor."

    "It's true, though for whatever reason my father has agreed to it, I do not know. You know as much as I do that he dislikes tournaments." Aurelia said,    

    "I do not think your Lord Father has a say in it. It was the King's wish." Jory informed her, but Aurelia was not surprised. She should have expected so. "Are you not excited about the upcoming tourney? We never had one in the North."

    "I guess it should. The tournament is supposed to be entertaining though. I think Sansa would be most ecstatic. All she does is talks about knights anyway." Aurelia opined,

    Jory let out another chuckle. "How are you doing, my Lady? Is Ser Jaime treating you right?"

    "He's not hurting me if that is what you are concern about." Aurelia replied him with a small smile. She was touched that Jory cared, and he always does. He was there to comfort Arya and Sansa during the incident at the crossroads before they were sent to beds.

    "It is." Jory said, "That's good to hear, my Lady."

    "What if I said otherwise?" Aurelia asked him, curious to know what Jory would say.

    "Then I'll knock the daylights out of him, and I'll tell your Lord Father about it." Jory said and Aurelia had to stifle a grin. "No man should ever hurt a Lady, especially not you. Ser Jaime should know better than that. If he cannot treat you right, perhaps he does not deserve you. Be careful, my Lady. He is a Lannister after all. You know how they are." He continued to speak, his tone turning serious.

    Aurelia took his words into consideration, her mind ticking with thoughts. Other than their first argument that started in Winterfell, leading all the way to the crossroads; the two never fought. In spite all that, she never felt afraid around him. She certainly does not feel as protected as when she is with her father or Jory, but she was convinced Jaime would never harm her in any way; not intentionally at least. Aurelia has been keeping her distance from him, not wanting to get attached to the golden knight. It was as if her mind is telling her heart that she cannot love him because Aurelia was certain that Jaime would not. Perhaps he cares for her even if it is only for the slightest bit, but she was not sure if that care could turn into love.

    Not knowing what else to say, Aurelia nodded in response.

    The two spent another half-hour out in the field, before heading back to the Red Keep, still holding the leashes to the direwolves. Little did they know, Jaime Lannister watched Aurelia and Jory returning to the castle from the balcony of the Red Keep. His jaw tightened upon seeing them in one another's company, without anyone else. He noted that the both of them appeared too comfortable to be in each other's presence, something that Aurelia would consider to be absurd. Jaime looked at them as they smiled and laughed, until they were out of sight. He thought to himself how he should not feel this way. Jaime Lannister could care less about a Stark girl, even if she is his wife; and yet here he stands feeling a minor envy towards Ned Stark's soldier, who has done nothing but serve House Stark faithfully and loyally. Jaime brushed off the feeling as much as he could before retreating back to his post outside the King's chambers.

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