Forbidden Love (Book 2)[Mark...

By Zhi_qin223

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Book2 When things is out of hand , a miracle happened. She chose to go back in time where she never met... More

Chapter 1: One More Chance
Chapter 2: Better Life
Chapter 3: Not This Time
Chapter 4: Arranged
Chapter 5: Moving In
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Part 13

385 10 3
By Zhi_qin223

Mark POV

After Dina left the table she haven't came out of the room. I was still shocked about the news Serine told us. I mean i have to hear it from my parents right? It's all messed up, i just wanted to start to bring back what's mine but here a messed up situation. After sending Serine off i went back to my room and i decide to ask my parents. How would Dina feel now? Why does this marriage was broken off? I decide to call my parents to make things clear. But the calls I've made is not answered by neither of them. Then a text came.

Will visit you and Dina tomorrow with Mr and Mrs Kim for dinner. Serine will come along too.


Crap... What is all these messed up situation?! With all sorts of thoughts i fell asleep.

The next day came and i wish it didn't come. I didn't want to lose Dina ever again. The thoughts of letting her go hurts me. "I think its time to wake up man." Jackson appeared in my room. "Get out." I said and turn the other side. "I'll do it." A voice came behind Jackson. "Go ahead." He answered and walk off. "Mark, come on we have class." Dina said. It's Dina, she came and wake me up. I quickly sit up and look at her but she just turn and walk away. "Wait." I said and she stopped for awhile. "I..." "Let's not talk about it." I was being cut off by Dina. She is up set i could tell. I just sight and did what i have to.

When i went down, Dina is nowhere to be found. "She went off first." Yugyeom said. Now she won't spare a glare. " What happened to you two?" Jin Young asked. But i just kept quiet. I can't tell the boys now, i mean i don't want to talk about it. It hurts every time the thought of Dina leaving me. "Come on, faster finish up, we got school." Jae Bum hurried us. Will i see her in class?

When i arrive in school the first thing i do was to check Dina out. But she is still nowhere to be seen. "Weird... We didn't see Dina anywhere." Bam bam said and everyone agreed. Where could she be? "Did anything happen to you guys?" JB asked. "Nothing." I reply coldly but they give me the 'i-don't-believe you- look'. I just sigh and walk away. Its all a mess now. I thought everything was working as it was suppose to be but it didn't turn out what i think. The bell rang and we all went to class but Dina is still nowhere to be found. I want to call her up but i don't have the courage to do so. Where can she be at this time? Is she okay? " What am i saying of course she is not." "Sorry?" Jinyoung asked. Did i just say it out loud? "Nothing." i reply and he just shrugged it off. I think 'Nothing" is the only word i say the whole morning. 

Dina POV

I didn't go to school today and i don't feel like going to school. So i went off first before anyone could ask me about why i am not attending school. I guess they are looking for me now. I just need some time to clear up my mind, it should be this way right? Why does the truth hurts so much. I am walking on the street going i don't know where, i just want to give myself some space to think and breath. Everything is going out of hand not what i first wish for. The voice never appeared again, no one can tell me what is happening. I should be happy right? I mean this is what i want right? I sacrifices so much for this after life and i planned it this way so i have to take it as it is happening.

"Nana?" A voice said. I look up and it's Chanyeol oppa. He just gave me a smile but i can't return it. Its been awhile since i last saw him and what have happen. "What's wrong?" he asked after seeing me frown. I just look down and my tears start to roll down. I guess i am still comfortable around him. "Hey, don't cry." he start getting closer to me. "Let's talk." he said and bring me in the cafe where he came out from. The silence was creeping the atmosphere although there is a lot of people in the cafe. "The marriage is going to be broken." I finally told him. He look very surprise. "What happened?" he asked. " The Tuan is breaking the marriage and replacing it with Serine's family." i said and he went quiet. " You like him don't you?" he asked. I didn't deny or answer. I am confused why do i feel this way. "Well i'll leave this question to you, i am leaving it's 6pm already." he said and give me an assuring smile.  6pm, right i still have dinner in an hour of time. After we both bid goodbye we part our ways. 

The way back home feels so long and weary. I just want to escape from everything. Did i regret from choosing after life? Don't know how long have i walked I've reach the gate. After i open the gate there are cars here already? I saw Kai's car and i am sure Jina and my parents are here already. I went in the house and walked pass the dining room and everybody is having dinner already. So they already started without me, the maid notices me and call out to me which make everybody look at me.  The boys look relief when they saw me i am sure they worry sick. Mark's face was full of guilt and Serine was showing this disgusted face which i don't care. "Uncle, aunty  annyeong." i greeted Mr. and Mrs. Tuan. "Your late." Serine state. i just ignore it and walk to sit beside Kai oppa.  Everyone was still okay i think the news was not broken out yet. 

Half way through the dinner, Kai and Jina noticed that i didn't really touch my food. " What's wrong?" Jina asked and everybody was looking at me and my untouched food. I just shook my head and Serine is smirking. I am really tired of this game, i need to be set free. I just remain at my seat until they finish their food. Finally the moment to end all this is coming, they are finally announcing. "Mr and Mrs Kim i am here to announce, thank you you have a great daughter but i am sorry we are breaking the marriage. After a long consideration we think that Serine is better off for Mark." Mr. Tuan said. My whole family was shocked. I just look down. "Have my daughter done anything bad?" my mom asked in concern. "No, she is exactly what a man would want." Mark immediately answer. What ever he says doesn't matter anyways. I stood up and bow and went off to pack my things.

When i was packing Mark and the boys came in to my room. "You don't have to." Mark stopped me from packing but i just swing his hand away. "So this is why you skipping school?" JB asked. But i just continue packing and suddenly Serine walked in. "Faster move it, i need my space" Serine said. The boys glare at her while they are trying to stop me. But i ignore all the words and continue and they know they have no say anymore. After done packing Jina and Kai helped me bring my things out and bid goodbye to the Tuan's and  the boys. I looked at Mark for one last time before entering the car. It's the last time, everything is going back to where it suppose to be.

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